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Author Topic: Liv, Vaughan, cynicism...  (Read 819 times)

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Liv, Vaughan, cynicism...
« on: May 10, 2009, 09:04:12 pm »
[center:3qtcqkgw]Sabela makes things hard for Liv...[/center:3qtcqkgw]
((Sam: Liv and Sabela have kind of monopolized the Pilot Blog lately XD))

Liv:  Does this mean we're a couple?  ^^
Sabela: Ew. No. Can you please stalk someone else pervert?
Liv:  Don't flatter yourself... I do.
Sabela: You imply that it's flattering to have /you/ stalking me
Liv:  It should be. *kissy face*
Sabela: No.
Liv:  See, this is what I love about you... something for the whole sadomasochistic spectrum...
Sabela: *rolls eyes* You just want to prove you aren't gay
Liv:  That would be very silly, considering I don't have any /problem/ admitting I fuck guys... now, you, on the other hand... seriously, want to come over and prove you're not a lesbian some more?
Sabela: I'm not a lesbian. Where does that stupid rumor come from?
Liv:  >>  *whistles innocently*
Sabela: I should have know. You and your lesbian obsession. It's too bad you know. Never going to see me kiss a girl. Maybe Cross will describe it for you.
Liv:  You torture me with such witholding... you know it only piques my imagination, though, right?  Anyway, now that's cleared up, about this obsession with my being gay.  Admit it, you think it's hot.
Sabela: I don't think anything about you is hot.
Liv:  *makes little flame, goes out quickly*  That?
Sabela: No. Even your pyrocanetics are pathetic.
Liv:  Hot, though...
Sabela: Somehow, I bet not
Liv:  Want to see?
Sabela: Not at all.
Liv:  How can you not think I'm hot?  Look at this physique.  The hair... the.... big doe eyes...
Sabela: You are scrawny, your hair has that giant cowlick in the back and the eyes are more empty and bovine then doe
 Liv:  ><  I'm bulking up.  Actually, my friend called me fat the other day... then I broke his nose...
Liv:  Very homoerotic.
Sabela: I'm sure. And look, you lashed out with violence. At friends now. My goodness, you just know how to get people to like you don't you.
Liv:  Enough with the psychology, we both enjoyed it.  That's why /he's/ my friend, and you're...
Sabela: Oh, I'm sure he loved it. Just like I did, hmm. You are a weak, worthless little person *smiles*
Liv:  No, you didn't.  That was the fun--that time.
Sabela: *wrinkles her nose* You are just gross. Like, really.
 Liv:  Like, ohemgee.
Sabela: You aren't even fun to fight with. You are even to twisted to me.
Liv:  Maybe it's because you're a heartless, selfish bitch who's rerouted anything close to emotion to her genitals?
Sabela: *laughs* That could be. I am selfish and I am a bitch. That is true. But Liv darling, I don't need sex to feel anything. That's not what I use it for.
Liv:  Oh?  Enlighten, please.  I think you've an inkling of how I use it... sometimes.
Sabela: I'm not a sadist Liv darling. I don't get off on hurting people.
Liv:  Sadism isn't a personality defect... answer in the positive.
Sabela: Why should I? What makes you think you are important enough to deserve an answer?
Liv:  Well, you did decide to sleep with me the once.
Sabela: Yes, I did. Because I liked the control you wanting me gave me. Guess that back fired on me.
Liv:  Power, innit?
Sabela: Yeah. But for all that I've done, I've never raped anyone.
 Liv:  Rape?  You just don't like how the game turned out.
Sabela: Well, generally, when someone says to stop in the middle of sex and you don't, gee, that is rape.
Liv:  And that's oh so traumatizing and horrible and so much worse than a thousand other fucking things.
Sabela: Yes. It was.
Liv:  So if you like fucking with me so much, how are you not a sadist?
Sabela: That's revenge love ^__^
Liv:  Preemptive revenge...?
Sabela: And I just like a good verbal sparing match.
Liv:  As do I, it's usually more fun than this ridiculousness.  But if you just want me to get my just desserts for this rape business, why not report it?
Sabela: Mmmm. I wonder.
 Liv:  It's just a thought.
