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Topics - Rhi-Rhi

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The Cancer / Make it raaaain! [Tally! xD] [M]
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:20:22 am »
The South Pole wasn't the classiest strip joint, but the gals were athletic, nice to look at, and they went full nude. A lot of them had body mods, too--and half the time he found himself just admiring them enviously as much as he ogled them. Still, admiration or not, who was he fooling with the cheesy art talk? He was here for the tits and ass, inked, modded, or not.

A lap dance and a few very handsy tips later and he was in a damned good mood. Gods, he loved his crew, but sometimes they drove him out of his mind and he just needed to unwind and spend a hunk of cash he could have put toward something more important on some jiggling body parts and, if he was lucky, a happy ending in the back room.

Advanced Training Complex / Passin' the time! [Nix!]
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:47:58 am »
That day found Val in the rec room, rickety wheelchair parked beside the couch he was currently lounging upon. In his lap was a book; he hadn't been an avid reader until he'd come here, but he needed something to pass the time and, well, alright...it was gratuitous escapism. His life had been great before, so he'd never understood that concept. Now he was starting to.

It was his day off so he had nowhere to be, nothing to rush off to, and so he relaxed in just his uniform pants and undershirt, leaving the jacket back in his room. This room had been empty for most of the day, probably because the other kids were busy doing far more exciting things than this.

And he was far too proud to seek them out and admit that he was lonely--yet too lonely to remain in his room, as though secretly hoping someone would pass on through.

Plotting Center / Anyone need a villain? >:3
« on: July 24, 2012, 02:42:04 pm »
I've been itching to create and play one for some time now. xD Problem is, I never know where to start! "Villains" need a motive and, well, a victim or foil, after all! So I just wanted to test the waters and see if anyone needed one (or would just like one!) for any of their characters. ^^

So anyone need a villain for any of their characters? ;D Because I'd be totally thrilled to make one!

Absences/Returns / Gonna be gone a few days!
« on: June 30, 2012, 02:45:26 pm »
Starting today! xD

My bestie, her hubby, and daughter are coming to visit me today so I'm gonna be gone for those days. :3 I dunno how long they're staying, probably around three days or so, but I'll be back in action after that! ;D Probably around Tuesday or Wednesday?

Toodles! <333

TRIM / New roomie? [Nix!]
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:58:25 pm »
Sitting on his bed in his room, Asher glared at the door. As he often did, for lack of anything better to do. That, and, well, he had preemptively decided he hated anyone who would set foot inside his space--because there was not a single person on TRIM he liked.

The only one who came close was now gone. But Asher tried not to think about that; he didn't like the feelings it stirred within him, uncomfortable feelings he'd worked hard to suppress and would, once again, keep buried.

There was no point getting attached to anyone. They would all be gone eventually, if he wasn't gone first. One thing was certain, though: no matter what, he wouldn't be going out of this world quietly and not without a good fight.

Which was how he'd earned a rep as one of the more violent subjects.

Flopping onto his belly on his bed, he propped his head up on his arms and glowered at the door though his mind was floating elsewhere.

Tynova / What to do, what to do? [Blue-poo!]
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:00:24 pm »
Stepping out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, Jadyn stretched and casually undid the clip holding his dreadlocks pinned atop his head and let them tumble down about his shoulders. Ahh, that had been an invigorating workout! People who didn't know him always assumed that caring about his appearance made him prissy and afraid of getting dirty--but they were just ignorant. You couldn't maintain a good body if you were afraid of working up a sweat, and you didn't become a competent earth mage if you were afraid of a little dust.

And Jadyn was not afraid of getting down and dirty on multiple levels.

Oh well. Let them believe what they wanted. Jadyn couldn't be bothered to care about the opinions of useless people.

Opening his locker, he tossed the towel onto the locker room bench, changed into a clean set of clothes, and paused to check himself out in the mirror, making sure his clothes weren't bunched up and his hair was in place. Approval met, he hoisted his gym bag and strolled out of the training area and into the city.

Hrm. What to do. That had killed a couple hours but that left the rest of the day and there was nothing on the agenda, last he'd checked. Which was unfortunate, because it was days like these when he really didn't know what to do with himself--and he liked to always be doing something, He hated idleness and didn't understand how some of those other losers could stand it.

