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Adstreia / No Donuts, No Shoes, No Service [One Shot]
« on: April 26, 2018, 12:50:46 am »
Most times Sparrow would dream of a view like tonight. The sky was clear, the stars visible through the top of the dome untouched by the filthy smog that usually blocked the view. Yet despite it she felt nothing but sorrow as her eyes scanned the galaxy spread out above her. The night was quiet, the dome streets at a seeming standstill due to the events that had transpired. Even just outside the flight bay was silent as everyone was inside, all the reinforcements called in with their faces buried in a stack of paperwork or glued to a screen. Perhaps she to should do the same, staring at screens hoping for some kind of a response. However, no matter how hard she tried Sparrow’s focus was elsewhere, locked in on the sky above as Pixie’s heart wrenching whines reverberated through her as he also looked above. All she could do was lean against her landed skid, sitting just outside under the stars. Pixie knew he was up there somewhere, even a dog able to gather that someone was missing and that he was up there… somewhere.

With each blink Sparrow found herself reliving it, running through every scenario that could have saved him if she had just acted quick enough. He was there, and then he wasn’t. They were a complete squad, and then they weren’t. All in the blink of an eye her world was turned upside down for what felt like the millionth time. It was her own fault, expecting life to stop dealing hard blows and that for once things would go as planned. For the second time she found herself screaming for him, reaching out for Grisham as he was carried away with her not knowing if he was going to live or die. The second time she watched the closest thing she ever had to a father ripped away by the hands of fate.

”There was an accident…”

Drawing in a deep breath Sparrow hissed, fighting back tears she had already cried a thousand times over as she relived her conversation in Solarta earlier that day. She was so angry with herself, so angry at Grisham, so angry at this fucked up world for taking from her time and time again. She wasn’t sure what was worse. There was this emptiness in her chest, yet it was familiar in the most painful way. But Yavul, the deafening silence she received when she broke the news hurt her far worse. Just looking into his eyes felt like someone was reaching into her own chest, ripping out the beating heart that kept her alive. She saw in those few moments what kind of lifeline Grisham was for him, and she had just told him he may never have that lifeline again.

”He was just fixing a tiny malfunction. He was supposed to be clear and then… it was like it came out of nowhere…”

”He… he’s gone and we don’t know where he is or if he’s even alive.”

”Yavul, I’m so sorry.” the only words that she could muster in the pen dropping silence that filled Yavul’s office after she broke the news. The sound unnervingly similar to how she felt after her crash. That silence of literal nothingness but your own breath, your own blood coursing through your veins.

And that silence resided with her the entire flight home. Even as the world continued to move around her all Sparrow heard was silence. Her own thoughts the only company she kept up until now. Even Vaas didn’t exist despite him being right there with her the whole time. Looking back over at Pixie another tear fell, running down past her chin to her neck. He was still whimpering, looking to the sky for the Hellion that never came back down. The Hellion who on any other occasion was the first to greet him.

“Pixie stop.” The massive black canine only looking at her for a brief moment before returning to staring at the sky, his chest jumping with each whimper as he cried for Grisham.

“I said stop Pixie” her voice sterner, shattering the silence of the night. “He’s gone! He’s gone and for all we know he’s de-…” She immediately stopped herself, unable to finish the statement as if saying it would make it truer. More tears dashed down her cheeks while Pixie went back to crying to the sky.

”Your veneer is cracking….” Grisham’s words resurfacing from a not so distant memory as she pulled her knees in, curling into the smallest form she could manage. “I’m only cracking because you keep fucking trying to die on me you old ass hat.” Her words mixed between sobs as she spoke to the man who wasn’t even there. The lack of reply only assuring her of his absence.

The reality that he really was gone started to hit. There was still so much she needed from him, so much she wanted to learn and in turn give. In a way she felt cheated, fucked over by life yet again. There was that chance of him missing so much, all the things that Sparrow had dreamt of sharing with him over the course of many years. She wanted him to see her love, to know that he was a big part in her happiness. She wanted him to walk her down the aisle, give her away to the life that he had guided her through. She wanted her future children to have it too, the man who was always there offering a hand when needed.  She wanted them to see how amazing of a person Grisham really was, to experience it just as she did. Was it greedy to want both Grisham and Seiteki there? She needed them both, yet it seemed like one was constantly being dangled in front of her by a string ready to be snatched away at any moment.

“Dammit!” more sobs as Sparrow tried to wipe them away as she tilted her chin to the sky. “You’re always fucking trying to be a hero or something! Why did it have to be you to fix it!? Why couldn’t it have been me!? Why didn’t you tell me to pay closer attention or something!?”

As she continued to yell rage began to take over, lifting Sparrow back on her feet as she kicked at whatever was unfortunate enough to be in her path. “You’re always being so fucking mystical and heroic! Well let me tell you ya’ old fuck, THIS IS NOT A LESSON I WANTED TO LEARN!”

“Yeah! You hear that!? I DIDN’T WANT TO LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH YOU DYING!” she paused, her chest moving with angry breaths as balled fists fell to her sides. She continued to look above, as if somehow her screaming would reach him and he would hear every single word and respond… but nothing.

