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Topics - GoblinFae

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Cancer Characters / Cairo Py
« on: January 26, 2018, 09:50:52 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Cairo Py
Alias CherriPy, Black Cherry, Cherry Pie
Age 43; looks about 18 (slow-aging is a bitch)
DOB April 24th
Gender Male
Sexuality Asexual and aromantic outside of The Connection
Species Mixed Human
Ethnicity Unknown
Height 6'6
Occupation Retail
Residence Cancer Station
Voice Claim Matthew McFayden as Mr. Darcy

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Tall and slender, Cairo has the appearance of a gangly teenager rather than a man well onto his way to being close to half a century old. His face still has soft baby features. At most he can grow three chin hairs much to his resigned disappointment. Cairo's hair is raspberry cream in color with dark black cherry colored roots. He keeps it cut in an undercut with the top long enough to flip over and brush along his jawline. His eyes are a matching pink.

His wardrobe consists of as much natural fibers he can get his hands on. He hates the synthetic stuff and breaks out in hives if he has to come in contact with too much of it at a time. Cairo is partial to skinny pants under long tunics and long, open ponchos.

He has a vertical labret through his bottom lip along with snake bite hoops at the corners of his mouth. Both ears are also pierced with lobe piercings. He tends to wear several different rings with different means of protection or good health. Cairo also has his cult's symbol tattooed between his shoulder blades along with his family symbol below it.


Cairo is a steadfast individual. He is patient and reliable in all things he does bordering on uncompromising, stubbornness in his need to succeed. Cairo may be slower to come to a decision as he requires as much insight as he can gather but once his choice is made it is damn near impossible to deter him from his path.

In that same vein he despises sudden change. Complications are sure to make him incredibly frustrated though he is not above from trying to rework what is going wrong in order to try and correct it. This applies to all aspects of his life, from his job, to his personal life, to his passions.

Overall he is a practical and well-grounded man who finds peace and joy in the fruits of his labor. He loves to work with his hands especially when it comes to activities such as cooking or caring for others. Cairo is a nurturer to those that have earned his trust and respect.

  • Loves cherry-flavoured things especially cherry blossom tea.
  • Absolutely terrified of losing his loved ones or driving them away. But does his level best not to be too clingy.
  • Extreme worrywart especially when it COMES to his loved ones.


Kitchen Witch: Cairo possesses some basic magic dealing predominantly with minor healing and protection. He enjoys working with teas and spells where his chores bring joy and happiness to those he cares most about. His home is his safety and sanctuary open to all those who have gained his trust and care. He has spent many years trying to collect and create old and new spells in order to expand his repertoire but caring for his mother has proven to be more and more time consuming over the years. Most of what he does involves ensuring her safety and care. Although he does have a few spells set out in the universe just in case The Connection is real and his one is out there somewhere looking for him.

The Connection: This fundamental belief is what the entire Children of Conscience cult is based upon. While there are many believers simply swept up in the concept or hopes of it all. The Py family is one of the true experiences of this phenomenon. Their nonhuman roots harken back to this primal need and desire to find The Connection, or their one true mate. It is physically impossible for them to be with anyone else but their one, their other half of their soul, Their Connection.

Once connected they develop an empathic and sometimes even mental link with their other half. They will feel what the other feels and sometimes even know what the other knows if The Connection is strong enough and deeply embedded in both partners. For most it is simply empathic though and it has no strain over distance or time should a pair that has already Connected been separated. The Connection however does not exist until the other soul half has been discovered.

It is believed pairs are drawn towards each other their entire lives. The stars themselves will be moved to make way for their meeting should it be necessary. They spend their whole lives praying for and searching for Their Connection as it is believed to be the purest of all bonds. There is no love like that of The Connection.

That is not to say though that it cannot be perverted and corrupted. Rejection does not end the bond. It is believed only in death can you be free of The Connection and even then there have been cases where one of the Children have been left to linger on long after Their Connection has left them for the Great Beyond.


Jeshra: Deceased father though he had been absent from Cairo's life for a long time before he finally died. No one knows what happened to him other than he is gone beyond where Cairo's mother can reach.

Torna: His mother who lives at home with Cairo and is catatonic at the loss of her Connection. Once a leader and matriarch in the cult, she is a shell of her former self and has not spoken in over a decade. Her loss has affected many though has been a massive warning to all within the cult about how the Connection should be properly revered and fully accepted and integrated into their lives.

Children of Conscience: The cult that Cairo was raised in. He finds his faith in The Connection shaken by his mother's loss but not broken. Her suffering is only proof of the truth of the matter. Soulmates exist and the loss of one can make you wish for death. He keeps away from cult meetings for the most part and chooses to do things on his own. That doesn't stop them from coming to visit him though and check in on him from time to time. Cairo feels a general indifference bordering on disdain for them. Perhaps if they had done something then his mother would not have suffered so much.

The Connection: Cairo has met them once before they disappeared out of his life again. His heart and soul long for them desperately though he has come to the conclusion it is not meant to be. The awakening of his empathy for them has also created some awkward moments though Cairo is trying to make the best of it. He dreads the day that person finds someone to settle down with but until then he'll just keep holding on and try to live his life as if nothing's changed.


Cairo was born into the Cult of Conscience on the Cancer Station. He comes from a long line of cultist leaders on his mother's side. Even she was already an elder by the time she finally had her precious baby boy with her Connection. His birth brought joy to the cult as all births before and after him had as it was considered symbolic proof of the truth of their ways. He grew up believing the same.

Behind closed doors though his own family life was less than ideal. His mother was miserable at times. A look of grief and sorrow would often overcome her even as Cairo so her cheeks flush and her hand clasp over her heart suddenly and seemingly without cause or reason. It would be many years before he realized how real the Connection was to people like his mother and how devastating it could be.

His father had never been a believer and never wanted to be one. He tried for Cairo's mother but between the pressure of family life and a young child soon grew bored of it all. He sought his pleasures and his comforts elsewhere, slowly chipping away at the woman he called his piece by broken piece. Eventually he disappeared altogether.

Back then Cairo was told his father was off on an important mission for the cult to find a new home for them. Always the man was spoken of in strange looks and hushed whispers until the boy pulled into sight and then it was always guilty looks of pity. He never understood it until the day his mother collapsed in the middle of prayers.

Jeshra was not coming back. He had never left with the intention of bringing back good things to his people and his family because he had no intention of calling them his ever again. The man had left to the stars to make his life anew far from wife and son, all but damning Torna to a life of suffering as she remained tied to Jeshra and unable to ever free herself. His ever indiscretion and crime against their bond severed to only break her more and more with each passing day. The day he fell in love all but gave her a stroke. Nearly every day after that resulted in mild to severe seizures.

More recently it finally came to a head. Torna had been sitting talking with Cairo, her voice and body far to frail for a woman who had once looked so youthful only twenty years earlier, suddenly sighed deeply, tears streaming down her cheeks as she whispered one last phrase. "So it is done at last." Not a single word has been spoken by her since and the tears have long since stopped flowing. From others Cairo was finally able to piece together the last bits of the truth. Jeshra had died, an act that should have brought Torna with him had they still remained with a healthy Connection intact. With it so fractured and frayed though he had cursed his former mate to be doomed to suffer on to her own end without him for however long that may be.

Today, Cairo does his best to support them both. His days are filled dealing with thankless customers followed by long nights of routine, bathing, feeding, and dressing his mother for bed. He talks to her gently, telling her stories and the good things of his day as few and far between as they may be in the mess of assholes he normally deals with. She is his everything though and he worries greatly over the day he comes home or wakes up to find her gone and himself well and truly alone.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads


Libra Characters / Dashiell Feldspar; Solo
« on: January 23, 2018, 08:47:46 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Dashiell Merriwether Feldspar
Alias TrickShot; Formerly Dashspar
Age 37
DOB August 10th
Gender Male
Sexuality Pansexual but very demiromantic
Species Human/Lycan
Ethnicity Libran
Height 6'5"
Occupation Solo; Former Duo Jockey
Residence Libra Station
Voice Claim Michael Poulsen

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Dashiell cuts a striking figure at least in silhouette. He is tall and lean with a well-defined musculature. His deep maroon hair is kept cut close with gel in it to keep his bangs flicked up in the front. Dashiell has a broad face with a strong, clean-shaven jaw and pronounced brows ridges, offering him an almost dark and brooding expression especially when paired with his bright orange eyes.

Due to a flight accident, Dashiell now possesses a metal right arm, hand, and shoulder. Additionally, his entire left side of his body is scarred from nasty burns. Half his face, most of his chest and back, as well as his left leg are all a mess of puckered, mottled flesh. He is also missing his left ear and eyebrow. The wounds have healed and left him functional if damaged.

He used to have a multitude of tattoos as well but a lot of his scarring has rendered them nonexistent. His back still has half of the Libra set of scales balancing a feather with a snarling wolf head. The balanced heart on the other side with a mirrored submissive wolf are now missing. All the tattoos on both his arms are missing as well. He has thought about getting his back fixed or new tattoos but never gotten around to it.

When out of uniform, Dashiell tends to wear clothes that will cover the majority of his skin. Dark shirts are high collared and long-sleeved, paired with long pants and thick-soled boots. Under his shirt is also his dog tags along with a small, plain ring band. He wears a matching silver one on his left ring finger. He also keeps a lone, well-worn dog tag in his pocket that in private, quiet moments or times of indecision he has been known to thumb in thought.


Even before the accident, Dashiell has always been a cocky sonsofabitch. He was and is a good pilot and he knows it. He'd be the first to tell you it too. He's the kind of guy that could butt heads with people for a living without breaking a sweat. Dashiell is bullheaded and enjoys going head to head with someone both verbally and physically. He certainly thinks he could out-fly anyone any day, any time.

Since the incident though, he has become far more bitter and caustic. He practically enjoys pissing on people's parades and spitting in the face of other people's happiness. His already questionably reckless and rebellious behavior has only become moreso as time goes on. It is not enough to get him in serious trouble though he has gone toe to toe with his superiors more than usual of late.

Dashiell is miserable and on his own personal warpath to make others suffer along with him. While cleared for duty, he is still mandated to attend therapy for the loss of his mage and other personal issues. Dashiell has seen his file and he knows they think him suicidal. Personally, he isn't sure which scares him more: dying or having to live without Reese.

