Remnants of the Earth

CORRESPONDENCE => Communication => Topic started by: Astaire on January 12, 2018, 10:58:18 am

Title: To Pilot Noble Dorn, From Pilot Royal Moon
Post by: Astaire on January 12, 2018, 10:58:18 am
[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Glad you're alive, but Darn It try not to scare the piss outta me. I've missed you, old friend. We have a lot to catch up on but until need anythin, you shout

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>I m not even su e how I suvived
>Worry a out Loa it s my fault

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You're alive. That's more than most of us can say. We get up we get better we go again. You can't do nothing for Loa until you get better. So fight Dorn. Fight for you and fight for Loa. Fight for me because darn it I miss ya

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>I miss u too
>Ioll live old son o a bitch survives all
>Dont want blood on my hanss. My responsibility, my fault. Did what I could n it'd not enough. Wish I could help im nn give in my years my strength
>Erything hurts do much there'd a tube in my throat n my chest

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You did what you could. We are but human. We can only do so much. If you have blood on your hands then what do I have? All those lives I couldn't save. All those Pilots who died. I got you beat and I'm not quitting. So neither can you.

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>A not your fault if you don't come in time. This a different its my incaoability my mistake judgement power
>I made love to him
>First time in years

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>If you say your dick is cursed imma slap you

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>M not in love. Just want to help him.
>Deserves it and  I don't know how.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Hush. When I see you you're getting a hug not a slap. None of this now. Hell pull through. He's in the  best hospital there is
>Well second. I have the best now ;)

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>No things like curses just ppl and sometimes were not enoufh as we are. Its ok I'm not lucky but hes young ams has a future n I don want it to my responsibility we all must be strong
>I'm not thinkin straight fkni
>Just want to know hes fine... pleass...

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>He'll be fine. I believe that. So trust me
>You still trust me yeah?

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>I do

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Then breathe an remember all will be well. If it's not right then it's not yet the end

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Wish u r right.
>Wish it waa over. ...
>Erything hurts so so much om weak..

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>That's why you're supposed to be sleeping

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>S too much
>Im sorry bluebird I'm sorry.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Why? You giving up on me?

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Being like this

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You're still my darn it. Still the boy I love like family. Ain't nothing to apologise for

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Something new liver. I'm tired. Dont want to be cut apart no more don't want any of this.
>I'm grateful.
>Youre one of a kind
>The real white knight
>Blue one

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>I'll still fight for you. Even when you're too tired to fight for yourself

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>You don't have to

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>I choose to

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Yet you still do n I wonder why. Y do u keep
>Beliefeing n  me

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Because I love you

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>He do I deserve jf

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Because you'd do the same

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Anythind for u anythinf
>I owe you forever

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You owe me nothing beyond a hug and a hello

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>When I begged I to unplug me u didn't.
>U were there all alonf

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Weren't alone. I was with you

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Blu, blu
>U deserve better
>I so wish I could give it tou

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>I'm no angel Galahad. I accept what I can get in life. You give me plenty and one day I'll need you to return the favor. I know you'll be there

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>I hope. I wish.  Really do. Even if I don't feel worthy

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You will
>You are

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>Im afraid I won't last much longer
>Chest rly hurts legs too I canf keep my eye open
>I will not die

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Sleeeeeep I'll be a message away as I've always been

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>I still have to
>Thank you so much
>Thank you.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Live and that's all the repayment needed
Title: Re: To Pilot Noble Dorn, From Pilot Royal Moon
Post by: Astaire on January 13, 2018, 12:05:33 am
[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>wh ee m i theres so much noise beeping
>legs n head urt so much fk

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You're at DoSaM. You had an accident on a mission I'm assuming. It's going to be ok. Push the button for the nurse. See if they can turn off the lights for you. Close your eyes and try to sleep

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>oh fuk i dont rmrmber.. . i cant push the button my a rm is gone. elbow down gone. cant move th other there re wires and tubes it hurts to try
>i need. booze. morphine. wtv.
>can u tell antoine i m ok
>i cant find is number.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You're not getting booze until you're out. Use your telekinetics to move the remote with-
>He knows

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>dont tell hi m i lost an arm. i don want to worry him.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>He always worries. He loves you. No matter where you two are he'll always love you

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>thank u.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Now move the remote so the button can push against something

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>ah. ok.
>i felt i mig ht throe up but theres a tube in my throat. blubird. how do i hol d it in

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Try to relax and keep still. Moving about makes it worse. Just breathe

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>am i a shit co
>cant control own psionics prperly
>feel guilty.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>No you're not. We all make mistakes. We all lose control at some point. One of the Valkyries was just in DoSaM. Blew himself up. Nearly took two squads with him. Accidents happen.

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>i feel horrible.
>but i can t die yet
>promised an ill mary him firs. even if he ha s to put he ring on a cyber netic

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>You ain't dying if I have any say in it. I'm not losing another friend. I don't haven't many to start with, Darn It.

