TEINAR > The Meeting Place

Back to my roots.

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It was a hoot, her commenting on him being short.  What was she, like five feet tall?  Less?

"It's because I'm always photographed with Tierney," he said.  "I look taller next to him."

She should know Gabriel as well, if she monitored the Aedolis new feeds at all.  Gabriel was featured in the pop culture and social feeds more than he was. Roman would have been a relevant part of Libra intel given his role in the war and his particular talents.

"Ah.  Beer."  She hadn't told him to get lost so took a seat in the grass and opened up the ice chest.  He'd planned to drink them all himself but given her life up there on the space station she should probably have a couple.  Couldn't be much opportunity to get some genuinely good beer out in the void, even for a captain.

"The best on Earth," he added, holding out a cold, dripping bottle to her.  "I wouldn't drink anything less."

"Ohh, is that why?" Mal asked, then tilted her head. The name did sound familiar. She liked to keep up-to-date with pop culture, but she didn't delve too deeply into it. Didn't have the time, but she liked to at least keep well informed.

"Tierney. The blond that's always hanging around on you?" She gave a light laugh. "I almost expected to see you two featured in some couples segment until he snagged that girl." Let him take that however he liked.

Taking the offered beer, she wrapped it in her shirt and popped off the top, then sighed happily as the wonderful, fresh smell of beer wafted up.

...Well, alright, so beer actually smelled like piss, but that was not the point. She got pretty sick of drinking the stuff up on the Libra that was hardly any better than sour water, and Aedolian products were top notch.

She held her beer out to him so they could clink bottles. "Well, cheers, mate."

"Yep, that's the one.  Not by my choice.  He's the one that drags me out in front of the cameras.  I could give a shit about all that media presence crap."

Wait, what girl?

He'd have to ask Gabriel about that later.  Why hadn't he mentioned it if he were seeing someone?

"Cheers, Captain."  He clinked his bottle to hers then took a good manly swig of it.  This wasn't the cheap piss-colored beer you found on supermarket shelves.  It was dark, and made of barley instead of hops so the unbearable bitterness present in other beers was absent from this one.

Not to be outdone, Mal took a rather manly swig of her own and set the bottle down with a sigh of satisfaction. That was the stuff. Cool, refreshing, ridiculously smooth. Setting the bottle down in the grass, she couldn't help but eye Roman's ice chest. He probably brought far more than he could drink alone anyway, so maybe she could 'relieve' him of a couple more. Bring them home, hoard them in her quarters and share them with no one.

"Oh, come on, you can cut the humble act. You can't tell me you don't enjoy the attention; I would." She took another gulp of beer and grinned. "You people soak that stuff up, don't you?"

"The hell I do."  Weird as it was, this was still an oddly comfortable conversation.  Maybe one day they'd meet in some official capacity.  Wouldn't that be interesting.  He hadn't decided yet if he would mention this encounter to anyone.  He should, certainly, but he also didn't see the point in it.  Any intel he could have gleaned from reading her mind, she would anticipate and make irrelevant as soon as she returned, so why not just enjoy the peace?

"Think about it," he added.  He pictured all those times when he'd been ambushed by a wall of flashing cameras and never ending questions about every aspect of his life.  "Would you really want so many people up your ass constantly?  Every time you left home?  Seeing your own picture in the tabloids with rumors not even grounded in this reality?"


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