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Communication / To Pilot Echo Tora from Pilot Echo Anderson
« on: October 22, 2017, 07:07:03 pm »
To Pilot Echo Tora from Pilot Echo Anderson

   Hey. I know I haven't reached out in a while but I was kinda just checking in. How's life? Was curious if you had some time to chat?


Advanced Training Complex / Can Never Run Fast Enough [One-Time Thing]
« on: October 21, 2017, 08:04:44 pm »
[One shot]

First it was Soleas, leaving Aspen to move to Stage 5. Next was Matt, moving on to Stage 5 and graduating in the blink of an eye. Slowly Aspen felt like she was watching all of her friends leave her behind while she was stuck forever. Viktor was still around, but his silence after Soleas left wasn't very encouraging. It was like her entire support system had fallen to peices in the blink of an eye. Now all she had left was Vanessa, who was one of the few remaining candidates she felt she could fully trust with anything.

Turns out a few fellow candidates were heading to the cafeteria for a late night snack and as appetizing as that sounded, Aspen didn't feel much like being around people right now. She was still greiving in her own way. Happy that her friends were moving on in life, but sad they left her behind in the process. The world kept turning, everything moving with time while Aspen was at a standstill.

Music roared in her ears as she completed yet another lap around the track. She could feel it now, the burning in her calves and lungs that ignited the will to push on beyond what her body thought she was capable of. It wasn't pain to her, but instead a fire that ignited her will to be more than what everyone thought she could be. She may not have been the smartest, funniest, prettiest, or bravest. But Aspen was determined that if she could be anything, then the fastest was what it would be.

Lap after lap Aspen pushed on, embracing the exhaustion slowly overtaking her body. It was working, slowly she was beginning to forget about all the things she saw wrong in life and instead realizing that she was capable of more than she was given credit for. Screw her parents, screw the other candidates that thought she was nothing but a problem. Screw anyone that ever held a single doubt for Aspen, the girl who would one day rise up and make a name for herself.

Just screw all of them.

From her temple to the floor Aspen had reached her limit and beyond as sweat fell. Each droplet a dark memory as she shed it. After all of that she was feeling quite great, despite the physical exertion she had just caused herself. Maybe she would catch a bite to eat with them after all. No sense in excluding herself when all she wanted was to build bridges anyway.

Flipping open her Com she navigated to the candidate blog to see if Vanessa and the others were still enjoying their late night snack. Maybe she would even enjoy a pudding, just for Soleas since he was no longer there. That is assuming that Tink didn't eat them all before she got there.

All of it, the running and then release of pent up frustration, led Aspen to not realize she was not alone at the track.

"Hey!" another voice causing Aspen's attention to avert away from her Com.
"Come here!" Yet another voice coming from a group of candidates standing a few hundred feet from her. How long had they been there anyways?

Cautiously Aspen made her way over, placing her Com and earbuds back in her pocket. She even managed to offer a genuine smile once she was close enough, offering the group of Stage 2 candidates all the kindness she could. Had this been a while ago, back when she herself were a Stage 2, Aspen would have just ducked her head down and went the other way. However, in that time Aspen had learned that people weren't always as bad as she thought and not everyone was out to get her. The likes of all of her friends had taught her that.

These candidates though were ones she had only seen in passing. She barely knew any of them, only familiar faces here and there every once in a while. Maybe she could change that, invite them to the cafeteria with everyone for some food.
"Hi, I was just about to he-" The blow to her stomach catching her off guard as she fell, clutching at her shirt as she attempted to catch her breath.

"What kind of freak are you!?" One of the candidates yelled out, kneeling down to get eye level with Aspen. "You got some kind of psyionic that helps you run? That's cheating... we don't like cheaters here."

Still short of breath Aspen could barely respond. Instead her lids clenched shut as she attempted to breathe through the pain. Another blow but this time to her temple as Aspen was knocked down.

"I said are you some kind of freak!?" The entire group was laughing by now, making Aspen the center of some kind of freakshow they were turning this into.

"I don't cheat" she finally managed to choke out. "I work hard..." Digging her fingers into the floor Aspen started pushing herself up, still using one arm to brace the aching muscles in her gut. "... I work just as ha-" Again Aspen was hit, knocking her back down and erasing any progress she had made in standing up.

"Oh, so then you're just a kiss ass then?" A different member of the group chimed in as he took a step towards her, sinking the toe of one of his boots into her side this time.
"Nah she's a freak! I've seen her before. She's an illumino. When she gets really scared she dissapears like some kind of freakish ghost." Again the group was laughing.

"Hel-" An attempt to cry for help before yet another blow was delivered to her face. Not like anyone would come anyway. These things happened all the time in here... Aspen was already walking around on borrowed time.

"Dissapear for us freak!"
"Yeah C'mon! Do a magic trick and dissapear!"

The one time Aspen wished she could control her ability like that. Making herself unnoticeable, that she could do. Completely dissapearing on the other hand... an aspect of her ability she had yet to master. There was always the other option, one she hadn't relied on since she was placed into the program. The option she thought she would never have to use again after making friends.

The taunting and tourment continued on for several minutes. Each member of the group seemed to have some kind of special message to relay to her, all of them belittlting her in one way or another. Each one reminding Aspen why every step she had made towards trusting others was a mistake.

People were monsters. Plain and Simple. All they did was leave or beat you down. Nothing more.... nothing less.

She wasn't sure how long she layed there for. A few minutes? An hour? No not quite that long. All Aspen was sure of was that while she just lay there no one came. No one came while she attempted to cry for help. No one came while they beat her or stole her shoes.

Numb to anything else Aspen reached and pulled her Com out of her pocket.

'Vanessa? Are you still in the cafeteria or are you back in our room?' Her hand flopped onto the floor while she waited for a response.

Maybe if she were lucky she could just sneak in and pretend this never happened. Nothing some makeup and long sleeved clothes couldn't hide for a while. There was also the option of just saying she fell.

'Vanessa: Uhh. I'm in the room. Why?'



Slowly Aspen pushed herself up, pulling whatever energy she had left towards cloaking herself the best she could. Now was the perfect time to be unnoticeable. With any luck she would make it all the way back to her room without raising any alarms. Once she got there she would figure out how to explain to Vanessa what happened. Something along the lines of it was her own fault.

Another 'ding' as her Com went off again.

'Tink: if you want food Garza and I are still here.' Avoid the cafeteria... got it.

"No thanks. Maybe another time."

Her Com dinged again shortly after, but Aspen was too worried about getting to her room to read it.

Adstreia / Even the Toughest Walls Can Fall [Lion]
« on: October 18, 2017, 07:24:29 pm »
She knew she had fucked up, and not just a minor fuck up either. Sparrow had managed to not only outrage the entire Valkyries squad with a small comment but also their commander. Their commander who also happened to be a very near and dear friend to her own. She had already sent out her apology, but even she knew that wouldn't protect her from Grisham once he found out. Ever since she could remember he had been the one to reprimand her for such outbursts. Between him and Seiteki Sparrow could feel the shame stares on her back, even if they didn't know yet. They had that much of an influence over her.

Back in Candyland Sparrow having an outburst like that would have been nothing out of the normal. But that was years ago and she had been taught better than that. She knew better.

So why did she do it?

Another question Sparrow didn't have an answer to as she stepped into the simulation room. Maybe if Grisham saw she was working his wrath would be less horrifying. Doubtful, but something she hoped for nonetheless. There was a new batch of assault rifles that needed testing anyways, so why not do it now while trying to hide?

Leaving little time to worry about anything else Sparrow grabbed a sim version of the rifle and signaled for the simulation to begin. Quickly the room twisted into what looked like the inside of a cave. The sound of condensed water dripping in the distance with the musty scent of wet and aged stone filtering through. She was fine for the first few minutes, walking through the cave with the site of the rifle up. Thankfully the scope had night vision, meaning that as long as she held it up, she wasn't affected by the darkness.