“Why… why did it have to be you…” Angry words began to fall, her voice breaking more and more with each curse coming from her lips. “Why are we not laughing around the table for a mission well done right now? Wanna know why? It’s because you had to go flying off into space…” Again silence as Sparrow’s front began to break. She had to gather herself, to put everything back together before she started falling apart all over again.

“Well let me tell you something Grisham Alberich! When I find you, you had better hope and prey I don’t kill you before Yavul does! You hear me!? Yeah you better be fucking scared!” And as if Grisham could see her from some distant telescope or something Sparrow reached down and grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be one of Vaas’s wrenches, and she chucked it into the sky. “BE SCARED!”

Hell or high water she was going to help find him. He wasn't getting off that easy and god forbid she gave it less than her best in locating him.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: March 22, 2018, 06:57:29 pm »
It was so easy to relate to Evan as he spoke about growing up in his father's shop. While Mia's own father was no mechanic, he was military. For as long as she could remember she was always around the base, absorbing all the information she could in hopes of doing the same as him one day. However, fate chose a different path for her and while it was similar it was by no means the same.

"You are not boring." Again Mia smiled, scooting up once more in her chair whilst pulling her arms up to sit on the table.  "I think you're funny and fascinating all in one."

It was then that Mia took his own question to heart. What was good and wonderful in her own world? Well for one, Evan seemed pretty good and wonderful so far so there was that, but she would keep that to herself.

"I'm just happy to be here", another smile. "I love Solarta, the people, and the visitors. I love my Captain and my squad and I love how warm it is." It would be easy to say that by warm she wasn't just referring to the weather but also to the hearts and personalities of everyone around her.

"My favorite thing though so far would have to be the sand. It's fun to play with." She didn't even think to explain why sand was so mesmerizing because at this rate her mind was zooming through everything else that she saw as wonderful and good.


Adstreia / Full of Strength and Scars (OneShot)
« on: March 05, 2018, 11:03:33 pm »
A while ago, a time that seemed so distant now Aspen wasn't sure how she even remembered. A memory she thought had dissapeared with most from the beginning, a page from a book she thought long ago burned. She remembered sitting at the rail station, watching as people arrived and departed. The hustle and bustle as everyone just walked past her. All she wanted then was to be invisible, to evaporate into the space she felt like she wasted. Or maybe it was just that she wanted to feel something other than the lull of a life she was forced to live. Was it so different now? She was one of them this time, stepping off onto the platform just trying to get where she needed to go. This time she had somewhere to be, someone who wanted her there, people who noticed.

Even if it was only a day ago that she graduated Aspen found herself sorting through so many scenerios just like how she felt at the rail station. It was a sense of freedom, a sense of not being bound by her parents or the ATC's expectations anymore. She could feel the change within herself now more than ever as she looked at the view from the hotel balcony. There was no fear of what people thought of her anymore. When this change happened Aspen didn't want to admit. If asked she would say the ATC got it out of her and in a sense that was a partial truth. The real truth though lay in her hands, clutched like the lifeline that Aspen had made it into. Vaughan's music player, Aspen's fingers carefully grazing each button as she stared off into what was Adstreia. Even if she didn't know him all that well she knew she had to remember him... she would always remember what they did to him.

A soft buzz before Aspen reached into her pocket, pulling out the new Com she had been issued.

"From Pilot Echo Brookes: - WHERE ARE YOU AND WHY DIDN'T YOU COME TO MY APARTMENT!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARE YOU OKAY!!!!!!!?????"

Rolling her eyes at this point had become almost impulsive. Havanah's overbearing nature was beginning to become too much. It wasn't that Aspen didn't love her sister, or that she didn't want to see her. It was more that Aspen wanted her week of freedom, not only from the ATC and her new assingment, but also her sister. Leaving without even telling her she had graduated was the only option she had, every runaway needs a headstart.

"Death is iminent. The benches in Margad got me too soon. It was a short life... you can have my toothbrush." Sent.

It would be a lie to say her own response didn't cause a flash of a smile to cross her lips, so short lived by the several buzzes that followed it. There was no time to argue with Havanah now and so Aspen set her Com on the ledge, watching it illuminate with each message and missed call she would read another time. With knees pulled into her stomach, the neck of her sweater covering her nose, she had somehow managed to make herself quite comfortable in the little metal chair. Aspen was sure if it were possible get the hotel bed out onto the tiny balcony she would try. Then again something about being balled up like this had always been comforting to her in the past, and it seemed that it still was now.

Another thought crossed Aspen's mind as she readjusted, releiving the pressure of the metal chair in some places. She was curious how Viktor and Soleas felt being free like this. Did they do the same thing? Did they feel what she was feeling now? Aspen gripped the music player again, narrowing her eyes at the idea. Vaughan never got the chance to feel like this.

Hours passed as Aspen continued to hold the music player, her thoughts running back and forth as she tried to sort out how she felt about all of this. There was however one question she was determined to find the answer to...

Did anyone deliver pizza this late?

