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Author Topic: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]  (Read 791 times)

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Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:34:22 am »
Aedon Fell sat in the cafeteria with the letter from personnel unopened in between his hands. The coffee he'd grabbed remained untouched on the table in front of him, slowly cooling as he tried to work up the nerve to open the damned thing; he'd been grafting for ten years for this moment, and now he could barely manage to open the envelope. He'd waited for an age to be allowed to take the Mark Test A exam, having enlisted as an Ensign straight out of high school, and on the day of the exam he'd thrown up his breakfast he'd been so nervous. His mother, bless her, had tried to make him go for the B test instead, but he'd been adamant that he was going to pass the A exam or work as an Ensign until he could.

And now, here he was. Sitting in the cafeteria with his results on a piece of paper, in an envelope, either a fully fledged if wet behind the ears TOPZ gunner, or a veteran ensign with a fail mark to his name. Talk about cats in boxes. Dead or alive or extremely blood nervous, those were the choices he had. Well, if you substituted 'pass' for 'alive' and 'fail' for dead, any way.

Screw it. It wouldn't make life harder for him if he had failed; at least he had tried, and besides, who was going to tease a man his size, even if he did look like a small breeze could blow him over some times? He finally took a sip of his coffee, and finding that it tasted as if the barista had noted the envelope and added a shot of whisky he downed it all in three more gulps before running a finger through the envelope flap and pulling out the paper inside with all the care and reverence he could muster. He read the template blurb with patience, then turned the page over to read the result.

Aedon Fell, Ensign, Libra Space Station
Candidate Mark Test A
Result: pass
Reassigned to Squadron 77, Captain pending
New rank: Gunner, Class A

Shit. Squadron 77? Ho-ly-shee-it. Just... Shit. OK. That was enough swearing. Hopefully it was enough swearing. Would they be expecting him? It said Captain pending, so he could sit around here until his legs felt like they could take his weight, right? He couldn't go making the squad look stupid by falling over and cracking his head open on a table while he held reassignment papers in his hand. So he remained in his seat, placing the paper on the table and starting to grin. Squadron 77? He hoped they had a ship big enough for him, he really did.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 09:10:42 am »
Aryte was in the cafeteria, intensely mourning that she had not gone to her favorite coffee shop, the one she had come to with Vin of course. She was trying to explain to the Barista, who didn't look familiar how to make her favorite drink. Her fingers were on the bridge of her nose gripping it. She had a severe lack of caffeine going on. She had happened to be up all night PVPing on WoW, which of course was her own fault she knew that. She just knew she could normally count on her Barista being there at this time. It was a regular occurrence.

Yet, here she was arguing with a barista about mixing flavors and espresso shots in vanilla drinks. Aryte rubbed her head and just picked something off the menu and requested an extra shot of espresso. She was starting to consider drinking black coffee it might be easier to order. It was so icky though. She nodded to the Barista paying her and scooting down the counter to wait for her drink. She was rocking back and forth heel to toe her hands behind her and looking around the cafeteria.

A few interesting people were there, some she recognized already some she didn't. She always liked to make up stories for patrons in the cafeteria. This one was a gunner for that fleet or a pilot for that one, this one is a bug hiding out, the list goes on. She was looking at the little details of people, what purse or computer they had, what they were reading. Her violet eyes passed over an envelope a really tall guy was holding. He didn't look like he quite fit at the table.

Her eyes bugged someone she didn't recognize and a Libra Military envelope? She grinned, perhaps a new recruit? That was neat! She wondered if he would be in her squad, would he be a gunner or a Pilot, or maybe he would be a Tac...

"Ma'm..." Aryte spun around to see a rather perturbed Barista pointing at the coffee in their other hand. She snatched it and backed away really hoping something wasn't wrong with her drink. She'd raise Hell! She'd burn the cafeteria down, if only she could breathe fire...anyway. The drink was cold in her hand and she took a sip smiling at the right amount of espresso. She turned to give the Barista thumbs up but they were pointedly ignoring her. She sighed thinking about spouting off her military standings but that would only make things worse.

Aryte sort of pranced over towards the tall skinny guy and walked behind him sipping her drink. She was peeking over his shoulder out of the corner of her eye and slowed down behind him trying to see what the letter said to determine who he was.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 03:42:08 pm »
Once he felt he had his feet, he grinned to himself and slipped the paper into his pocket. He had to let the Ensigns know, and get moaned at by those that had known him longest while the youngest looked on in awe. He had to go and get fitted for a proper Gunner's uniform, where he would no doubt be moaned at for being a bean pole. He had to tell his parents. But first of all, he needed another drink. That sounded like a good idea, a drink and something non-sugary to help calm him down. Or at least to stop him from bouncing off the walls like a frog on a pogo stick.