"Everything's okay, everything's okay, everything's okay." Her whispers reverberating off the cavern walls as she continued pushing forwards.

With arms shaking and unsure footsteps with each stride Sparrow was clearly not herself as she advanced. It would have been almost like watching a Candidate go through a sim for the first time.

In Sparrow's mind she wasn't walking through a cave anymore, but tucked away in the small rock outcropping she lived in for almost a week. The smell was almost the same, triggering her version of reality to take over. That lizard was out there, watching her. It was flicking its tongue tasting her through the air.

"Someone will come they always come I'm not going to die out here I'm not going to let it get me. Can't let it get me. Don't fall asleep don't fall asleep. You're not tired stay away, don't close your eyes. Don't let it get you." More rambling as she tensed up. Sparrow had completely forgotten she was even in a simulation. As if she was never rescued and never brought to safety.

Then a flash across the site of the rifle. Something was ahead and so she pulled it up close but took a step back as her movements grew more frantic. Sweeping from side to side she tried to catch glimpse of it again, only scaring herself by the lack of anything coming up as she continued to back up.

Then she bumped into something....

All at once all the tension released as her finger pulled the trigger, releasing round after round of nerf bullets into the air at the emptiness in front of her. From her throat came a blood-curdling scream as she continued to let round after round go before the clip finally ran out.

"Come out you son of a bitch!"

Communication / To Pilot Royal Hyakinthos From Pilot Echo Anderson
« on: October 18, 2017, 02:07:28 pm »
   First and foremost I want to apologize for my unprofessional response in the pilot chat. It was wrong of me to taunt your squadmates in the way that I did and I am sorry. It is no one's fault but my own on how my messages are received by others. I cannot expect everyone to understand the sense of humor I carry nor should I expect them to go along with it. My actions were inexcusable.

   Despite what you may think of me I do not hate you nor your squad. I know that at the end of the day we are all on the same team. I realize my actions have fractured the trust the Hellions and Valkyries should hold for one another. I also realize that one day this could cost any one of us our lives if we do not trust one another. Please accept this apology as it is sincere. I know I have been through a lot this past month but it is no one's problem but mine and as such, I should not deflect it on others like I have.

I am a soldier and should act like one at all times.

   Pilot Echo Sparrow Anderson

Adstreia / Mistake After Mistake [Mara!]
« on: October 10, 2017, 11:07:05 pm »
It was a long rail ride back to Adstreia. However, well worth it the moment it passed into the dome. Immediately a sense of ease overcame Sparrow as the familiar sights played outside the windows. It was no secret she wasn't a fan of leaving Adstreia unless she had to and these past few weeks these very streets were one of many things that filled her dreams each time her lids closed.

Immediately she felt a tension release as if the very sight of home was enough to make all the pent-up feelings she had been harboring disappear. She could hardly wait for the rail to come to a stop and for the doors to open to freedom and the moment they did she was practically sprinting to get off of it.

It was still late, or maybe super early to some when Sparrow finally made it to pilot housing, It was still dark out, maybe 0300ish. Despite that, she didn't feel tired in the slightest. The last week she felt like all she did was sleep, or sit in that damn chair. All of it gave her too much time to think of the mistakes she had made.

It was her fault Grisham had to get new lungs. Her fault he pushed himself the way he did all because she couldn't maneuver a jet past some damn birds. Her fault that he almost died.. all because she was fucking stupid, again. Some nights at DoSaM she wondered if sending out her mayday was a mistake. If she had just disappeared then maybe they all would have thought she was dead, then no one would have injured themselves looking for her.

Adjusting the strap on her shoulder Sparrow stood in the elevator, watching as the lights illuminated at each floor. Her wounds had almost completely healed, only yellow colored bruising on her side now. None of that important compared to Grisham's own wounds. She still wasn't sure if leaving him alone at DoSaM was the best decision, but she knew at some point she had to go home. And so here she was, stepping out at the 'ding' insinuating she was on the selected floor.

Footsteps padded against the floor as she walked down the hall, apartment numbers passing by as she strolled towards her own. Except Sparrow kept walking, well past her own and to one not that much farther away. She didn't knock at first but instead took a moment to gather herself. What happened didn't matter anymore. What's done was done and even she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Rolling her shoulders Sparrow knocked, sending out a message along with it.

"Guess who's home, fucker."

Aedolis Characters / Tamia (Mia) Rhianu - Pilot Cardinal
« on: October 01, 2017, 03:40:32 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Tamia (Mia) Rhianu
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Love is love
Species: Human
Height: 5ft 7 in
Occupation: Squadron Member of Solarta Valkyries
Residence: Solarta
Musical Insperations:
Lindsey Stirling- Hold My Heart Ft. ZZ Ward

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:

Credit: MEEEEE <3

Mia's Eyes:

Credit: MEEEEE <3

Dark burgundy hair with pale, pinkish toned skin. Freckles bring out Tamia's unusual 'broken' eyes. Both eyes with Carribean blue and bright emerald green flecks. Her physic is toned (as it is with most pilots) brought on by a strict diet and exercise regimen. 

Tamia also has some artificial parts to her body (see history). She does not like to discuss or tell anyone this. The only people that know other than her father and herself would be those that have to know.


Tamia is known for being quirky, positive, and most of all a bit 'behind the conversation'. She doesn't always understand all jokes and she sometimes takes things a bit too literally. Regardless she still tries to always remain positive, even when she is the butt of a joke. At the end of the day what is most important to her is making sure everyone remembers her as happy and smiling.

Tamia is the ultimate team player and will do whatever it takes to make sure anyone she is working with finds at least a little joy in their day. This could however also be seen as not the best trait. When faced with the decision to put her personal needs in front of others she would without question think of herself last. It leaves her open to being taken advantage of or walked all over, not that she would complain about it.

Another fun personality trait would be that Tamia is almost virtually fearless. Not in an 'I could kill that way' but more in the sense that she finds things most people find terrifying to be cute or adorable. For example; Blood, gore, mutants, scary looking anything = ADORABLE. However, there is one thing she is deathly afraid of... curls. Curly anything is enough to send this girl into a full-on panic. (Some examples would be; Poodles, Curly Sue hair, tumbleweeds, curly fries, curled ribbons, etc.)


   Telepathy and Telekinesis:
      Efficient with both though much more talented with Telekinesis.

   Molydbkinesis subform; Personal Magnekinesis:
      Can create, shape and manipulate her own personal magnetic field, allowing her to attract ferrous materials, attract/repel objects/entities with dissimilar/similar polar charges and/or damage the workings of mechanical/technological devices. (Credit: Superpower Wiki cuz I'm lazy)
      When combined with Telekinesis Tamia could virtually move almost any metal object despite its size and weight.


Name: Jaha
Other Info: WIP


Tamia was born and raised in Margad, her mother passing shortly after her birth. Tamia's father is military, and so she was raised surrounded by that lifestyle.

At age 8 Tamia was involved in a serious accident. Growing up on a military base could pose certain 'risks' for a young girl. Not to mention a budding Magnikinetic surrounded by all that metal. One day while playing somewhere she shouldn't have been to begin with little Tamia set her eyes on the shiniest, brightest thing. To this day she will never forget the curly intricate design carved into the steel casing for the would-be missile. For whatever reason, it caught her eye, and as any curious child would Tamia wanted to touch it. Too bad it was on this day her ability decided to manifest.

 Needless to say, Tamia had 'pulled' the missile casing towards her resulting in the loss of her right leg just above the knee, her right arm just below the shoulder, and part of her skull was crushed nearly killing her. This would ultimately lead to the 'not catching on' or 'not processing conversations like a normal person would' that Tamia embodies today.