Adstreia / Re: Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down
« on: January 01, 2018, 10:23:05 am »
It was a flash, a blinding light that could only be explained as one of the most beautiful things Mia had ever seen. Even after, even with eyes closed and that feeling of weightlessness she could still see it. This flash that had appeared before Mia once before, and instantly she remembered how blindingly awful a sign it was. It was thirteen years prior, yet seeing it now refreshed every memory embedded deep in her mind.

"Get medical..." a silent message sent through the link that bound her to her squad. They needed to know something was about to happen, they needed to know people were about to be hurt.

Opening her eyes again didn't help, the light was still there engulfing herself and whoever else decided to jump in with it. She had heard her name just before, and felt someone grab her only a few moments too late. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, she still would have pushed forwards,  she still would have wrapped her hand around the firework trying to stop it. It didn't require any thought when it came to saving the people she loved. Even the pain ripping through her shoulder now wasn't enough to convince her it was the wrong move. Always save those you love over yourself... always.

It hurt, the feeling of old scars tearing and flesh scorching at the hands of a flame. She could feel her muscles protesting and her bones bending at the will of the blast as every ounce of breath left her lungs. There was the impact of something behind her, the sudden hault in projecting backwards followed by sliding down to the pavement. Someone was behind her? There was no time to process it as her body had already begun shutting down as adrenaline and shock took over.

All logic went out the window as Mia pushed herself away, realizing it was Blu who had grabbed her only after the fact. She needed to get up, she needed to move and to make sure everyone else was okay. Blu was muttering something, but beyond the ringing in her ears it was impossible to make out.

"Don't worry Blu, I'll go get us help..." And then there it was, Mia's posterchild smile of reassurance that she flashed even now.

Deep down she knew she was hurt, she knew she probably shouldn't be moving, she knew that right now she was probably doing more harm than good to herself. None of it mattered, it never mattered when it meant helping someone else. Even if it meant just drawing attention to herself then maybe someone would see Blu first. Maybe it meant she would find Iri, the last sight of him being just before the blast.

"Blu... Iri..." another attempt at reaching out to anyone listening but Mia's own thoughts were failing. No matter how hard she tried the unspoken link she carried with her comrades was suddenly too complicated to use.

She tried to stand, tried to crawl, tried to move more than just the few feet she had managed. Yet with only one arm even dragging herself had proved itself almost impossible. She could feel herself slowly fading, the will to keep moving draining with each labored breath that left her lips. A few more attempts, a few more fails as Mia lay stretched out. Her legs were still there, yet no matter how hard she tried they wouldn't move anymore. Everything was growing colder, her tears feeling like a thousand degrees against her soot and burn covered cheeks. The scene around her falling in and out of focus, twisting and bending in a way that made her sick to her stomach.

One last attempt, one last fail as Mia stretched her left arm in front of her as far as it would go before digging her fingers into the concrete. More tears, more frustrations as Mia's smile faltered.

"Yav-" she choked, trying to cry out one more time as the darkness clawed its way over her eyes. "... H... Happy New Year."

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: December 31, 2017, 07:00:36 pm »
Mia scooted closer to the table as she listened to Evan explain himself. When he began she was curious if maybe the heat was getting to him. Not only did he keep flushing red but now apparently had a cough. If this continued a trip to medical would surely be in his future.

"You can call me Ladybug if you want... or Mia. But I don't really like Tamia." Mia shifted in her chair, crossing her legs over one another while ducking her hands into her lap.

While Evan's explanation was clear enough, there was one part that struck Mia as concerning. 'People like you are my everything for what I do.' Did he know about her arm and leg? Or perhaps he just meant pilots in general. Even so, he was a pilot as well, so complimenting every single pilot would also mean he was complimenting himself.

As she sorted everything out Mia couldn't help but let her smile falter. It wasn't that she was ashamed of having artificial limbs, or that she looked down on anyone who had one. It was all for the simple fact that no one liked explaining that they blew themselves up. It was embarrassing, and worst of all she hated how some people used to look at her for it. She grew up with the looks... the 'that poor girl' or 'she's so brave' glares from across any room. In the beginning, her dad was the worst offender, constantly doting and telling her how strong she was being. In reality, all Mia ever wanted to say was how the tables should actually be turned. Her father was the strong one... dealing with a kid like her all on his own.

It was because of all of this Mia swore she would never be the reason for someone to look at her like that again. She didn't want to be pitied and sure as hell didn't want to be the constant reminder of something that was lost.

"I don't think any career among pilots is more important than the other." Mia averted her eyes, locking them on a napkin holder on the next table over.

"I may be in a squad but you are just as important. If it weren't for you our Commander would be walking around with one arm." Instinctively she balled her right hand into a fist in her lap. "I can't imagine how awful that would be." She smiled again, scrunching her nose trying to shake the mood that had just overcome her.

"So tell me about yourself, Evan. Where are you from?"