  • Earned the name TrickShot from his ex-Mage for all the hairpin crazy stunts he would pull in the cockpit.
  • Secretly loves cuddling and is a bit of a romantic at heart. Has always wanted a family and kids.
  • Loves to read but will vehemently deny any of those love stories on his shelf as belonging to him. They were CERTAINLY his ex-spouse's and you can't tell him otherwise.
  • Quite talented with charcoal art.
  • Completely inept in the kitchen.
  • Has an antique ship he's rebuilding he's already named Baelicos, Flagship of the Damned.


Lycanthropy: Dashiell comes form a long line of lycanthropes with their blood watered down with humans. As such he is not as strong as his ancestors though he still possesses many of their abilities. When angry or stressed enough he can force his body into taking on a more wolfman appearance, strength and speed, increasing in height and bulk both. He becomes hairier and his face becomes more elongated. His already increased senses in human form also become stronger. The first sign of the lycan close to the surface is always the flash of gold in his eyes usually followed by the baring of teeth and growling.

However, he never becomes a full wolf. Nor is his change affected by silly things (in his mind) such as moon or star phases. It is purely emotion-based for him. With a great deal of patience and concentration on his part he has proved capable of changing select features alone such as his eyes or ears to increase sight or hearing.

Additionally, due to his nature, Dashiell does believe in soulmates. He was raised with the understanding that with patience, one day he would find his. It is believed by his line that mates only happen once and that each generation is reincarnated to find their soulmates again and again through the years. There have been far and few between cases of a mate making it back into life again of the one they left behind but it is most unheard of. Furthermore, mating and binding your soul to someone not your mate means that should your mate ever come along they must deal with the pain of rejection as there is no undoing a mate-bond save in death, something that often drives the living mate insane with grief and loss.


Reese Plantina: Dashiell's former Duo Mage and lover. He loved them with all his being and truly believed they were his mate and bonded for the end of times. He blames himself endlessly for their death and not a day goes by where he doesn't think about them. (Art By Me) Wedding anniversary: 2/1. Death: 10/2.

Lil Tit and Ivana Seecock: Reese's pair of tiny finches that Dashiell absolutely despised when his former lover was alive. With their death, he is now in charge of their care. They are one of the last things left he has of them and as much as he hates it, he continues to keep them. Their chirping and squawking is a constant source of frustration for him.

Nicodemo del-Nestore: Reese's ex-partner before Dashiell. The two of them had a violent first introduction followed by a series of misunderstandings and harsh truths coming to light. They have a complicated relationship filled with barbs at each other's expense. (But damn does Nico smell good).

Latreille Fer: The only Bibi capable of striking the fear of god into Dashiell when he's being particularly nasty.

Ryul Radiant: Owner of Sweet Dreams Bakery. Dashiell knows he owes a lot to Ryul who has been nothing but kind to him since day one despite how much of a dick Dashiell can and has been. As a result, Dash is rather protective of Ryul and quite likes the other man. Ryul's good-humor is infectious after all.


The son of military officers, Dashiell grew up with high expectations and standards preset for himself. He came from a long line of military folk on both sides without the lycanthrope heritage piled on top of it. Dashiell was well educated, attended his years of university after regular schooling and joined up as an officer in the Duo branch.

It was there that he was partnered with Reese, a creature so infuriating that putting the two of them together was like throwing water on hot oil. They were explosive in their disagreements, often getting themselves in trouble for their epic fights.

Over time though the pair grew to trust each other and work together seamlessly. They became inseparable and in time they became something more. Reese was the other half of Dashiell's existence. He would do anything for the slender spitfire that loved to drive him insane in every way possible.

Then, there was the accident. It was a routine mission, get in, get out, come home. Nothing to worry about. The pair had been laughing and joking about the stupidest things when the engine failure alarms began to screech in warning. All systems down, the ship was was losing oxygen and hurtling through space towards the hangerbay doors. They just had to hold on a few moments more and if Dashiell could land it they would be fine.

If only that were the case. He got them to touch down but the impact caused a spark that ignited the oxygen support systems in their ship, causing a large explosion. Crews worked quickly to free the pair and rush them to medical. Both were severely burned and Dashiell's right arm had to be amputated due to severe crush damage. Reese did not survive and succumbed to their injuries during surgery.

Piecing together events after the fact it is believed that Reese sacrificed much of their own safety in order to help contain the impact explosion so as to protect the station and the crews already on the ground. They were given a soldier's funeral and their ashes were scattered among the stars.

Dashiell switched branches of military becoming a solo flyer and starting from the ground up again. He finds it easier to scorn his former comrades than to accept any of their pity or whispers behind his back. At least now he has a legitimate reason to rail against them as rivals.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
The Only Mountains in Space are Emotional

Complete Threads
To Dashiell Feldspar, From the Offices of Leafster, Leafster, & Branch LLP
Sugar, We're Going Down
Ballando Con Il Tuo Fantasma
Still Counting

  • Sugar, We're Going Down ~ 7 Years Prior to "Present" Day
  • Ballando Con Il Tuo Fantasma ~ 3 Years Prior to "Present" Day
  • To Dashiell Feldspar, From the Offices of Leafster, Leafster, & Branch LLP ~ 3 Years Prior to "Present" Day
  • Metastasis
  • The Only Mountains in Space are Emotional
  • Still Counting
  • Diagnosis

Ships and Factions / Whetu and Wenapo - Aliums WIP WORD VOMIT SHOO!!!
« on: January 22, 2018, 07:07:27 am »
Whetu and Wenapo


The Whetu and the Wenapo are two work in progress warring species of aliens that I'm working on creating. The lore is all still in the works and a massive jumbled mess but please feel free to jump in and ask me questions or add suggestions. I'm very open to discussion and help. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to PM me or Discord message me. Thanks for looking and please excuse the mess! ^-^


I. Introduction

II. Whetu

III. Wenapo

IV. Halfbreeds and Otherworlders


The World -Yeah Right plzdontmakemedothis sectionkthnx
rogue planet thingy
moon and stars
weird plants and animoooooos
2 years space travel

Overview History deelybopper

Aedolis Characters / Lee Dau
« on: January 12, 2018, 09:34:03 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Lee Dau
Alias Cocktail
Age 30
DOB December 31st
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Thanati
Height 6'7"
Occupation Grocer and Bartender
Residence Yvrie, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Lee is a big guy. He's tall and well muscled though not a bodybuilder. His physique is kept through some light weight training and mostly yoga. He has copper skin and long, dark hair that reaches down to his mid-back. It is not uncommon for him to dye his hair a vibrant red from time to time as the mood suits him. When he's busy or at work he keeps it up in a messy manbun but at home he can't wait to let it loose and shake it out.

Lee has heterochromia so that his left eye is a deep chocolate brown and his right eye is a pale arctic blue. There is a faint scar in the browline of his right eye where hair does not grow from an old accident. He also keeps a well trimmed beard along his jawline.

For accessories he has several ear piercings, two hoops in his left brow, a stud in his left nostril, and a pair of snakebite piercings under his bottom lip. On the back of his left hand between his forefinger and thumb he has a coin sized tattoo of a blue five-petaled flower with a yellow center.

Lee often likes to wear woven hemp necklaces and wrap bracelets. While at work he wears nice button ups with the sleeves rolled up, slacks, and an apron. At home though he likes his comfy zip-up hoodies and lounge pants. No socks though, those are terrible foot cages.


At work, Lee will be almost whatever you need in that moment. You need a friend? A good ear? A shoulder? A flirt to make your ex jealous? A tease to keep you bubbly? He will be all this and more. He knows how to keep the drinks flowing and his customers happy. Just pick your poison, sit back, and enjoy the show. Lee won't drink or canoodle on the job but he'll certainly hold your interest as long as you want him to. He remembers your drinks and when you talk to him, he actually listens and remembers. While genuine in his interest in people, it is just a job and he cannot wait to shed this mask and go home at closing time.

With his family, Lee is the perfect child. He is obedient, polite, and a general joy to have around. Three days a week he helps out in his family's store, doing a lot of heavy manual labor that his parents can't. Family is very important to him and Lee will do anything if it meant keeping them safe and happy.

Lee is the protective, big brother sort. He doesn't have to know you to want to do something nice for you or help you in a sport of trouble. He believes good deeds should beget others and goes out of his way to make sure he makes someone smile or experience joy during a rough patch. This is done if only for the simple pleasure of knowing he may have made someone's day.

He despises people who are unnecessarily cruel or violent. Lee will confront you if you start bullying or hurting someone else around him. This has on occasion between to his own detriment as while he tries not to pry into other people's business he has on more than one instance bit off more than he could chew and gotten himself hurt in the process.

When he lets his hair down at home, Lee prefers to do solitary activities rather than go out and actively socialize. He'll workout and practice yoga or lounge about watching reality television (he secretly loves the obstacle course or survival ones). He cooks, he dances, he plays with Maraschino, and just generally enjoys the quiet bachelor life.

The stillness of being on his own is comforting in a quiet way though if he stews too long in it he finds himself thinking too deeply about things that only bring him headaches, like why for a man who passionately loves the color red, does he have a blue flower tattooed to his hand? Or why a flower when it could have been an awesome lizard tattoo for that matter?


Eidetic memory: Not so much a magical ability so much as a talent, Lee possesses the ability to retain large amounts of information after only a short amount of exposure. This especially comes in handy at work where h needs to remember multiple complex orders at a time. It's a special touch when a customer comes in and the bartender still remembers their drink.

Mimicry: Again not truly a magical ability, just a talent. Lee is a great impressionist and loves to make people laugh by imitating celebrities or singers. Play music near him and watch him roll into song while perfectly in character.


Parents: Both alive and well. They own a family grocery store in a nicer neighborhood. Lee works the deli counter during the day along with helping with restocking shelves.

Maraschino: Lee's pet chameleon who he absolutely adores. There probably has never been a more spoiled lizard in all of Aedolis. Maraschino gets free reign over the apartment as long as Lee is home though the lizard loves riding on his shoulder or in his long hair.

Image by Chameleon Paradise


Lee's home life was pretty uneventful for the most part. He's old enough to remember the war though he never served. He works to help his family, has his own place, has a pet, and generally lives the good life. He certainly feels he has no worries or complaints to make about it. Sometimes though Lee can't help but feel that something is missing. He chalks it up to not having found anyone or several anyones to spend his life with yet. He doesn't know what he wants in his life but he knows there's something more and he wants it when it's time. He just has to figure that part out.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads


Havina / PICC Words With Care [Neph]
« on: January 12, 2018, 08:55:19 pm »
She had found somewhere to simply sit and be in the aftermath of Sashi Enu's wake. The young woman's words had cut deeper than she would ever know, leaving Blu feeling raw and off-kilter. She could not bring herself to return to Galahad yet. She could not put on that glowing, cheerful face and be his bluebird of happiness right then. The Pilot just needed a moment to breathe and find her ground again.