Thanks to her father's job and science she was fitted with new non-ferrous robotic limbs covered in synthetic skin. The part of her skull that was damaged replaced with a non-ferrous metal replica along with skin that grows hair just as naturally as the other half of her head. All of these were adjusted or replaced as she aged until she stopped growing. Looking at her today it is almost impossible to tell that part of her is artificial, which is exactly how she likes to keep it.

Candidacy years were as follows:

Stage 1 - Age 13-13
Stage 2 - Age 13-16
Stage 3 - Age 16-17
Stage 4 - Age 17-18
Stage 5 - Age 18-21

« on: September 22, 2017, 10:24:26 pm »
The following message was just received. Source Uknown.

41 54 54 4e 3a 20 41 44 53 54 52 45 49 41 20 46 4c 49 47 48 54 20 42 41 59 a a 54 48 49 53 20 49 53 20 50 49 4c 4f 54 20 45 43 48 4f 20 53 50 41 52 52 4f 57 20 41 4e 44 45 52 53 4f 4e 20 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 49 4d 20 41 4c 49 56 45 20 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 50 4c 45 41 53 45 20 53 45 4e 44 20 41 53 53 49 53 54 41 4e 43 45 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 53 45 4c 46 20 44 49 41 47 4e 4f 53 49 53 20 2d 20 4d 49 4e 49 4d 41 4c 20 49 4e 4a 55 52 59 20 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 41 49 52 20 51 55 41 4c 49 54 59 20 2d 20 4e 4f 54 20 4f 50 54 49 4d 41 4c 20 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 45 4e 45 4d 59 20 4d 4f 56 45 4d 45 4e 54 20 44 45 54 45 43 54 45 44 20 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 50 4c 45 41 53 45 20 53 45 4e 44 20 41 53 53 49 53 54 41 4e 43 45 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 4e 4f 54 20 41 42 4c 45 20 54 4f 20 4b 45 45 50 20 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 20 4f 4e 47 4f 49 4e 47 20 2d 20 4f 56 45 52 a a 47 52 49 53 48 41 4d 3a 20 4d 49 53 53 49 4f 4e 20 41 43 43 4f 4d 50 4c 49 53 48 45 44 20 2d 20 48 41 56 45 20 59 4f 55 20 45 56 45 52 20 53 4b 49 4e 4e 45 44 20 41 20 4c 49 5a 41 52 44 3f 20 49 20 48 41 56 45 21 a

Wastelands / What Goes Up, Must Always Come Down. (Sparrow Crash Thread)
« on: September 18, 2017, 06:01:17 pm »
What if every morning you woke up you could see everything that would transpire in a day? Every conversation, reaction, and result from the moment you opened your eyes until you closed them to start it all over again? Sparrow often wondered what it was like to be a precog, knowing that kind of stuff. Would it make you afraid to get out of bed in the morning if you just knew that day was going to be horrible?

Especially now as she was barelling towards the wastes the thought crossed her mind. That morning if she had known, would she have gone? Or better yet what could she have done differently to prevent the scene unfolding before her now? Shaking it off beneath the mask she pushed the thought aside. She had done everything right. Every precaution had been taken. The engines were checked, every safety measure that could have been taken was.

Even worse were the memories she held for everyone she had surrounded herself with. Would they ever know how much she really appreciated them? She had always been such a smartass that now she wondered if that was all they saw her as. Did any of them know her, truly? Another shake as she dismissed the thought. Of course they did, all of them were her family.

It's funny how when you think you may die you think of stupid things like that.

The jet had already collided a few hundred meters away, the barrell of smoke and fire erupting into the sky evidence enough. Maybe she should have just stayed on the jet and not jumped, maybe then her death would have been quick. Despite having a fully functioning drop pack it wasn't going to be enough. She had jumped too late, waited too long all to record the mayday message that reached deaf ears. Sparrow knew no one was coming by the static she received in response. With her luck the incompitent pilot assist program would mess that up too and send the transcription to another planet.

Sparrow tried to brace herself for the impact, throwing up an electromagnetic field in hopes that maybe she would survive. That was what she promised wasn't it? That she wasn't going to die, that she wouldn't, couldn't.

And then she hit.



That day, just like many others, started out with the usual day to day life Sparrow lived. Wake up, eat breakfast, workout, go to drills. After that, it was mainly patrolling the bay, incoming and outgoing flights, or maintenance. Lucky for Sparrow she had the wonderful pleasure of testing out the new Pilot Assist program installed in most of their newer model jets. She had already had one run in with the program with no success, resulting in a duct tape and broken mess at the end of the day. However, despite that she had been tasked with testing it out during an actual flight.

Something about being trapped inside bothered her. It was just so much more fun to do waste patrols on the back of Tyasja, so much more... liberating. Not to mention this stupid program that was already driving her batshit crazy. Conversation with Tyasja was also surprisingly more pleasant.

"Current altitude, scans and engine functions." Like hell she would ever say please to a fucking robot.

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that." The assist program responded, allowing a long pause as it searched for the data she requested. "I'm not finding anything matching your request for current cans. Could you repeat that?"

"Are you fucking kidding me!? I didn't say cans! I said scans!" Her grip on the control stick tensed.

"I apologize for my error Pilot Echo Anderson, please repeat your question." Another Pilot Assist reply.

Sparrow closed her eyes while pulling in a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. "Current altitude, s-c-a-n-s, and engine functions." She made an extra effort to punctuate this time.

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that." Another pause. "Current Altitude 11,800 meters, Current scans show no changes to previous models. Current jet functions all appear normal."

After about thirty minutes Sparrow asked the same question. "Current altitude, scans and engine functions."

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that." Another pause while the program gathered data. "The weather in Margad is quite lovely today. It is 23 degrees Celcius with only a 6% chance of showers late in the evening."

Sparrow was too defeated to even respond. Instead, she simply tapped the back of her helmet on the seat behind her, rolling her eyes beneath the shield of her mask. She tried to be calm, she really did. She even attempted taking in a few deep breaths to ground herself before finally responding. However, this is Sparrow we are talking about here.

"Are...." another deep breath. "Are you trying to kill me!? You STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!" Sparrow removed a hand from one of the sticks and smacked the dash.

"I'm sorry Pilot Echo Anderson, I did not understand your question. Could you ask again?"

"UGH!!!!!" Sparrow then facepalmed, placing a gloved hand over the shield on her mask. "What did I do to deserve this?" she asked herself, almost whimpering.

It had to have only been five seconds at most, five seconds for the sound of metal grinding and components combusting that escaped the left engine of her jet. Immediately Sparrow snapped to a tension, gripping both sticks as she tried to figure out what had just happened.

"Pilot Assist." Her voice was much more urgent than before.

"Yes Pilot Echo Anderson, How can I help you today?"

"Current altitude, scans and engine functions."

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that." This pause almost seemed too long as Sparrow anxiously awaited the data. She could feel it, not only in her gut but in the steering that something was definitely wrong. "Current Altitude 9,300 meters, Current scans show no changes to previous models. Current jet functions show engine failure in the left engine. The recommended altitude for this terrain is 10,000 meters or more."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." And then it hit again and this time Sparrow caught it. Out of the corner of her right eye, she saw a large flash before a similar sound could be heard from her other engine. The jet shook, and then another flash, and another.
"Fucking birds!?" Sparrow nervously laughed, not believing her eyes as she saw an entire flock of the biggest fucking birds she had ever seen suddenly become a swarm around her jet.
"I'm going to die because of fucking birds!? OH, how rich is this!?"

Part of her was in denial of what was actually happening. No way Sparrow could be taken down by a feathered, beaked, small-brained creature like birds! Yet here she was, in a jet failing because of exactly that. It was ironic, fate, almost too much of a coincidence.

"Pilot Assist"

"Yes Pilot Echo Anderson, How can I help you today?"

