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Author Topic: Revelation  (Read 1508 times)

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  • Guest
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:32:19 pm »
I walked out of a clinic and into a nightmare.

From the day I acquired the label psychic, I was destined to provide a spectacularly rare talent to the Dragons. In exchange for both survival and luxury, I was willing to strike a careful balance of morals. Though I took no pleasure in going through the motions of a slave driver, I understood that there was no other way to keep writing. I hoped for escape, to continue my work from elsewhere, but I also recognized that I would be under the observation of a Dragon for the remainder of my life. The deepest instincts of self-preservation began to sink in, as I believe they have for most of my fellow Gospels, and I became resigned to secrecy and inaction.

In light of recent events, this resignation should have vanished.

You are to be assigned to the field for your next mission, said the Dragon today. You are descend into the city streets, find the people on this list, and retrieve the names of their associates. When this is done, execute on the spot those with the audacity to take action, to walk the wrong way, to take to heart the words of Poet and the Gospel Sylph.

I ask why. The Dragon, in unseen silence, questions my loyalty.

What can I do - but make my way down the elevators to my origins in the very gutters of Haviah, where hatred for Pilots is the strongest? I walked through the streets, directing the soldiers to hold families at gunpoint. I interrogated my fellow idealists, my readers, my allies. With an emotionless mask, I proceeded to stop their hearts. Now I ask you this, Gospels ... how can I walk past the warehouse where Macario's inoculation is stored and pretend not to recognize the truth?

Quote from: "Indigo"
There has to be a way to save them, too. We have a lot of brilliant minds here among us. I am certain if anyone can figure out something, we can, because while I realize and have long accepted that being a Gospel means I may one day have to face my friends - I want to try and save them first.
I'm already facing my friends, Indigo. I want no part of it.

Ten thousand vials. Come with me, or if you prefer, stay.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 10:59:07 pm »
From the day I acquired the label psychic, I was destined to provide a spectacularly rare talent to the Dragons.


Ten thousand vials. Come with me, or if you prefer, stay.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 11:09:24 pm »
Quote from: "GodsAbove"

Hardly. Psionic sensitivity is a spectacularly rare ability, which leaves ... oh, the entire Citadel. While further semantic argument of this is moot, your attempt to discern my identity is alarming. I might have a few things to look into before I go.


I cannot stay in good conscience any longer, and to be fair I must ask you to make the same self-reflecton - what do you do to oppose the Citadel? Very little, I imagine. To make an informed prediction, I would say you grant far greater aid to the Dragons than you do to the people of the city in your current position, as any Gospel does in the languor of inactivity.

The best way I can carry on this fight is to continue the Sylph Report, without helping the Dragons in the process. I have no regrets, GodsAbove, and you do not speak for the Gospels.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 11:26:54 pm »
Hardly. Psionic sensitivity is a spectacularly rare ability, which leaves ... oh, the entire Citadel.


YOU AND OTHER GOSPELS LEAVING. RUNNING AWAY FROM THE CHOICES YOU MADE, TOO, AIDS THE DRAGONS does it not? other gospels have died for what they believe in. they did not run away. i am not small like you, i can do little in the large way of things. very little can be done in a short amount of time like you and yours seem to want, dragons live for a long, long time and are far smarter than you. this is why you are a pawn.

leave. we do not need you here. we do not need a gospel who can run away after hardships. to be a pilot is to be strong. very few of you are strong, normal and gospel alike.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 12:12:33 am »
Like, first off, wow Sylph. Way to be, like, totally stupid. I, like, wonder if you are a Pilot that, like, got sent on a mission recently. Dumbass  :heart:

And like...what do you, like, plan on doing with the vials? If, like, we make some like totally stupid move with out like, any real plan, we are all going to like, die. Because, like, we can't just take everyone on.

If, like, I have to kill other Pilots, people that I like, care about, I will. But, like, fuck you for like, trying to risk us all. Stop being like so totally obsessed with glory and stuff. Because, like, some stupid plan will just like, expose us all.