For a doctor, she had always despised working in or being at DoSaM. She hated how soft the doctors seemed, untrained and unable to keep up with the demands of a battlefield. Her own years serving as a combat medic had driven her to seek and need the adrenaline rush of the faster-paced, reckless life. Lobbying for the Angels, while a noble and necessary cause had been about more than that for Blu Moon. She had a point to prove and she wasn't about to let anyone stand in her way of that, not even Sashi Enu, a doctor Blu had reviewed and passed over for her lack of combat experience.

The woman sighed tiredly, scrubbing at her face with her burnt hand, her healing but still fractured one resting across her lap as she did so. In that moment she would have killed for a glass of wine and an old jukebox full of twangy Solartan tunes to match her mood. Perhaps when she went home she could set the stereo system up finally like she had been promising herself to do for months now.

Wallowing would get her nowhere quick though. Blu knew she was a xenophobic creature of habit. Hearing someone else point it though left a sour taste in her mouth. Hatred was easy to deal with but disappointment actually made her feel ashamed.

Blu never considered herself a good person or even a humble one. She knew how fallible she was as a human, a fact that had never bothered her in the past as she fought to do what she felt was the right thing. During the war she had defied direct orders to save lives. She had overcome a great deal of her own personal hangups to keep good men and women alive and back into the fray. She had lost the ones she had loved the most to do it too.

To come home a war hero had meant nothing to her as her life crashed down around her. But, to have a young woman who reminded Blu so much of herself at that age, tell her how disgusted and disappointed she was in her, crushed Blu faster than a bumpkin with an empty beer can.

Gritting her teeth, the Pilot shook her head, casting aside thoughts and memories best to be addressed int he privacy of her own four walls. The last thing she needed right then was to be put under psych evaluation because she had gone and had a mental breakdown in DoSaM over some little kitten with claws.

Her gaze drifted then, back in the real world as it fell upon a young man's back as he worked on a patient to insert an IV line in the room across from where she was sitting. Blu's head tilted slightly to the side as she watched his movements and control that spoke of textbook knowledge and nothing more. He was rigid, yet confident and sure. She could admire that about him. There were some things though textbooks just couldn't teach you.

She moved quietly to lean in the doorway for a few moments before finally speaking up to stop him. Her voice was soft and gentle so as to not startle him too badly. "You'll blow the vein if you continue to insert it like that. Your technique and angle are correct but you're struggling with flashback after advancing the cannula, correct? Allow the patient to dangle his arm to increase bloodflow thereby reducing the vasoconstriction. Go on," she beckoned with a nod of her head back to the patient, "try again." Blu did not expect for a second that she would be disobeyed or defied as she refocused her blue eyes back on where the magic was currently underway.

Communication / To Pilot Cardinal Enu, From Pilot Royal Moon
« on: January 08, 2018, 10:50:45 pm »
To Pilot Cardinal Sashi Enu,

I am writing to you regarding our earlier discussion. I trust you will recall which one I am referring to given the nature of that conversation. At the time I was unable to properly respond to you and after a great deal of reflection I have some points I would like to discuss further with you.

First and foremost, you were and are completely right. As a doctor it is my duty to do no harm. I have dedicated nearly two decades of my life to serving the Pilots and people of Aedolis as both soldier and physician. My accomplishments though mean nothing in the face of my own bitter, cruelty of my fellow man. I thought the war had taught me better, that that hate I had seeded within my heart had died long ago. I was wrong.

I do not seek to defend myself to you. There is no excuse for my behavior. I can only say that I am human and that I am flawed. Even the strongest soldier falters and the best doctor makes mistakes. I am neither of these things and yet have done so much worse over the years. I still have much to learn it seems as well.

Secondly, while I have apologized to Pilot Nebula and we seem to have moved passed my moment of lapse in judgement, I also owe you an apology. As you have said, I have disappointed you. I was not the role model I should have been and I was not the hero you looked up to. I failed you and every young girl like you, and for that I am deeply sorry. I know I can never take that moment back.

Perhaps it will please you to know of my deep regret over knowing that. I am ashamed of my actions and the hurt they caused. It is not like me to voice such things aloud and I do not believe I ever would have if I had been in complete control of my faculties. Again, that is no excuse for my actions and I do take full responsibility for them.

Lastly, please understand I am not writing to you begging for forgiveness. I am owed none. I have lost your respect and have disappointed you, things that cut me far more deeply than I think you could ever understand. Maybe one day far from now I will be able to earn that back. Until then I shall work to make myself a better person for others and for myself.

You are a very talented and giving person, Pilot Enu. Your friends and patients are very blessed to have you in their lives. You should be proud to know that you have far surpassed me and become a truly wonderful woman to look up to.

Thank you for your compelling words. You can expect no further action on my part after this message. I see no reason to involve others as this was, while incredibly important and necessary, a very private matter.

Pilot Moon

Havina / Angel With A Shotgun [Moonie]
« on: January 07, 2018, 08:53:50 pm »
Visiting with Galahad had been exhausting to say the least, though it definitely had been good to see and touch her old friend. So much time had passed and changed them and yet holding his hand in her own and getting to embrace him close albeit gently had nearly torn her heart to pieces all over again. With Yavul her memories had been of a much more distant past filled with laughter. But, with her dear "Darn It" there was so much more. There were their ATC days but also the war. There was Darrin and Antoine. There were promises of things that never did come to pass and seeing him laying there full of metal and tubes had brought it all so close to the forefront of her mind. Life was fleeting and they were all so very mortal.

With him asleep again, Blu found herself drowning in her own sullen thoughts when Galahad's physician dropped in again to check on his vitals. It was not that Blu faulted the woman. On the contrary it was a relief to see the Pilot in such good care. It was just the icicle daggers that the other woman was insistent on staring into Blu's head that set the Pilot Royal on edge. She did not understand what she had done to deserve Sashi's animosity but it certainly was getting old, fast.

While the younger Pilot exited the room again, blue eyes following her out, the woman that owned them was coming to a decision. For a moment she sat in that uncomfortable waiting room chair before pushing herself out of it with a tired and frustrated grunt. She was much better than she had been after the blast but was still recovering, not that she would let that slow her down.

Long legs carried her out into the hall and after the small woman. "Pilot Enu," Blu called out, coming up behind her. "A moment please?" The look she received as Sashi turned could have frozen even the warmest of hot springs though it did nothing to deter Blu. "Just what the hell is your problem with me? I ain't done nothing to you."

Adstreia / String Cheese is the Bee's Knees [Lion] [M]
« on: January 04, 2018, 12:22:47 am »
It had been the right thing to do, inviting Quillian to stay with her on his visit to Adstreia. Kielen had had no ulterior motives than helping out a friend, a concept she was still trying to wrap her pretty little head around. Things had been rather off and different since before Yule thanks to this group of Pilots she was beginning to call friends. Was that even what they were? She couldn't really say. It was not as if she had ever really had any of those growing up. She had been too busy being the perfect child, then afterwards an acceptable Candidate. Friends had not been high on her list. By the time she had graduated into Pilothood, Kielen was too busy looking for the next feel-good fun-time to pay attention to the intimacy of friendship she was missing out on.

But, then she met the four boys over breakfast burritos and suddenly her life was facing a series of ups and downs that it never had before. A one-night stand was easy and had no strings attached. You never had to see the person again. Friends though...those came with pesky attachments and meetings you actually planned for, and some you didn't like Seth coming for New Years or Quillian spending the night after Iri's accident.

So here she was, arm wrapped about Quillian's middle and her head resting lightly on his shoulder as they made their way through the local market. The heat he radiated was more than enough to help keep away the bitter chill that an Adstreian winter liked to brew and she was not about to let go of him just because they were now inside. Quillian had insisted they get food for him to make dinner as repayment for her generosity and kindness. Kielen of course thought it was completely unnecessary, but who was she to complain when a man was proposing a cooked meal that wasn't frozen dinners.

"So Sweet Thang, did you have anything in particular in mind for supper or is that a trade secret?" she crooned, smiling softly at him as she did. Her earlier nap with Iri had helped with the exhaustion she had been feeling lately but there was still a subdued softness about her. Work had been particularly trying, leaving her feeling more on edge that normal as she tried to fit back into her own skin again. That paired with her seasonal blues and the New Years incident, was enough to just drain the high right out of her. She was grateful though to have Quillian with her. It at least meant she wouldn't have to go home to an empty apartment again and recall how utterly alone she was in life.

Adstreia / The Three C's Of Life [Cheesigator] [M]
« on: December 30, 2017, 02:15:02 pm »
She was the kind of person that lived on impulse, flitting from one feelgood thing to the next without ever really stopping to think of possible consequences. Inviting Seth over had been one of those such impulses. So had been wearing a thin, mock turtleneck tank-top beneath her leather jacket and nothing else to protect her from the biting cold. Oh yes, Kielen was really good at making those impulse decisions. Hopefully she was only going to have to regret one of those as she waited impatiently for her new friend's rail to pull into the station.

The Pilot tugged her jacket closer across her front as she crossed her arms over her chest and checked her com again to see the time. On the ground at her feet were several grocery bags filled with all the ingredients she would need to treat Seth to something truly special. Poor thing had said he was not fond of chocolate and Kielen just could not let that be. Chocolate was part of life's crucial three C's: Chocolate, Coffee, and Cock. One could not survive without all three of them.

Clearly Seth's life was not complete without chocolate but, she was going to rectify that right quick though. Kielen had an old family recipe up her sleeve meant to make him change his tune and start singing her praises at the first taste of that sinful spicy, bittersweet goodness. I she played her cards right maybe she would get the other two C's out of him as well, not that that had been her original intention when she had invited him over. Kielen never thought that far ahead in her personal life. What would happen, would happen and she was just along for the ride.

The blare of the train pulling in was a welcome relief. She pushed off the wall she had been leaning against and began to gather up the groceries with one hand while the other scrolled through the chat messages. Wiggling life back into her frozen toes, Kielen straightened just in time to see Seth hop off the rail aaaand walk the wrong direction. She giggled softly to herself as she rushed to sneak up behind him.

"Behind you, goofball," she texted quickly before popping the com into her pocket as he spun to face her with a shrill squeal of surprise. Her face lit up in a bright smile moments before she was sinking her free hand into that dark mane of hair and yanking him close into a long, passionate kiss. She nibbled teasingly at his lip, allowing her tongue to follow to soothe the hurt she left behind as she tried to steal his breath away.

