TEINAR > The Meeting Place

Back to my roots.

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"I don't know," Mal said, looking skyward in thought. "I might just a kick out of the things people come up with. I'm sure it would be far more entertaining than the life I actually lead, full of sex, drugs, and rock and roll and death-defying adventure. I wonder what sorts of lovers they'd give me." She grinned. "Kind of interesting to see how the public views you, eh? Like some sort of fanfiction."

Eying Roman curiously, she leaned back on her hands. "So, is it true that you have your own harem?"

"I don't really notice it anymore.  It's all background noise now."  The cameras, the journalists yelling questions at him, the reaching hands of fans—he hardly paid it any mind these days.  When he was fresh out of candidacy it annoyed the hell out of him but now it was just scenery.

"Oh right, the official harem distributed to all Pilots upon graduation.  Yes, I have that.  Why, you looking for a new job?"

Mal arched an eyebrow at Roman, then chuckled. "You must have read my mind. I was looking for something part time, bring in a little extra income. Asexuality isn't an issue, is it?"

He cracked a smile at the mind-reading jab, and it was just a little bit wicked.  He couldn't help it.  All these years, and he still enjoyed a sense of smug superiority over anyone who wasn't a psychic.  Having ready access to people's thoughts, secrets, and dreams gave you an unmatched swagger.

"Not for me, it wouldn't be.  But I think we've hit on a marketable idea here.  A kind of cultural exchange program."

"A cultural exchange program. That is fascinating," Mal agreed, nodding. "There's just that little 'Hotel Haviah' issue..."


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