A time that most families come together in celebration. They all sit around and share stories of their pasts and laugh about the mistakes they made along the way. Part of Aspen wished she could've had the chance to experience what Yule was really like sooner. Already, despite her sister's engagement, Aspen had lived more on this single holiday than she ever had. All the ups and downs and feelings still whirling around in her gut yet Aspen was still determined to have a good day. Some gifts were already exchanged and now she found herself glancing at the package on her desk before leaving for Tink's get together downstairs.

"I'll be back later..." a farewell to the roommate who had secluded herself in the bathroom.

As the door shut behind her Aspen placed an earbud in each lobe, scrolling through her playlist before landing on an accompanment she had been working on. The notes were all there, each keystroke playing its way into her mind as she chewed on the words forming in her head. She knew what she wanted it to say, she knew what word each note stood for yet she hadn't written them down. She didn't need to.

"So far away, but still so near. The lights come on, the music dies. But you don't see me standing he-.." The soft tone of Aspen's voice cut off as her foot caught something on the floor, causing it to ricochet a few feet in front of her.

It was a small silver box, familiar to the very one Aspen was just humming to in her pocket. A music player, one easily hooked up and recorded on... just like hers. A few more steps before she knelt down, placing hands on her knees as she examined the foreign instrument. If it wasn't hers then who could it belong to? Or better question, why would they leave it laying out so carelessly? Aspen's own was almost just as precious as her diary, so why leave it laying here?

A trap...

Aspen jumped up, looking over her shoulder and all around only to find herself standing alone. Okay so maybe it wasn't a trap, maybe someone really had just misplaced it. It was only right to find who it belonged to then wasn't it?

Slowly she knelt back down, pulling out her own player to place it on pause as she unhooked the earbuds. With a soft 'snap' she fit hers into the other, scrolling through the songs only to add confusion to the whole ordeal. 'Aspen', a song with her name. Tilting her head she couldn't help but hit play and before she knew it an all too familiar tune was roaring in her ears.


Pizza lovin' Aspen
How do you get to love it so much
when it's just crust and tomatos and cheese
Ooooh, Aspen
Secretly, deep down, we know pizza loves you too
because you had to make this date
to get some inside you.
Pizzaaaaa, Pizza lovin' Aspen"

Immediately she flushed red, shooting back up and looking over her shoulder for Vaughan. This was his player, it had to be. No one else would have it, at least not in this format. She remembered the first time she ever heard it, how she was back then. A sliver of a smile appearing as Aspen made a note to herself to truly thank him for it one day, something she had never done.

Aspen took a small detour before heading to Tink's get together as she took a right instead of a left, continuing down the Stage 4 hall before finding herself coming up on Vaughan's door. Quickly she placed it on the floor before knocking, then booking it down the hall to hide in the gap of another doorway. No way in hell was she going to let him know she was the one who found it.

Moments passed with no movement. Peering back into the hallway Aspen walked back to his door, knocking on it much harder this time before running once more for the solace of the other doorway. Again nothing as Aspen waited, and waited... and waited.

Another try as she stepped out, this time picking up the music player and knocking again.

Okay so maybe she would just set it on his bed? He clearly wasn't in there, or he was passed out, or... Aspen flushed red again. It was obvious her mind jumped to the gutter pretty quickly on that one. She paused and listened, waiting to hear anything on the other side of that door.
Again nothing.

With a deep breath, Aspen pressed against the handle and to her surpise the door 'clicked' open. No wonder his music player was laying in the hallway. Leaving your door unlocked like this was just asking for trouble. Anyone could easily come in and swipe your stuff this way. With a gentle push the door opened and Aspen felt the breath leave her body before her brain could even process what she saw.


His room was empty, no sign of anyone or anything that signified someone lived there. There was nothing on the desk, the sheets on the bed folded up for the next candidate to make their own. There was no guitar, no sheets of music, no books... nothing. It was almost like he was never even here, just an eerie presence that was missing from the space it belonged in.

Clutching the player Aspen was overcome with an all too familiar feeling. She couldnt' breathe, everything around her was closing in and she couldn't move. Her mind was frozen, her muscles tensing with each passing second while her mind held her prisoner to the panic attack coursing it's way over her. Vaughan was gone, and not like moved on gone, but gone gone....TRIM'd gone. It was the only explanation and suddenly Aspen was gripping the only peice of him that was left in her tensing hands.

"Vaughan..." she choked, the weight of her legs giving out as her knees crashed into the floor, her fingers wrapping even tighter around the player. Aspen felt remorse for the candidate she barely knew, the realization that this could have easily been any one of them dawning on her.

Kneeling in his doorway Aspen sat, the panic attack slowly fading and freeing her muscles from the hell it always entrapped them in after a few minutes. The moment she had control of her legs she was up again, bolting down the hall as fast as she could back to her room. She wasn't going to Tink's party tonight, she wasn't going to ruin Yule for them too.

Back in her room Aspen pushed open the bathroom door and took a place next to Heather, still holding the music player to her chest as she let the cool tile seep through the back of her uniform.

"The hot cocoa wasn't for yule..." the only words Aspen muttered as she stared at the ceiling above them.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:15:53 pm »
Leaning back again Mia watched as Evan explained himself. He sure was adorable, using a coaster as a napkin like that. It wasn't often she got to just sit back and enjoy the company of someone like this. Usually it was all pretty quick flirting followed by a quick trip to the sack. Not that she minded that, but this was for sure a refreshing change of pace for her. Just her, sitting with a strange man casually chatting.