"Welcome home, twinsie," she cooed when they finally broke apart and she was able to stand straight again. The looks the pair got only made her laugh more at the mischief she had gotten up to. "Now help me carry the groceries home before I turn into a popsicle, Sweet Thang. I'm freezing!"

Aedolis Characters / Pipsqueak Tora; Pilot Echo
« on: December 29, 2017, 02:08:50 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Pipsqueak Tora
Alias Pippa
Age 56
DOB May 23rd
Gender Female
Species Human/Demon
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 5'9"; 6'7" With Horns
Occupation Pilot Echo; R&D Scientist at DoSaM Specializing in Armor Development
Residence The Citadel, Haviah, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Pipsqueak has long, thin and ramrod straight dark brown hair that has a navy blue tint to it in the right light. Her eyes are large and blue giving her a rather impish expression as if she is endlessly amused or filled with awe when paired with her bright smile. Her face is heart-shaped with small pouting lips, a button nose, prominent cheekbones, and gently pointed ears.

From the top of her head, Pipsqueak has a pair of curved horns that slope back and then up into the air almost a foot over her head. They are obsidian black and textured to the touch. In addition to her horns she also possesses a long, thin tail with a sharp spade-shaped tip. On her back she has a massive pair of wings that when closed reach almost as high as her horns with clawed tips. The feathers are the same color as her hair, a deep brown with navy tinting and are extremely soft to the touch. Her wings are powerful enough to fly with though the effort is downright exhausting, especially trying to launch herself up from the ground. It is not uncommon though for her to flap them when irritated or for her tail to whip about in anger.

Her figure is tall and slender with a narrow waist and long limbs. Appearances are deceiving though as she is much stronger than she looks. She enjoys martial arts and the equivalent of tai chi as a form of exercise to keep her strong and in shape as well as mentally balanced. Despite her age she also appears to still be a young woman in her early twenties instead of over half a century. It is quite likely this trend will continue if her parent's own appearances are anything to go by.

When not in uniform, Pipsqueak enjoys wearing long, flowy dresses usually in soft spring pastel colors. They may not fit current fashion standards but they make her happy and as far as she's concerned that is all that matters. Her earlobes are pierced and usually support a pair of studs or on special occasions some dangling earrings that jingle softly when she moves her head. Pipsqueak does not have any specific jewelry that she always wears but she is found of bangles on her wrists or horns as well as delicate pendants.


Pipsqueak is a bubbly and youthful woman. She is quick to laugh and smile especially when she is in the mood for mischief and pranks. If those blue eyes are a twinkling then you best keep a sharp eye about because you're a likely victim of her next playful joke. She is a social creature and loves to spend her time with others helping them and laughing with them as she is an affectionate soul and makes friends easily.

When it calls for seriousness though, she can keep a level-head and remain relatively calm. She is not one to dissolve into hysterics or crack jokes during a crisis but, when it is all over, Pipsqueak will uncharacteristicall y retreat to be alone rather than socialize with others. She does not like to let others see her at her lowest and does her best to always be cheerful and bright.

Additionally, Pipsqueak possesses an insatiable curiosity, intelligence, and drive to succeed. Growing up she was always full of questions and that faucet has yet to flow in its running. Working in Research and Development is a blessing for her as it allows her to be creative and innovative while also helping to slake her thirst for knowledge and answers.


Telepathy: Her weakest ability by far. Pipsqueak can manage to send a weak message out to someone within a few feet of her though she does best if she is in physical contact with someone. Anything more than that and good luck. Full-blown conversations are near impossible and completely exhausting especially the further out someone gets. She was strong enough and capable enough to get through ATC but barely in this respect. Connecting with her dragon has helped with her broadcasting but not by much.

Telekinesis: This is where Pipsqueak excels. Like her parents before her, she is a telekinetic powerhouse, able to lift and move things with great force. After years of practice with her father she has been able to develop his precision and control of movement to prevent her from nudging a coffee cup through twelve apartment walls instead of across the table. Unlike her father though she is not lazy with using it and relies on her own physical strength as much as her telekinetic. In order to maintain the ability to lift so much she must keep her own body physically fit and strong. She can lift with relative ease approximately ten times her weight. She has managed to go up to twenty times once and it damn near killed her. Pushing herself too hard has made Pipsqueak pass out from over exertion and has the potential to actually kill her from the strain on her organs at pushing so much of her reserve energy into her psionic capabilities.

Pyro-Electrokinesis: She possesses a hybrid form of pyrokinesis and electrokinesis where she is able to wield a blend of both as one. Pipsqueak lacks the ability to separate the two and as such must be very careful with where she is throwing her wall of fire and electricity. There is nothing precise about this attack so you better stand clear because her using it is her last ditch effort. It is very rare for her to use it and she does not know just how strong she is with it though she has played and tested it a bit at work with extensive amounts of safety equipment in place.


Seiteki Tora: Pipsqueak's mother who raised her. She gets along with her just fine and makes a point to keep in contact with her for holidays and birthdays and such. Pippa has a lot of respect and admiration for Seiteki. She values the older woman's wisdom and has in a bind reached out to her mother for words of grounding and comfort. Thankfully she has not had to do this in a long while and their conversations though brief are traditionally casual and lighthearted. She has also adopted the Candy name for Seiteki, joining other fellow Pilots in calling her "Mamateki."

Arane Pholcus: Pipsqueak's father who she spent all her summers with. Her bond with Arane is very close as she is a complete daddy's girl. She loves to tease him endlessly about his inability to keep up with technology while also rolling her eyes at his "embarrassing" flirting with her mother. She calls him Daddy Long-Legs and likes to occasionally show up unannounced to surprise him.

Siblings: Pipsqueak has countless older half-siblings along with three older full siblings. She isn't in contact with any of them if she even knows who some of them are since she is the youngest and both her parents have been alive a very long time.

Sulphyr: Her mustard-yellow dragon who apparently earned his name for his rather noxious farts. He is a rather rotund dragon and quite lazy. If Pipsqueak isn't making trouble then he doesn't really care what she gets up to. Just let him sleeeeeeeeeeep.

Apple and Leaf: Pipsqueak's baby white-lipped pythons she acquired from the Commander of the Ryun Ravens. Their three other siblings she also rehomed after a bit of adventure.


Pipsqueak is the youngest of her siblings thus far, born of a tryst between her two Pilot parents. Life growing up was warm and loving. Her mother did right by her and raised her to be a good and strong woman nine months of the year. The other three she spent with her father who adored and cherished her though with his own brand of tough love.

At an early age she showed signs of becoming a powerful psionically gifted individual like her parents before. It was there for no surprise when she tested positively and was sent on to become a Candidate. Pipsqueak made friends easily in the ATC and moved through each stage with ease until she hit Stage 4. As expected of an electrokinetic type of Candidate, she took a great deal longer than her peers to excel and graduate out of that stage.

When she at last was selected by Sulphyr, Pipsqueak was placed in Research and Development. Initially she thought it to be a punishment for not being a stronger telepath as she had dreamed of becoming a Squadron CO like her father given her strength. Later though she discovered just how perfect her position was as she found the need for answers flare to life within her once more. She was surrounded by like minds and easily fell into place with her fellow men and women. During the war, instead of being deployed as many others were, she was rerouted from plasma weaponry to armor research that could handle a barrage of assaults from various types of attacks.

Today she is still working in that division and specialty of research, having expanded to focus on protective armor for humanoids and dragons both. She works hard, giving 110% in all that she does. It is her hope that she makes her people and her family proud of her as the praise of her parents is the greatest compliment she feels she could ever receive.

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Aedolis Characters / Jain Dau; Pilot Echo
« on: December 28, 2017, 12:57:15 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Jain Dau
Alias Nemo, Mouse-girl, Whispers, Whatever fake existences given while undercover
Age 27
DOB August 23rd
Gender Female
Sexuality Pansexual but very demiromantic
Species Human
Ethnicity Thanati
Height 5'4"
Occupation Pilot Echo; Seeker, "Shadowman"
Residence Aedolis

Theme Song: Nemo By NightWish
Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

The best way to describe Jain is as an average Plain Jane. Copper skin, brown eyes, dark hair kept buzzcut close to her scalp, Jain really isn't memorable even without her psionic abilities. She's the type of woman you expect to walk by delivering mail without anyone giving her a second glance but when asked they couldn't tell you what she looked like beyond existing.

Jain is a medium height and build. She is neither weak nor incredibly strong. There are no finely toned looking muscles to show off nor is she extra curvy with lots of squish. Her skin is unblemished as all the identifying makers such as freckles or birthmarks were all removed long ago to better make her blend in on missions.

Due to her job, Jain rarely wears her Pilot uniform unless attending official matters. So for clothes, she tends to wear whatever is in style but not flashy or ostentatious. She does not wear any jewelry or accessories though. Nor does she have any piercings or tattoos.


Jain is a quiet, unassuming woman. She tends to keep to herself and keep her head down about things. That being said she is a masterful observer. Perhaps it is because she is the girl who is easily forgotten and overlooked in the crowd or perhaps it is because she is just that good but she catches even the smallest details and always remembers them.

She is good at keeping a poker face and rolling with the punches whatever comes her way. Jain thinks quickly on her feet though she usually reserves commenting on something until she's come up with the perfect zinger to shut someone up. She really doesn't like people who are unnecessarily cruel or violent. While she despises confrontation, she is the type that will bide her time and wait until she finds the perfect time to strike.

Jain is also a secret nurturer. She likes caring for people and doing the little things that would make them happy though usually this is all done at random or in secret. She is not fond of the recognition that usually comes with doing good deeds. She much prefers to be anonymous as an act of kindness needs no hero just someone willing to make the extra effort.

Her greatest fear in life is being forgotten or left behind by others. She has sacrificed a great deal for her career and her place in life. All of that begins to add up and build to the point where it either makes you stronger or it crushes you. For now she's keeping afloat but she has no idea what she'll do when the day comes that she is completely and forever alone.

  • Surprisingly really optimistic about life. Always is looking for the brightside and will try to find thre good things that happen each day to hold onto.
  • Suffers from anxiety, loneliness, and a fear of being left behind and forgotten.
  • Known as Fish-Killer and really hates that name.
  • Is a secret, surprise gifter. Jain likes to make people's days brighter when they least expect it. This is not limited to people she knows. Strangers deserve love too.
  • Abstains from vices such as drinking, drugs, and sex outside of work because she doesn't like the sense of loss of control that she has in many of the things she does with work. Thanks to her good friend Ren she's been introduced to the benefits of drugs and how relaxing they can be in the right amounts. It certainly has been helping with her anxiety of returning from missions.


