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Welcome to RotETropes!

Feel free to add to or lightly edit any of the following tropes!

*CuteBlondPilot: Generally cheerful, innocent, and subversive in a cuddly way. Watching these types get chastised by stern authority figures may give the average reader just a bit of a prurient thrill.

-Gabe may be the Ur-example of this trope.

-Blaine, who's also got a bit of /can't/BreaktheCutie.

-Alesku is blond and blushes easily, but may not really be an example of this trope.

-Almost Alaric...

*MentorsAreLove: The Mentor/Candidate relationship usually turns romantic.

-Gabe/Roman is, once again, the Ur-example. Sure, it hasn't happened yet, but it's only a matter of time.

-Remi/Alaric is also only a matter of time.

-Marshal/Satori, if you define love... loosely.

*MentorsAreHate: And then you've got less pleasant situations.

-Roman and his sledgehammer...

-Marshal may be one to watch.

-Liv/Hasdrubal even disturbs Sam.

*AbuseIsLove: Let's not lie, it's there. And it links up MentorsAreLove and MentorsAreHate so well, too.

-Nika/Vaughan! Can anyone say Nika/Vaughan?

-Liv/Hasdrubal... hey, this troper didn't plan it...

*EveryoneLovesGabe: They do. There is no need to list them. See CuteBlondPilot. See also EveryoneIsGayForGabe.

*EveryoneIsGayForGabe: Well, all the males, anyway. Really, it may be better to list exceptions to this one. Or list them all for the lulz. Of course, considering EveryoneIsGay...

-I have it on good authority that even Marshal is gay for Gabe.

*EveryoneIsGay: And yet they rag on Gabe for it all the time... for greater accuracy see EveryoneIsPansexual.

*EveryoneIsPansexual: Makes sense. MoreSexInTheFuture. See RhiStartedIt.

-See everyone.

*RhiStartedIt: See everything. See TalStartedIt.

-See CuteBlondPilot.

-See toe socks. See pie. See InstantAwesomeJustAddDragons.

*TalStartedIt: She did.

-Plot Ninjas.

*OpenThreadsAreWin: Even though they never end.

*ThoughtsGoInItalics: Usually.

-If you're Liv, they also slipslide into jaunty narration.

-Rhi does this too, to good effect.





*TelepathyGoesInItalicsWithQuotes: It should! Rawr!

*OppressionIsLove: It seems to be a theme--the unequal power relationships, the benevolent dictatorships...

-Mordecai/Mages are pretty much premised on this, it seems.

-So are Dragons/Psychics, you know...

-The Citizen

-Alesku/Calliope, Bryn and Nomenere--any Pilot with a close Dragon relationship.

*EveryoneIsaGospel: Just count them.

*EveryoneIsAPilot: You won't be able to hold out for long. Aedolis is the place to be, and everyone knows it.


-Pilots will always need the Network. They will never, ever betray their country because their addiction depends on it.

-Subverted! Gospels. Because SufferingIsFun.

*SufferingIsFun: See OppressionIsLove.

*PilotAngst: Because it's hard to be a Pilot.

-Sometimes your Gospel wife is killed. Remi.

-Sometimes you and your Mentor want each other, but because you're Gabe and Roman...

-Sometimes you're a hermaphrodite and people are bigots...

-Sometimes you're a Gospel and can't talk about it.

*CandidateAngst: Because they think it's hard to be a Candidate.

-Sometimes you get your vocal cords cut.

-Sometimes you get raped.

-Sometimes you get hammered to deal with it all.

-Sometimes you just get hammered.

*RomanWillHammerYouAndYouWillLikeIt: See CandidateAngst, OppressionIsLove.

*TechnologyIsEvil: Sort of.

-Aedolis destroys the world with it. The Network takes over people's minds.

*TechnologyIsAwesome: See EvilIsAwesome.

*AxisPointDoesn'tWork: We all know it.

*LeadRoomsDon'tWork: Did you hear about that Sade dude?


