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Author Topic: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)  (Read 1431 times)

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A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« on: July 26, 2008, 11:02:58 pm »
Quietly, Vaughan sat in the library, his lower lip clamped between his teeth and his cheeks puffed out with air. More homework. Lots and lots of homework. Vaughan ran his hands through his spiky red head and groaned into the book in front of him on the table. This sucked. He couldn’t do this. Write songs… Write awesome songs and that would be fine, this was math.

Vaughan failed at math.

Even from the day before, all that help! Still failed. Vaughan let his forehead thump against the book and he blew the air out of his mouth before grabbing the pencil and chewing on the bottom, his fingers tapping against the table. A frustrated noise left his mouth and he huffed loudly, glaring at the question. Only a few more pages before he was caught up! It was like the information had been with him up until he went to bed, but after he woke up today… Poof, all gone.

Bye-Bye math.

He’d wandered around for a while, hoping to run into Nika again. No luck. A sigh and Vaughan glared at the problem on the book. Willing it to tell him the answer, but still… Nothing. “Where’s some help when you need it?” He whispered quietly before tapping his fingers, and the pencil against the table in rhythmic patterns.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2008, 11:31:58 pm »
"Right behind you." Nika leaned over Vaughan's shoulder, similar to the way he had when he had first met him, glancing down at the paper. He had some homework he needed to work on, so he had headed to the library.

How nice that instead of having a dull afternoon of homework there was the cute redhead from yesterday. Vaughan. He was interesting at least. And Nika always liked pretty people. So he moved away from behind Vaughan, taking a seat next to him, "Still stuck on math?"

A bright, perfect smile, revealing Nika's even white teeth, "I can show you some more tricks. You should take notes this time." Nika didn't mind tutoring the boy, he liked having someone to hang out with. He wasn't really used to it, not having many playmates growing up.

Partially because of his mother being famous and partially because Nika had a tendency to hurt the other kids he played with. Though he really didn't see the problem with it, but other people had. So he had learned to try and avoid doing that. At least if he was going to get caught.

The dark haired candidates scooted closer, planning on helping Vaughan regardless of his answer and he liked being close to the redhead. He smelled nice and his body was warm. Nika liked that quite a bit, "Oh. This stuff isn't too bad. We'll be done in no time!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2008, 02:17:48 am »
Vaughan jolted silently when the voice spoke into his ear. His hands tightened on the edge of the desk and he let out a slow breath, that wasn’t as horrible as he thought it’d be. Clearing his throat once and leaning down to pick up the pencil that bounced out of his hand and onto the ground, when he got back up, Nika was taking a seat and already helping him! Sort of.

The red head gnawed on his lip and pulled out a sheet of paper from his note book, the pencil poised over it to write. He quickly scribbled “Math Help With Nika” over the top in delicate looping letters, because Vaughan wrote his lyrics by pen or pencil so much, his script was neat and almost like calligraphy. All his talent went into writing, it was hardly a wonder why he sucked at math.  “Ready to take notes, Teacher!” Vaughan said cheerily, leaning a little closer to look at the page.

“What question are we going to look at?” He inquired, looking up at Nika before winking and poking him in the side. Might as well bother someone while he was here, it’d been nearly an hour of staring at the question and willing it to answer its self. Pure horror, the entire time.

Stupid math.

But good Nika! He was good at math, so, thank the gods for that!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2008, 08:35:26 am »
The pretty redhead was startled. Nika had been so very tempted to lick his ear when he saw him tense in surprise and just a little bit of fear. Made Vaughan's blood pump a bit quicker, which Nika liked. It was a little distracting though, hard to pay attention to math with such an interesting toy.

Something about Vaughan just screamed prey to him. Nika couldn't really put his finger on it, but the redhead reminded him so much of some sweet, cuddly little pet. Nika's pets had never lasted long before they 'ran away.'

"Nice writing." The boy grinned happily, tossing some of his hair out of his eyes. He hadn't bothered to spike it up and it got in his way a bit. Next time he would have to put some bobby pins in it to keep it back.

Reaching an arm over, Nika pointed to the problem Vaughan had been looking at, "This was the one you are working on, right? So lets do this one first. While you are doing the grunt work on it, I can check over any work you've already done."

Which was assuming that Vaughan had done any other work. But Nika could always hope. He plucked the pencil and began to write out a formula under "Math Help with Nika" "These problems can get a little tricky if you aren't careful. But I, being the amazing Nika, have a plan."