"I need you to transcribe a message for me and immediately connect me to Adstreia Flight Bay."

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that." While she waited Sparrow took in yet another breath, trying to calm herself so that hopefully this stupid program didn't fuck this up too.
"Please begin speaking after the long beep, I should also note that your altitude is declining rapidly. I have taken a moment to compute how many minutes before impact. You have, 4 minutes and 28 seconds before ejection from the aircraft is unsafe."

"Mayday Mayday Mayday. Adstreia Flight Bay. This is Pilot Echo Anderson, I repeat Pilot Echo Anderson on flight F1749. Coordinates 42.0571092 X -114.20.2437. Mayday Mayday Mayday. Adstreia Flight Bay. Pilot Echo Anderson requesting immediate search and rescue. My aircraft has been struck. Current altitude 3000 meters. Result in Bird Strike. Catastrophic engine failure on both sides."

Sparrow paused to listen for any kind of response. The static in the background was haunting... no one was listening. No one would get her message until it was too late. No one was coming to help her.

"I apologize Pilot Echo Anderson, it seems we are having issues with your connection."

"Pilot Assist"

"Yes Pilot Echo Anderson, How can I help you today?"

"Current altitude. After please reconnect me with Adstreia Flight Bay"

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that."
"Your current altitude is 1400 meters. You have 1 minute and 29 seconds until ejection from the aircraft is unsafe."

Sparrow closed her eyes again, fighting back the nerves and tears beginning to build. She paused, swallowing as she realized what had to be done. Her tone was now raspier, the lump in her throat growing as she choked on her words.

"I repeat, Mayday Mayday Mayday! Adstreia Flight Bay. Altitude rapidly declining. At 1400 meters! Lattitude 44.0682103. Longitude -114.38.5328." Again she had to pause, this time to brace from another impact. Lights were going crazy on the dash and it was becoming more difficult to keep the jet level.

 "Please advise! Mayday Mayday Mayday! Adstreia Flight Bay!" Nothing but static as she listened again for a response.

"I must advise Pilot Echo Anderson that your aircraft has reached an unsafe altitude for ejection. You are now at 610 meters. Countdown to impact in approximately 1 minute and 12 seconds.

"Abandoning aircraft. Altitude at 610 meters!" Sparrow had already unlatched the clasps that held her to the seat, maneuvering as she began strapping a drop pack to her back.
"Pilot Assist"

"Yes Pilot Echo Anderson, How can I help you today?"

"I need you to transcribe a message from my Com, can you do that?"

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that."
"Give me just a moment to connect to your personal device."
"Connection complete"
Sparrow nodded to herself, a reassurance as she grabbed an emergency kit and strapped it to her belt. After that she pulled the red handle, the one handle she had always been advised to never pull unless it was an emergency. The one handle no pilot ever wanted to have to use.

Flying, that was how it felt as Sparrow was ejected from the jet into the air. Not at all the kind of liberation she was thinking of earlier when comparing Tyasja to a jet. She knew she had jumped too late, she knew the landing was going to be pretty gruesome and that the odds were not in her favor at this moment. But most importantly Sparrow knew one thing for sure.

She was going to try like hell to survive this fucking disaster.

"Pilot Assist" she choked, her eyes scanning the horizon as she kicked on the drop pack.

"Yes Pilot Echo Anderson, How can I help you today?" The voice of the Pilot Assist Program still channeling through her helmet, only now originating from her Com.

"Transcribe the following message to Adstreia Flight Bay, add the heading Attention Pilot Royal Alberich"

"Sure thing Pilot Echo Anderson, I'll get right on that."
" Please continue with your command Private Echo Anderson."

"Grisham..." Sparrow paused, getting choked up again as she realized how quickly she was propelling towards the ground.
"... I am alive. I will not die..." The shakiness in her voice was audible.
"I will not give up. I will wait..." Another pause.
"I will fight..."
"I am a Hellion..."
"Hellion's don't fucking die because of stupid birds!"
"Heh, can you believe it? A fucking bird..." Another moment where Sparrow had to stop to keep herself composed. She whipped her head back as she looked at the sky, afraid to look at the wastes below.
"... This isn't a fucking goodbye dammit! I am not going to fucking die like this! I can't die like this!" Never had Sparrow been so choked up with feelings. In an instant she felt like her life was flashing before her eyes. She was seeing everything she had missed, everything she hadn't done yet.
"Find Me."

"I apologize Pilot Echo Anderson, it seems we are having issues with your connection."

Again she choked.


A cloud of dust and electromagnetic energy collided in the air as it broke apart above the lifeless form dressed in black. She had become one with the environment surrounding her, another peice to be covered and weathered with time. It seemed dust would settle, storms would brew, yet she would stay... just laying there.

Back in Adstreia Tyasja shifted, whipping her head up in alert as she felt the impact Sparrow had just endured. Large wings spread out and momentarily flexed before returning back at her sides.

The following is a transcripted message from Pilot Echo Sparrow Anderson to Adstreia Flight Bay:

-Mayday Mayday Mayday. Adstreia Flight Bay.

This is Pilot Echo Anderson, I repeat Pilot Echo Anderson.

-signal cuts out-

Mayday Mayday Mayday. Adstreia Flight Bay.

Pilot Echo Anderson requesting immediate searc- . My aircraft is.......

-signal cuts out-

Altitude 3000 meters. Result in Bird Strike. Catastrophic engine fai........

-signal cuts out-

Mayday Mayday Mayday. Adstreia Flight Bay.

Altitude rapidly declining. At 1400 meters.

Lattitude: 44.0682103

Longitude: -11........

-signal cuts out-

Mayday Mayday Mayday. Adstreia Flight Bay.

Abandoning aircraft. Altitude at 610 meters.

-Aircraft Signal lost-

The Following is a transcripted message from Pilot Echo Anderson's personal Com to Adstreia Flight Bay.

Graham Cracker I am alive. I will no-

-Signal cuts out-

Find m-

-No further signal can be detected from the aircraft
-No further signal can be detected from Pilot Echo Anderson's Com
-No further signal can be detected from Pilot Echo Anderson's chip

Last known location 44° 4' 5.5308 X 114° 44' 31.3548.

Further translation, as well as an audio file, will be provided after Pilot Assist unscrambles interference.

Thank you for using Pilot Assist Version 154.0167! Have a great day!

Communication / The Diary of Aspen Brookes
« on: August 28, 2017, 05:06:10 pm »
(OOC: Posting as I go. Too much to throw in one big thing. Enjoy the inner thoughts of Aspen!)

Dear Whateveryouare,
   Do you ever wonder if you were meant for more? I feel like no one can see me sometimes. I feel like whatever I do it doesn't make a difference because I am just a tiny speck in this huge world. People walk past me like I'm not even here. My parent's treat me like I'm not even here. Well unless they want me to go play at the park or something for credits. I know that my sister wishes I weren't even here. If it wasn't for me my dad would probably still be with her mom and they would be one happy family.

   Apparently that is what I do. I just ruin everything. Mom tells me that I'm the reason she does what she does. I took her freedom and made her into a parent. I stress her out and send her on these drawn out party days and nights she and dad have. Sometimes I wonder why I am even here. Sometimes I wish I could just dissapear. When dad looks at me sometimes I wish I really could. I know he blames me for what his life is now. If I were never born... everything would be better.

         -Aspen Brookes


Dear Whateveryouare,
   It's another bad day. Havanah came over for dinner and a big fight rang out. I didn't stick around long enough to listen to it all but I did get the gist of it. They were fighting over me... I was the problem again. I'm always the problem. I'm at the park again, I wish I hadn't forgotten my jacket at home because it's cold. I guess I deserve to be cold, my own form of personal punishment for ruining another family dinner.