-"Psychic suppression"?

-I think that only means they can't communicate with the Dragons or people /outside/ the LRs.

-Clarity would be nice. Call Rhi to deliver the WordOfGod. Or Tal.

-*Stares at Tal* She set it up that way.

-It only deals with thoughts as far as I know. xP

*PilotsLieALot: Self-explanatory.

*PilotsPieALot: Mmm... pie.

*PilotsStillHaveConvenientSocialLives: Seriously, you'd expect them to be the most messed-up, weird ... oh wait, never mind.

-Liv. Subverted. Alesku: subverted. Hm... Remi? Subverted?

-Bryn. Subverted.

*WeAreAllAdorkable: Do not deny.

*HappyOnTheOutside: We all know, deep down, we're fucked.

- See (not)PilotAngst.

-See Edani Mages, probably.

- See PieIsTheOnlyEscape

- See NetworkAddiction

*SamHasTooManyIdeas: It's like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, but more If You Give a Sam a Site.

-Alaina does not have enough.

-Sam shares. In return, hot, hot, Bryn/Liv... philosophical argument.

-Sexy. Philosophy. *eyeroll*

*PhilosophyIsSexy: Aleph. Alaina and Sam.

- Actually this is true keep it up.

-If I'm reading Kierkegaard, baby, I can.


-Well, IfYouKnowWhatIMean.


*TheyProbablyHookedUp: But we don't know for sure. Fade-to-black.

-They all probably hooked up.

-All Pilots ever? :P

-Yes. Ever.

*InnuendoIsUniversal: Read the Pilot Blog. Or any thread. Or the cbox.

-Or Liv. Though he has no Nietzsche-stache.




*SamTakesEverythingasCriticism: For example, if someone doesn't finish a thread. Or enjoy one. Or finds a plot unfun. Or blames all troubles on her.

- I actually love this thread, I just can't think of any ideas.

*CommonExcuse: When you say you'd love to post, but can't think of any ideas.

-It's because another of Sam's brilliant ideas has distracted you. See FanficTrumpsPlot.

*FanficTrumpsPlot: You will never, ever finish an actual plot post if there is Pilot-on-Candidate Hermaphrodite Slash to be had.

-Resku OTP.

*LivIsBadAtSex: He just is. See Abuseis[n't]LoveAndScrewsYouUpaLot.

*IMRPIsGod: Many a past relationship has been sorted via IM RP. It is God.

-See Draco. A lot.

-It's a good thing!

*EvilIsAwesome: Arguably every badass nation (okay, Seruna's not that terrible) is fairly evil.

-Edanith has Mage slavery.

-Aedolis has... Aedolis.

*CelibateIsSexy: The lure of the unattainable



-Alesku (sort of, see DragonSexIsReal)

-Alaric (sort of, see PilotAngst)

*MentorSyndrome: It's real. The persistent question of whether you're becoming your mentor, optionally because there's been banging. Of some kind.

*DragonSexIsReal: The scalefic writers would be so proud.

-Alesku/Calliope. Alliope.

*EveryoneLovesHair: Nearly every character has cool hair/thinks too much about their hair/has symbolically important hair.

-See CuteBlondPilot.

-See Alaric and Taras! for FauxHawksAreCool and Kit and Keziah for MulletsAreCool. And Taras rocks a mullethawk. She has /both./

-Vaughan for UndyedEyebrowsAreCool. Shiloh for OrangeHairIsCool.

-Just a few of those who care way too much about hair: Gabe, Blaine, Liv, Dermut Gottschalk...

*CompanionCube: Pilots become attached to silly things.

-Bowl banditry, ceiling tea, vests, hair (Liv).

-WoW. Just... WoW.

-teaspons and toesocks.

-see ThisIsARealTropeAndWe'reCheating.

*IrrelevantComparedToTheBigPicture: Pilots do it all the time.

*IfTalPlaysThereTheyWillCome: When Tal plays somewhere, people flock to it.