Nika wasn't always a great tutor, as he would sometimes skip a head a bit assuming that something was simple to everyone if it was simple to him. But he was patient and good at realizing when Vaughan was lost. And he didn't seem to get angry at Vaughan.

((OOC: Rina is the lame at math, so most of the actual tutoring parts gonna be a bit abstracted XD))
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2008, 03:36:30 pm »
A wet pink tongue reached out and wagged at Nika when he made the comment about having nice writing. “I should hope so… It’s the only thing I can do. That’n’sing.” He said, offering his new friend a smile. He missed when Pari helped him do his hair, there were bobby-pins and clips in it and little pink bows. Vaughan blinked a few times and shook his head, no use thinking of that here. Funny how simple gestuers, like Nika playing with his hair, made him think of something else.

“Eh? Oh. Here.” Vaughan smiled and passed the note-book, he’d gotten some of the questions done… A good amount of them before he went to bed the night before, but when he woke up… It was all just… Gone. Vaughan licked his lips and shifted in his chair, unconsciously sitting closer to Nika to look at the page he was writing the formula wrong.

So damned simple.

Vaughan let out a medium-loud grown of despair and let his head smack against the table. So easy, he sighed and shook his head slightly. “That easy eh? You really are amazing Nika. Thanks for your help.” Vaughan winked, his thick black eyelashes making his amber eyes almost yellow or gold, a pretty colour. Didn’t match his bright red hair, but, good thing that would go away eventually.

So, for the next little while, Vaughan would do the math and poke Nika lightly and purse his lips and whisper his question. Quiet of course because it was the library, not entirely caught up with work, but damned close. Vaughan looked at the questions on the page, all done for now, until he got the whatever-he-was-supposed-to-do-next work. Not sure what it was. Probably more scary math. Yuck. Math.

He propped his hand up on the table and started doodling on another recently torn out sheet of paper, swirls and intricate looking blades. Vaughan could draw too, swirls and pointy things was his forte, everything else looked like blobs. “So, how’d you get pulled here, again? Willingly or did a pilot find you, too?”  He put the pencil down and looked at Nika, giving him all of the attention he could offer before winking and sticking his tongue out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2008, 12:17:51 am »
Nika liked to watch people, watch how they did tings. Nika spent so much of his time imitating how normal people acted he liked to see what they did. And Vaughan was very good looking and quite flirty. Nika liked having attention payed to him. He smiled playfully back at Vaughan, glowing with pleasure, "I'm sure you have many other talents then that. like making friends. And imitating masturbation."

As Vaughan worked, Nika went over the work Vaughan had done. There was a few places he had done a small error here or there that Nika circled, but mostly it was a simple addition or subtraction error then a mistake in the formula.

"Not bad. You aren't as bad as you make out to be. Keep the notes and you should be fine." A wide smile, pleased that Vaughan was moving closer, "And I'm happy to help when ever you need it. I don't have much to do most of the time."

The homework was pretty easy for Nika, though he didn't try to ace it all. Then they might give him harder work. So he just got between 90-100% on his things, "And of course I am amazing. More people just need to realize that."

Nika started his own work, letting Vaughan finish up the rest of the work, whispering answers to his questions. And accidentally brushing his arm against Vaughan's. Nika was finding himself attracted to Vaughan, which was actually rather rare for him. Normally sex held little interest to him. But the redheads bright personality and extroverted nature appealed to Nika.

The question surprised Nika and his pale blue eyes widened slightly. That was an awkward thing to answer. Did he lie, or maybe just leave out details. But that probably wouldn't do much good. The truth was coming out, "I wasn't unwilling, I had just never thought about it. I don't mind being here, if that counts. But....um...I sort of sent two kids to the hospital due to massive blood loss."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2008, 04:13:31 am »
A choking laugh could be heard and Vaughan quickly clamped his hand over his mouth so he would die quietly. Wouldn’t be well to disturb the quiet of the library, Vaughan quickly looked around and coughed quietly before putting his hands flat on the desk, shaking his head. Imitate masturbation. That was unexpected, the best thing he’d ever heard, but completely unexpected. Vaughan felt his cheeks tinge and he tried not to grin.

That was still so horrible. Poor guy.