And he really didn't feel like going home yet.

With a sigh, he paused by a clothing shop and checked his cell phone, considered calling up a friend or that chick that had given him her number the other night. She had been kind of dull and annoying, but had great tits...

Hrm. Maybe.

Thanatos Inc. Characters / Nuri Ingram; scientist
« on: June 02, 2012, 12:33:46 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Nuri Ingram

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Nuri has dark brown skin and short, curly black hair generally worn in a multitude of small, braided rows. Her eyes are honey-brown in color, large and expressive, and when she smiles she has dimples. She wears glasses, as well; mainly because she doesn't like the thought of anything in or near her eyes, which made contacts not an option and the thought of surgery squicks her out.

She doesn't have much in the way of curves, built with only the slightest curve of hips and a small bust. She's rather on the skinny side and not particularly athletic, as she spends most of her time plugging away at a computer or observing subjects.

As far as style goes...well, she doesn't have much of one. She tends to wear a lot of plain jeans and nerdy t-shirts, though they're usually hidden beneath a lab coat.

Nuri is quite chipper and friendly! She adores learning new things and is, at heart, a humanitarian. She works for TRIM because she believes it is helping the greater good, and people in TRIM are criminals and stuff that would have been executed anyway, right? So it's better this way, that they should make a valued contribution to mankind instead in the name of science.

While she doesn't particularly like all aspects of her job, she remains optimistic and compassionate. She's not cruel to subjects, treating them as people rather than rats, and she doesn't go out of her way to cause them unnecessary harm. However, she also doesn't tolerate BS; an uncooperative, complainy subject would be humored to an extent in a "let's talk about our feelings" sort of way but, ultimately, she has a job to do and she's not afraid of calling in reinforcements if that's what it takes. When push comes to shove, she can be rather analytical and logical; it helps to distance herself from the situation if things get rough.

Outside of the lab, Nuri is quite the geek. She's an avid reader (and especially loves biology), and she can often seem a little in her own world. While friendly, she also doesn't really have the best social skills and can be rather awkward.

None! Unless you count a good memory and good head for remembering strange facts.

Open! 8D


__________________THREAD TRACKER
    Current Threads

    Complete Threads[/list]

    Absences/Returns / Health issues ):
    « on: May 21, 2012, 04:54:17 pm »
    Shoulda posted this sooner but...no energy. xD

    Anyway, I had a large ovarian cyst explode on me on Friday and it's pretty well knocked me on my ass. On pain meds and junk and have a hard time focusing, soooo...I probably won't be posting. xD; Dunno how long it'll be before I feel better. Hopefully soon. D8

    So to those I owe posts and threads...I haven't forgotten! <3

    The Cancer / Give and take. [Tally!] [M]
    « on: May 15, 2012, 03:08:06 am »
    Ari checked the old receipt he'd written the information down on and compared it to the place he was standing outside. Yep, this was it. A nice, neutral place where they could speak and not really worry about being overheard, not that anyone would care. This transaction was pretty mundane. Sure, it was fancy stuff you couldn't get in this part of the solar system, but it wasn't some top secret info, either.

    He pulled out his lighter and burned the receipt (half out of habit, as he hated paper trails of any sort, and half just because he could), then pulled out a cigarette and lit up, lingering outside the bar and idly blowing smoke rings. The guy couldn't miss him, what with the rainbow hair and all and the distinctive sleeves; he'd worn a wife-beater because it was the closest he could get to not wearing a shirt without going shirtless.

    It'd be interesting to see what kinda guy he was dealing with.

    Be equally interesting to see if what he could loosen up with a little alcohol. Get the right person liquored up and you could sometimes cut a fantastic deal. Or get laid.

    Frankly, he'd take either or both, if they were cute or an alien. He'd been stuck in space around the same crew long enough he'd welcome the variation.

    Character Profiles / Jadyn Frost; Earth Mage
    « on: May 14, 2012, 12:11:15 pm »
    __________________QUICK STATS
    Jadyn Frost
    Earth mage
    Tynova, Edanith

    __________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

    Physical Description
    Tall and fit, Jadyn is light-skinned (though capable of developing a golden tan in the sun) with almond-shaped ice-blue eyes framed with thick black lashes. His hair is a light green in color and worn in short dreadlocks that come down just past his shoulders, often gathered back into a loose ponytail. He has somewhat androgynous features, his face more soft and pretty than hard and tough.