Sabela: Maybe I will. But I doubt it would really do anything
Liv:  The system's a bitch.  Of course, so are you.
Sabela: Yes, I am ^__^
Liv:  But you know why I really talk to you, Sab?  Because I just love to hear how I'm so worthless and fucked up.  Gotta say it gives me a regular thrill.  Sexually.
Sabela: Awww. Anyone would tell you that. If you were just a better psychic you could pick it up off your friends thoughts too ^___^ Find out what Gabriel really thinks of you
 Liv:  Well, considering what he thinks of Roman, I can at least hope for a 'lesser of the evils'... shit.
 Sabela: Yes but he as some effection for Roman
Liv:  Well, Sabela, as bad as it gets, I can always tell myself I'm not as stupid or cruel as you are.  
Sabela: Aw. That's cute. You think that. I honestly don't care ^__^
 Liv:  It's cute that you're like this when you're /honest/.  
 Sabela: I'm always honest ^__^
 Liv:  That's a horrifying notion.  
 Sabela: Hope it sends a little shiver of fear down your spine
Liv:  No... pity.
Sabela: *shrugs*
Sabela: I'm just a bitch Liv darling. You are a monster.
Liv:  *flinches*  Fuck you.
Sabela: You already did that. After I told you to stop. And you liked it. It made you feel proud and special.
 Liv:  You really don't understand me.  Proud?  Not at all, Sabby, but that was never the point.
Sabela: Yes. It was. You needed to feel better and stronger then I am.
Liv:  No, I wanted you to feel weak.  There's a difference.  Did it work?
Sabela: Yes. It did.
 Liv:  Doesn't do much for me, luv, but I like to think it's an object les--it helped you.  
Sabela: Yes ^__^ Don't get drunk and stupid around sadistic Hazzy clones
Liv:  Drunk, anyway.  
Sabela: Oh yes. Just drunk. Because I'm just a drooling moron *rolls eyes*
Liv:  To be fair, not drooling.  
Sabela: Mmm. Yes. Well, thank goodness for small favors. Keep trying to place the blame on me Liv. See if it really makes you feel better
 Liv:  I'm so glad you care about my feelings, Sabs.
Sabela: Oh. Deeply.
 Liv:  As I recall, that's what you said, uh...
Sabela: Learn to detect sarsasm Liv darling
Liv:  You'd think I'd have it down by now!
Sabela: Actually, I really don't expect much from you
Liv:  I think you said that, too.
Sabela: *smiles* It's still true
Liv:  Sexy when you talk down to me.
Sabela: I'm always sexy ^__^
Liv:  Yeah, even to gay guys, apparently.
Sabela: I'm just that good
Liv:  Or, alternatively, you look like a boy.
 Sabela: I've never met a boy with legs like mine
Liv:  I don't know, there are a few drag queens who're pretty good like that.
Sabela: I bet you look. ^__^
Liv:  I appreciate beauty in all of its forms.
Sabela: To bad it passed you by
Liv:  Nah, I've still got this.  *gestures to himself*
abela: Yes. That is the point. You are only slightly better looking then Marshal
 Liv:  I'd do Marshal....
Sabela: I bet you would *makes a face*
Liv:  Key word, do, active verb.  Not passive.  
Sabela: I'm sure that makes you feel special
 Liv:  I'm special anyway...
Sabela: With a capitol R
Liv:  The other thing I love about you is your originality.
Sabela: I try /so/ hard to please you
Liv:  And I try so hard to be pleased.
Sabela: Mmmm. I bet you do
 Liv:  It helps that I've got this movie... a few years old, but I could swear I recognize one of the actresses, Sabby...
Sabela: Ohhh. That one. I think I look pretty cute in that.
Liv:  Well, I wasn't looking at your face, but sure, yeah.
Sabela: Sold pretty well.
Liv:  And to think what a lucrative career path it might've been without the Pilot business.
Sabela: Fuck that. I love being a Pilot.
Liv:  Granted, it's pretty nice.  More the Candidate that sucks.
 Sabela: I didn't mind that much either
 Liv:  Happy day.  You don't mind much except when it's from me, do you?
Sabela: Pretty much
Liv:  That's cute.  