Vaughan returned to work before eyeing Nika, winking widely and giving his lower lip a quick lick with his pink tongue. “Imitation isn’t the only thing I’m good at when it comes to masturbation.” Then he turned and resumed work, going on until he asked the question about becoming a candidate, watching Nika for his reaction. It was… surprising.

Amber eyes watched pale blue, leaning closer and watched him while he spoke. Sent two kids to the hospital because of massive blood loss. Vaughan leaned away a little and then looked at Nika, didn’t seem to dangerous now… Maybe something happened? Psychic powers came in all shapes and sizes! Vaughan had no idea what his were like yet, would probably get to figure out if he could pass the first stage…

“Hmm… Were you okay?” Vaughan stuck his tongue out and stuck the first ring between his teeth before he reached a hand to play with the piercing on his eyebrow before running a finger down the shell of his ear, as if checking to see if all his rings were there. All check! He smiled slightly and cracked his knuckles before propping his head on his hands and his elbows on the table. “My mentor found me.” Vaughan nodded slowly, “We were in the middle of a set when I noticed him in the crowd, swore into the mic.” A solemn nod and Vaughan smiled at Nika again, “Then I packed and came here! It’s okay so far, I guess. ‘Cept for sucking with math and… everything psychic-y.”

His lower lip poked out his lower lip and pouted over at Nika.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2008, 12:05:22 pm »
Nika looked highly amused at Vaughan's reaction, grinning widely at the singers attempt to not laugh. It was really amusing to be around Vaughan, things were always more fun. And Vaughan seemed to like him, which was a bit of a first for him.

Vaughan's comment got Nika to lean forward, tilting his head to look up at the redhead. His pale eyes watched the boy's tongue move across his lips. Nika couldn't really figure out why he was sexually attracted to Vaughan, but he was. Chewing lightly on his lip, he smiled again, a bit more sultry, "Oh really? Will I get a show of that too?"

And Vaughan's nervousness over Nika having put people into the hospital didn't lesson Nika's urges. Though he wasn't as pleased by it the fear the way he normally was. But it was still pretty to look at. And watching Vaughan play with his piercings reminded Nika of the fantasy from yesterday. watching Vaughan writhe as Nika ripped them out, tasting the blood from the wound.

A quick blink and Nika focused on the singer again, pulling out of the fantasy with a smile, "I was fine. Mostly. Only minor injuries from where they beat me up before hand." Nika leaned closer, pressing his shoulder against Vaughan's, "Set? o, yes. You are the singer, yeah?" From some band. A few of the candidates were nuts about it. Nika had never heard of them though.

"Don't feel so bad. You don't suck at math, you suck at remembering. And I can hardly read minds. You'll get better."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 11:56:11 am »
A crooked lop-sided smile played on his lips and Vaughan put on a fake-orgasm face and moved his hand suggestively before eyeing Nika and trying not to laugh. “There, a show to hold you over until I know how old you are.” If Nika caught the hint – there was no actual prize for telling him – Vaughan would know how old this guy was.  Didn’t look very old, maybe a little younger than him? He pursed his lips and then stared at his hands on the desk, fingers threading together while he lightly tapped his feet on the ground.

His dark eyebrows drew inward in a fore-head frown and Vaughan reached out on the desk and stretched. “Bunch of bullies? They deserved the hospital then.” He sneered before pursing his lips and looking sideways at Nika and smiling, nudging back  and smiling brightly. “Yeah, I’m the singing one! Like a bird. Tweet-tweet!” He said quietly before pressing his head against Nikas, a sort of resting pose. His fingers tapping at the table in a pattern to one of his favourite songs.

“Pfft, I suck. I can’t eve add and subtract correctly.” He pouted and rubbed at his chest before sticking out his tongue, showing how oddly long it was with it’s two barbells and wagged it. “ They get annoying when I eat.”

(( T__T It's so short and full of ph417))
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2008, 11:28:25 pm »
Nika laughed as quietly as he could, hand over his mouth. There was just something about Vaughan that Nika really like, he felt relaxed around him. It was easier to pretend around Vaughan. He tilted his head, still grinning that huge smile of his and he gave the singer a wink, "I'm 17. So totally legal."

"What is your music like?" Nika was quite musically retarded. He didn't really have an ear for it, though he wasn't very fond of bubbly pop music. Probably because it reminded him of his mother. But he was pretty sure that normal people would care. Should he be excited. Nika...really wasn't sure. A flicker of worry passed over his expression before he was smiling again. He would just have to guess.