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>.. lov u too blu.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>Promise me you won't give up

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>ill do what i can
>dont evne know full scope but we werent made to break lke porcelain huh

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
>We're made of stronger things aye
Title: Re: To Pilot Noble Dorn, From Pilot Royal Moon
Post by: Astaire on January 13, 2018, 12:23:15 am
[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> m rlly worri ed for loa n i dont know wha s going on. i m not in love but
> feel rsponsible
> i wnt to help im
> don t even knoe how
> blubird. blubi rd w hat m i spposed to do.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Focus on getting better. He'll be fine. He is getting the best care our planet can offer. The best help you can offer anyone is to work on getting better. Working yourself up only makes it worse!

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> m still.. .
> s different n i almost for got ho wit feels to wake up nex to someon e real n i cant help it... i dont wan t history t repeat..
> ive been alone fo r so long.
> b ut i feel
> i wan t to help im.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You can't live in fear forever

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> i knoe.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I wish I could say I understand...It's been so long Gal. But history doesn't repeat itself unless you haven't learned from the last time

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> i asked th doctor to move me in oe room w him

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You better not aggravate your injuries

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> i can t eve n mvoe.
> aske d through comm

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> That's what I'm worried about

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> blu. u don t nee dto worry bout m e

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> It's my gods both damned right and you ain't takin that from me(edited)

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> apprt ly i m gettin g a new liver ill be ok

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> when

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> tmr?
> wen i m stable the  said

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I'll light the candles for you
> I'm on my way home right now

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> if t makes u feel bet ter

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Don't be an ass

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> u know i don t believe i n tht
> or avin a cursed d ick.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Doesn't change how I was raised or whether I beliee or' something we do

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> s y i said it

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Shsut up Galahad before I give you a real reason to think your dick is curseed

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> y
> mayb e i shoul d try to bottom. m aybe is just whe n it goes in.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Because I'll cut it fucking off if you say it's cursed one more time

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> ur scaring me
> s not gettin g used tho ugh

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Good. Maybe you'll listen

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> wa s just jokin g

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I'm not
> You are not cursed. You are not a hopeless cause. Stop trying ot give up on me

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> ve given up on myself
> bu t i  still go t thigns to do
> m not worri ed bou t lo a cus we slept togethr. i knw what shit hs in n i think he cn get out. befoe its late

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Please don't then. You'd hurt me greatly if I lost tou

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> m not gonna.
> promise.
> ll still b here
> in thick n th in as alwaus
> . .. i m grate ful to have u

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I miss you
> I went home last night but I wonder if I should have.

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> miss u too.
> r u ok?

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Still too stubborn for my own good. That much hasn't changed

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> good. it s still u.
> u alwa ys were nd thats wha t i liked about u

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Here I thought it was my winsome personality

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> all of u
> u  wre myy firs t friend

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I have to work this week. I've so much to catch up on. So much I've missed. But next chance I get Im coming to see you. So don't do anything stupid until then

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> bl u. i cnt move. i m not goin g to do aything

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Aww Cher. Well what a friend eh? You're stuck with me now xP

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> w ouldn t want it an y other way
> tho ugh

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> They thought I couldn't move. I escaped to a closet my first day conscious(edited)

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> i dont know wha t u still se in me
> as  a  frien
> a s a person
> i can  barly move m head. my legs  r broke n. i m not going anywher

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You want me to wax sappy?
> Well fine then
> Loyalty
> Honor
> Compassion
> A far bigger heart than you let on
> Intelligence

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> m sry. i cant see it in mself n now i feel
> piti ful
> i hate it.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> How can you not? You're in a hospital bed and yet you're asking after me
> I know that if I asked at any time you'd be here in a heartbeat for me
> Truest of true friends

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> o f course.
> ill aways feel i owe u
> don t say anyth ing.
> dont  say i don t
> u cnt chan ge it
> u saved my life n i cant ever e ver repa y it

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> it's my duty
> You have missions. I have people's lives

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
>  i as k fo ru n for loa wanti ng to feel better thinkin g bout someone not my self cau se i dont lik e who ive turne d to
> im selfish
> an d its ugly

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> We're all selfish and do things we shouldn't

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> yes. ys we are
> ometimes
> im wishing
> i wasn t human ar all. rip this stupid kittle heeart out
> little

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Without a heart we'd be monsters

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> mayb e
> ma ybe id be ebtter off a machiine
> but
> i ont want to lose it all. u remind me of it

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Try not to mope. There are always better times ahead

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> aight
> s the meds n pain prolly

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> It does things to us aye
> I regret the things I said publicly

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> m
> i wan te d to
> i think i wa s hallucina ting
> m srry i.. . .thank y ou

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Why are you sorry?