Eidetic memory: Not so much a magical ability so much as a talent, Jain possesses the ability to retain large amounts of information after only a short amount of exposure. She makes a point to remember even the smallest details and could easily recreate them in her mind's eye to share with someone else or verbalize them aloud when prompted to.

Telepathy: Jain is a very, very strong telepath. Her mind is a steel trap able to form heavy walls of protection against mental and psionic torture, a useful skill should she ever get caught while on a mission. She is able to clearly and strongly telepathically communicate when necessary at specified checkpoints with her dragon and superiors, allowing for all communications to be kept hidden and untraceable.

Mnemokinesis: A branch of telepathy that allows Jain to affect the memories of herself and others. Jain can affect the memories of those around her without coming into physical contact though she must be within sight-line of them. She has a cybernetic implant at the base of her skull that allows this to not only be monitored but also certain branching sub-abilities to be shut off by her superiors.

Memory Erasure: Erase memories from herself or others.
  • Amnesia: Selectively erase any unwanted memories.
    Jain has used this ability in a bind when a mission has failed or come close to falling apart. This ability is heavily monitored and controlled by her chip. In the field she is given control over it with discretion though she is expected to use it only in an emergency. There is a slew of paperwork she has to feel out afterwards as well as submitting to examination to ensure what she did was justified. Depending also on the nature of her mission she has also been made to use it against herself either to protect herself while undercover from being discovered or to keep things she's done from herself (see Traumatize).
  • Manual Reset: Dump all previous memories so that one may start fresh.
    She uses this ability to slip between identities. Jain is unable to use this ability without proper clearance first and her implanted chip's restrictions being lifted. The chip provides a fail-safe that is able to download the memories that she deletes for two purposes. One is so that when her mission is over she can return to being herself again but the second and primary reason is so that her memories can be monitored and sifted through by her handlers. Most of her missions are information gathering though so this is only used when she is expected to be in the field for long periods of time and interacting with informants or suspects.
  • Psychic Disguise: Remove herself from the memories of others.
    This is Jain's most used ability. It allows her to walk through a crowd without being noticed or seen. Anyone that does easily forgets as if she had a "notice-me-not" bubble around her. She uses this ability so often and so naturally that she actually has to concentrate on not using it instead of the other way around.

Memory Implantation: Implant memories into the minds of others, which could either be pre-existing memories from someone else, or false memories created by the user.
  • Paramnesia: Distort or erase the memories of herself or others, so that one can believe fantasies or lies without giving off cerebral implications of deception.
    Another one of Jain's highly monitored abilities that her chip keeps special tabs on. She does have the discretion to use this as needed in the field and has been at times gone in with the intention of using it as her mission directs. A lot of paperwork follows the use of it though due to how dangerous and easy it can be to hide changes she has made.
  • Presence Insertion: Place oneself in memories of the target (and act as a loved one or old friend).
    On deep, long-term undercover missions, Jain has used this ability to better integrate herself into a group so that she can get closer and get the necessary information to get back out again. She is very careful to not make herself too integral a part of someone's memories as it provides complications. Becoming someone's girlfriend and then having none of their friends know or remember you creates a massive web of issues that spirals faster and faster out of control.
  • Traumatize: Implant twisted memories within others to drive them into insanity.
    Her weakest sub-ability of her mnemokinesis. Jain lacks the creative cruelness to create such memories. If she is expected to use this ability, her superiors traditionally give her the memories she is expected to implant. She will perform this duty with the same attention to detail and care as all things she does as a Seeker though this one probably affects and upsets her the most once she is herself again provided those memories haven't been taken from her.


Family: [REDACTED]

Cabal Vindstrom: The best friend and coworker that has always had her back even if it's been a whole bucket full of tough love. Somewhere along the way though and she couldn't tell you when or why or how, Jain fell in love with him. She's never admitted it but her heart unequivocally belongs to him.

Jesse River: Jain's other dear friend and coworker. He makes her laugh and lighten up despite their ups and downs. Without Cabal and Jesse she wouldn't know what to do with her life. They're her lifelines in a sea of forgetting people. DECEASED

Erenys Dei: A new friend that is quickly becoming very near and dear to her heart. Their first meeting was on the very heels of her finding out of Jesse's demise but Ren has been nothing but kind and sweet to her.

Rasa: Jain's dragon that keeps her on a very tight leash. Even when undercover or perhaps especially then, Rasa is monitoring the link between the two of them. He is a medium-sized dragon with a very slim and serpentine build as opposed to many of his bulkier cousins. He has two sets of wings though the second set are metal.

Ponyo I-XIII: Jain's former feeder fish may their souls rest in the great stream.

Mitra and Amice: Bequeathed to her in Jesse's will.


Jain has a family though they do not remember she ever existed. She has since removed the memories of her from them to make work and her absences easier on them. While she does try to forget them and leave them to their own lives, every so often Jain does find herself on their street watching them from a distance just to see that they are still happy and okay.

She joined Candidacy quite late in comparison to her peers because her abilities made it rather difficult to pick up on what she was capable of doing. It was actually a Pilot that would visit her family's grocery store that finally caught onto what was going on after having experienced several déjà vu moments of knowing the Dau's had a daughter and then temporarily forgetting and having to remember it every time he left and returned as if waking from a fog.

At 19, Jain started her training where she neither excelled spectacularly nor failed miserably. Like so many other things in her life, she was average. She made it by with ups and downs. Stages 1 and 2 proved to be simple enough though Stages 3 and 4 were much more trying. Working in groups meant heavy amounts of concentration to be remembered and recognized. Following commands was simple enough but leading a group was practically impossible for her.

Jain graduated recently at 24 and has been working as a Seeker ever since.

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Aedolis Characters / Brody Eccelson
« on: December 25, 2017, 08:41:17 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Brody Eccelson
Alias Valerian
Age 32
DOB July 3rd
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 5'11"
Occupation Comicbook and book cover artist
Residence Haviah, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Despite his rather generous height, Brody appears much smaller than he actually is due to a slouching and mousey posture. His skin is incredibly pale and taut over sharply angled and jutting bones. He is not rail thin to the point of being malnourished and starving but he definitely could eat significantly more if the sight of his ribs or bony hips and clavicles are any indication.

His tired, red-brown eyes are often hidden behind large, thick, half-moon glasses with dark rims. He has a very thin nose that causes the glasses to constantly slide down the bridge of it. His face is also almost always in a perpetual scowl Brody also has his mahogany brown hair in long dreads that are usually tied back away from his face and reach to mid to low back on him.

For accessories, Brody only has a few pieces of jewelry. Both ears are pierced in several places and he has a few long-chained necklaces with metal shapes that he usually places with or makes clack against each other. As for clothes, Brody tends to wear loose-fitting sweaters and trousers in dark to neutral colors no matter the temperature.


Brody is a generally quiet and shy man around strangers. He does not make eye contact, he's skittish about physical contact, and he's downright untrusting of anything and anyone new. He enjoys keeping to himself. Others have often described him as a brooding and most likely conceited individual when he is anything but the latter. He is an artist and has always enjoyed the darker imagery of things. If he wasn't so reserved around people he most likely would greatly enjoy discussing his art and techniques. Instead though he keeps his head down in life and just carries on, drifting from one thing to the next like a living specter.


Artist: Brody is an incredibly talented multi-media artist. His subject matter is usually rather dark and of the macabre, depicting gaunt faces and creeping monsters. Don't expect rainbows and baby animals, he couldn't draw it if he tried.


Lars Fin: Brody's former childhood best friend, protector, and lover. Brody absolutely loved Lars and would have eagerly followed him to the ends of the earth and back for all the good he had done for Brody. Too bad times change...

Seth Tinston: A fellow artist that Brody has done some collaborative work with over the years. They communicate and share their work online. Seth is the only one that knows where Brody is and is his one and only friend.

Asmodeus: His baby white-lipped python that was a gift from Seth. He loves his baby more than anything and works hard now to make sure Asmo only gets the best.

Kharon Blackwing: Neither of them know it but Brody is actually one of Kharon's descendants. It would seem that surly, brooding natures run in the family.


There isn't much to say about Brody's past. He was just another low-level orphan surviving and making it by in life. There were no saving graces, no psionic gifts miraculously emerging and Pilots suddenly saving him from his less than ideal life. There was just him and Lars against the world.

Lars was his everything. They didn't live like kings but they were happy and they had a home together. Brody showed a talent for art and Lars had the charm to get him the jobs. They were the perfect team, or so the pale boy thought. He would work hard but sometimes it was never enough. Lars pushed him to do more, to be more.

It started with a few harsh words followed by quick apologies every few months. Lovers had their tiffs, what was just one little argument? Then they became more and more frequent and the apologies fewer and far between. Cruel words became dark bruises. The first time it happened, Lars brought Brody flowers and held him as they both cried out their apologies and promised that would be their last argument.

It wasn't.

And Brody stayed. He stayed the first time Lars knocked him out cold. He stayed after all the broken bones. He stayed long past his tears dried up and the apologies stopped altogether. There was no justifiable explanation for it. It was just something he did. Then, one day it changed. One moment he had been shakily standing in the kitchen, pale fingers gripping a cup of crappy coffee to swollen and broken lips and then the next that cup was crashing to the floor. Brody had stared at the mess for several moments before leaving it and walking right out the door.

He never once looked back.

Today Brody is scraping by. Bit by bit he has worked at trying to get himself back on his feet again, taking whatever jobs he can get just so he can pay for the art supplies necessary to even work them. life goes on though. He has no idea if Lars is looking for him or even cares if he's alive or dead but he lives with his head down now for fear of ever wanting to go back.

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Aedolis Characters / Micah Banks; Pilot Noble
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:51:04 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Micah Banks
Age 49
DOB November 9th
Gender Female
Sexuality Hypermonagamous Pansexual
Species Mutated Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 5'6"
Occupation Pilot Nobel; Paralegal
Residence The Citadel, Haviah, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Micah has warm mocha-colored skin and dark tightly-coiled locks of hair that when dry bounce along her jaw line. Her hair is usually pulled back into a tight bun though the occasional curl has been known to escape and bounce across her forehead. She has an oval-shaped face, broad nose, and plump lips. Her canines are also slightly sharper than the average humans and her nails tend to grow rather quickly, making keeping them short and neat quite the task. Micah's eyes are a piercing amber that become a brighter, glowing yellow, the angrier she is. Despite her age and her neutrally serious expression, she actually looks like a woman in her early 30s rather than close to 50.

