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Author Topic: Addie, Gardener  (Read 654 times)

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Offline DragonSong

Addie, Gardener
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:18:35 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Adelaide "Addie" Montgomery
Age 14
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Serenian
Height 5'2"
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Gardener
Residence Libra

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Addie is a slight creature, with nut brown skin and golden eyes, her face framed by a choppy pixie cut of hair colored in different shades of green. Though she is technically "still growing", she's not really under any illusions that she'll get any taller.

Sweet, shy, and rather cowardly are all words that would perfectly describe Addie. She has a soft spot for- well, just about everything, and will cry at the drop of a hat (either from sorrow or happiness).

Despite this, she does her best not to be a burden on others around her, as she is fiercely loyal to those she cares about. Her greatest passion is gardening, and she has a secret desire to live on a real planet, with real earth, and make a real garden.

An earth mage of moderate power, Addie feels most connected to plants with her magic.

But when her "gifts" are activated (through extreme stress or by a deliberate order from Mother), if she is in proximity to a planet's lei lines, she can cause massive tremors that are planet wide- and sometimes even effect the magic in the lines themselves, corrupting the nature of the planet.

Addie has a shaky relationship with her biological mother, Ella Montgomery. They are rather cold and distant, really only maintaining any form of "family" because they feel like they have to, not because they have any real affection for each other.

Her biological mother needed money after Addie's father- a drifter who just sort of vanished after Ella got pregnant- so she agreed to undergo some "experimental testing" from Mother in exchange for enough money to scrape by for a few years.

After this "testing" process, Mother blanked the woman's memories, but not entirely; she only remembers agreeing to be part of a test study, presumably targeted at pregnant women. Even so, Ella continuously has vague memories- often in the form of dreams- of Mother talking about Addie's "gifts", so she is slightly wary of her own daughter.

Even as a young girl, Addie could sense this wariness, and it is the main reason her relationship with her mother is so strained. She constantly feels as though Ella is just waiting for her to snap.

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« Last Edit: November 18, 2019, 04:11:16 pm by DragonSong »


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