Then Vaughan was pressed against his head and for the first time, Nika felt pleased at someone being that close to him. He liked the feeling and Vaughan's lips were so very close.

Nika's look was slightly glazed as Vaughan showed off his piercings. He was imagining other things. It was a little much for the boy, not being used to such feelings and not having the ability to handle them. He leaned closer to Vaughan, smiling lightly, his face almost touching the redheads, "You shouldn't tease you know."

Then he closed the distance, pressing his lips against Vaughan's.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2008, 12:23:29 am »
“Totally legal, eh? I’m seventeen, too.” His black eyebrows perked up and he smiled at his friend, watching his notebook carefully, willing it to do the mistakes he’d made. Oh well, he could do those later while he was supposed to be sleeping, sleeping sucked, taking his medication sucked, so he would just do work instead of needed sleep. It worked well for him!

A bit of a smile was on his lips when Nika asked him what kind of music. Vaughan spread his arms wide and whispered very quietly, “everything.” He had been so proud when Pilots liked IF’s stuff. Pilots. Top of the food chain, those pilots. Those people. Influence and what-not for every breathing humanoid in Aedolis. Even if he hated being a candidate, finding that out had been really, really cool. “The band’s name is Indigenous Fairy. IF for short.” Odd name, made them noticeable, “ I’m the ex-lead singer… I’m… Not sure if they’ve,” replaced, “Gotten a new one yet, but every song you find should have me singing.”

His chest puffed out slightly. Sure it was conceited of him, but he was proud of his short time fronting a no-body band that had a few faithful followers. Like Chica. Vaughn surprised a shudder, she was a good ‘gal and all, but… rabid always freaked him out. Gabriel was one of the fans he liked, the rest were sluts or completely fetish weirdo’s who spent far too much time looking for new bands to stalk.

Vaughan was glad Nika didn’t have a heart-failure and fawn over him because he had been singing in a band. Made people so fake. Then, Vaughan turned to Nika, his mouth open to retort to Nika telling him not to tease, his words were about to burst from his mouth… But another pair of lips blocked their way and Vaughan stared ahead with wide amber eyes.

Thousands of actions and phrases crashed through his head. Push Nika away? Push him away and wipe his mouth and pretend to act disgusted?  His words died in a little moan at the back of his throat and for a fleeting moment, his kissed Nika back, his mouth opening slightly, inexperienced tongue gently running over Nikas lower lip before Vaughan closed his eyes.

Wait. He promised himself he wasn’t going to kiss anyone on the lips, and here he was practically eating Nika's. Quickly, abruptly, Vaughan half-pulled away and half-pushed Nika away from his mouth. “I…” Vaughan licked his lips and then looked down quickly, “ I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed back…” He gently let go of Nikas shoulders and hung his head, the stray pieces of bright red hair hiding bits of his face. His hands gently piled his books together and in but a moment, his chair was empty and he was briskly heading towards his dorm.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2008, 12:43:46 am »
"Same age and same height." Nika grinned over at Vaughan. It wasn't often he met another boy his size. It was kind of nice. Maybe he could borrow some of his weird clothes. Nika rather liked them.

As he started talking about his band, Nika nodded absently. He kind of wished he had any idea who they were so he could follow this a bit better, but honestly it didn't really matter to him. Other then as a thing Vaughan cared about, "Oh. Well....um. I don't think I know that band. I'm sorry. I don't really listen to a lot of music."

Nika cursed himself for being so bad at these things. A normal person would know what he was supposed to do here, "I'm sure the bad is really good! I bet you have a great voice." Just as long as it didn't sound like his mothers. Which he was pretty sure Vaughan didn't.

The kiss was nice. Nika was liking this kissing thing. He had never really done it before. Not on the lips anyway. Not being that interested in sex meant that Nika hadn't really done much experimentation with it. But he was really liking the feeling of Vaughan's lips, the taste of him.

When he felt Vaughan return the kiss, Nika gave a low moan back in his throat as he pressed closer to the redhead. Just as he was starting to get into it, his own clumsy movements mirroring Vaughan's, the boy was jerking back. And he shoved Nika away.

Nika slumped back in his chair, his pale eyes wide and startled. What had just happened? The singers words made the startling blue eyes narrow. What was so bad about kissing him back? He had been teasing him all afternoon. Then rejected him like that?