    Style-wise, Jadyn leans toward rich colors and a clean, classy aesthetic. Things like button down shirts and dress pants, preferably.

    He has no tattoos or piercings.

    Arrogant, cocky, and vain as hell. Jadyn is better than you (and prettier than you) and he knows it--and goes out of his way to make sure other people know it, too. He talks a big game because he knows he can back it up. Even when he can't, that doesn't discourage him; he relies on intimidation as much as he relies on actual action.

    Jadyn is a creature of emotion more than thinking. He does what feels good in the moment and relies on impulse and he's quite selfish and me-centric. Despite that, he rarely expresses his emotions in the extreme; he projects a smug, almost lazy demeanor that generally only cracks when things don't go his way. His temper can be quite explosive.

    All that said, he's quite flighty. He's capable of making friends if they can put up with him, and he protects his own. But when it comes to love, he's more interested in pouring on the charm, hopping in the sack, and then being done with it. Casual relationships are more his thing and he tends to keep his relationships surface-deep.

    Jadyn is skilled at hand-to-hand and more than capable of holding his own, which may come as a surprise to those who judge him solely off his looks and big-mouthed behavior--because he can usually back it up. He's not above using cheap tactics to stay ahead, either. He's no superman, though; someone bigger, stronger, and with more experience could best him, and often his cockiness does get the better of him.

    He's even better with earth magic, an area in which he does greatly excel. The ability came naturally to him and he wields his power almost effortlessly. Problem is, he only has access to it on a Mordecai's terms.

    He would probably be an excellent teacher capable of passing down numerous techniques and secrets if he weren't so completely inept at teaching and had the patience and interest in doing so. But he feels most people aren't worth his time and enjoys being on top in his field.

    Mikko: he clashes spectacularly with him. Has made antagonizing him something of a sport.

    Lived a rather privileged life. Let it go to his head.

    __________________THREAD TRACKER
      Current Threads

      Complete Threads

      The Midhaven / Well...fudgemonkeys. [Jennyyyy!]
      « on: May 11, 2012, 10:17:41 pm »
      The first thing Gabriel was aware of was the feeling of cool concrete against his cheek.

      The next was the nausea and a strange, feverish ache deep in his muscles.

      He was still half-asleep when he had to lurch up onto his hands and knees and empty his stomach, and it several minutes before the retching turned to dry heaves and finally nothing, though the queasiness still lingered and a headache started to prod at his temples. Shit. That was exactly what he felt like. When he moved, his body ached, and when he finally peeled his eyes open he felt a jolt of panic as blackness filled his vision. It was another moment when he realized it was just the dark.

      Another stroke of heart-pounding panic struck when he realized he didn't know where he was, didn't remember how he got here--and yet had the strongest, most unpleasant sense of deja vu about it all.

      Gabriel wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand and held it there against another wave of nausea, swallowing hard. Think. Think. His brain was enveloped in fog, though, his thoughts coming to him as though from a great distance. Ahaha. He'd joked about it in the past, but now thinking really was hard. He took a deep breath, sitting back slowly on his heels, and was only when he started to calm down that things started coming back to him.

      ...Oh shit.

      He'd gotten in a fight.

      His hand flew to his arm where he remembered getting jabbed, and he found the area still tender. Shit. Shit.

      Where the hell was that kid?

      He tried to get to his feet but stumbled and sank back down, weak and dizzy from whatever the hell he'd been given and disoriented by the dark. "Rian...?"

      His voice came out hoarse and he realized then that his mouth was dry. It took some effort to work moisture back onto his tongue. "Rian? You here?"

      The Cancer / Ode to a hangover. [Aska!]
      « on: April 26, 2012, 01:13:19 am »
      Good thing he'd lived it up yesterday, because today he wanted to die.

      Cringing, Ari popped two pills into his mouth and washed them down with a gulp of water. The hangover wasn't so bad anymore; he'd already puked himself free of toxins and was now nursing the remnants with headache pills and bread. Pity he only remembered bits and pieces of that day--the good parts, at least. The parts that counted.