Her figure is very slender and often clothed in pantsuits and other conservative professional-wear. Altogether it gives off the false illusion that she is possibly a delicate woman when that could not be further from the truth. On the rare off-chance you manage to get Micah out of her clothes or catch her working out you would see lean and well defined muscles without a hint of fluff. Her combat days may be over but she's not about to let herself go soft.

Micah Banks
By: LauraHollingsworth


Micah is the ultimate planner. She is Type A to a T and does not handle deviations from her timetables and schedules well at all. Even her built-in buffer times have buffers. Every little thing about her is precise and controlled. She likes to keep her life neat, orderly, and by the book.

Being not entirely human though has in the past made that difficult. She has learned to accept what she is and live with it by following a very specific set of routines. An active body and an orderly mind make for a healthy lifestyle without the beast inside running too far out of control.

That being said, while very serious and seemingly reserved, Micah is also very loving and affectionate. Those that are close to her are always sure to receive a kind word or unexpected pick me up when they seem to be needing it the most. She is observant and astute, a trait that has gotten her far in work and life.

Her trust is hard earned but comes with unwavering loyalty. She believes in black and white right and wrong. Micah also does not tolerate liars in her life. While she is not a cruel or hateful person, the fastest way to earn her disdain is to be dishonest. Everyone makes mistakes but never try to lie about them around her, she'll know and she doesn't appreciate it.


Mutated Lycanthropy: Micah has a mutated form of lycanthropy that she was born with. It has skipped generations in her family so the last person to have it is her great-great grandfather who is still alive today. While her family is generally long-lived thanks to their good genes, Micah has additional side effects. All of her senses are heightened though there are times when this is more prominent than others.

Her womanly cycle and more lycanthrope abilities cycle as one every 2-4 months. Depending on how often she has her cycle it can last from three days to two weeks at a time. The more often she has it, the shorter it is. During this period of time, Micah's senses are at their prime. She becomes stronger and faster as well as hungrier. Both her sexual and physical appetites increase. Years of control and practice has allowed her to keep from embarrassing herself and jumping the first thing she sees, but it is highly recommended to avoid irritating her during this time. You might just get bit.

Telepathy: Micah is normally a strong telepath, able to easily pick up on the surface thoughts of others even from another room. During her time of month though this only becomes stronger as she can hear on a larger radius as well as project back across it. She has had to learn to shield against it all so that it does not driver her insane with all the noise. It is yet another reason she can become grumpy during her time of month.

Telekinesis: She does possess a rather weak form of telekinesis. She struggles with using it and cannot lift more than she is physically capable of and even then only for a few moments. During her cycle as she becomes stronger so does her telekinesis. On a wolf day she has a sub-average level of telekinesis.

Lie detection: Due to her lycanthrope mutations, Micah's heightened senses allow her to better read when someone is lying. She can pick up changes in breathing and heart rate if she listens carefully. She can also smell things such as fear and is very observant towards changes in body language such as pupil dilation. Her ability however is not foolproof. If someone truly believes what they are saying, if they are really good at lying, or if they have something such as a cybernetic heart or pacemaker then she wouldn't necessarily be able to tell the truth. It is still highly recommended that you be honest with her. The last thing you need is a growling "wolf" in your face if you pick the wrong time of the month.


Deborah Banks: Her mother, a very loving and down to earth woman who raised her children to be strong people inside and out. She is a massive nurturer to the point of possibly smothering her children with her love. Micah adores her mama but tries to limit the frequency of home visits to keep from being sucked into her mother's nesting habits.

Hirah Banks: Her father, now deceased. He died of a heart attack when she was still a child. She remembers him as a kind and very hardworking man.

Judah: Micah's middle brother, now deceased. KIA during the war. They were much closer than Micah and Elijah. Micah misses him but has moved on past his death. Judah was always a ballsy bastard and she truly believes he went as he would have wanted to.

Elijah Banks: Micah's youngest brother. They get along well enough given they are several years apart and siblings. He runs the family business. Most of their conversations revolve around Chloe and how she is doing.

Chloe Banks: Elijah's 14 year old daughter and Micah's niece. Micah is Chloe's role model and he two are close. Micah does her best to take Chloe out when she can find the time.

Isaac Banks: Micah's great-great-grandfather who is also affected by their lycanthrope genes. He is a spry man and has been Mcah's greatest champion and confidant in all things in life. She loves him and will always go to him first when there's a problem.

Lex: A very old and reserved dragon. Lex is a wealth of knowledge though he is not very forthcoming with it. He has a massive body with a metal tail and left hind leg. His lower jaw is also metal plated and he is missing his left eye.


The Banks family is a very old family descended from some of the original old world knights and nobles of Adela. Today they have a considerable amount of financial wealth though much of it is now put towards charity causes. They own a company that deals in financials which Hirah ran when Micah was a child and Elijah has since taken over. They are a humble and hardworking despite their generous lifestyle. Micah grew up very happy and we-loved. After her father's death, her mother completely stepped up and raised the entire family while also making shrewd business decisions to ensure their family would continue to thrive. Isaac stepped in and became the father figure the three children required in those early days.

While Micah's lycanthrope tendencies were recognized from an early age she went relatively undetected as psionic until she was 16. Another Pilot picked up on her telepathy when she picked up on his surface thoughts without realizing he had not spoken aloud. She was taken for testing and soon after off to ATC for Candidacy. She was far from the best Candidate ATC ever turned out but she wasn't terrible either.

During the war she served as a general CO doing stealth and night runs to sabotage enemy supplies. During one of the runs things ran amuck and they fell under fire by the Edani. Micah nearly lost her eye to a fellow mutated human that left behind four deep scars that she still carries today. There were other injuries but that is the most noticeable today.

At the ceasefire she returned home and gladly took up a desk job in the ministry working as a paralegal. She still is doing that and has really found her niche. She does hope to be promoted to a lawyer position one day but for now she is happy with what she does.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Wanderers and Independents / Erithaca Ceyx
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:50:45 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Erithaca Ceyx
Alias Halcyon
Gender Female
Species Human/?
Ethnicity Libran
Height 5'
Occupation Private Smuggler
Residence Alcyone: Her Ship

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description



Conservative, reserved, quick-thinker, quiet, shy, observer/listener


Luck Favors the Bold



Mother: Libran someone *shrugs*

Sienna: Half-sister from hell (what a cocky bitch)


__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Wanderers and Independents / Sienna
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:50:06 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Sienna
Alias GunnerGurl; Red
Gender Female
Species Mutated Human/?
Ethnicity Teinaran
Height 5'
Occupation Hired Gun; Former Motorrail Racer

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

ORANGE, octopus and masks tattoos, scales down spine


Cocky, sexual, antagonistic, braggart


Exceptionally Fast reflexes
weapon proficiency
queen of body language



Mother: Teinaran someone *shrugs*

Erithaca: Half-sister (what a prude bitch)


__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Aedolis Characters / Bronte Treyburn
« on: December 18, 2017, 08:36:27 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Bronte Treyburn
Alias Knuckles
Age 26
DOB April 17th
Gender Male
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 6'4"
Occupation Beatcop
Residence Margad, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Bronte is a tank of a man. He's tall and broad shouldered with well-defined muscles from years of boxing and weight-lifting. In stark contrast to his dark skin he has several scars on his hands and face from both work and street fights. He has a narrow face with sharp cheekbones and full lips. His eyes are a dark chocolate brown that matches his long dark hair that reaches to midback. Bronte wears his hair in a form of mohawk of dreadlocks with a variety of wooden beads woven into some of the braids. The sides of his scalp or shaved with various patterns depending on his mood.

When off-duty, he prefers to wear clothes that he can move and workout comfortably in. Bronte does not wear any jewelry and prefers to keep his attire simple. The less bling you have to show off the less people are interested in giving you a hard time or you risk hurting yourself when throwing a punch.

Bronte Treyburn
By: Desperish


He is a rough around the edges kind of man but with his heart in the right place. Bronte loves to laugh as much as he loves to scuffle. He's not one to start a fight but he sure as hell will finish it for you. His fuse is quite long but when enough is finally enough, look out because those sparks fly might far and fast. Bronte cannot stand bullies or assholes and greatly enjoys making them as miserable as they make others.


Reflectivism: Bronte was born with the involuntary ability to permanently shield his thoughts from others.


Parents: Separated but, alive.

Siblings: Bronte has several older and younger siblings and half-siblings from both of his parents. He gets along with them in varying degrees of hatred and affection depending on which one it is. Many of them have gone on to join the military.

Sasha Beckett: Old friend and rival. Bronte and Sasha often meet up to shoot the shit and box twice a month as they are able. Thanks to a transfer and a twist of fate, they're both partners in work and get more time to buttheads and fists.


Bronte was born to a pair of very healthy Aedolian military parents neither of which are particularly in love with the other. It was expected when he was born that he too would eventually join the military like his siblings and half-siblings before him once he was old enough. That ideal was very quickly cast away though as it was found that despite all the Treyburn's and Carson's both being heavily psionic based families, Bronte was a reflectionist.

Growing up, Bronte learned to take care of himself. With so many children in and out of the family home it was just kind of expected that if you weren't on fire or bleeding out your eyes then you left mom or dad alone depending who you were shoved off on. He learned to cook at an early age and not long after to box. With so many unsupervised kids running around, knowing how to defend oneself became very important. Not everyone was willing to resolve everything with words when fists were faster and more effective.

Bronte quickly grew up and joined the police force once he was old enough. He worked his way up from a lowly cadet at 16 to the beat-cop he is now. He works hard at what he does and tries to do the right thing by people. Some days are better than others though. He's recently transferred to Margad and is working on getting settled into life in a new dome.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Cancer Characters / Zen
« on: December 16, 2017, 01:11:34 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Zen
Alias River Runs Wide (Blog), River, Starseed, Lemuria
Age ?
Gender Accepts any pronouns
Sexuality Currently no interest whatsoever in sex or people thank you very much
Romanticism Hypermonogamous panromantic
Species Starstrider, House Horizon
Ethnicity Unknown
Height 6'4"
Occupation Internet Fortune Teller
Residence Cancer Station

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

That's the big question, isn't it?