Nika didn't even bother to collect his books, he just marched after Vaughan. He was angry now. Angry, hurt and confused. Which was not a good combination for the young sociopath.  He managed to catch up to Vaughan in a nearby hallway, grabbing his wrist and tugging him around.

The hurt and confusion were well hidden, though the anger was obvious, "What the fuck? You tease me all day while I'm helping you. Then you run away? Am I not good enough or something?"

Nika didn't take rejection well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2008, 01:16:49 am »
Hot breath hissed past wet lips and he repeatedly licked them, cursing himself for getting up and leaving. Vaughan probably hurt Nikas feelings, he seemed gentle enough, quiet enough, he didn’t really talk until Vaughan asked him something or made a comment. Of course he saw him eye his piercings, but they were weird and everyone did that… He gnawed gently on the tip of his tongue, but the sharp tug made him bite down and stain the back of his lips red with blood from the bite on his tongue.

His books fell to the ground in a messy pile and Vaughan looked towards his friend, there was a scary aura around him, it made Vaughan want to cringe and tell Nika repetitively about how sorry he was for getting up and leaving like that. The sharp pain at the tip of his tongue made him steel up and stare at his very recent kissing companion. His mouth opened slightly and closed in the same moment.

Vaughans fingers curled upwards and lightly brushed against Nikas wrist before he sighed and spoke, “No. I… I didn’t mean to tease you. I do that without noticing, I’m… I’m so used to people who just play along or instantly tell me to knock it off… I…” Vaughan licked his lips, staining them red with his blood. “You’re good! You’re great! You know math! You’re really… “ Handsome of pretty? Better go with the unisex term for this part, “Attractive.”  A slow nod and Vaughan took a breath before looking away.

Never in a million years did he expect someone to like him quite like this. Vaughan could feel his heart bumping in his chest a little faster than normal. Fear from Nikas anger? Delight that someone could like him? The fuck-up who didn’t seem fucked-up at all, perfect.  Swallowing quietly, “I guess that’s my thing… Lead people on to expect things from me… Then I back off and expect them to, too.” A quiet plea, a desperate call for Nika to understand. For some reason, Vaughan had a feeling Nika just might not be as sweet and innocent seeming as he first thought.

It was in there somewhere, for sure… Maybe under a thick shroud of cob-webs. That or the gentle, sweet one was the make-up and this slightly scarier Nika was the real one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2008, 09:04:50 am »
If Vaughan hadn't bit his tongue, maybe things would have gone a bit differently. But Nika really liked blood and unfortunately for Vaughan Nika lacked the little voices telling him maybe he should stop. All the boy had was an idea of how people were supposed to act and when he was upset he forgot all about that.

Gripping Vaughan's wrist harder Nika's eyes focused on the blood staining Vaughan's lips. It was an opening into the boy, Nika's power always worked better when someone was already bleeding. Vaughan was talking, but he only half listened. They were words he didn't really want to hear anyway, hurtful words, cruel words.

The compliments made Nika frown, not liking them. They sounded hallow and Vaughan's voice had that tinge of panic people would get when they say this side of Nika. They didn't want to upset him more, try and talk him down while flattering him. And that just made him angrier, ha had thought Vaughan actually liked him and it turned out he was just playing with him.

Nika's free hand came up to lightly stroke Vaughan's cheek, his thumb moving lightly over Vaughan's cheek, "You should be careful who you tease. Everyone wears a mask and sometimes the thing under the mask isn't a human at all but a monster." As Nika spoke he was smiling happily at Vaughan.

Threading his power into the boy Nika carefully concentrated. If Vaughan had been a better trained physic he might have been able to fight back better, but almost none of the candidates would have had the skill to fully block out Nika's ability. Vaughan's heart was beating so fast, pumping his blood through his body rapidly, triggering adrenaline. So Nika calmed the blood, slowed it down carefully. Not to much, he didn't want to kill his pretty redhead.

That thought actually surprised Nika. He...actually didn't want Vaughan to die, he would honestly miss him. But that was something to think about at another time. There was too much blood now, and anger and rejection. Nika couldn't really think straight anymore.

