A Different Kind of Check-Up [Rhi bby!]

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The echoing clack of her heels signaled her arrival, as it always did. They were firm and loud and clearly carried her voluptuous form with dedicated purpose down the corridor. Most people who knew, or even recognized, the golden haired kitsune stepped out of her way, sometimes giving a soft greeting which she matched with a nod of her head. As always, the heavy braid hung down her back, swaying just above her dress-clad rump with the movement of her gold hued heels. The dress itself was somewhere along the lines of autumn-leaf red, sort of between a red and an orange, and quite striking with the rest of her warm color pallet. All she carried with her was a clipboard, one arm holding it to her side while the other swung freely with her strides.

A jab of her thumb opened the lab door with a hiss, and she swept in with grace and a somewhat frightening degree of authority, the door sliding shut in her wake. Her test subject for the day would have been perched on the medical table, not strapped down surprisingly, though the lab was also abruptly bare of anything other than that table and a single chair. Both of them were bolted to the sterile floor.
An unusual visit, to be sure, but Asuka seemed unperturbed as she settled herself into her chair and crossed her legs at the knee. Tapping her clipboard with a silver pen, she didn’t take note of Asher for a long moment. And then her single honey amber eye flickered up to pierce him with the gaze she was infamous for.
“Asher, have you ever thought about how it is you do what you do?”
The name bomb was likely much more abrupt than her question could have ever been.
And she didn’t even bat an eyelash.

Sitting at the edge the table dressed in the usual plain clothes of a subject, Asher glowered at the door as he waited to see who he'd get today.

If he still believed in any gods, he would have hoped to them that it wouldn't be Benett. But even more than that, he was pissed about this room's set-up. Of course, given his behavior, they often put him in rooms like this unless he was restrained, because while sometimes he behaved, other times he lunged for a scalpel or a tray or whatever else was in reach and, well, the good doctors had quickly learned not to take chances. Of course he wouldn't get a normal room. Didn't stop him from being bitter about it, though. Even if he was in the "I'll behave" sort of mood, he at least liked seeing loose objects in the room so that he could fantasize all the different ways he'd like to use them to kill these damned sadists.

It was a healthy way to pass the exam.

Then came the sound of heels clicking on tile, his only hint as to who it was, though all he could get from it was "not Benett".

Then entered the foxy ice queen.

Asher wasn't sure if he should be relieved or not. On the one hand, he got better eye candy here--kind of, he had a hard time seeing the attractiveness of any of these people here through the cloud of his utter loathing. On the other...he wasn't really sure what to make of her beyond that.

Silence passed between them and he watched her through narrowed eyes, legs swinging idly as he leaned back on his hands. When she finally spoke, the abruptness--and her question--made him jump and sit upright.

"Have I ever...what?"

With the same exact pitch and tempo as before, Asuka repeated her question.
“Have you ever thought about how it is you do what you do?”
She shifted, re-crossing her legs, the clipboard now balanced on one knee as she relaxed back into her seat somewhat. Her golden fox tail flipped idly next to her, both sharp kitsune ears trained on him. Just like that piercing gaze, unwavering, warm in only it’s color, but otherwise unreadable.
“Let me be more specific. Your psychic abilities. Have you ever thought about how it is you can do it? I know that telepathy is rather abstract even for the best of us, so let’s focus on your cryokinesis. You can freeze things. It’s a physical manifestation of some mental process of yours. Did you ever stop and think about how it was you were freezing something solid?”

Her voice was smooth and sweet like honey, but it was as if a natural part of her, and not something she was doing purposefully. Indeed, despite all her ‘allure’, she exuded that perfect ice queen aura. She was not here to get friendly - not with Asher, or anyone else for that matter. Though she HAD used his name…how or why she would have dug that up was anyone’s guess.
Another flick of her tail, and she tapped on the clipboard again with that pen.
“My name is Asuka Chiyoko. I’ve been here for 20 years, but I don’t generally interview our subjects. My main job is collecting and compiling all the data that is gathered, and then forming hypothesis based on the information. My main focus is the mechanics of how psychic abilities work. How does the force of your mind cause atoms to slow their vibrations? Why is it not stronger? Could you feasibly learn pyrokinesis by simply reversing the process? These are the types of questions I must answer.”
There was another long, odd pause.
“I think you can help me answer them Asher.”

Asuka's questions where met with a blank, uncomprehending stare that slowly evolved into an 'are you shitting me?' look. Him? Help her? Haha, that was rich.

"," he finally said, and then let out a harsh laugh. "I just sorta do it. Never thought 'bout the how. Never fussed much with tryin' 'cause I didn't wanna get drafted or some shit, so I tried to fly under the radar--fer all the good that did me. Shoulda been drafted. But okay, okay. So, let's assume I had thought about it."

He leaned forward, resting his elbow on his knee and propping his chin up on his hand, and flashed an empty smile. "What the fuck makes ya think I'd help ya? Ya outta yer goddamned mind, woman? I get absolutely nothin' out of any of this and I sure ain't doing shit outta the goodness of my fuckin' heart."

Asuka gave an elegant shrug of her shoulders.
“Perhaps you should have. At least then it would have been a gilded cage. Though I hear some actually take to it quite willingly after a time. But the Pilot program is well outside my realm of influence for the moment.”
She met his hollow smile with her ever-unflinching stare, unreadable and unmoved - even with his seemingly blunt, even scathing words. There was not so much as a golden eyelash batted at his rebellious streak.

“It wasn’t a question of whether or not you would Asher. I have you in this lab, and I will be studying you, regardless of level of consent. A privilege of my position, if you like.”
She stood in one liquid motion, the picture of grace and elegance poured into a physical form. It certainly made clear she was not human, perhaps even more so than her animalistic appendages.
“I can’t actually expect your cooperation. There is little I could offer you in temptation, and by now you are likely too jaded by this environment to even consider accepting. I am a firm believer in ‘making do with the hand you are dealt’, but your life is short and your future is bleak. I would not hold such bitter, resentful sentiments against you, give your circumstances.”
Looking away for a moment, she motioned vaguely at the air with her pen-wielding hand.
“Everything is ugly, as far as your eyes can see and beyond.”

Returning her gaze to him, she abruptly flipped the clipboard around. On it was a single sheet of paper, and on that, a large bold triangle.
“Memorize this shape.”


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