   I did my best to stay quiet. I didn't even look at any of them while they were all eating this time. I may as well have not even been there. It didn't matter... they still ended up fighting. I don't even know if I should go back home tonight. I have slept on the slide more times than I can count... at least it's kind of quiet here.

       I just wish I could see the stars.

         -Aspen Brookes


Dear Whateveryouare,
   I made a friend. Her name is Jonie and she lives in the building next to ours. She seems nice. The last few days I have actually had fun. We go to the park a lot and pretend that we are superstars. We pretend that one day we are going to get out of this shithole and make something of ourselves. Jonie shows me that maybe life isn't as horrible as I thought it was.

   My parent's told me Jonie isn't allowed over but that's okay. Jonie's mom seems nice, she even gave me some old clothes because mine had too many holes. I have a nice jacket now, one that actually keeps me warm when we go to the park. It's funny how something so simple as a park can be possibly the best thing I have to hold onto right now. It's where we get away... it's where we make something of ourselves.

         -Aspen Brookes


Dear Whateveryouare,
   Sometimes on nights like tonight I think that writing in you is the only thing that keeps me sane. Thanks for always listening.

         -Aspen Brookes


Dear Whateveryouare,
   I'm alone again. Jonie's family moved away a few months ago and I haven't heard from her since. We were supposed to keep in touch. What if she forgot about me? What if I was just another small blip on her radar and now that she is gone I am no longer important? That's what mom told me anyway. She said I am probably the reason Jonie and her family moved away. She said that I am so unbearable that she wishes that her and dad could just move away and leave me behind.
   I wish they would.

         -Aspen Brookes.


Dear Whateveryouare,
   I went to the railstation today. I watched as hundreds of people got on or off going on with their everyday lives. Most of them seemed happy. I think I even saw a few pilots. It must be nice to be so important. I don't know how long I sat on that bench but it must have been for a while because it was dark before I finally snapped out of it. It's like I got so wrapped up in being like everyone else that I lost all concept of time. Of course no one saw me... no one ever sees me.
   I know it sounds weird but sometimes I think I really am invisble. People walk into me like I'm just nothing but a thing that got into their way. Am I really that awful that even people who don't even know me would rather pretend like I'm not even there?

         -Aspen Brookes


   I found out today what happened to Jonie. Turns out all those months ago they moved away there was an accident. The railcar they took malfunctioned and everyone on it died. No one bothered to tell me... I only found out because the super at their old apartment complex told me. I went over and asked if maybe they had sent something and couldn't rememeber my adress so they sent it to him instead. He told me that he told my parents the day after it happened... mom told me they left because of me.
   I want to cry. Part of me wishes I was on the railcar with them. Then it would all be over. I wouldn't be in anyones way anymore.

      -Aspen Brookes


   It's my birthday today. I'm 15. Havanah is supposed to be over later with Pizza. She brings me Pizza every year for my birthday. I actually really like Pizza. It makes me think that maybe everything could be normal some day. I know it sounds funny and makes me seem more weird than I already am but I don't care.

               -Aspen Brookes


Dear Whateveryouare,
   This is the last time I will be writing to you. Dinner last night didn't go as planned. Havanah came over and found me in my room. It got bad. Turns out my birthday is so horrible my parent's decided to overdo it. Dad locked me in my room because I was allegedly feeding the government information on them. I know it makes no sense... but apparently I drive my parent's to beleive the craziest of things. Yeah... mom says I told them that.
   Anyways Havanah came in the middle of all of it and took me away. I got screened and turns out I am an illumino like her. All this time I thought people just couldn't see me because they didn't want to. Actually I make myself that way. I never knew it until now. I didn't mean to be such a problem. I can see now that Havanah is tired. I make her tired. But anyways I am being drafted into the Candidate Program.



Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,
   It's been a while.

So I lost the first one of you, don't know where you went but I hope it was in an incinerator somewhere. So let me introduce myself. I am Pilot Candidate Aspen Brookes. Fun facts about me... I suck at the subject that is people. I also have panic attacks and feel like I'm dying. All of this is unimportant in the eyes of my nation, Aedolis. To Aedolis I am Stage 3 Pilot Candidate Aspen Brookes, Illuminokinetic.

One day I will serve my nation alongside a dragon. I'm special... I'm supposed to help and make a difference, or so they keep telling me. I've come a long way since I last wrote to you. The ATC is like my solace now. The walls keep me safe from my parent's and their lives. They still come and see me, but it's only to get credits for whatever they can get their hands on.

I'm trying to be more positive. In here I have learned that I have a purpose, which is something I didnt have before. It's hard, I won't lie, but I am managing. People still scare me but at least I know that I can kind of protect myself. I have been a Stage 3 for a few months now and realize that I actually have to try and talk to people at some point. There is this thing called the Candidate Blog that a lot of the other Candidates talk in, I may start there. I guess we will just see how it goes.



Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,
   We had a pizza party and I am now known as the girl that is obsessed with pizza. I can live with this...    
   Anyways there was this guy. His name is Vaughan and he wrote me a pizza song. When he sang it I thought I was going to die. Everyone was looking at me and he kissed me on the cheek. Talk about having a panic attack times fifty! I literally thought I was going to pass out at the very least. Aside from that I never got the chance to tell him how much it meant to me. Someone actually took the time to write something.... about me. No one has ever done that before.


Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,
   I never thought I would say this again but I officially have a friend... two friends actually. I got locked out of my room the other night and both of them came to my rescue. They sat with me in the hallway until morning, despite the consequences of breaking curfew. We spent last night in a Sensory Deprivation Tank. Normally the thought of that would horrify me but... I'm glad they were both there.
   I learned so much about both of them that I don't feel so alone anymore. Turns out I'm not the only one with a shit life.



Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,
   Soleas and Viktor continue to prove to me that people are not as aweful as I thought. Soleas is the easiest to talk to... he practically demands it. Sometimes I wonder if he is reading my mind. He asks if I'm okay and if I'm lying he just knows. Soleas continues to prove time and time again that no matter what he is going to be there. Yet another thing I have never had in my life before. I wonder if he knows how much it actually means to me to have him as a friend. 
   Sometimes even when the nightmares come... he just comes to my room and lays in bed with me. We don't talk... we just sleep. Yet somehow knowing that someone is there next to me if I need them seems to keep the nightmares at bay.



Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,

   Today we had a race and I won. Viktor Soleas and I have become a trio of sorts. The two of them are what keeps reminding me that people are not as bad as I had always beleived. The best part was that because I won the race Viktor had to kiss Soleas. After that I left the track, too many people that were too excited. I'm getting better, but not quite there yet to deal with that kind of chaos.



Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,
   My parent's showed up unannounced today. Soleas was with me when I found out and came to meet them. I was embarassed but at least he was there. Soleas is always there when I need him.



Dear Whateveryouareimpos ter,

   We had another race today. Matt and I ran together and of course... I beat him. Matt has become a really good friend. His dad brought him a cake a while back and he gave it to us. I still have the My Little Donkey figurines on my desk. They were the first gift ever to be given to me just because. I will treasure them always.

         Matt also kissed Vanessa because he lost... for once I caused something I didn't regret.



Aedolis Characters / Pilot Noble, Orion Weaver - PR Adstreia Hellions
« on: August 23, 2017, 01:15:49 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Pilot Noble Orion Weaver
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He a ho, dis ho likes all the things.
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Aedolian
Height: 6ft 4in
Occupation: PR for the one and only Adstreia Hellions
Residence: Adstreia

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:

Arts by Meeee <3

   Orion is quite the looker with his ear-length messy locks of black hair that almost always seem to frame his face perfectly without fail. Such dark hair brings out the chilling blue eyes he was blessed with at birth along with his fair skin and prominent cheekbones. As with most pilots, Orion also adheres to a very strict diet and exercise regimen which has maintained his tall and lean build.
   Being someone who takes image very seriously Orion is often seen wearing a black suit and sunglasses. However, in his downtime, he can be found in a pair of dark washed jeans, almost always a belt, perfectly maintained shoes, and a t-shirt or button up. Again... almost always black and accompanied by a pair of shades.