Am I like, the only one that doesn't like, think a revolution is a totally rad idea? Like, we are totally spies. Why don't we like, use that. We know who they like, are. They don't know us. Let's like, use our strengths and not like, try and pretend we can get the drugged out masses to rebel. And like, we can't take the other Pilots or like, the dragons on alone.

So like, stop being a moron Sylph. You like, live in an idealistic dream world.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 12:24:38 am »
It could have happened today, like I said. Or yesterday, or the day before. Or a month ago. Everyone gets sent out for a mission involving dissidents every once in a while - and the one I'm talking about might have never happened at all. I could just be lying through my teeth for poetic value, as I have been known to do. The Seekers have already learned not to believe everything I say, so you might want to catch up with them.

If you were reading, you would know what I plan to do with the vials. I don't have it in me to keep killing those I care about. While I share your willingness to work from the inside, I am not seeing a whole lot of benefit at the moment.

Your vapid mind may not understand this, but if we cannot stage a rebellion, our very purpose as Gospels is forfeit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 01:30:53 am »
Before we continue, can I request that we purge GodsAbove from the subnet?  If that post was a joke, it was a joke stupid enough that they deserve to get booted out.

On that note, I want to ask that we PLEASE maintain some sort of straightforwardness about these communications.  Not because we have to conform to some sort of standard--just so we know we all are what we say we are.  This is not a joke.

Sylph, I wish you had spoken to me before bringing this topic into open discussion.  
That's all.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2010, 03:20:51 am »
chimera. i do not see why we would purge me, who can be your greatest ally, from this. because i don't think running away is a good idea? does my presence anger you? do i threaten you? you are not a leader, chimera. sylph is not a leader. gospels have no real leader. the idea of a leader is there, in prophet, but they are gone.

I don't have it in me to keep killing those I care about. While I share your willingness to work from the inside, I am not seeing a whole lot of benefit at the moment.

you are a gospel for the benefit? there is no benefit to being a gospel. what we do is hard secret work for no recognition and little praise. even then the praise is to no one. we are hated. we ruin as many lives as we try to save. it is pathetic and weak of you to want recognition for something you should view as helpful to your countrymen. for every civilian you have killed, you could have gone under the feathers of a wing to save another. yet have you?

if we cannot stage a rebellion, our very purpose as Gospels is forfeit.

your purpose is strange. a gospels purpose is not rebellion. you think something as short lived and punny as you will take down dragons? do you remember any rebellion that didn't end in the deaths of all the pilots that helped? rebellions do little in the way of helping, it creates chaos and death. dragons fight chaos with death. humans reproduce quickly and within fifty years, you will be dead and aedolis will be the same. your purpose as a gospel is indeed your own, unlike other gospels, you and yours seem to want things to change over a night.

gospels were created and molded into what you are for more than being a simple pawn. only a pawn who can not think for themselves is a true pawn. a pawn who only pretends to be a pawn is a deadly threat to the knights and kings who stand so close behind him, thinking they are protected. gospels are those lethal pawns. moving a space at a time will get you to your goal if you are careful.

heading towards the other side blindly will kill you.

what you seem to be planning to do is odd. however, i will not stop you from making your mistake.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2010, 10:54:45 am »
Like, are you kidding? What would anyone being, like, unpsychic do? I, like, fail to see how that will fix anything. Like, do you want to like, run away? Great. That like, helps no one but you. Cutting off the other Pilots, like, that wont really do much. They, like, are still, like totally dangerous. And like, maybe we manage to kill or, like convert them all. So? I, like, don't know about you guys, but like, I can't kill a dragon. And, like, they can just eat us and, like, start over.

And like, Sylph, like, are you like totally stupid? How, like do you plan on getting the like, masses to rise up? Last time, like, I checked, no one cares. They are totally like slow and stupid and, like complaint. And, like, the lower castes that like, could benefit the most are, like, too stupid to read your boring, preachy, self-important writings. And, like, they are fractured. They aren't, like, going to band together to raise again.

Okay. We are like, totally not ready for this. Our hands are totally tied. We, like, can't trust anyone. If we like, slip at all, we die. Like, no thank you. I for one am not, like, going tomartyr myself for like, no reason. I am a Gospel because, like, I want to change things. I am like, going to wait. Wait, watch and do the little things I can. Like, someday, there will be a way.