"Yep!" she chirped, bringing her hands down to her lap. "Pilot Cardinal Tamia Rhianu of the Solarta Valkyries! ARROOO!!!" Only a few heads turned in the restaurant as she howled, not nearly as long or as loud as if she were in the company of a fellow squadmate. If it were another Valkyrie she was eating with more heads surely would have turned.

"Also if Solarta is too hot for you we have tons of pools! And I'm sure you've noticed most of the official buildings are air-conditioned. Probably doesn't help that you're wearing such heavy pants."

Without warning Mia stood up from her chair, pulling at the edge of her frayed shorts. "Thin material like this is best." She moved to the strap on her tank top next, weaving the thin strip of material through her fingers. "Same goes for the shirts."

After her little demonstration, Mia sat back down, scooting the chair back up to the table with the usual smile on her face. "So you are here to fix Yavuls arm right? Do you like fixing broken pilots?"

Adstreia / Re: Mistake After Mistake [Mara!]
« on: December 19, 2017, 10:59:12 pm »
The touch, that shiver brought from his hands alone, was enough to make it all start to fade. Her own hands finding their place around him, pulling herself closer as she sat at the edge. Just as before she let her lips fall into place against his and with each passing second the clusterfuck in her mind began to fall behind the vault. It was all becoming manageable as she shoved it back, refusing to let it take this from her too.

Like a smudge on parchment, everything could be erased and Sparrow had convinced herself this was no different. If she tried hard enough this to would fade, it had to. This undeniable feeling in her gut that at any moment the bombs were going to drop and ruin everything. She just had to press harder, give it more pressure and eventually, it would be gone forever. Just a blip in her memory that she could reflect on later.

Right now all Sparrow needed was clarity. That perfect vision in focus of Vaas and herself. She was trying, digging her fingertips into the flesh on his shoulders as she continued to push it all back and herself forwards into him. Her back arched, craving more of his thought erasing touch against her. Just a little more... just a little closer. She could feel it, teetering at the edge of brimstone as she waited for all of hell to melt away.

Instinctively she lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist as she tried to pull herself even closer. Her lips pressed harder than before against his own as a hand tangled itself in his hair. Sparrow was still pressing, just willing that smudge to go away.

Open Space / Re: Point of No Return [Crew of The Loveless]
« on: December 19, 2017, 09:39:14 pm »
It would have been too easy for Dez to keep Warden Kittypants going, saying something that would undoubtedly get her into more trouble. Then again, who would that help? Everyone else already seemed to be in some kind of gloom, well except for Chickenman, so pissing off their 'Captain' probably wasn't a good step to take at the moment.

He still hadn't answered her question about the air ducts, she was curious if this 'Meeting Place' had any. Wasn't the first time she had been threatened like that, in truth she kinda got excited about that kind of stuff. All of it gave her something to add to the list, things that made her skin thicker and kept that delightful personality intact. It was easier to piss people off if you knew that was all you were good at.

Moving on.

Scanning the room Dez noticed that Candyman had gotten up, leaving his stuff in a chair that was absolutely calling her name. It was practically screaming at her. "Come sit in me Dez. Come swivel me to your heart's content and all will be right in the universe!" And who was Dez to deny a simple chair such a request?

Moving across the room she made sure to gently place Candyman's things on the console once she reached the chair. After that it was game on as she crawled into it, curling her legs up before pushing off. It was an added bonus when she reached for her Com and uncovered an uneaten cheese poof in her pocket. SCORE!

God life was great sometimes...

Communication / Re: To Pilot Echo Evans from Pilot Cardinal Rhianu
« on: December 19, 2017, 08:41:17 pm »
   Wrapping gifts can be fun. However, I do suggest you use tape instead of glue. We recently had an incident down here that I think you would like to avoid. Lots of glue, glitter, and syrup... long story. Then again you probably saw it in the pilot chat lol. Anyway, I loved helping you pick up gifts! I would go shopping again with you anytime! All you have to do is ask. Haviah is only a rail ride away, or I could fly and probably cut the time in half.

P.S: If it helps I've avoided the dreaded mistletoe too! We should step under another one again sometime ;-) XP

<3 - Mia

Communication / To Pilot Echo Evans from Pilot Cardinal Rhianu
« on: December 19, 2017, 05:39:47 pm »

   Hey! So you really haven't been back to see if they put up more mistletoe?! I bet they have. They even started putting them up here! What are you up to?


The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: December 14, 2017, 06:48:04 pm »
It was hard not to notice Evan's face turn a light shade of crimson. Must be the heat.

Regardless Mia was fully trying to process the explanation he offered. In fact, she was slightly thrown off that he took the time to explain it, yet another thing that had set him apart from most in just the few moments she had been conversing with him. Even better that he used an analogy that she could understand. A gnat and a horsefly, both bugs but also both substantially different. Suddenly finding the phrase 'this side of annoying' much less confusing than before.