   Orion is calm and easy to talk to. He is known for being a great listener and is quite skilled at taking control of some of the most disastrous scandals. His charisma is top notch, enabling him to be able to talk his way through almost any situation. Another great trait that helps him with his line of work is that Orion is pretty good at paying attention to detail. He keeps detailed records of all Hellions including as much background info as he can gather on them. Those who tend to cause more issues than others are especially prone to being under Orion's 'watchful' eye.
   "Girl... put down that donut. You have a photo shoot in two weeks!" (XD Thanks, Draco)

Orion is like... the Men in Black of Publicity.

   Orion is also a hopeless romantic. He pulls out all the stops to impress whoever has caught his eye. However, he has HORRIFIC commitment issues. Boredom comes quickly. Whether it be 1 or 2 days (the longest being 4) Orion likes to bounce from person to person. This, however, doesn't mean he isn't down for longstanding hookups. That is to say... no strings attached is always best! He once had a partner who demanded monogamy only to sleep with whatever he could in bed, thereby leaving Orion emotionally scarred and skittish. It's better to leave them before they break you, right?


   Telepathy and Telekinesis - Basic to most pilots and Orion is no exception.

   Telesthesia - Has the ability to perceive distant events that are happening at that moment. However, he has to be looking to see it. It's not like he can be walking down the street and be like "oh this super important thing just happened over there... what a coincidence."


Name: Thorne
Description: Long and black with spikes spanning from head to tail. Half of his face and teeth are artificial metal.
Personality: Although he looks scary Thorne and Orion have a very strong bond.

   Orion grew up as an Upper Caste Aedolian who is no stranger to the limelight. Both of his parents were well known and appreciated publicists before him, almost like a family tradition to keep Aedolis's stars on track. An only child he was used to all the attention being on him.

   Candidacy was interesting for Orion. Stages 1-3 were relatively no more difficult for him than others. However, Stage 4 did pose a slight problem. Having Telesthesia made it hard for him to find a mentor to help teach him and help him grow with his ability. It took three years for Orion to get past this stage.
      Candidacy Timeline:
         Stage 1 - 13-14
         Stage 2 - 14-15
         Stage 3 - 15-16
         Stage 4 - 16-19
         Stage 5 - 19-20

__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Sparrow Anderson
Age: 28
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Aedolian
Height: 5ft 9in
Occupation: Hellion
Residence: Adstreia
Musical Insperations:
Dorothy- Raise Hell
Dorothy- Whiskey Fever
Matchbox Twenty- She's So Mean
The Pretty Reckless- Miss Nothing
All Time Low- Damned If I Do Ya'(Damned If I Don't)

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:


Sparrow has dark brown hair usually pulled up into a high ponytail with bits hanging out everywhere or down and just natural depending on how much time she decides to invest in her personal image. Naturally tan skin and bright green eyes reflect her heritage. Very toned and physically fit as a result of hours of training required to be a Hellion.

Would never be caught dead in anything sparkly or fluorescent or bright. Can usually be found in basic jeans and a plain t-shirt or tank top. The most scandalous piece of clothing she owns is probably a crop top.... that is white.


Dedicated, harsh... maybe even a little rude. Well, to anyone that isn't a Hellion that is. Also probably comes off as slightly creepy to anyone that doesn't know her. She likes for people to wonder if she is joking about killing them or not.

Sparrow is not a girly girl, but not necessarily a tom boy either. She is a woman, a woman with needs that she does have met from time to time. However, she is not as in touch with her feminine side as some others.

To her squad mates, Sparrow is the pinnacle of trustworthy. She wholeheartedly believes that the Hellions may as well be her family. No matter what, through thick and thin... she will always be there for any of them. She will laugh, joke and just be there for only them.

A downside is that with the great respect she holds for her squad comes a wrath unlike anything ever seen should someone betray them.

In her free time, Sparrow can often be found either running simulations or at the local bar with a glass of whiskey in hand.


Telepathy and Telekinesis: Very skilled and efficient with both.

Electrokinesis: Being one of the harder psionic specializations to control Sparrow is remarkably talented with it. Be it her tenacity or dedication to being the best she possibly can be Sparrow has dedicated hundreds of hours perfecting this skill. However, even she still struggles with some aspects of controlling it.
   Electro-Agrikinesis- Can create, shape and manipulate electric fields, the force that holds atoms together within objects, machines and/or a field that surrounds and dwell in a person. She can generate electrical fields of her own to form tangible force fields and many other feats or negate existing electric fields. (Credit Superpowah Wiki cuz I'm lazy today)
   ElectroKinetic Aura- Can release and surround herself with electricity that she has pulled for defensive and offensive purposes.

   Name: Tyasja
        Gender: Female
        Description: A large onyx dragon with a mechanic front right shoulder and leg. bright ice colored eyes.
        Personality: Tyasja is a straight up heartless dragon. She normally pays no mind to what Sparrow does unless it directly affects her in some way. However, Tyasja also refuses to speak to any other pilots. Sparrow is the first pilot she has ever chosen and the only one that has ever heard her thoughts. To this day no one knows why this is.


Candidacy Mentor- Seiteki Tora
Commander - Grisham Alberich


Sparrow was adopted at age 4 by a middle caste Aedolian family. She was their 'trophy' child so to speak. They didn't adopt because they really wanted a kid. They adopted because they wanted something to show off and to help them fit in with other families. This is why Sparrow is so hard working because from a very young age she was trying to prove she was worth more than just a place on a shelf to be looked at.

Candidacy was easy (well as easy as it can be) for Sparrow. She was screened at age 13 due to her unknown family lineage and inducted into the program. Hard work and dedication quickly propelled her through the program until she reached stage four at age 16. For two years she concentrated on nothing other than honing her abilities up until she was of age to test out and be selected for Stage 5.

Shortly after graduation, Sparrow was scouted to be a Hellion and she happily accepted. Since then Adstrea has been her home and solace. She no longer has any communication with her adoptive parent's other than the usual card or email saying she is doing well.

Waiting until Stage 4, that had been Havanah's plan for a while now. From the first moment, she was handed Matthew Wright's file she knew it was the best way. It was all there, the proof she needed to decide that he wasn't ready until he had reached the next stage. Maybe, just maybe, something would inspire the boy to move up and obviously, something did.

And hopefully whatever it was that inspired him to try would still be lingering today.

She had already sent him a message requesting his presence in Rec Room 4b and now was just waiting. Adorning a lovely pair of blue jeans that seemed to fit her too perfectly and a long sleeved maroon shirt Havanah looked almost like a civilian. No sense in putting on her uniform anyway... not like she actually had to work today.  With her current suspension looming over her head she also figured that maybe investing some time into Matthew that it would help the time go by faster. Not to mention the added bonus of hopefully getting the inside scoop on how her sister was like from fresh eyes.

So she waited... and waited... and waited. Okay so maybe it was a bad idea to show up an hour earlier than she had told him. It's just... she really didn't have anything else to do (besides Alec XD). And while she waited Havanah went from sitting at a table to pacing and then ending with just leaning against the wall with his file still in her hands.

She was thumbing through it for what felt like the thousandth time. She wasn't quite sure what she was looking for that she hadn't already read. Some hidden answer to life? She also couldn't help but wonder what Aspen's file looked like. What notes had her instructors added to it? What had they thought she would make of herself?

"Get your shit together" she whispered. Again not sure if she was talking to herself or hoping that somehow those words would reach her baby sister.

