Possible super campaign?


Hey all! I noticed that there were a few threads that were concepted but not actually started. I think if I had a little time and some epic music, I can come up with a plot to combine mine Edanith Waste, Catalina's Law Enforcement Thread, Tpig's Dangerous RP Combat, and Gawfey's Experienced Hacker or Mechanic... I think it's possible, if anyone thinks they would enjoy it, there is nothing I hate to see more than a story untold.

The only problem I see is location... it sounds like a neat idea but be careful cause if you bring two Pilots to Edanith it could break some treaties and turn the cold war into an all out war... which we should probably avoid for the time being.

They would have to have good reason for being there, and discuss it with the Edani government who would probably not be very receptive to Pilots trying to police people out on their frontier... especially when they are barely doing it themselves.

Or they would have to go very much under cover... which is a VERY delicate situation because if discovered as Pilots- or even psychics, it can once again lead to war.

My issue with that is... we don't have the activity in places like Edanith or Libra to really make a war of any kind fair and the whole galaxy is sort of hinging on these paper thin peace treaties right now. I don't want to destroy locations and cultures we haven't even built up yet.

Well it doesn't have to be Edanith though. My character is a nomad of sorts, and can be dropped anywhere. I can also port Cygnus over, since he is immortal. I also have devised two other members of Cyg's former army. Oh and a mortal enemy.

I just was going based off those threads you mentioned, sorry!

Personally I'd love that. It'll be very very interesting! Alkio might be able to get involved and Kielar on Aedlios as like a tech person or a support person or something like that. I really like the idea :D maybe the tensions can still exist between those governments but the threat is to great for them to ignore and maybe they can work together till the threat is dealt with and then they go back to how it was before!


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