Like...this stupid drug? Isn't it. Like, we can't take the dragons down by force. They are like, totally dragons. We like, have to use the fact we are on the inside. A violent revolt will, like fail.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2010, 09:14:10 pm »
Quote from: "GodsAbove"
chimera. i do not see why we would purge me, who can be your greatest ally, from this. because i don't think running away is a good idea? does my presence anger you? do i threaten you? you are not a leader, chimera. sylph is not a leader. gospels have no real leader. the idea of a leader is there, in prophet, but they are gone.

Interesting. I find it very interesting that I am not dead right now, GA.

What are we aiming for, if not rebellion? Dragons do live a long time if allowed to flourish, it is true, but most of them have fragile electronic components that can easily be damaged. Borne only on wide wings, they cannot descend into the city without our help - and this is the weak point. We must reclaim Haviah. I speak of a goal that has never been accomplished, but that does not mean it is impossible.

Seraphim seems to believe remaining in the Citadel and following orders is the right decision. It is certainly the natural one, the one that comes most easily. We have always moved one step forward with the rest. When they tell us to capture and kill, we have always done so. Seraphim, you seem willing enough to lay down your life for your country, city, and Dragon. While you were being a good Pilot, the chance to supplant our oppressors came and went many times over. It is our very willingness to defend them, and consequently protect the all-important Network, that keeps the Gospels a mere idea.

I'll lay down my life for Aedolis and Haviah, but I'll be damned if I stay around for the Dragons' sake.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2010, 10:32:28 pm »
i fail to understand why you would be dead. you think me a mole? or are you stupid?

a rebellion would get you and those who follow you, killed. do you think the upper caste hate being where they are? they flourish in it. it is a mindless paradise and they out number the pilots. you are not immortal. you may think you can use your psychic powers to deflect bullets, but you may miss a spot and get hit. you would die for what you believe in by the people you are trying to liberate. they may worship you now, but would they hesistate to kill you when their way of life is at stake?

indeed dragons have fragile electronic componints. limbs. hearts. easily damanged when it's standing there and you have a crobar or it lets you tweak with the emp armor so you can shut it down. after Provindence no dragon will let you touch them there. and quite a few can get into the lower levels, they can move about. not all the dragons are massive beasts that crush children under their feet. you did not do your homework, Pilot.

the gospels are not an idea. the very fact you think they've done nothing shows your ignorance. they are not stupid like you. they know large changes do not happen when they are so closely watched by the beasts they are trying to betray.

you may do what you like. you may try to rally all the pilots you can. you fail to remember though, to be a good pilot is to be a greater gospel.

if you are a bad pilot you will get caught and executed like all the others. you are replaceable. you hold no special place in your dragons heart. they did that once and look where it brought us. they are as broken as you are, now.

i will take my leave of this place so you can continue on plans towards death. bold moves are not for the brave when you are a gospel. they are for the stupid and those who think they can change things with one simple move.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2010, 01:49:21 am »
Quote from: "GodsAbove"
i fail to understand why you would be dead. you think me a mole? or are you stupid?

There's certainly probable reason for you not to be a Gospel in your posts.

Quote from: "GodsAbove"
a rebellion would get you and those who follow you, killed. do you think the upper caste hate being where they are? they flourish in it. it is a mindless paradise and they out number the pilots. you are not immortal. you may think you can use your psychic powers to deflect bullets, but you may miss a spot and get hit. you would die for what you believe in by the people you are trying to liberate. they may worship you now, but would they hesistate to kill you when their way of life is at stake?

And we would not bring war to them. Let the upper caste idle, while the others are called to arms alongside the Pilots. Only those who resist and the Dragons need be harmed. Do you have a particular problem with such an approach, GodsAbove?

Quote from: "GodsAbove"
indeed dragons have fragile electronic componints. limbs. hearts. easily damanged when it's standing there and you have a crobar or it lets you tweak with the emp armor so you can shut it down. after Provindence no dragon will let you touch them there. and quite a few can get into the lower levels, they can move about. not all the dragons are massive beasts that crush children under their feet. you did not do your homework, Pilot.