"Evan Evans?"

Again she was tilting her head in confusion while reaching out to shake his hand.

"Did you mean to say your first name twice? It's Tamia by the way, but everyone just calls me Mia." She paused to notice he was still really red. "Is Solarta too hot for you? Do you need some ice?"

Adstreia / Re: Mistake After Mistake [Mara!]
« on: December 14, 2017, 04:01:36 pm »
In his embrace Sparrow withdrew back into the cluster storm that was her mind. Such a heavy talk with such powerful emotion behind words and hidden thoughts intertwining themselves with more words.. more thoughts. So many thoughts spiralling out of control and crashing into one another. The Hellions, Vaas, that damn lizard. Mayday Mayday Adstreia flight bay. All of it playing over and over again in a neverending loop. Would it ever stop?

Moments that had long passed torturing her every time her eyes closed. Sparrow was a slave attempting to claw her way out from a heartache that was tearing at her core. One moment she was here, with him, with her family. The next, she was back spiraling towards the ground faster than she could control. She was losing her grip on the fine line between reality and illusion.

Creases formed as Sparrow tried to push it all back, lock it all away in the crypt she had barely managed to keep shut as it was. Vaas was here now, and right now they were talking about taking whatever they could get. He was never going to give up on finding a way for them to be together. But what if he never did? What if they were in fact destined to love each other from a distance for eternity?

'Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that.' The solemn programmed voice that was the pilot assist program looping at the back of her mind.

"No..." a whisper as Sparrow buried her face into his shoulder, squeezing her eyes even tighter at the hope of making it go away. Now was not the time to fade, it was not the time to get sucked back into the warped version of hell her conscious had created. She had her own demons to fight here, with Vaas, and she was willing to do whatever it took to stay put.

Again she pulled back, this time reaching down to pull the black fabric from around her torso. Vaas's hands placing little issue as she snaked it up, pulling the shirt from over her head before discarding it to the floor.

Distraction time.

Open Space / Re: Point of No Return [Crew of The Loveless]
« on: December 14, 2017, 11:31:28 am »
It was all just more evidence of how 'lucky' Dez actually was. First, she thought she had scored so big when crawling into that crate. She had thought she read the label correctly and could've sworn it was destined to be heading somewhere far far away on a ship that was in fact, not this one. Luck only continued to roll in like a set of snake eyes as the ship she had managed to wind up on was staffed with passengers who were less than pleased with her status.

'Stowaway, intruder... annoyance.'

Dez had been called worse things in life by far worse people. Regardless of how they thought, she had gotten on the ship Dez knew all of this was just another scene passing by. Time and time again she had landed in situations similar to this one (minus the being attacked by a headless chicken). Dez would appear and be shunned, therefore making her resort to whatever it took to make her life just slightly less 'unlucky'. Looking out for number one had always been what kept her alive and this situation was no exception.

As everyone filed in Dez took mental note of each face. The man who had given her the puzzle in the very beginning. He seemed nice then, must've eaten something green based on the sourpuss look on his face now. Sourpuss.... yes. The other small one, the one who danced with her in the hangar and copped a feel to grab her Com, Chickenman. There was, of course, the one who made funny noises at her. His eyes were odd and based on the number of lovely candies she found in his ship Dez just assumed that one just had no brain left... she liked him, Candyman.

With hands in pockets, Dez squinted at the one with horns. He deserved a very special name, one worthy of someone who locks people in tiny compartments with nothing but a half-eaten bag of cheese poofs to survive on for eternity. Horny Spider, Seemed fitting in more ways than one. Next would have to be the young one. Dez squinted again as she wracked her brain for a name befitting such an odd duck, Skip

Her blackjack nemesis also deserved a special name, one that probably came the easiest of them all, BlackJack. This brought Dez full circle to the one she could tell hated her the most. His name would have to be the most special of them all. One befitting of someone who clearly hated everything about her. He seemed to have a knack for instructing the others to lock her up or detain her in some way. Clearly he was Warden Kittypants.

With names sorted out Dez was able to finally pay attention to what they were all going on about. Something about Mr. Hoophead and his jacket? Wait... Vacation? Dez emerged from the land of giants and waved her hand to get attention.

"I pose the same questions as Candyman and Chickenman. Also at what point am I being thrown out the air vents, Warden Kittypants? "

Her tone was calm and almost monotone as if being thrown off a ship into oblivion was a walk in the park.

Aedolis Characters / Jasmine Harte, Stage 4 Candidate WIP
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:47:12 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Jasmine Harte
Ethnicity: Aedolian
Height:5ft 9in
Occupation: Stage 4 Candidate
Residence: ATC

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:

   Im too lazy to type this out right now so just look at the picture lol.

   While silent when it comes to words Jasmine is one of the most expressive people you will ever meet. It is quite easy for her to show what she is feeling simply by looking at her facial expressions, not to mention the always present energy of whatever she is feeling radiating off of her.

   Despite being a mute those who know Jasmine personally could easily say she is quite headstrong. She never fails to let someone know how she truly feels whether it be by projecting those feelings or simply reaching out via Telepathy.