Once Vaughan's blood was sluggishly moving through his veins, only then did he press closer to Vaughan, kissing him again, his tongue cleaning the blood from his lips.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2008, 02:06:06 pm »
Vaughan was going to open his mouth. Say sorry, offer a hug, give Nika a kiss on the cheek, say that he just didn’t kiss people on the lips. Of course that all left his head when Nika brought his hand up to stroke Vaughans cheek, this was bad. His body shook lightly with fear, this wasn’t going to end well, his breath was quiet and soft and Vaughan looked Nika in the eyes while he spoke.

Be careful of who you tease. Masks, monsters, not human. Nika was a human. Not a monster. Surely this Nika was the same Nika from the library, the one he kissed. Vaughans breath came out in short noisy puffs. “Nika…” Was the last thing he whispered before he began to feel sleepy. No, not sleepy, sluggish, tired for sure, weak, heavy. Even though he should be freaking out before he could feel his heart slow down, nothing made it speed up, his breathing was even and slow.

Amber eyes looked to blue and Vaughan watched as Nika moved closer, felt his tongue lick the blood off of his lips. Weakly, slowly, as if his arms weighed a hundred pounds each, he lifted them to push Nika away, a quiet whispered ‘No’ left his lips before he tilted and leaned into Nika. His brain was going fast enough, why was Nika doing this? He didn’t mean to hurt his feelings, couldn’t Nika just let him explain?

Shit, his books were on the ground. “Please, Nika…” His murmured his voice quiet and sleepy sounding.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2008, 01:38:31 am »
Nika was the same person as the Nika from the library, he had just gone outside the realm that the boy could understand. Because he didn't really get how people interacted with each other Nika just imitated them when he was with people. But sex was one place that broke down. Nika had no idea how relationships worked, sexual or otherwise.

And he had no concept of what his forcing Vaughan was doing to Vaughan. He completely lacked the ability to put himself in anyone else's shoes. A part of him wished that Vaughan would go back to kissing him back, he had liked that better, but no part of him was telling him to stop.

Pressing closer to Vaughan, Nika kept him pressed against the wall of the hallway. There wasn't anyone around, though Nika would have to see about moving it to a closet or empty room soon. Wouldn't do to get interrupted. His tongue licked along Vaughan's cheek as he made a small pleased noise, "Mmmm. You taste good Vaughan."

The hand that had been cupping his cheek slid lower, fingers sliding over Vaughan's neck, pausing over the pulse. Nika could feel it anyway sluggish and slow. He liked everything about Vaughan, how he tasted and felt and smelled and looked. He liked how his name sounded when Vaughan said it. And those feelings just confused Nika even more. He wasn't used to them, didn't really understand what they meant and what he was supposed to do with them. So he was just going to follow what his body was telling him it wanted.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2008, 03:43:28 am »
Breath that should have rushed out in small frightened gasps came out in quiet sighs, his heartbeat just not going to rush with his breath.  Vaughan wanted to pant, to wiggle away, but it took too much effort and he just couldn’t move right. His mouth was open slightly and he turned his head away slowly, his amber eyes drifting closed when he felt something wet against his cheek and a he whimpered quietly.

What do you say to someone who just told you, you taste good? He opened his mouth to speak, but his tongue felt heavy and he only moaned softly before leaning into Nika in a sad attempt at getting away. They felt warm, the hands on his neck, unconsciously – partly because he was half sleeping anyway- he leaned into it and closed his eyes. “Nika…” Vaughan whispered out, his head lolling to the side opening his eyes again.

He knew where this was going. Vaughan knew what was going to happen. Dread rose up his body in waves, today wasn’t supposed to go like this.  Slowly, his hand reached for his books, his fingers waving slightly for them. “Please…don’t… Ni…” a quiet breath and his eyes looked towards Nikas, unfocused and half lidded. The forced fatique made him angry, but he was too tired to be angry.

Maybe this was all a bad dream? Maybe he just fell asleep on his note-book, and Nika’s hand on his neck was him trying to wake him up? Vaughan would believe it’s a bad dream until anything started hurting, then he’d face the truth that his friend was really doing this to him. “Please…” Vaghans tongue was slow and his voice had a pathetic airy quality to it, a whisper that was making an attempt to be forceful and failing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2008, 10:27:34 am »
Nika liked when Vaughan leaned into his touch. He liked that quite a bit. The small boy smiled, nuzzling closer to Vaughan's neck his teeth licking and nibbling along the soft skin there. When he closed his eyes and Vaughan said his name, he could pretend it was a soft gasp urging him on.