I am aware - but the fact remains that each and every one utilizes components susceptible to force-based and electromagnetic damage. We With all of these components disabled, very few of the Dragons would be able to function - let alone continue their domination of Aedolis.

Quote from: "GodsAbove"
you may do what you like. you may try to rally all the pilots you can. you fail to remember though, to be a good pilot is to be a greater gospel.

To be a good Pilot is to consent to a life of servitude and a death without meaning.

Quote from: "GodsAbove"
the gospels are not an idea. the very fact you think they've done nothing shows your ignorance. they are not stupid like you. they know large changes do not happen when they are so closely watched by the beasts they are trying to betray.


if you are a bad pilot you will get caught and executed like all the others. you are replaceable. you hold no special place in your dragons heart. they did that once and look where it brought us. they are as broken as you are, now.

Good to know you're not Marshal - and you are no Seeker, either. Perhaps you are someone else sent to observe the Gospels, even ...

... no, no, but that can't be. No fucking way.

Chimera? I would rather not attempt the purge sequence, as the account has some irregularities in both content and structure that may be worth investigating. I am not certain whether or not the sequence will even work properly in this circumstance. Crypt up and give me a call as soon as possible. It seems my departure will have to be delayed.

I will not be using the subnet very much after this. The implications of this thread are troubling, and they should bother you too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2010, 02:44:05 am »
the very fact you are so startled by my being here amuses me.

i am a gospel.

more so than you are.

i want to protect the innocents of aedolis.

if i am forced to kill thousands to save millions that is what shall happen. even if those millions are one at a time.

what you want to do, kill off the dragons, harm those who resist? the military? people who do not wish to take part in helping you destroy their way of life? are you aware that there is likely no better place for them? the land is harmful. many of the citizens are addicted to drugs. most can't even read. transport ships are likely to be few in number.

what happens after all the dragons die?

peace with edanith?

who will be leader? you?

once the dragons are gone the Pilots will be unable to function for quite a while. possibly suicidal. you are addicted to them. did you forget that?

or are you only interested in saving yourself and chimera? you two seem to both be aware of the plans. is it because the rest of us are not mindless? that we see the true meaning behind being a gospel?

remember. while some people wish to leave, most are content with what they have. even the lowest caste. you should be helping those who wish to be helped. not trying to destroy their home so you can get a sick satisfaction of being the one to orchestrate the downfall of the dragons and aedolis.

i am finished with you and your view, sylph.

you seem to have the idea that violence solves everything but that is why this country is the way it is.

carry on with your plan, Pilot, i look forward to hearing about your success.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2010, 04:58:15 pm »
Quote from: "GodsAbove"
once the dragons are gone the Pilots will be unable to function for quite a while. possibly suicidal. you are addicted to them. did you forget that?


remember. while some people wish to leave, most are content with what they have. even the lowest caste. you should be helping those who wish to be helped. not trying to destroy their home so you can get a sick satisfaction of being the one to orchestrate the downfall of the dragons and aedolis.


carry on with your plan, Pilot, i look forward to hearing about your success.

The Dragons are clinging to the possibility of remaining in control of the very humans who created them. They are a dying breed, and they know that someday they will die unless they enslave humanity, and coerce our finest minds into keeping them alive.

And I'll be damned if you don't write like a Dragon.

I have nothing more to say to you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2010, 07:37:05 pm »
Quote from: "Sylph"
The implications of this thread are troubling, and they should bother you too.

They should bother fucking everyone.  In fact, this thread should never have been started--I'm not too happy with you, either, Sylph--but I'll discuss that matter with you privately.

At least it's turned up GodsAbove's irregularity.  I urge you all to avoid contact.  We may have another fucking mole, or worse.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: Revelation
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2010, 11:02:30 am »
Like, totally, fuck you guys. Like, glad to see like, your totally charismatic leadership skills, like in action. This, like, is totally why like, you aren't our leader.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Rhi-Rhi

Re: Revelation
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2010, 09:55:52 am »
...are u guys nuckin futs?

I'm stayin.

- Indigo
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »
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