Standing, he headed over to the counter with a smile for the woman who had waltzed past him moments before; he was in a good mood, and such things could be spread around if you asked him. Not that anyone had asked him thusfar, because who gave a shit about what an Ensign thought?

"Same again on the coffee but without sugar," he said, still smiling, when his turn came around again. "And a club sandwich, no mayo. I made Gunner."

He didn't mention which squadron or what class, but it was enough to make the barista smile as Aedon paid for the meal and dropped some of the change into the tip jar. Waiting for the meal seemed to take forever, but when it was done he took the tray and headed back over to where he had been sat, before veering over to where the waltz-walking woman was; he vaguely recognised her as Squadron because she wasn't an Ensign, and wanted to see what it was like to be part of one. He'd heard stories, after all.

"Hey, is it OK if I sit with you?" he asked. "You seemed kinda interested in my letter earlier."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2009, 03:03:32 pm »
When the man stood up she took a sidestep out of the way. He smiled at her and she maintained her expression, or at least she though so, and gave a small one back. She walked over to a table after he walked off. She let out a slow breath of relief. She always tended to stare at the wrong people or get involved in things she wasn't supposed to. She picked up her drink and started to sip at it her thoughts drifting back to the cafeteria around her.

Maybe sometime she could talk Vin into going out for lunch during work. She grinned to herself sucking on the straw. It would be so much nicer than the cafeteria. She got out her cell phone and flipped it open typing on the small keyboard inside for a moment then selecting Vin's name. She was wondering what he was up to, telling him coffee didn't taste as good when he wasn't there, that mushy gross kind of thing. She grinned. Even if they didn't end up "dating, dating" as girls called it, this was still fun.

She was pulled from her thoughts as she sent the message to Vin by the man she had been spying on. Oh damn. She looked up at him sort of lost for a second then gave a small chuckle when he smiled and asked if he could sit with her. He was just as interested in a reaction as she was the letter. Excellent, that worked much better.

"Oh sure! Yeah I was, I thought I recognized the envelope. How'd ya do?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2009, 05:17:50 pm »
Aedon took a seat opposite the woman, still a little uncertain about telling someone else before he told his parents, but the figuring what the hell. He had already kind of told the barista, although he hadn't gone into detail, and it was possible that the news had already spread. After all, he'd been on his break for a long time now, he would have hoped that at least one Ensign would have figured it out. He had never over run on a break before, not when there was work to be done.

"I, uh, made Gunner," he said, eventually, with a smile. "TOPZ. 77 Squadron."

He didn't know which squadron she was with, although since she said she recognised the envelope he was pretty certain now that she was indeed military. If she was 77 Squadron then that was cool, he was sat with someone who might help him out a little. emphasis on the 'might'. If not, then he was just going to have to play it by ear and keep his mouth shut. He wasn't some dumb rookie who believed everything he heard, after all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 01:52:22 pm »
He sat watching her for awhile, which made her a little bit nervous. She tucked one of her braids behind her ear and smiled at him while she waited. She leaned forward sipping on the coffee drink then he finally answered her.

"No way!" She smiled and clapped a couple times for him. She held out her hand to him afterwards. This was brilliant! This guy was new to the flock. She loved it when new people came in, more friends, more fun! Also, all the fun of messing with the rookie. She would wait to do that though, no point in overdoing it right off. Well, there was...the fun, but she normally gave them at least a little bit to settle in.

Ooooh, what would his callsign be? She hoped it would be a fun one.

"I'm Aryte, welcome to the family. I'm a Cap'n." She grinned a little bit wider.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2009, 12:13:04 pm »
He smiled shyly as she applauded. There was no embarressment, because being embarressed about an achievement was just plain silly, but it was still kind of a shock to be clapped by squadron member. He'd been an Ensign too long, that was his problem. Too long getting treated like he was just another lackey, and now here he was, a Gunner.

"Yeah, only took me ten years to work up the guts to take the test," he said, with maybe just the hint of colour in his cheeks. The barest hint of a blush, perhaps; he wasn't known for any kind of colour in his face. He took the offered hand and shook it, because shock was no reason to forget his manners.

"Aedon Fell," he introduced himself. "Most people call me Tech."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2009, 07:48:13 pm »
Vin was trapped inside his uniform shirt when he heard his phone go off.  He'd set the thing to vibrate and maximum volume--it'd been the alarm that'd gotten him to the gym early that morning--and it nearly shook itself off his desk.  Vin flailed wildly inside his shirt, seeking egress, before he popped his head out through the neck hole, got one arm through an arm-hole, and dove for the phone.  He caught it in time and flipped it open; a purple tag marked his new message: Ary.