Their wardrobe consists of fun, graphic t-shirts, warm hoodies with extra deep hoods, and ripped, well-loved jeans usually covered in paint splotches and fingerprints. They have several tattoos including their left arm which has a full sleeve of crashing water, jumping koi fish, and several lotus flowers interspersed. The fingers of the left hand also say "River Runs Wide" in very faded ink. The inside palm of their left hand by their thumb has a colorful stained glass turtle tattoo. Their right hand has several different geometric glyphs along each knuckle each with a different meaning. These symbols are also faded. A series of symbols go down their spine each with a different spiritual meaning. The back of their right hand also has a geometric vector circle. The back of their neck has another lotus tattoo. [MORE TATTOOS TO BE LISTED AS I AM "TOLD" THEM]

For jewelry they have a lip ring on the left side, a small stud in the crease of their left nostril, and a third eye piercing. They also have several earrings in both ears. [MORE?] Their fingers are also decorated with several rings and knuckle rings. It is also not uncommon for them to wear a prism with various stones in it depending on their mood. Also owns a pair of goggles with a "third eye" that he loves to wear on his head all the time.


Zen isn't sure anymore what is the internet persona and what is real anymore. There are just so many faces to them now, perhaps they are all of them and perhaps they are none of them.

Business is clinical. They don't like to get too wrapped up in the readings they are expected to do for fear of getting attached to the people they are providing a service for. Sometimes they get a sense of something from their intuition about people but they try not to interfere beyond what is asked of them. "Starseed" as they go by at work is known for in-depth answers and explanations and a calm aura.

Online is where the fun begins. As a blogger mostly known as "River" for short, they are light and playful in attitude. A compassionate sort of person that likes to give friendly advice and always comes off as chipper and laughing. In chatrooms, they are outgoing, quirky, and eager to greet and please. They don't like conflict and "Lemuria" will often jump in to try and soothe tensions. Work and play are never mentioned across username streams. Zen tries to be as anonymous as possible in a technology drive universe. They are genderless, nameless, and pictureless. Separate email accounts exist for each new personal they feel they need to create for each new purpose and there is as little crossover as physically possible.

In person, Zen is quiet, reserved, and even anxious among crowds. They are reclusive and introverted, enjoying the peace of being alone and safe. As far as their neighbors know, they don't even exist outside of soft footsteps across creaking floorboards.

  • Artist: Loves to paint galaxies, nebulas, anything of the cosmos. Watercolors or acrylics are the preferred medium but also does a lot of digital work.
  • Blogger: Runs a blog about celestial changes and how they'll affect people's days.
  • Smoker: Dandylion is good when you can get it but nicotine is still where it's at.
  • Media Junkie: Absolutely adores books and movies that are romances with rugged space cowboys or psychological thrillers full of boogeymen. Bonus points if they have both. Also secretly enamored with the language of flowers and tries to collect as many resources on it when they can.
  • Agoraphobic: They never leave their home. Everything from food to supplies are ordered via the net and mailed or delivered in. They can't even remember the last time they tried to leave their home, nor do they have any intention of trying.
  • "Clean life:" Meditates and does yoga to screamo music. Tried the vegetarian lifestyle several times but how the hell are you supposed to manage that with a limited salary on a space station? Insists will try again but loves greasy burgers too much to probably succeed.


"Good Luck:" They don't really know what else to call it. Zen just knows things. Good things just happen when they're needed most. It helps with business and it helps with life. They've never once been wrong in following that niggling sensation at the back of their mind, that gut-punch that something is wrong. They try not to use their gift often for fear of abusing it and losing it.

Clairvoyance?: Zen believes in the spiritual. Crystals, stars, numerology, cards, they use it all for work and more. Maybe it's the simplicity of the questions or maybe they really are more than a hoax but there is enough accuracy in their readings to make a living off it. They claim that timing is not their strong suit though so if you want to know when that perfect love of your life they just described is coming into your life...good luck...the answer is probably "soon."


Clients: They have a few regulars that they are "on-call" for to do life-coaching and readings for. Not like there is much else to do.

The Internet: They like to make friends and talk to people online, even going so far at times to use different usernames and personalities for each one. Here are their friends, their family, all they feel they ever need to exist and keep from going insane.

Keha: Turtle animal spirit guide that Zen talks to and meditates on.

Nebula: Their young "teenage" son who they have kept safe and sheltered from the cruel world that harmed and frightened Zen so terribly.

Resonance: They know they're out there. Zen hasn't met them but felt them close once. One day maybe they'll be brave enough to go looking for them. They certainly feel the pull to.


Zen was born on a freighter ship or so they've been told. They were raised as an orphan by an older couple that took pity on them. Growing up things were tough but life was still good. Zen was happy. They had good friends, a good life. They were an artist, outgoing and a social butterfly always looking for the next outing to rock the station to its core.

Over time though something changed. Zen began to retreat. Bit by bit anxiety overwhelmed them to the point that they were cancelling plans, then not bothering to cancel, then not making them at all. They retreated into the online world, using the knowledge their "parents" had given them about the mystic and whimsical to start making a living. Their art was put away for a long time and now is only made for the most part to fill a room and be locked away.

They've lost all contact with their old friends and no one knows what started it. Even online Zen will never admit they have a problem or even the possibility that perhaps something happened. Life goes on and to the internet they are chipper Lemuria or River or Starseed. Only in the stillness are they tired and broken Zen, lonely yet safe.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Aedolis Characters / Kielen Derriere; Pilot Echo
« on: December 15, 2017, 02:51:59 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Kielen Derriere
Alias NIH
Age 25
DOB April 1st
Gender Female
Sexuality Androsexual
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 6'3"
Occupation Pilot Echo; Inquisitor Adstreia Cell - Beta-Sitara
Residence Adstreia, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Kielen is a tall and narrow woman with a sharp, toned, beanpole figure. She has rather bony hips and a slight chest but makes up for it with a shapely rear and long, long legs. Her favorite attire are fitted pantsuits with heels for work and anything leather for after hours. Her leather jacket is one of her favorite possessions and gods help the fucker that tries to damage or take it.

Her raven-black hair is wavy-straight and long, hanging to her low back when it's loose. At work she keeps it in some intricate version of a bun, usually with braids or other fun twists. When down it frames her sharp cheekbones and highlights her vibrant emerald eyes. Her skin has a healthy sun-kissed glow to it though it's very possible that's more due to spray tans and tanning beds than actual time in the sun.

  • Devout follower of the three C's of life
  • Heavy recreational drug user. Stays away from the downers though.
  • Struggles with depression around December and January. Usually becomes more withdrawn and less interested in going out and partying.
  • Learning to do the friend thing.
  • Queen of leather and fun.
  • Attracted to men taller than her and men who can cook.


To most people, Kielen comes across as the fun, flirty, party girl. She's definitely the type looking to live life to the fullest and enjoy it without reservations or apologies. Kielen enjoys being in a crowd with the lights down low and the music pumping loud. It doesn't matter what her next fix is as long as she gets it. She's a woman who knows what she wants in life and will gladly take it. Perhaps it's the entitlement of having grown up with the silver spoon in her mouth, but no is not a word in her vocabulary, it's a challenge to rise above.

Deeper under the surface though there is an intelligence that can be easily overlooked. Gods help you if you cross this hot-tempered woman and dare take her at face-value as a ditz. She will have you trapped in your own web of words before you know what hit you. She is cold and calculating when she needs to be, making her an excellent asset at her job. It takes a great deal to set her on edge though as she is more often than not easily amused than pissed by the pettiness of others. The fastest way to piss her off though is to bring up her family or call into question her capabilities as a Pilot.


Telepathy: Kielen is a moderately strong telepath. She requires an avenue to dive into someone's thoughts but luckily her gift of illumokinesis allows for that. She uses her other strength to weaken someone down enough to be able to dive into her thoughts and extract the truth o a matter. Stronger minds can take a long time to do this with and she could never do it without wearing someone down first. She can send her thoughts clearly to someone in the same room as her but has trouble much further than that. Kielen has become adept at shielding her thoughts especially as her personal form of interrogation means she too must suffer the affects of it.

Illumokinesis: Kielen is a master illusionist capable of creating living nightmares. She will recreate scenes from evidence down to the most minute detail and then draw in whichever minds she wants along with her own to relive the experience over and over and over again until they are weakened enough for her to get what she wants or they confess. To switch it up a suspect can play the part of victim, criminal, or even witness in these illusions bouncing back and forth between roles with each new cycle. Kielen also bounces between the roles allowing her to observe the subconscious mind of the suspect for nuances as the visions affect them into playing out the truth.

An unfortunate side-effect of this is that the longer Kielen is in a vision the harder it is for her to "adjust" once she's back out again. She knows who she is but the crawling sensation under her skin sometimes becomes too much for her to bear. One can only take so much playing the part of a murderer or a victim before they begin to question the affects on their own psyche. Thankfully a lot of drugs and a lot of drink do a fine job of muting out most of this, so she doesn't have to think on it long.


Parents: Estranged. Kielen doesn't speak to them or acknowledge their existence anymore. As far as she is concerned, they died a long time ago. Her mother will make halfhearted, superficial attempts to reconnect from time to time along with continuing to send the usual holiday missives. All of these are immediately deleted or sent to spam without being acknowledged or read.

Keiden Derriere: Kielen will talk of Keiden on very rare occasions as her brother or her "other half," sharing stories of what he was like growing up and the antics he would get into. She usually has a rather distant look about her when she does. That being said, it takes a lot for her to bring him up. Even those that know her best though have heard very little of him.

Soleas Baliska: Her work partner that she sends out on missions. Calls him Sunny-Boy and accidentally made his boyfriend Viktor jealous enough to come see him and solidify their relationship (Ooops!)

Eidolon: Kielen's male dragon. He is dark purple with a long crocodile-like snout and body. His sharp teeth even poke out from his lips even when his mouth is closed. Spines poke out of his cheeks and down his back ending in a metal tail tip with more metal spikes to make up for some very old injury. The back of his elbow joints also have another set of spines as do the tips of his wings.

Eidolon is a nasty piece of work that wants very little to do with his Pilot. As far as he is concerned if she does her duty and advances rank quickly then he is pleased. Failure in her job is infuriating and has resulted in punishments though those are few and far between.

A group of recent friends that kind of bonded in their own strange way. They're oddballs and meet up once in a while for meals or to hang out.

Sevastian Torje: Kielen definitely had the hots for him. They broke a sink together in a Manolin's after a late night coffee meetup. She thinks he's sweet and he gave her the nickname Ladybear which she fully accepts.

Iridescent Nebula: An absolute sweetheart that Kielen has a real soft spot for. She sends him the newest cheesy romance stories that have Sev as the cover model all the time.

Seth Tintson: Her twiny! Siblings from different parents due to their appearances. They find it funny to be affectionate in public to give people the weird double-take. They're more friends than anything else though. Kielen also was able to get him on the Margad missing Pilot case that ultimately resulted in him losing his eye.

