Capture the FLAG


Here is my plot idea (might turn it into an event) that won't cause a war but it'll be fun for everyone mostly.

So this event takes place in a computer vr orogram lets just say and it has loaded a pretty darn large stadium or out in the middle of nowhere on Aedlios. And there is this game which both piflots and candiates can participate in against eachother:  CAPTURE THE "FLAG"

The goal is simple as stated in the name XD

However it uses some military intelligence on both sides. Since neither of them know where the other teams flag is hidden. So they would have to come up with their own strategies to get the other teams flag. Send scouts etc.

Each player has their own weapon of choice (a primary and secondary) except it wont kill the target if it hits the target irl. Depending on the wound the wounded would feel what it is like to actually have that wound irl and "dies" on the field while they wake up in the real world.

(Idk about this rule) There is a way to "revive" the "dead" however: simply find the person who "killed" the dead and kill them. Bringing the dead person "back to life" in the game


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