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Author Topic: Keinara Trin  (Read 902 times)

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Offline GoblinFae

Keinara Trin
« on: March 28, 2018, 02:58:47 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Keinara Trin
Alias Kelly Trinity
Age Ancient in some regards and a newborn in others. Appears about 15 years old.
DOB Her first birth was in the days before time was so heavily regulated by humans. Her second on 3/26
Gender Female
Species Black Dragon
Ethnicity Adelan
Height 5'7"
Residence The Trinity facility, a massive lunar, subterranean base, about a mile beneath the moon's surface.
Voice Claim Coming Soon

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Keinara has a slender, waif-like figure with a heart-shaped face and large gold eyes. Her jet-black hair is thick and straight, cut to reach just past her shoulders with her bangs falling in line with her cheekbones. Her mouth is small always seeming to look like it's pouting when she isn't smiling brightly at you.

Her preferred clothing usually involves loose tunic blouses with long shawls and little flats or ankle boots. Most of her attire is dark in color, but always features accents of pastels or flower elements. Both her ears are pierced with gold ball studs that she never takes out.


Keinara always has been and continues to be a benevolent soul. She is kind and caring to all regardless of the wrongs they may have done to her. There is an innocence and purity to her soul very much akin to that of a young child. She is however, rather wise for her age. Keinara seems to always know what to say to cheer someone up or set them on the right path. Due to her appearance and maturity though she is often believed to be quite foolish and easily beguiled. While innocent and pure of heart, she is not quite so naive and easily duped.

Furthermore, Keinara has a strong moral compass. She is a firm believer in compromise and balance. She disdains arguing and believes there is always a right and wrong in a situation but that there is also always multiple sides to a story. She would much rather hear everything out than make a rash decision with only some of the facts.

Currently as she attempts to find herself as a person again she is shy and reserved around new people. There is a thirst for knowledge though that drives her ever onward and forward. She wants to know more, more, more and is hungry to understand all the why's and how's of things.

  • Suffering from a form of amnesia but slowly gaining back her memories of her life before her untimely death.
  • Hasn't quite got the hang of technology yet and makes a lot of mistakes.
  • Favorite scent is rosemary.


Divine Magic: Keinara is one of the original dragons, and as such magic is intrinsic to her very being. There is much she is still trying to relearn and remember about herself but she is a powerful creature and not to be tested should her long fuse finally be sparked.

  • Shifter: She is capable of shifting into the form of a large black dragon with shining scales and flashing golden eyes.
  • Healer: Keinara is also able to heal not only herself but others as well. She is not talented enough to regenerate limbs or restart someone's heart but she can fix regular bumps and bruises without breaking a sweat. Other things are more physically taxing on her but bit by bit she is growing stronger in this record.
  • Light Magic: The strongest of her abilities, Keinara is able to create and manipulate light. This goes beyond illumokinesis as she is able to generate light even in dark places where it is absent. One day she will be able to do powerful things with it such as bend it into a weapon but for now she is content with making dancing fairy lights on her walls or playing with illusions.


Marakai: Her middle brother: The Protector and The Missing
Kranath: Her eldest brother: The Destroyer and The Resurrector


Keinara was born thousands and thousands of years ago when the world was a very different place. She's still trying to remember what that was like but she dreams of days when she was a dragon that soared across the skies free and full of life.

There is darkness too in her past. A shadow that she cannot see haunts her memories as dreams turn to nightmares and she is reminded of screams and blood. Unbeknownst to her, her brother Kranath became possessed by a great evil and killed not only her parents and their village, but her as well. It was her brother Marakai that was the one to stop him but it was not enough.

Only recently has she been reawakened and brought back to life. The very man that stole millennia from her, returned breath to her body and her soul with it. Keinara suffers from amnesia but bit by bit is recovering her past. As far as she knows though the world is a new and exciting place and she is so grateful and happy to have her beloved by her side to help her adjust once more.

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