Sabela: Well, no, I don't like Gabriel much. Or Marshal.
Liv:  Gabriel and Marshal--I've never heard them categorized together before.
Sabela: Well, things are getting getting all exciting now
Liv:  Wild and crazy!  You just don't like them because they don't like you.
 Liv:  Er--well, and because Marshal's ugly.
Sabela: Don't be silly. Plenty of people don't like me and I don't care about them
Liv: Oh, so it's for some special reason?  DO tell.
Sabela: Not to you ^__^
Liv:  But I tell you everything. XD
Sabela: So?
Liv:  Hey, I thought you were so good with sarcasm.
Sabela: I don't believe you do for a minute and honestly, I don't really care.
Liv:  Aw, I love you too.
Sabela: I know you do ^__^
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 11:47:39 pm by Anonymous »


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Re: Liv, Vaughan, cynicism...
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 11:45:49 pm »
[center:c2ucwiiu]Liv, Vaughan, Cynicism[/center:c2ucwiiu]
((Vaughan and Liv start talking about after Liv gets hand chopped off, then go backwards in continuity to when he was still all handy... hey, it needn't make perfect sense))

Vaughan: D= he'll never be able to jerk off again!
 Sam: LOL!  No, he can
Sam: he already did that thing of using your non-dominant hand sometimes for fun
Draco): ahahah xDDD
Sam: besides, he trained to use both hands in combat and so on
Vaughan: Oh okay. 8D Liv is safe.
 Liv:  But hey, kid, if you want to help me out...

((/crack portion))
Vaughan: ... >_> I'm not a kid.
Liv:  How old are you?  *peers*
 Vaughan: .. Almost eighteen?
 Liv:  Even I was an idiot at that age.
Vaughan: Ah, but were you a talented idiot?
 Liv:  At some things.  *winks*  What's your talent, kid, apart from being dumb enough to talk back to the wrong people?
Vaughan: ... *stays quiet* Nothing.
 Liv:  *peers* .... you okay?
Vaughan: I sang?
Liv:  Shit, kid, that sucks.  
Vaughan: ... I was expecting a different reaction
Liv:  What, a pat on the head?  Vocal surgery?  Candy?  Hang on.  *pats his pockets, finds a lollipop, hands it over*  It's called the reality principle.  Things suck, but not much you can do.
*he has the lollipop from shinigamikitsune continuity XD her crazy healer keeps giving them to him*
Vaughan: *takes the lollipop with a funny face* Actually I was expecting you to laugh... *Puts the lollipop in his pocket*
Liv: Well, it is poetic irony, you've got to admit.
 Vaughan: Yeah, I suppose. *shrugs* Still write music though *winks*
 Liv:  Any good, or do you just think you're good?
Vaughan: Hey, I'm awesome!
 Liv:  *raises eyebrows*  You remind me of someone.
 Vaughan: ... Ah... Someone you like or someone you loathe?
 Liv:  That's a great question.  So how's your friend Nika?
Vaughan: He's fine? Missing an eyeball *frowns* but it doesn't bother him.
Liv:  *sighs*  Yeah, it wouldn't, he's that kind.  In retrospect... eh.  *Waves a hand*
Vaughan: Did you get into trouble?
 Liv:  I'm a PIlot, boyo.  He's a Candidate who likes to rape his friends.  
Vaughan: *stares, cheeks go red looks away* I don't know what you're talking about.
 Liv:  *looks away also, trying to be tactful* Yeah, most of the time I don't either.
Vaughan: How do you know that? Gabe said he wouldn't tell anyone!
Liv:  Of course he didn't.  You Candidates don't really do the shielding thing.  
Vaughan: *glares* Isn't that a little rude?
 Liv:  Has that ever stopped you?  Piece of advice, kid, get a look while you can.  I don't do it to non-psychics unless they've done something to me, code of honor, but the Candidates... it's good policy.
 Vaughan: I... No. Who are you, anyway?
 Liv:  Liv Sulo.  *holds out a hand*  
 Vaughan: Vaughan Liik. *shakes Liv's hand* Uh... But I guess you knew that.
 Liv:  Yeah, and you decided to be a jerk on Gabe's blog before you'd met me.  