You know coffee doesn't taste as good when you aren't here? It's outrageous I know, but true. How are ya?  The little 'where am I' tag read 'TF cafeteria.'

Vin grinned to himself, wriggling his free arm through his other sleeve, and pulled his braid out of the back of his shirt.  He paused to lock the door to his apartment, then set off, entering a message on his phone as he went.  It took some thought. He should be witty.  He was still deliberating over what to send while he made his way down the corridors, pausing to say hi to a couple of ensigns.  At length he decided:

well i actually put on deodorent today so, Vin wrote.  He laughed.  you might not get the same flavor as last time.  ill see you in a bit if ur still at the caf.  im good, u?  

By now he'd gotten close enough to the cafeteria that it probably didn't matter whether he sent the message, but he pressed the button anyway.  

Once inside, he spotted Aryte at once--wasn't like it was hard, what with the wings--and ambled up to her from behind.  He paused for a moment.  She was talking to... someone... some ensign?  

"--ten years to work up the guts to take the test," the guy was saying.  "Aedon Fell.  Most people call me Tech."

Ah-ha.  A new gunny!  Very new; Vin always checked out the personnel announcements, and he hadn't seen this one yet.  He'd also just been introducing himself to Aryte, so he wouldn't be interrupting anything.  Vin stopped behind Ary and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey," he said, nodding at the man.  He leaned over Aryte so he was looking at her upside-down.  "Mornin'.  I see you got some fresh meat for breakfast."  He glanced up at Aedon and grinned.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2009, 02:42:15 pm »
"That's really great. Sometimes it takes a while to know if you're ready to..." Aryte's phone went off and while she was talking and looking for it hands landed on her shoulders, a familiar voice and then...VIN! She smiled wide automatically, unable to help herself. She wanted to hug him but that meant she would be...hugging his head against her head...and that would be weird right? A little too close maybe. Instead she just bumped her nose on his and put a hand on one of his squeezing it for a second.

"Vin! Yay! Fresh meat indeed! In our squad no less." She smiled at Aedon at Vin looked at him.

"Vin, Aedon...Aedon, Vin." she pointed at one then the other introducing the two of them though her exclamation for Vin's arrival probably removed the need to introduce the braided gunner. She grabbed her coffee with her free hand sticking the straw in her mouth to keep herself from talking too damn much. Vin always seemed to bring that out in her, of course he wasn't someone who seemed to mind her yammering on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2009, 02:48:23 am »
[[XD Sorry I took so long getting to this, family illness issues]]

Aedon grinned slightly as Vin appeared; this guy he definitely knew. Having been an Ensign as long as he had been meant that he was good at identifying gunners, and in his head and the heads of most other Ensigns he knew that Vin was perhaps a slightly better one than some could be. But then most gunners had been ensigns for a while, and that made even the most difficult gunners easier to deal with than some of the Captains.

He stood to meet the gunner, slouching slightly as he often did just because of his height. Flashing a toothy grin he held his hand out to shake the braided man's hand.

"Freshest of fresh meat," he confirmed. "Just opened the letter five minutes ago."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2009, 06:07:37 pm »
Vin looked up at the new gunny.  And then he looked further up.  Damn.  He'd hoped it had been some trick of posture or perspective, but no.  He clasped the much taller man's hand in his and pumped it up and down.  

"Hey, congrats."  Straight to Class A, and unusually old for it.  It meant Aedon had impressive determination, stubbornness, perfectionism, or all three.  No wonder they'd assigned him to the 77s.  Most ensigns would try Mark Test B first to get out of the Ensign Ghetto.  Of course, Vin hadn't, but then, he'd always been a little arrogant.

He let go Aedon's hand and stepped sideways to pull out another chair.  He squinted up at the new gunner from his seat.  "Another tall one," he mock-grumbled.  "You've gotta be on eye level with my cap'n Tali.  So," he went on, nudging Ary with an elbow, "what lies have you been tellin' him about the squad?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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Re: Reassignment: Squadron 77 [open to 77th squadron]
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2009, 01:18:58 pm »
She nudged Vin back with her elbow, what a stinker. Aedon was rather tall she hadn't really taken note of it. Most people were taller than her. As she took note of it she realized that he had to be maybe a foot taller...damn.

"I didn't think about it but you're like...a foot taller than me. Good lord. What did your mama feed you child?" She got a little bit of an accent as she spoke. She was mimicking Will's Mom. Every once in awhile that woman got sassy. Though these two guys might miss out on the joke she was sure that they knew someone like her.

"Oh lies, well. I've been telling him we have some of the best gunners and he should be honored to join in." She grinned at Vin. "Those, are most definitely lies."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 pm by Guest »


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