Havanah then took in a deep breath, pushing down any sad or depressing shit that may have been somehow seeping through. This wasn't about Aspen, this was Matthew. Havanah owed him her full attention and come hell or high water she was gonna make sure he fucking got it!

Slapping on the best game face she could muster she went back over to a table and sat down, crossing her legs over one another while she leaned back into it. She looked almost slightly impatient as she stared at the door. And when Matt finally did walk through he would find a very confident and put together looking Havanah. She had her game face on....

His file was spread open in front of her and if any word at all could describe her right now it would most definitely be disappointed.

Communication / To Candidate Matthew Wright from Pilot Echo Brookes.
« on: August 19, 2017, 01:50:15 pm »
Candidate Wright,
   Please proceed to Rec Room 4b at 16:00 today.

                  Your mentor is waiting.....
                     -Pilot Echo Havanah Brookes

"Candidates Brookes and Blackmourne... next!" All Aspen could hear as the heartbeat in her ears grew louder. It was simulation day and Aspen was scared senseless of what she was about to be thrown into. It didn't even register at first that Blackmourne was Viktor... she wasn't used to calling him that.

No, all Aspen could think about was how each foot step felt as she stepped into the simulation room. Her legs were heavy and her heart was racing as she waited for the scenario to present itself. "Just get through it... just like all the others." she told herself as she swallowed. It was no use though, Aspen was all nerves.

In an instant, the room around them transformed. Aspen found herself standing in a street almost convincing enough to make her believe she was actually outside of the ATC. She didn't like this, having the doubt that the safe walls that have protected her over the last few years were not there.

She could feel herself ripping in half. There was the part of her that wanted to fall to the ground in a full on panic. Then there was the part of her that wanted to fight... the part that wanted to live.

Standing there she waited for instructions, a mission... anything offered to them at the beginning of each simulation. Aspen was visually anxious as her body shook. She couldn't even manage to keep her knees still at first as she tried to gather her wits. The feeling was already growing, that complete and total loss of all function that usually came with one of her panic attacks. She was slowly fading... slowly losing herself to the anxiety that ruled her life.

"Is this what you want? To die giving up?" her sister's voice chiming in at the back of her mind. Havanah had told her this a few years ago in her first year of candidacy. Aspen was so much worse then and on the brink of being Trim'd for sure. Since then these words, this statement, always seemed to get her through most things. In truth, Aspen didn't want to die at all. She wanted to be a great Pilot and a stronger person.

The memory grounded Aspen, halting the panic attack in its tracks as her body recovered. Her knees stopped quaking and her breaths evened out as she began to regain what was going on around her.

"Candidate Brookes ready!" Aspen's voice probably more confident sounding than it had in a long time.

Looking over her shoulder she smiled, assuring her team mate that she was good to go.

"Let's do this."

Advanced Training Complex / Who are you again? (LION!)
« on: August 17, 2017, 01:41:46 am »
The indoor track at the ATC had actually become one of Aspen's favorite places to be. Of course, she showed up with the rest of the candidates for drills but also often found herself here during free time. It had become something almost as therapeutic as when she played.

So there she was, earbuds in, running at first beside a pack of other candidates that were still lingering during the last minutes of their class. And as per usual, her illuminokinesis was present, making her appear duller than normal. Half the time it was in effect she didn't even realize it, almost a natural shield from all eyes at this point in her life.

The burning in her legs something that kept pushing her forwards as she matched the beat of the upbeat song ringing in her ears. She had managed to keep a pretty good pace up until the song moved on, switching to one of her personal favorites.

The moment the song started Aspen could visually be seen loosening up. All of her movements becoming fluid as she quickly broke away from the group, running out in front of them making it look like a cake walk. Her legs and chest were on fire but she didn't care because in this moment Aspen felt truly free. Free from all the standards placed on her by their society and free from the past she was running from. Sometimes it even helped her to picture her parents standing at the starting line, the end goal being to put as much distance between her and them as quickly as possible. Then they couldn't reach her... no one could.

How long she went on running at full speed like this she didn't know. Aspen had gotten so caught up in the moment that it wasn't until the song switched again that she had realized she zoned out. When she finally did stop she looked to see the pack of candidates she had broken away from still halfway on the other side of the track. It was a small victory in her eyes, next time she would try and lap them.

Jogging over to the edge of the track Aspen's hands very quickly found her knees as she hunched over to catch her breath. Beads of sweat were rolling down her face and the muscles in her legs were still pulsating from the rush. Some may call this feeling agony but for Aspen, it was truly riveting.

As soon as she was able to catch her breath she stood back up, placing a hand on each side as she looked around to see if she could pinpoint any familiar faces... nope.

Advanced Training Complex / Who You Are [Lion]
« on: August 07, 2017, 05:25:07 pm »
Part of her felt like she should be nervous that Soleas was coming to her room. However, the other part of her was almost relieved she was about to get this off her chest. So far throughout her entire candidacy, Aspen hadn't made any real friends until Soleas. She wasn't quite sure why but after that night in the hallway and then again in the tank she just wasn't afraid of him anymore.

Something about him she could relate to, maybe the fact that their pasts both fucking sucked. Either way, he was just easy to talk to once you peeled back the layers and looked within. Sol wasn't at all the crazy guy everyone thought he was. No, he was actually a really good person with a huge heart.

He had been to her room before, the night she couldn't sleep and he just laid there with her. If she could go back and tell herself months ago that would have happened she would think herself crazy. The only bad thing about it really was the looks she got after... did they all really think she was like that?

No matter, Aspen had a friend now. A true real friend that she could talk to about anything and she wasn't going to let a bunch of idiot's opinions and assumptions ruin that. Taking one last look around her room she made sure everything was neatly organized. Her books were on her desk along with the My Little Donkey figurines that Matt gave her. Yeah, he wasn't so bad either. Maybe they could be good friends one day too.

Her Com was laying on the bed still open to the blog where Soleas said he was on his way. So now... she waits.

The Citadel / We Need To Talk... [Moonie!]
« on: August 07, 2017, 03:20:42 pm »
Elevator music... quite literally the most agonizing thing in the universe. Havanah tapped her fingers on her arms as she watched the lights illuminate what floor she was currently passing. The moment the light flicked past her own floor her eyes closed, a little reminder of where she was actually going.

It had been a long last few days. First with the constant pull at her stomach knowing she couldn't get Alec out of her head, then the issue with Kazoo, followed by the events that transpired when she tried to run. All of that wrapped up quite nicely with the inpending threat of Cinna's well-being surfacing last night. Havanah had been a busy little bee dealing with all of it and it showed.

Maybe her excuse for leaving Soba and the others because of a stomach ache wasn't completely a lie. Her stomach did hurt, as did her chest, hand and ass. None of it mattered though since she spent the night searching Sector C for any kind of clues. And now, well now all she wanted was to sleep before going back out. A few hours rest to rejuvinate her mind and body before searching again. Yet despite all of that exhaustion and pain she couldn't think of anywhere more comforting to be than with Alec.

"Ugh!" she groaned, stepping back in the elevator to hit her head on the wall in frustration. One bruised and one tired hand rubbed at her eyes as she tried to sort all of this out. Why was Alec the most comforting thing she could think of? Why not just go home and sleep in her own bed?

"Because he's not there." She found herself answering her own internal struggles.

Again she groaned and rolled her eyes, almost missing the 'ding' insinuating she had reached her destination. A few short steps and she saw him, standing in the doorway as he said he would be. Most would say he looked angry with his arms crossed and that look in his eyes. Havanah though saw instead how his hair was a mess meaning he hadn't rested well either. He was still in his pajama pants, a 5 o'clock shadow already growing on his face. Alec looked just as miserable as she did.