   A great way to get on her bad side would be treating her like an entitled brat. Although born and raised in the upper caste, Jasmine does not see herself as better than anyone else and will be quick to remind you of that should she have to.

Fun Facts:
-Just in case you missed it, Jasmine is mute! Born without the ability to speak Jasmine has never uttered a single word. She is also not capable of laughter, wailing or screaming. Her most common means of communication are by either Facial Expressions, Telepathy, Sign Language, or Empathy.
-The Harte family owns and runs the Harte Corporation. They are most commonly known for their ties with the Aedolian Military as a subcontracted company in charge of the railway systems. Yes, this means they make the majority of decisions including travel schedules, rail maintenance/expansions, AND THE FOOD.
-Jasmine is the second in line to the Harte empire. Her older brother currently is training to take over some day.

Telepathy- A master at reaching out to others via Telepathy. Her range is impressive, to say the least and also hard to ignore. If Jasmine wants you to hear what she is thinking... chances are you're going to hear it.
Telekinetic- Absolutely awful. Just a sad excuse for a candidate when it comes to moving objects.
Empathy- Another psionic Jasmine is quite proficient with. Along with Telepathy Jasmine uses Empathy on a regular basis in order to allow others to know what she is feeling. It comes as second nature to her to the point she hardly even has to think about what she's doing when projecting it.

Mother, Father, and Brother - All alive and well.

   Born in the heart of Haviah, Jasmine has lived there her entire life. Unfortunately, with her birth and the lack of making any noise when crying, Jasmine's parents quickly realized their daughter was born a mute. A harmless birth defect to her vocal cords making it impossible for Jasmine to ever utter a single word.
   Growing up without a voice in the public eye was never easy on Jasmine. Most citizens perceive her as a stuck-up snob not only because of her family name but also because she has never spoken a single word when asked a question. It is not public knowledge that Jasmine cannot speak, her parent's not seeing it as something that should be shared for the world to know.
   Jasmine is also the first psychic in her family, though it was known at a young age Jasmine was an empath. Around age 4 Jasmine's parents began to notice first that when Jasmine was upset, they felt upset. As time went on it became clearer and clearer that the silent little girl was projecting her emotions onto others. Fast forwards a few more years and Jasmine had already mastered how to reach out to others via Telepathy or Empathy along with sign language.

Advanced Training Complex / Re: Slowly Fading From the Misery [Goblin!]
« on: December 03, 2017, 02:42:27 pm »
To her dismay, Aspen rolled her eyes when Heather responded with more negativity. She really had tried everything, but apparently, some people just can't be talked to. A few things, in particular, caused an uncomfortable feeling to stir in her gut.

She let her finish, allowing a brief silence to fall while she stood back up on her side of the door. Everything just seemed to be growing heavier, that feeling slowly bubbling and making its way through Aspen's veins. So this was what it felt like to be that angry. Of course Aspen got rattled from time to time, especially in the candidate chat a time or two. However, when it came to actual words coming from real lips Aspen had always just tucked tail and ran. Well except with Sol, but then again was she ever really mad at him?

Violins were always nice. Such beautiful instruments with an even more beautiful sound. Well except in that dire moment when even the slightest amount of too much pressure caused the bowstrings to just... snap.

"You're right! I know nothing! Just how you know nothing about me!" It all happened so fast Aspen hadn't even realized she picked up the textbook, much less hurled it at the door in a fit of rage.

"And you would be lucky to have my pity and disappointment! That would mean I actually see you as something capable of any kind of feelings or emotion other than just straight up hate! You're just as bad as them! Just as bad as whoever in the hell made you this way! You let them make you into this and you let them keep you this way!"

A pang of guilt struck at her last words, making Aspen almost regret saying anything at all. However, after a deep breath, she decided to stand by her statement and instead grabbed her Com, typing in a quick message before grabbing her pillow in one arm and keyboard in the other. She'd rather sleep in the fucking hall than spend one more second with this miserable person. Her negativity was contagious and Aspen would be damned if she let someone like that bring out the worst in her for another second.

Adstreia / Re: Mistake After Mistake [Mara!]
« on: December 03, 2017, 02:15:39 pm »
As his own lips brushed her neck Sparrow rolled her chin exposing the tender flesh, strands of mohagany slipping over her shoulders as she reveled in the moment. If only they could be like this all the time. Just here, enjoying each other for all it was worth with no care on who would see. Unfortunately, her thoughts began to wonder and once pushed back thoughts re-emerged.

Sparrow recalled her heart to heart with Vaas at DoSaM. Telling someone, anyone really, how much they truly meant to her was a big step. And of course, she was able to lay it all out there for him so that he would never question how she felt again. But since then neither had really had more than just a few moments alone. It was such an important moment squashed together in a matter of minutes.


Despite how much she hated it Sparrow pulled back, pressing a hand to his chest to push him away. They needed to talk, they needed to figure out where to go from here. Most importantly, they needed to do it while Grisham was miles upon miles away.

