With Friends Like These, who needs anemones [Cheesy]

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Of course that wouldn't be the end of it--she honestly should've thought that through better, but sometimes old habits died hard.

She saw him hiss as she backed away with her catch, her eyes glinting something fierce like a feral cat about to open a whole can of whoopass on some other cat, and her wings unfolded and flared out in an attempt to make herself look bigger and more intimidating. She growled but it was muffled and garbled with the blood and shoulder in her mouth. It probably looked more silly than it did scary.

She saw him grab for his gun and spontaneously remembered she had hands; grabbing the body she hoisted it up just in time to catch the plasma shot. She poked her head out from behind him and snarled, and when the masked stranger got close enough to grab onto a leg she held steady, her arms wrapped tight around the body's upper torso like they were two children fighting over a giant teddy bear.

They wrestled and wrangled, and she pulled so hard against him that her claws were sliding and scraping on the concrete. She snarled and growled, hissing and spitting and just as she started to make the necessary coughs to get the components of her throat and mouth prepared, shouting echoed and bounced off of the walls. Her head turned and she saw the guards running in, and completely forgetting that she was currently playing tug-of-war, opened her wings wide and jumped right into the air.

However, she was still holding on tight to the corpse's upper body, the mangled and bloody brain-leaking head lolling against her shoulder as she beat her wings. But in their game it seemed like they were both stronger than they realized; while Esca was yanked off the ground along with, his weight hanging off of the legs he'd been pulling on was just too much for the corpse to deal with. With Esca a few meters off the ground, the twisted and distressed tendons and spine snapped and the torso tore and fell--and Esca with it.

The splatter of intestines and other internal organs hitting the floor was pretty satisfying admittedly, but also a bit disappointing because they usually made for good chewy snacks.

Ultimately, Phrike didn't give a shit about any of that though, because she had a torso and that was still more than plenty to eat er turn in to her boss and then maybe probably eat anyways.


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