      Yeah, it had been a while since he'd been back to the Cancer and they'd started to run low on booze which was an utter travesty he was hell bent on fixing.

      Probably shouldn't have crammed a couple months worth of drinking into a single outing.

      And yet even nursing a hangover, he still wound up back at his favorite haunt: a little pub that served greasy food and cheap drinks which, as a result, was filled with loose tongues. It was a great place to get information and he'd known the owner for years.

      Currently, he was in it for the greasy food and info and was skipping on the drinks and only half listening to the conversation. Sitting at the bar, one elbow on the table and his chin propped on his hand, he picked at the last of his bread and willed his stomach to cool its tits. It was working gradually, the mild food helping and the pills starting to bring his headache from a skull-splitting pound to a dull, annoying throb.

      Problem was, he was out of bread, the bartender was way on the other side, and he was lazy as fuck.

      Turning to the guy next to him, he arched an eyebrow and glanced down at his own bread.

      "Hey, ya done with that? Good!" Without waiting for the guy's answer, Ari pulled the bread basket over to himself and dug in.

      Tynova / Do we haaave to? [Blue!]
      « on: April 22, 2012, 09:14:46 pm »
      Yazuri entered the training field with her head down and feet dragging.

      She so did not want to be here doing this old song and dance again. When would Mikko just accept that she was a sucky mage? True, her mom was talented, but Yazuri hadn't inherited any of that--she'd gotten the ability, sure, but not the skill or drive and all she did was screw up and hurt people.

      Like Mikko.

      Who'd suffered the brunt of her epic mess-ups.

      The training field was large and open with high walls and no ceiling--and also nothing that could be burned, exploded, or otherwise destroyed. Which made sense, considering it was used by mages to practice their skills, or lack of, in Yazuri's case.

      Heaving a loud sigh (which was wasted, since she currently had no audience), Yazuri trudged over to the nearest wall, leaned against it, and slid down until she was sitting on the hard ground with her knees pressed to her chest. Her long black hair was out of its usual style of half-down-half-topknot and instead piled high on her head in a tight bun, and instead of her usual soft, flowing robes she wore a form-fitting track-suit. All the better to keep from catching on fire!


      This is gonna suck so hard.

      Character Profiles / Santiago Casales; outlaw
      « on: April 22, 2012, 08:26:39 pm »
      __________________QUICK STATS
      Santiago Casales
      Edani mutt
      Outlaw 8D
      Edanith frontiers

      __________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

      Physical Description
      Santiago has thick, wavy, dusty rose-colored hair that falls past his shoulders and is usually tied back into a loose ponytail, leaving his bangs to fall around his face and past his chin. Several random streaks of turquoise run through his hair. His eyes are slate gray in color, slightly tilted and almond-shaped, and his skin is brown with reddish undertones. Sports a number of scars from past tussles, including a thin one stretching along his jaw and an old gunshot wound in his right shoulder, which still troubles him to this day. He usually sports some stubble (or scruff, if it's been a few days, which is common).

      He's strong, but not built big, leaning more toward the slender side. Which is fine; helps with his horse-riding and he relies on his guns more than brute strength.

      He tends to dress in rugged, comfortable clothing suited for the frontier, such as fitted jeans, leather boots, and vests, usually topped off with a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off. Despite his colorful hair, he leans toward earth tones when it comes to clothing.

      Epic douchebag, basically. xD Rhi wants to play an asshole. |: SURPRISE. Which also means this will be filled out as I figure him out, huzzah! xD



      He was born. He hasn't died yet. So he lives. |:

      __________________THREAD TRACKER
      Current Threads

      Complete Threads

      Activity Checks / Activity check tiemz! Ends: May 5th!
      « on: April 22, 2012, 07:15:48 pm »
      Okay, guys! It's activity check time!

      To respond to this check, you have until May 5th to:
      • Reply to this thread. If you would like to drop/archive any characters, please let me know here.
      • Make an IC post. This is to weed out players who only return to respond to the activity checks, but do not actually play.