 Vaughan: *lifts a finger and opens his mouth to say something before he drops it again and looks away and coughs* Yeah. Hi.
Liv:  It's okay, I do the same.  Hi.  But now that you've met me, I expect more inventive insults.
Why would I insult you...?
Liv:  Because it's fun?
Vaughan: *frowns* Not really.
 Liv:  So why'd you do it?
Vaughan: ... That was before...
Liv:  Oh.  They've killed the fun, eh?  Who did this shit to you, anyway?  I won't look again, you can just tell me--or not, either way.
Vaughan: *points to his neck* This?
Liv: Well, the haircut could also use some explanation.
 Vaughan: I was a performer, the haircut is... from that... >___> *touches his hair*
Liv:  You look like Shiloh Lockwood.  Well, the orange, anyway.
Vaughan: What's he look like?
 Liv:  Orange, full of piercings, stupid as a stump, drawls, vacant expression...
 Vaughan: ... Is that his name? Shiloh?
Liv:  Shiloh Lockwood, ay kay ay Lockdick, Dickwood, and Checkers, but I wouldn't--oh... no, really?  
Vaughan: You lost me. No really what?
Liv:  Did he, with the-- *gestures*
Vaughan: Yes. But, another candidate, too. Has weird pink markings on his face and... really weird hair. had pink in it, too.
Liv:  Rhys Argel.  
Vaughan: Yeah. I guess so.
 Liv:  Assholes.  They're not worth it.
Vaughan: Worth what?
Liv:  Oh, you weren't thinking about retaliation?
 Vaughan: No. I'm not stupid, they'd kick my ass.
Liv:  For now, anyway.  Fuckin' Rhys.  Bullies.  
Vaughan: *slow nod* Liv, right?
 Liv:  What?  
 Vaughan: YOur name. It's Liv, right?
Liv:  Why, are you making a list for future retaliation?  Because I've got to tell you, I think that's on Nika.
 Vaughan: No, I was trying to remember your name. *frowns*
 Liv:  ... Yes.  It's Liv.  *waves a hand in front of his face*  Memory troubles?
Vaughan: No, I don't think so. If anything I don't like Pilot Intram. *makes a face*
 Liv:  No one does.  He's creepy.  
Vaughan: Oh... Really?
Liv:  Well, granted, the guy is fun for the occasional round of puns.  I don't know; do you think he is?
Vaughan: Creepy? I don't like him. He probably does... Creepy... stuff.
Liv:  Lots of us do those, admittedly.  Depending on your definition.
Vaughan: I wouldn't be surprised if he eats people. -_-
Liv:  I would be slightly surprised.
Vaughan: *waves hand* Have you seen that guys smile?
Liv:  True, it's fairly cannibalesque, but so much of what people do is for image.
Vaughan: *makes a face* I don't want to be a Pilot.
 Liv:  Thank the Gods, the ones who do aren't people I... unfortunately, the alternative is unhappy indeed.
Vaughan: *slow nod* I would be famous right now if I hadn't gotten telepathy.
 Liv:  Manifested, anyway.  Hey, Pilots are famous sometimes.  Sabela, for example... *makes a face, which becomes a smile as he continues*  ... among other things, has a great dirty video out there...
 Vaughan: *stares* Pilots are in PORNO's?!
Liv:  Sabela is.  And it's worth watching, seriously.
 Vaughan: I.. I..I can't watch that! >_<
 Liv:  Why not?  I mean, if you don't swing that way, okay, but even so it's worth it for the comedy. I mean, have you met Sabela?
Vaughan: No! I don't swing.. anyway! I just.. I.. >_< I can't watch a pilot have /sex./
 Liv:  As I said, you're a kid.
 Vaughan: *glares* It's more of a 'sex is personal and should stay that way' kind of thing.
Liv:  Yeah, you sound like my old mentor, but then again, he fucks his Dragon.  >>  You didn't hear it from me.
Vaughan: *holds his head* Why are you telling me this? I'm not going to be fucking dragons! I meant it's supposed to be for people in private who at least /like/ one another >_<
Liv:  ... you have clearly not seen Sabela.
Vaughan: No, I probably haven't. I've met Gabriel and Alaric and You and... uh.. Other Pilots I don't know the names of.