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> sayin g
> dumb shit

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You said nothing dumb

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> i di d.
> m stuck in the past too..
> i should nt mope yes
> m just
> tired

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Sleep Gal. I won't keep you up. We can talk more later.

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> no t like that.
> sleep doesn t help whe n s not the bod y thats tired

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Your heart is weary

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> for got i had one a all
> s the boy. da mnedb oy.
> es sleeping

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Tell me about him?

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> th wor st part is
> i feel like i don t kkow him but aso like  id o

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You know his pain

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> we me t in a bar n got drunk.
> then it came u p tha t we r on th e same missi on
> mak es me miss him
> u know
> feel like
> i don t know w ht happned but e deser ves to b helped

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You could be the one

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> the what?

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> To help him

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> i wish i coul d
> es asleep n it worries m eto see him lookin g awful tho im no t better off
> but

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You have this feeling like you owe the world and need punishment....redee m yourself Galahad.

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> long as es sleeping hes not feeling any pain so its k
> caus e i feel i fkd up
> n i hae nothing to live for
> jus t wokr
> work n booze
> u sed to thin k i could be a martyr
> s not the wa y tho
> i can t be. so   all i go t is to try n make this plce bette r till i die
> s a ll i got
> m no t a martyr. m no t a hero.  m y life isnt mea ningful wit hout an nd i was lost
> then
> i stop ped sear ching

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I'm loathe to say it but maybe you should see someone
> I do

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> oh
> im
> m happy for u
> blubird i m so hap y for u
> an d i wis h u th best of luck

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I mean a therapist

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> no.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I'm still alone Darn it. I'll always be alone

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> fkkkk m srry
> didn  t mean to

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I've accepted it
> I had my chance and I chose the wrong man. Lost them both for it

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> if  u were a man
> well. nvm. m sayin g stupid shit gain

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Snorts Seems to be the story of my life. You're the second one that's said that

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> we cant choose
> i believ e  ull fin d someone
> u r a goo d person

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> No I'm not

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> u are
> u r
> th e best person ive eer known
> n m ver y ve ry grate ful to have u
> the angels
> ur work

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Maybe then. There's so much I've failed at now. SO many mistakes I've made

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> speak s a lot bout u
> we all make em.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Maybe the Angels is just my hope for redemption

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> its ok.
> uve alrea  dy redeemed urself for five lifetimes

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> And made mistakes for ten thousand

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> n us aid its never too late fo r anything
> don t say that.
> i don t like i t when u lie.

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> You know me well enough to know I don't

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> ur ly ing to urself
> i kno w enough
> u rnt a bad person blu
> u ve a bigger hea rt than anyone i know
> and
> hats rare
> very rare

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I see them all Galahad
> Every night I see the faces of the dead
> They're so many of them

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> blu.
> listen t o me n ow.
> uve done more, m uch much more than most o f us here. we kill.  you save lives. youve pai d yourself back over and over for a tho usand years. without you, i d be dead, so many others would be, bc ou did nt hesitat e to go on the battlefie ld and risk you r own life for thei rs. for ours. that s what angels s hould do, if there area ny. and sometimes sometime s anythin g you do isn t enough. sometime s youre late... . i know i wa s too... sometimes its jus t like that. lifes a cunt. it doesnt grant mercy. you ve saved many n i know you still will. n i know ho w  yuo feel when u hav eregrets bec ause im there wi th u. the face s of th dead stare back. bu t reemember the faces of tose who lived thanks to u
> you ve saved many n i know you still will. n i know ho w  yuo feel when u hav eregrets bec ause im there wi th u. the face s of th dead stare back. bu t reemember the faces of tose who lived thanks to u

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I did my job and nothing more

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> no.
> yo u did muc h more.
> i dont know if iv e seen you r heart
> i d like to be able to say  i dd
> what  i sa w of it wa s good
> better thn i coul dbe
> please, blubird
> don t speak of ourself like that
> it m akes my heart hurt to hear it

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> I'll make a deal with you
> You stop self-pitying and I'll stop tearing myself part

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> promise
> promise?

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Promise
> Cross my heart hope to die

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> no. dont hope to die
> u gotta live
> was ognna write a  part of my will n u then i rel ized i have nothing but mini atures n old guns so
> no point
> unless  u wnt them.
> [sent a picture]

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Dumbass you're not dying. Save the wills for when you're old

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> feel old aready
> n w thi s work
> bu t its not time eyt
> too many fkn gospels  left

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> Hush. Don't talk about work. I don't want you to get in trouble

[to Pilot Royal Moon, from Pilot Noble Dorn]
> m not
> aight
> shoulnt let my ton gue wander
> es still aslep
> been sleepin for hous
> its a little... aw ful lookin g at all the tubes n the beepig n all that. b ut i see hs breathin g

[to Pilot Noble Dorn, from Pilot Royal Moon]
> And so are you. That's what matters
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