      If you do not respond, your account will be deleted. But no worries! If you miss a check, you can always come back! x3

      Advanced Training Complex / Playin' it safe. [Blue-poo!]
      « on: April 08, 2012, 01:06:10 am »
      After the, uh...events several weeks ago, Gabriel had been a little more wary about the whole 'knock on doors before entering' thing as of late. It was a bad, bad habit of his, but getting in a fight with Roman and then seeing his candidate and two guys he loathed naked together, all because he'd busted in without knocking, had kind of shaken him enough to exercise more caution. At least, for the time being; who knew how long it would hold. So far, so good.

      So when he headed to his new candidate's room that morning for their 'hi, I'm your mentor!' meet and greet--he knocked on his door.

      Knocked, and waited. Without opening the door! Gods, he was so proud of himself right then. Hopefully the kid wouldn't answer the door naked or something--he was part fae, apparently, and he'd heard some things about fae types. But even without the fae bit, the whole coming to the door naked thing? That had happened before. The hell was with people flashing him all over the place, candidates and Pilots alike?

      "Hey, Nelu!" he called through the door. "It's your mentor, Pilot Tierney!" And then, just to be on the safe side, he added with a grimace, "You're fully clothed, right?"

      Character Profiles / Mala Soto; healer and missionary
      « on: March 25, 2012, 05:41:56 pm »
      __________________QUICK STATS
      Mala Soto
      A mutt of many things!
      Haviah, Aedolis

      __________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

      Physical Description
      Black hair cropped short and spiky, light brown eyes, and dark skin. Mala has a strong, powerful build, sleek and graceful in a feline sort of way. He dresses in a simple, casual way.

      Tattooed on the fingers of his left hand are a series of thin black bars: two each on his pointer, middle, and ring finger, and one on his pinky. He claims they are religious markings.

      Doesn't wear much jewellery nor does he have any piercings; the only item he wears consistently is a necklace with a small, religious charm.

      Friendly, warm, and sociable, if a little prudish and reserved by Aedolian standards, since he's not really interested in much more than social drinking and doesn't really do casual sex. He's quite picky! The rest? I am figuring out, so play with him to find out. 8D

      The only magic Mala possesses is healing magic. Mala is also a reflectivist, but keeps that knowledge to himself. (Of course, a psychic would be able to figure that out.)



      __________________THREAD TRACKER
      Current Threads

      Complete Threads

      Absences/Returns / Should have posted this sooner.
      « on: March 01, 2012, 01:32:17 pm »
      I'm sorta here and sorta not. You can always PM me if you have any questions/concerns/issues, but life has been both busy and hectic and I'm not sure when I'll be back to RPing. I need time to recharge, so to speak. x3 I'm getting there, but not quite there yet. I'll try to post when I can but, well, baby steps. ^^


      General Discussion / The SLOGANIZER!
      « on: February 08, 2012, 02:40:44 pm »

      I had too much fun sticking character names into it. |:

      Roman, pure lust.


      You better get inside Gabriel.


      Eli. Making people successful in a changing world.

      ...Strangely relevant!

      Be young, have fun, taste Ari.

      Ari approves.

      Alia, the secret of women.

      Ahahaha. xD

      You don't want Bart as your enemy!

      Ain't that the truth. |:

      Temple is a female force.

      Cyrus feels validated.

      News and Updates / Timekeeping!
      « on: January 26, 2012, 01:25:30 am »
      Welp! People have asked about that little date up at the top of the forum that denotes a season, and we've finally decided to regulate it!

      So here's how it'll work.

      Time will be split into four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Three in-game months will equal one season, while six real-life months will equal one season.

      So, essentially, one IRL year will equal two seasons (or six months) in game time. :3 Two IRL years will equal one in-game year.

      We'll switch seasons every January 1st and every July 1st.

      This will help keep people on the same page--and also ensure that festivals and special holidays can occur regularly instead of having to awkwardly guestimate when an appropriate time would be to introduce a reoccurring holiday/festival. And hey, characters can have birthdays and anniversaries now, even. ;D

      You can play threads back in time as far as you like! (Though we do suggest that if you want to RP more than two seasons back, you use the Flashback boards. :3) We also suggest that you do not RP too far ahead. You should only go so far as the end of the current season.

      And that's about it! ^^ Hope that makes sense and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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