 Liv:  You should work on remembering those, it's generally a good idea.  *flicks him in the head*
Vaughan: they didn't tell me. *frowns*
 Liv:  Those jerks.  They should definitely waste time befriending Candidates who might or might not stick around--be more assertive, idiot. Ask.  
Vaughan: *ducks his head* Sorry.
 Liv:  *facepalms*  Or, you know, search on the VCN, for Gods' sakes.
Vaughan: *shoulders hunch forward, quiet now* sorry.
 Liv:  Listen.  Take it from me.  This passive thing... it's not really healthy.  It's like jerk-bait.
Vaughan: I can take care of myself. >_>
Liv:  ... clearly.
Vaughan: *blush, frowns* I can learn.
Liv:  I hope you do.  Until then, maybe it's not a bad idea to stay under the radar, but don't let them crush you, that's a ticket out.
Vaughan: I... Won't be crushed. I've lost the most precious thing I had and if that doesn't crush me...
Liv:  Sometimes it even helps.
Vaughan: *smirks* Yeah, what else do you have to lose if you lost what's most important, right?
Liv:  Exactly, though that's a bit of a... downer... I've always just thought, well, it's life, isn't it?  
Vaughan: *eyes Liv* I s'pose. Life sucks.
 Liv:  So does Liv.  *waggles eyebrows*  
Vaughan: So does Vaughan. *waggles eyebrows, too*
Liv:  My gosh, I thought sex was private.
 Vaughan: Blow jobs aren't sex.
Liv:  Blast, I've been sold short. *laughs*
Vaughan: Fine. *I* don't think of it as sex.
iv:  Hey, I have my own boundaries.  You know, you should get permission from Alaric to go out sometime on a day off.  He'd probably take you.  
 Vaughan: I'd probably never want to come back.
Liv:  ... okay, he probably shouldn't then, that might cause some trouble.  
Vaughan: *makes a face* >_> Thanks.
 Liv:  Glad to be of help.  It's my official capacity.  Stater of obvious dumb shit.
Vaughan: Hm. I think I like you.
Liv:  *recoils, making a face of horror*  Your taste, lad... aw.  Thanks.  I think I may like you too, even though you're a dumb fuck.
Vaughan: I... didn't mean like that... *confused* Should I be more picky and suspicious of everyone or something?
Liv:  Oh, I didn't think you meant like that.  And maybe.  Maybe.  But I'm sure it'll develop naturally over the years, has for me.  *pats him on the head*
Vaughan: Well, i don't want to think like that. So you can take that and shove it somewhere that I won't mention because it'll get me into trouble.
Liv:  *grins*  I do like you!
Vaughan: *glares* Lucky me.
Liv:  *slightly abashed*  I'm just teasing.
Vaughan: *crosses arms over his chest* I know, god forbid someone like ME.
 Liv:  Are you mocking me, kid?
Vaughan: Maybe I am.
Liv:  Hug time.  Seriously.
Vaughan: Hug time? What?
Liv:  You mocked me, you get a hug.
 Vaughan: ... Isn't that a little.. backwards?
Liv:  I'm a strange one.  *goes to give him a brief hug*
 Vaughan: I noticed. *small smile*
Liv:  *pats him on the back and then steps away*  Intriguing, aren't I?  Dazzling and fascinating and so on.
Vaughan:  *lifts an eyebrow* I wouldn't go /that/ far.
Liv:  Oh, you can do the single-eyebrow thing, too?  Well done.  
Vaughan: of course I can. You can't?
Liv:  Of course I can.  Well, only on the left.  *demonstrates*
Vaughan: *grins and claps* Well done.
Liv:  *takes an elaborate bow*  Thank you very much.  
Vaughan: *would laugh if he could* Anytime, Pilot Liv.
 Liv:  Technically, Pilot Sulo, but you can just call me Liv.
 Vaughan: I know, I couldn't remember your last name >_>
 Liv:  .... you need to work on the stupidity.  Memory is important.  You're Vaughan L... Leek, yes?  I can't for the life of me pronounce the double-i thing.
Vaughan: Actually it's more like 'lick'.
 Liv:  I'm sure it is.  