Havanah herself was in her grey jeans and black boots. She had changed before going out searching last night. Thankfully she still had Alec's sweater with her when the temperature dropped, or else she would have probably looked even worse. But even with his sweater loosely hanging on her Havanah looked a little worse for wear. Her hand was still bruised, not to mention it hurt like a bitch. With each step towards him there was  slight limp, the residual pain from those stupid needles still in there in her ass.

As she closed the distance she could feel her chest growing tighter, as if her body knew something she did not. It was just Alec after all... wasn't it? It wasn't until she was almost to his doorway did it hit her what she had actually done to him. Havanah assumed he was ingoring her over the last few days so she made it very well known she was out doing god knows what without him. Then, she went and slept with Kazoo... something that still made her stomach turn. It's not like he wasn't great or anything... but again... it wasn't Alec.

She had been so stupid, so reckless, so heartless. As soon as he was within distance Havanah lunged forwards, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his chest. "I'm so sorry!" Her muffled sob almost inaudible. In this moment she didn't care if he was mad at her. Alec could have pushed her away and she wouldn't care because at least she was here with him.

"I'm so so sorry Alec."

Aedolis Characters / Havanah Brookes, Pilot Echo, Inquisitor
« on: July 30, 2017, 09:33:44 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Havanah Brookes
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Aedolian
Height: 5ft 8in
Occupation: Pilot Inquisitor
Musical Insperations:
I Prevail - Scars
Kesha- Woman

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
   Blonde hair and pale green almost blue eyes compliment Havana's light and ashy skin tone. Unlike her sister who bears dark hair Havanah inherited her blonde locks from her mother, however, they both have the same enchanting glare. Her body is toned due to an intense physical regimen that Havanah sticks to. She believes whole heartedly in being fit and at the top of her game all the time.
   When not in uniform Havanah wears a pair of dark gray jeans accompanied with a light gray sweater, sometimes a leather jacket over depending on the weather. At her apartment, she can often be found in a pair of purple sweatpants in exchange for her jeans.

Photo Credit: Josh Norman

   Confident is definitely one word to describe Havanah. She's not snarky per se, but definitely, knows what she wants when she wants it. This doesn't mean she can't be funny when a situation calls for it. She can actually be easy to talk to (if you want an honest opinion) and actually enjoys the company of others. Beneath her wondrous attitude is just someone who finds joy in the little things and is often trying to make new connections with people.

   Havanah is actually quite protective of her younger half sibling, Aspen, than she lets on. She is constantly checking in on her. Even though it seems all she can give is tough love in truth all Havanah wants is for her little sister to be a strong independent woman one day. She's willing to do whatever it takes to get her there, even if it means having Aspen think that she is nothing but a grump.

   This, however, doesn't mean that Havanah doesn't have a dark side. As her profession calls for it Havanah can be cold and to the point and is actually quite good at manipulating a situation to better fit someone's mood. I mean that is what she does after all, even without the power of empathy she is renowned for her ability to get into someone's head. She only acts like this when she has to though and deep down doesn't enjoy it as much as she lets on.

   Telepathy and Telekinesis: Havanah is average at both, equally just as good with one as she is the other.

   Illuminokinesis: Using this ability in her line of work Havanah creates whatever image is necessary to break down someone's walls and make them vulnerable. Imagine it as her sledgehammer to even the toughest of obstacles in someone's mind.


 Havanah owns two ferrets named Beau and Rayne. She finds them to be a pain in the ass sometimes yet enjoys posting pictures of them in cute outfits online and spending however many credits it requires for them to have THE BEST stuff. Havanah is a closet Ferrett junky.


Aspen Brookes - Sister

Pilot Noble Alec Holding - Boyfriend - AKA the guy who puts up with her crazy ass <3

Candidacy Mentor - Cameron Mathers

Name: Anson
Gender: Male?
Personality: Anson can be a bit of an ass sometimes. He is harsh and to the point yet somehow he and Havanah see eye to eye on most things. From the moment the two of them bonded, they have each had a mutual unspoken understanding of one another.
Description: Large and light gray, almost white with cybertronic veins running underneath the majority of his skin. He almost appears blue to the untrained eye.

   Everything was going great despite Havanah's family being members of the lowest caste. Her mother and father loved one another and most importantly their daughter. All of that changed around Havanah's 8th birthday when suddenly she had another sibling.... from a woman that was not her mother. Turns out her father wasn't the most faithful and so her parent's seperated, Havanah's mother taking sole guardianship of her.

   Even without her father around Havanah's mother gave her enough love to replace what she had lost. One parent was just as good as two as far as she was concerned and so it never really affected her all that much. Growing up Havanah saw her father turn from the loving man she once knew as 'daddy' to the monster riding on the tracks of a never-ending bender. Worst of all she saw her little sister stuck on the same tracks as him.

   At age 13 Havanah was picked up and entered into the Candidacy program after a mandatory health screening, turns out... she was pshycic. At age 14 she moved through to Stage two, followed by stages three and four, and finally five ending her candidacy at age 19. It didn't take long for her to find her place among the pilots as an inquisitor and so life went on... well for Havanah it went on.

   Once a year on her little sister Aspen's birthday Havanah would visit, checking in on the sibling she had mixed emotions about for most of her life. Years went by of awkward dinners over some Pizza to celebrate the birth of a child that could have ruined Havanah's life if she let it. However, instead of hatred for this little dark haired girl Havanah felt pain. It wasn't Aspen's fault she was dealt such a shitty hand at life and so she vowed to do whatever she could to be what her father and stepmother couldn't be.

   During a visit to Aspen on her 15th birthday Havanah picked up on something, something that could only be described as a miracle in her eyes. Aspen was psychic too, and so she reported her sister to the ATC, therefore resulting in her being immediately drafted into the program. Since then Havanah has kept a distant eye on her little sister, only stopping in should her sister need some straightening up or to be set back on the path of straight and narrow. Havanah is determined to make Aspen strong enough to stand on her own, knowing that one day she may not be around to help Aspen anymore.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

(OOC: No posting order I assume, just keep track of your charries conversations ^.^)

Staring at her own reflection Aspen took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she tried to muster the courage to meet everyone in the rec room they established for movie night. Her fingers curled around the edges of the sink as she leaned in closer, furthering the study of her own reflection one more time. "You can do this Aspen..." a mantra she repeated while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear that wasn't quite long enough to be pulled back with the rest. "You talk to them on the blog all the time... this is no different."

Flicking off the light she stepped out of the bathroom and looked at the empty bed next to hers. It used to belong to another girl, but she didn't make it to Stage 3 and Aspen had yet to be assigned a new room mate. It could have been the reason she decided to reach out and plan this entire party, being alone all the time... it's not great for your mental health, or so she was told. Another reason is that she was supposed to be focussing on team work and so distancing herself and hiding in her room all the time wasn't going to cut it anymore.

It would still take a few minutes for Aspen to finally gather the courage to exit her room and when she finally did the moment her door clicked shut behind her she could already feel the anxiety building. With each step down the hall, she held her hands straight at her sides, fists clenched in balls of nervousness. "Come on Aspen! Get it together!"

If wasn't intentional at first, the lack of luster about her. Aspen had grown so used to making herself as dull as possible that by now it was almost like second nature to do it every time she left her room. Taking a mental note she uncloaked herself, causing her anxiety to multiply at least tenfold.

And then.... as if it couldn't get any worse Aspen discovered she was the first to arrive. Immediately she regretted leaving so early and debated turning back around. "You're the only one here! Oh no!". Stepping further into the room Aspen's breaths drew heavier as she began to panic. "What if no one comes! Great job Aspen! You are a joke!"

Placing one hand on her hip while the other rested on her forehead Aspen tried to calm herself down to no avail. "Just go back to your room and forget this ever happened. I can make friends another time... clearly, I'm not ready for this." Yet despite how much she wanted to leave Aspen stayed put, blankly staring at the wall with her back facing the doorway. "If I leave now I could run into someone which would be worse."

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