Quillian Blaze: She can't really seem to figure him out. She's certainly feeling a bit sweet on him but can't tell if he's sweet on her back or just being really friendly.


Kielen was the firstborn child of the Derriere family and as such had the heavy weight of expectations hanging over those frail child shoulders. Keiden was expected to become the head of the family when he was of age and to continue to keep hold money and old alliances where they belonged, with the rich and original rulers of the lands. Kielen was expected to marry and do her family proud.

At ten she started her journey into puberty and growth. It was when those trucks of light she was always so fond of began to manifest into something more than just a sparkle at the corner of her eye. Her family's rigid expectations had already began to hone her apparent telepathy into a weapon. They knew it was only a matter of time before she would become a Candidate and then a Pilot for them to use as a status symbol.

Kielen was fourteen when she was sent off to ATC, having been kept back as long as her family could manage in order to bend her to their will. Candidacy though provided Kielen with the freedom she never knew she had been craving before. She did well under the structured regiment of day to day life. Over the years the cold calculative front soothed into a playful warmth. She struggled the most in Stage 3, having trouble letting herself to trust others and rely on them to make the right decisions to get the job done.

The breaking of her ties with her family did not occur until the week of "vacation" following her graduation. Her parents had found her a suitor and expected her to marry him posthaste. Kielen wanted none of it. Being apart from her family made her realize just how manipulative they were, how they had destroyed Keiden just as much as her leaving him behind had. She swore as she walked out the Derriere family home that she would never let them do that to her. Then and there Kielen disowned herself, renouncing all claims to her family home and fortune and instead throwing herself into the life of a Pilot. The honor of her station belonged to her and her alone. Fuck the rest of them because she deserved more in life than what they wanted of her.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
Hyperbole and Coffee Beans
The Three C's of Life
String Cheese is the Bee's Knees
To Pilot Noble T. Henning-Rook, From Pilot Echo Derriere

Complete Threads

  • Hyperbole and Coffee Beans
  • The Three C's of Life
  • String Cheese is the Bee's Knees
  • To Pilot Noble T. Henning-Rook, From Pilot Echo Derriere

Aedolis Characters / Ailen Belal; Candidate
« on: December 05, 2017, 03:12:23 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Ailen Belal
Alias Ruiner of Everything
Age 15
DOB March 15th
Gender Male
Sexuality I'm not convinced that he realises that's even a thing yet.
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 4'8" Hopefully still growing? o.O
Occupation Candidate
Residence ATC
Voiceclaim Freddie Highmore (2005) (His voice will hopefully deepen provided he ever hits puberty)

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

He has pure white hair with dark, black roots that is kept short on the sides and a bit longer on the top, causing it to always stick up. When he was a baby his hair was black but as time has gone on it has started to fade and grow in more and more white. Now only his roots are black, though he suspects when he is older he will have strictly white hair. Grey eyes are shielded from the world by large, thick, dark-rimmed spectacles that always seem to be slipping down his thin nose. Ailen has a chubby-cheeked boyish face, having still not quite hit puberty yet. He is short, pale-skinned, and rail-thin. Ailen definitely looks like a strong wind would just knock him clean off his feet and into the atmosphere.


Ailen is a very shy, although sweet young man. He has a big heart and only wants to help his fellow man. He gets nervous around others in person and often will stutter and blush when flustered. One would expect him to be an empath with the way he treats and handles others, always very compassionate and intuitive while looking for something to cheer someone up. He is creative and detail-orientated. He loves to collect random little facts that he tends to spout off at random intervals to try and join in on conversations.

It therefore comes to no surprise that he is also a rather awkward little dork. He is passionate about learning and doesn't always have the self-awareness to realise that those fun facts he's spouting are not exactly what everyone wants to hear. ("We're essentially walking spaceships for bacteria isn't that so cool! What do you mean stop talking?") He also seems to be impervious to people talking shit about him in that he has no idea he's being made fun of. (He would be absolutely heartbroken though if he figured it out).

  • Allergic to shellfish.
  • Has a giant sweet tooth for gooey cakes and pies.
  • Really likes to cook and trying to invent new recipes. Said recipes are sometimes questionable for consumption though.
  • Almost completely blind without his glasses.
  • His prized possession from home that he brought to ATC is his childhood plushie. He is quite shy about that and is afraid of being made fun of Mister Straw Mushroom. He also has no idea what it really is NSFW
  • Absolutely terrible at video games (King of Find The Glitch).
  • Would give both legs and an arm for the opportunity to own an original and complete hardcopy encyclopedia set.
  • Draws a lot in his spare time but often throws doodles and sketches away without thought. He does a lot of candid sketches of people around him.


Telepathy: Ailen is a moderate-strong telepath. He can hear and communicate with others when he needs to. He is able to shield his thoughts well enough and block out the thoughts of others. He has never had to keep someone forcefully out yet nor has he ever tried to break into someone else's mind.

Dream-Walker: As an offshoot of his telepathy, Ailen possesses the ability to enter someone's dreams. While he does not need to be in physical contact with the person both he and that person must be asleep. He currently lacks the control to manipulate dreams though it is believed he will one day be able to reach this potential in order to dive into someone's deeper subconscious and psyche. Ailen has on occasion been able to enter someone's dreams while he himself was awake but in a more meditative state. It has not thus far worked in the other direction though.

Burkhard "Buck" Nekkede: Ailen's mentor during Candidacy and a fellow Dream-Walker. He cares very deeply about Ailen's progress and has been very encouraging to the young boy. Ailen still doesn't like how the other man seems to always be able to read him so clearly and intuitively though.


*Deadpan stare jazz hands*

Born and raised in Samariel by his military momma, Ailen spent a lot of his younger years in and out of the hospital due to a weak immune system brought on by being born extremely prematurely. He never knew his dad and spent a lot of his time being self-sufficient on his own. His life was regimented by happy. To this day he makes sure to follow the things his momma taught him too; always wear clean underwear, fold your laundry, brush your teeth, and eat three health meals a day. He hopes to do her proud by becoming a Pilot so that he can take better care of her once she's older and needing to retire.

Stage 1: 14-14.5
Stage 2: 14.5-
Stage 3:
Stage 4:
Stage 5:

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Aedolis Characters / Elliot Tinker; Candidate
« on: November 30, 2017, 03:59:19 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Elliot "Gadget" Tinker
Alias Wingnut
Age 13
DOB February 19th
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 5'2" Still growing!
Occupation Candidate
Residence ATC

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Before becoming a candidate, Elliot had long hair that reached to her waist. Now though it is kept in a cute bob that frames her face in blush-colored locks. It complements her pale heart-shaped face and button nose with clear blue eyes. Elliot is pale from spending a great deal of time indoors though her hands are rough and scarred from years of working on anything and everything mechanical her father would throw her way. It is not uncommon to see her while at work with her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth in deep concentration. She has an almost lanky, rail-straight figure with the beginnings of a bust and hips as she is still a girl in the process of becoming a woman.

Elliot Tinker
By: AoraPL


Elliot is a sweet young lady. She's fun-loving, compassionate, and boisterously bubbly. She loves spending time with others and being social as much as she loves tinkering with things. Elliot is always busy doing something and the type that doesn't sit still well.

Her family is her life and she is forever thankful to be so blessed with such loving people in her life. Being away from makes her a bit homesick but, she wants to do them all proud. One day she'll be a Pilot just like them!


Telepathy: Elliot is a moderate telepath. She makes for a great shield, able to get in the zone and go into complete radio silence. However, her distance for projecting her thoughts is rather limited. She can hold a conversation when needed but the longer it is, the harder it is for her to maintain it.

Teletechnopathy: This is her stronger gift of the two and something she is mighty proud of. Elliot has the ability to not only manipulate technology but to communicate with it remotely. As long as she is within a certain proximity with it she can either repair or cause it to glitch as well as any tech specialist could onsite. Her specialty is dealing with mechanical that are powered by electronics as opposed to filtering through programs though she is working on that.

Shran Tinker: Her father, an eccentric and dramatic yet jovial man. He's currently a Pilot Nobel tech specialist and an electrokinetic. He did work in the field during the war to help keep things running and lost his left eye, jaw, shoulder and some internal organs because of it. All have been replaced by machinery though some suggest its all gone to his brain now and made him a bit batty. Elliot is a complete daddy's girl and absolutely adores her father.

Jorelle Tinker: Elliot's mother now deceased. She was a Pilot Echo before she passed though. Elliot has no memories of her mother as she died when she was just a baby.

Joelle "Tink" Tinker: Her older sister. Tink is a Candidate currently at ATC. She adores her little sister and is excited to see how far Elliot will go in life.

Gregor Volk: Shran's best friend and brother in bond. Back in the day they served together in the war. Shran worked as one of the technicians in charge of keeping all of the brand new MECHs's wirings up and running for the newly formed Titans. Elliot has grown up calling him her uncle and loves him as dearly as any other family member.

Vaas Sayd: Gadget considers herself his #1 FAN! She owns EVERYTHING Vaas related and considers him her absolute hero. Any game, public PR stint, or signing opportunity and you can bet that Elliot is right at the front row. She's even managed to get in on more than one kid's tour of the Hellion headquarters just to catch a glimpse of him. Tink loves to tease her endlessly about her little crush on the Hellion.


Elliot considers herself to be the kid with the most perfect life. The daughter of two Pilots and with a big sister following in their footsteps, her life has always been about honor, commitment, and love. She's grown up extremely loved, bordering on spoiled even.

Her birth was a time of joy and a time of sorrow. Jorelle died during childbirth leaving her husband and two young daughters behind. Shran was heartbroken but, threw himself into parenting and raising his baby girls. She was named named Elliot, a name her mother had jokingly agreed upon should their child be a boy or a girl as all Shran had wanted was a son. However, he was and is no less proud to have two precious and delightful daughters.

He taught them both everything he knew about tinkering and building. While Joelle has a fair hand at it and can fix anything you put in front of her, Elliot is the mastermind that can make any piece of technology sing for her. She loves anything and everything tech related, completely living up to her nickname, Gadget.

On the day of her 13th birthday, Elliot was a ball of excited energy, practically begging to be tested and sent off to ATC "just like Tink!" Much like her sister had before her, Gadget enjoyed a lovely birthday and after dinner was taken for official testing, though everyone already knew of her teletechnopathy. Shran brought her to the ATC himself with great pride and love. She's currently in Stage 1 and couldn't be more excited to make her family proud.

Stage 1: 13-13.5
Stage 2: 13.5-
Stage 3:
Stage 4:
Stage 5:

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