Vaughan: *frowns*
Liv:  Relax.  I'm not really hitting on you.  You're too young for me.
Vaughan: Oh. You like.. thirty or something?
 Liv:  EXCUSE me... twenty-five.
Vaughan: >_> Oh. Sorry.
Liv:  That was hurtful.  *fakes a pout*
Vaughan: *grins* Sorry.
 Liv:  I mean, I moisturize.
Vaughan: And you thought I swinged, swang? that way.
Liv:  Swung?  What way?  Older?
Vaughan: .. Gay?
Liv:  ... to be honest, I didn't really think about it, I was just making conversation.
Vaughan: Oh.
 Liv:  I couldn't really care less, either way, though I must say it's pretty stupid to be sensitive about any of that stuff.
Vaughan: *lifts arms* I don't... really care. About gender, I mean.
Liv:  Yeah, that's what Alesku said once... then... hehe.
Vaughan: Same species. *hand lifts*
 Liv:  That's always a safe bet, though you should perhaps include... whatever your mentor is.  Because you know what they say about mentors.
Vaughan: *blinks* what do they say about mentors?
 Liv:  They always wind up sexing their Candidates.  To be fair, Alaric might not.
Vaughan: *goes beet red* Gabriel wouldn't have done /that/ when I was his candidate.
Liv:  That's because Gabriel doesn't sex anyone.
Vaughan: Well I knew /that/ too.
Liv:  And I wouldn't sex my Candidates, but that's because I'm, uh... a... good person. >>
Vaughan: *makes a face* Really?
Liv:  No.
Vaughan: didn't think so.
Liv:  Well, I try sometimes.
Vaughan: I try. It's hard here.
Liv:  Ah, not always stupid, then.
 Vaughan: I don't mind being stupid if it's... Because of something I want to do for myself.
 Liv:  You've lost me.
Vaughan: If you call me stupid because I don't want to turn into a heartless prick like a lot of the Pilots, I won't care.
Liv:  Actually, I was mostly talking about the memory issues.  
Vaughan: ... Oh.
Liv:  Admittedly I don't think cynicism is completely stupid.
Vaughan: ... *stares at* is now a bad time to mention I haven't been in school since I was fourteen?
Liv:  VCN it, you'll figure it out.  Cynicism.  Useful to know.  And, uh... if you ever need help with your math... and will offer payment...
Vaughan: *face twitches* I'm fine. Thanks for the offer.
 Liv:  *raises one eyebrow*  Oh.  Sorry... sometime I just... granted it doesn't pay to be sensitive.
Vaughan: Go to hell.
Liv:  I didn't think before I spoke.  That wasn't me playing some game, for once, believe me.
Vaughan: Yeah, whatever. Math. offer payment? You know exactly what happened, I know you do. You're just like all the rest of the damn pilots here, no one can ever honestly give a fuck about anything unless it's about themselves.
Liv:  Fuck, I'm sorry.  *rubs a hand over his forehead*  I honestly didn't... I've been trying to help you, kid, but you're probably right.
Vaughan: Yeah, whatever Pilot Sulo. You're just like the rest of them in the end, no matter how different you try to be.
Liv:  *quietly* ... and that's cynicism.
 Vaughan: *smirks and looks over* It... kind of hurts. Thinking something cares about you just a little and they just smash it to pieces. I'm sorry. *smiles and gives a stretch* The work outs suck here.
Liv:  *bites down hard on his thumbnail, gets composure*  I know what you mean.  Don't be sorry, I--yeah, it's fine.  And they do, but it gets a little easier once you get more used to it.  Everything does.
Vaughan: I don't want to get used to it...
Liv:  Yeah, that's the bitch of it.  
Vaughan: *small smile, looks at Liv* I won't be the same person in five years, will I.
 Liv:  *shakes head*  On the bright side, that's what time does anyway.  Maybe you'll stay one of the Good Ones.
Vaughan: *thumbs up* Hope so.
Liv:  *thumbs up*  Here's hoping.  
 Vaughan: I can do it. I lost my voice, not much else can get me down. I mean... I've already been raped. By a guy.