Instinctively her eyes flicked to the door again. All it would take is one wrong step, one bad miscalculation to ruin everything. Sparrow could lose the only family she had ever loved, the only man that ever made her heart beat this way (sorry Neeko), the only place she truly felt was ever a home. Everything that ever mattered to her could be gone in the blink of an eye.

Sparrow could feel her heart jumping in her chest. It felt as if she were choking on air, her throat closing in and muscles tightening at the very thought of losing Vaas and everything else she loved. She would never be able to choose. The Hellions and Vaas, both holding a special piece of her heart. Not to mention the daunting disapproval from the only man that ever made Sparrow feel like she could make someone proud. Grisham had time and time again given her chances, taught her lessons... he never gave up on her. Yet being here with Vaas was a direct way of throwing all of that into the garbage.

Worst of all Sparrow knew that Vaas would feel all of this. With their bond, he would see just how torn she was about everything. She felt guilty, knowing that she loved Vaas so much yet struggling to ever think of picking him over her family. In a perfect world, she would never have to choose, but Aedolis was far from that.

"... are we going to grow old loving each other at arm's length?"

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: December 02, 2017, 05:45:04 pm »
Again Mia couldn't help the slight tilt of her head when the man began speaking with such an interesting accent. It would be a lie to say she wasn't thrilled that he took her recommendation seriously, truly a rare thing.

As he punched in his order Mia studied him, her broken eyes taking in everything she could for the few short moments she could steal away. Couldn't be more than an inch or so taller from her, though hard to tell when he was sitting down. His eyes, reminding her of the morning mist in Margad that lingered above the rooftop flower gardens. Something about that alone making her feel a bit nostalgic. His fingers rough, worn and covered in grease. Based on that and his attire Mia gathered he was a mechanic of some form.


Mia's brain was sorting all of this out, trying to place pieces together to figure more out about the man without asking further questions. It was luck that his next statement would tell her exactly who that was.


With an even wider grin, Mia lifted her own glass and toasted back. She couldn't help but wonder if he knew who she was. He did call her ladybug, but that could easily be a nickname he gave to all the ladies. The smile Mia was widely known for slightly faltering at his question. Not that he was asking if he could stay at the table, but moreso Mia didn't understand what 'this side of annoying' was.

"There is more than one side of annoying?" Settling back a bit Mia's face twisted into full-on confusion. "I don't find your face annoying at all Evan."

"And if there are more sides of annoying is one side more annoying than the others? Or are they equally annoying? Just how many sides of annoying are there?"

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: November 30, 2017, 05:30:28 pm »
Just as she pressed her finger to the screen someone bumped the table, causing Mia's attention to flick upwards. Turns out someone had just sat in the chair next to her and was obviously in some form of mood.


As he whooshed the menu from front to back it caused the hair on her forehead to flip up and then back down, her bangs brushing her nose in the process. Did he really not see her there? Usually, Mia stood out among the Solartan's, her pale skin and bright hair such a contrast to the usual solar acclimated attributes the natives carried.

With the tilt of her head, Mia tucked her bangs back behind her ear, about to speak up when the man let out some kind of statement before pressing his face into his hand. Some may have found all of this rude, except Mia was actually quite entertained by it. So entertained in fact she let out a light giggle before leaning forwards in her chair, folding her hands beneath her chin as she studied him.

"I actually think it would." She laughed, scrunching her nose at the stranger. "Solartans run on bacon, burgers, and grease. Didn't you know?"

Look at her go! Mia was so proud of herself that she was able to make a joke that sounded somewhat normal. She was well aware that for those that did not know her it was hard to understand her sometimes.

"But if you can't handle it I happen to know they make a great barbeque chicken salad here."

The Rest of Aedolis / Dreamin' Of Rainbows[Goblin!]
« on: November 28, 2017, 08:37:28 pm »
Another day placed behind her as Mia sat at the table for two. Another day of teamwork and sims. Another day of smiling, laughing, and joking. Another day of going back to an empty apartment. Another day of silence...

Looking at her Com Mia almost regretted going in early, because then she left early. Nishi was still there and so that meant hovering over her best friend's shoulder was a bust for at least a few more hours. She had already taken her sweet time changing out of her pilot suit into the usual shorts and tank, there really wasn't much more she could do at Valhalla besides linger. It was no better when she thought of going home, it was too quiet there. Everyone was living their own lives, everyone had someone... no one needed her.

The chair across from her seemed to mock her from beyond the menu. Despite how much she tried to ignore it the fact that she was sitting alone was rubbing her the wrong way. Why didn't she take a seat at the bar like usual? It was too late now, she knew if she got up and went over it would be too obvious.

With a heavy sigh, Mia flipped the menu over, pretending to read it even though she had her mind made up of what she would order before she had even arrived. Eventually, even that became boring and she found herself scrolling through the saved pictures in her Com. Slowly a smile began to form as pictures of her squadmates flipped past the screen. She even managed to giggle at one in particular of her and Nishi posing for a selfie with glitter all over their faces. Another she managed to sneak in of Yavul balancing a pen between his nose and mouth during a meeting today.

Yep, sending that one to Grisham.

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