IMPORTANT STUFF > News and Updates

Introducing ship subforums! 8D


That's right!

Now whenever you create a ship, you get your very own subforum! We figure this'll make it easier to RP your crews and such. ;D

If we missed anyone, just let us know and we'll give you a subforum! Also, if you like, write us up a small little descriptive blurb that we can use to describe your subforum and we'll add it in!

Have fun, guys! ^^

<333333333333333333 SO MUCH LOVE~~!!!!!!!

Thanks, Rhi-Rhi!

You seem to have skipped over Colony Group Rahulik Vari (Rahulik Vari and its escorts). I'd also mention Unity, but I'm not sure if I'll be keeping it in-system or not.

Ohhh! I totally missed that. D8 Did you make a topic for those ships in the Ships and Factions board? :3

Yes. Draconian Ships. Found here


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