 Liv:  You've had it rough.  Hell, sometimes that helps.  The ones who got TRIMed when I was around weren't usually the ones who had it roughest... they were the ones who fucked up themselves, or didn't keep their eye on the... shit, I'm lecturing.  I didn't mean to.
 Vaughan: *shakes his head* I don't mind. I just... have to be... not... messing up.
Liv:  Well, watch out for that.  You've also got to, you know, move forward.  Work on something a little extra, Gabe told me you were doing... shields or something?
Vaughan: *slow nod* Yeah... And... well. telepathy's gotten much better since... Yeah. I could make books talk before.
 Liv:  Make books talk?  How's that, it sounds intriguing.
Vaughan: Uh.. Telekinesis and throwing my voice?
 Liv:  Oh!  Cool party trick, it's too bad you can't... hm.  Maybe with sound waves or... might be hard.
 Vaughan: *smiles* Good practice. I have bad empathy though, that's about it... what can you do...?
 Liv:  Ah, yeah.  Well, you know I was a ten-year Candidate, so maybe you shouldn't even listen to me--it took me ages to get my pyrokinesis under control.  I don't have regular-brand telekinesis, it just comes out as uncontrolled molecular agitation, i.e.... setting shit on fire.  So control was my weak spot.  And reading anything through shields, so you'll be a blank to me soon, I've no doubt.  
Vaughan:I didn't know that. I haven't been here long, i still haven't met that Leg Smashy guy. Well... Can you do ... anything /well/?
Liv:  Mental shields, mental manipulation on myself or, uh, you know, whoever lets me--ha--ground combat--see, I had to work with what I had.  *shrugs*  
Vaughan: Whoever lets y--OH!... oh.. I get it. *pauses* You're... the first some-what pervy Pilot I've met.
Liv:  Hey, and that wasn't even an intentional innuendo.  Watch out for Marshal.
Vaughan: Who?
Liv:  Treasure this ignorance, young one.
 Vaughan: ... I think I want to know, just in case.
Liv:  Pilot Noble Marshal Richards, you'll know him because he's even littler than I am and he's going gray.  Grade-A asshole.  Hair-trigger temper, paranoid as hell.  Granted it's hypocritical of me to criticize that, but hey.  Just stay clear.  
Vaughan: ... *pauses*  have I said I don't want to be a Pilot yet?
 Liv:  *looks at him seriously*  You have, but look, if I were you I wouldn't say it again.  Someday someone's going to say 'Oh, you don't?  Okay, here's a one-way ticket out.'
Vaughan: Fine. I don't want to be a Pilot like Them.
Liv:  Fair enough.  Them.  It's good and unspecific.  
Vaughan: Them being the type of Pilots I don't like. *eyes* You one of them?
Liv:  I don't know.  I've done some shit I'm not proud of, but I try my best.  I probably shouldn't have done that to Nika.
Vaughan: *shrugs* Nika isn't taking it to heart. But you shouldn't have if you regret it now.
Liv:  ... and you still talk to him, which... hey, I won't go there.  I understand.  Maybe.
Vaughan: I can help Nika. He's my friend, that's none of your business.
Liv:  I said I wouldn't go there.  
Vaughan: But you poked it, so I gave you surface information.
 Liv:  You may not actually be stupid.  Let's just say I know how these things can work and I was offering the surface information about my worry, how's that?
Vaughan: *leers* The only mental problems I have is that I'm psychic.
Liv:  I hope so.
Vaughan: I hope. I think. Do you?
Liv:  We're all fucked up.  I've never trusted anyone else to call me crazy, which... well... hm.
Vaughan: hm. You're probably as crazy as a.. a... bat.
Liv:  Wooden, or animal?
 Vaughan: ... Animal.
Liv:  Well, I don't sleep upside-down wrapped in my own wings, so that's a bright spot.  Do you?
Vaughan: *just lifts an eyebrow* the 'ha ha ha' all dead pan boring like doesn't work in a mental voice.
Liv:  Sometimes I've got it, sometimes I don't.  
Vaughan: *smiles* Yeah, I can tell.
Liv:  Sadly, comedy class isn't a Pilot's staple.  The world would be a better place if it were.
Vaughan: .... Would it /really/?
 Liv:  No, but that's the best joke of all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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