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Author Topic: Aaron Stohl - Pilot Royal General  (Read 307 times)

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Offline nephero

Aaron Stohl - Pilot Royal General
« on: April 05, 2019, 12:15:40 am »


*What’s up, Danger?*

General Aaron Julius Stohl, Pilot Royal



Male, bisexual

Human, Aedolian

6’7”, muscular

General of Adstreia

Good ol’ Star City — Adstreia, Aedolis

Voice Claim - Jason Isaacs as Field Marshal Zhukov



   Regal; Tall, dark, and handsome, Aaron isn’t what you’d call a brick house. He’s proportionately built, with strong thighs and shoulders to match his height. He walks with a noble carriage that hints to his upper caste upbringing and his authority even out of uniform (which is rare.) He walks with confidence, perfectly assured, but just watching him move and talk gives you the impression that his ego is perfectly justified.

   He keeps his inky black hair cropped close to his head, with the top slightly longer than the sides and styled at all times. He does not go in public with a hair out of place— he keeps his scant beard carefully manicured, his uniform pressed, and his boots spectacularly polished. Even out of uniform, he treats his appearance to the same fastidious care. If he’s in a tshirt and jeans, you can be assured there will not be a single wrinkle or stray thread to be seen.


   Hail to the King; One of the most powerful Pilots in the country, and oh, does Aaron know it. Prideful bordering on egotistical, Aaron is well aware of his capabilities and expects others to know the same. After all, he wasn’t chosen to run a dome on a mere fluke, and while he may be from an upper-crust family, that had nothing to do with his advancement or placement. Everything he is, is everything he earned, and he’s damn proud of it.

   Born Strategist; Aaron is a thinker. He plans, and he maneuvers, and he ponders tactics in every decision he makes. Which is necessary— he’s responsible for the continued function and well-being of an entire dome, in addition to managing the movements of locally stationed Pilots and regular military. But this has a nasty habit of spilling into his personal life as well. Everything is an equation to him, whether he means to make it into one or not, and he’s always looking for the best way through any situation at any given time. Risk must be worth the reward.

   Control freak; Aaron dislikes not being in charge. In his professional life, the concept makes him deeply anxious, and he’ll spend a considerable amount of energy trying to rectify the situation and put himself back on top. He can delegate, as any good commander should, but if his orders aren’t followed to the letter, he’s going to be very, very angry. In his personal life, it just means he’s a very dominant partner, and he especially enjoys bringing ‘spirited’ paramours to their knees. It’s all in good fun, though, as he has issues with romantic and sexual partners who end up being entirely dependent on him. He rapidly dismisses anyone in his life who can’t even manage five minutes without his constant care.

Fun Facts!:
  • Rolls his own cigarettes.
  • Once studied ballet, and still practices it to keep in shape. It’s not something he regularly advertises, though.
  • Eats hot peppers like candy. Often with a dip made from the crushed remains of their fallen brethren.
  • Favorite color is green.

Telepathy - Standard
Telekinesis - Strong


Adrian and Isolete Stohl - Parents, now separated. Isolete is serving a life sentence and will die in prison.

Adara Stohl - Aaron's twin sister, Pilot Noble and Judge. Affectionately known as "Dara" and affectionately calls him "Ronnie".

Alexander Stohl - Older brother by two years, deceased by age 13. Aaron doesn’t talk about him at all, and he’s only mentioned in deep personal files.

Joseph B. Tucker - Old war buddy, best mate.

Connor Remington - Old war buddy, best mate.

Kielen Derriere - Every star in the sky and three times as bright, the love of Aaron's life.

Banshee - Aaron’s draconic partner. She is, for the most part, completely uninterested in the regular goings-on of her human subservients. However, she does have a soft spot for her ambitious little morsel.

To be determined when Aaron decides to be upfront about any of it.


« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 04:22:12 pm by nephero »


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