Yes. That was a nice fantasy. It frustrated Nika that he didn't know how to get Vaughan to really do that. He had seemed to like th kiss earlier and had flirted with Nika, a lot! Then he had freaked out and run away and Nika couldn't understand why. And now Nika was in strange waters, not sure what a normal person would be doing and honestly not caring. Feeling Vaughan like this was far to sweet.

When Vaughan started to beg him, Nika lifted his head away from the boys neck, his expression slightly sad as he ran his thumb along the soft skin of his cheek, "I'm sorry." And Nika was, in a strange twisted way. He knew Vaughan wanted him to stop, but he really couldn't at this point.

His pale eyes scanned the hallway looking for somewhere a little more private he could take this. Lowering his shields, Nika listened to see which of the rooms were empty or not, though as he did, his mind brushed up against Vaughan's. But even feeling the boys fear and hurt, Nika couldn't understand it. It meant little to him.

He found a room, only about 20ft away. How perfect. His attention turned back to Vaughan, "I don't mean to be a monster."

Then he jerked Vaughan forward away from the wall, concentrating to keep his blood flowing slowly. Nika was stronger then the singer was and if he kept him off balance he shouldn't have too much trouble getting him into the empty room, where the real fun could begin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


  • Guest
Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2008, 07:56:22 pm »
Being a psychic was well, Vaughan could feel the confusion and the… nothing radiating off of Nika when he pulled his shields down. A quiet whimper and Vaughan leaned away slightly, his brain still trying to comphrehend the sorry. Why was Nika saying sorry? His mouth slurred what little words it could produce and while his brain screamed at him to at least try and fight back, his muscles could barely move.

Then he was jerked forward and sluggishly moved his limbs so he didn’t fall on his face. Vain enough not to want two black eyes, there was almost the pain involved from kissing the ground from a five foot distance, even if it wasn’t much, peoples heads and hard surfaces didn’t tend to mix well. “Please, Nika!”  His voice turned into a croak and he could feel his eyes get hot.

Vaughan was going to cry. Teeth sunk into his lower lip and he gasped slightly at the movement, not wanting to make noise and get them into trouble. Surely Nika would snap out of it on his own, say sorry and then go back to his math. That could happen, Vaughan was positive it could, he’d see the red around Vaughans eyes from the hot salty tears and stop and realize what he was doing.  His one hand was on Nikas back, clutching at the fabric of the uniform, “N..” He started but let his head drop and his eyes droop.

Talking took to much, is this was hypothermia felt like? You just slow down and fall asleep to die? Vaughan couldn’t do anything, he could only watch and wait for Nika to finish if nothing stopped him. Maybe trick him into letting his body not be so… slow.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: A Little More Complicated Than A Math Problem. (Zombie!)
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2008, 11:26:34 pm »
Nika was aware he shouldn't be doing this. That this wasn't the normal response to these feelings. But all the feelings were swirling around hie head, making things all confusing. And he didn't understand how relationships worked at all. What you did when you liked someone.

All he knew was that he liked when Vaughan had touched him and flirted with him, and when he had kissed him back. And instinct was starting to kick in and Nika lacked the filters to control that instinct. Which meant that Vaughan got pulled into the empty room and the door was locked behind him.

Carefully lowering Vaughan to the floor, Nika began to unzip his shirt, nuzzling his neck, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I'll make you feel good." Nika shoved the jacket the rest of the way off before pulling Vaughan's shirt up.

Nika wasn't a virgin and had slept with a few people, though he hadn't really had much interest in it. And Vaughan had been his first kiss on the lips. But he did have an idea about what felt good. He let Vaughan's blood speed up a little, so he could enjoy it a little more. But careful, not too much. There.

"I like you Vaughan." Licking over one of the nipple piercing Nika made a pleased noise. He liked how the boy tasted, how he felt under him like this. He wanted to make Vaughan feel good. And he could take his time like this.

"I'm sorry."

Nika glanced over at where Vaughan was curled on the floor. He had lost his concentration as he came inside the redhead, so his blood flow was returning to normal. Nika knew he should be sorry, he was just still confused about why. What it was that was the problem. He knew he didn't like seeing Vaughan sad, but he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

He had his knees pulled up to his chest, just watching the boy, "I-I didn't....I didn't mean to make you cry." He glanced away, frowning. He hated it sometimes. How he couldn't be like other people, do what they did. He wanted Vaughan to like him back and had ended up making him cry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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