Remnants of the Earth

JOINING AND PLOTTING => Character Registration and Directory => Wanderers and Independents => Topic started by: SilverLuna on September 06, 2015, 11:55:59 pm

Title: Rosalie and Joseph; weaponised children
Post by: SilverLuna on September 06, 2015, 11:55:59 pm
Rosalie and Joseph; weaponised children

Name: Rosalie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: human
Origin: Grew up in a lab

Haircolor & style: She has smooth pink hair till half way her shoulder blades where it ends in a nice curl, although it is usually worn into a tight ponytail.
Eyecolor: silver, one eye is bionic
Skincolor: Pale
Length: 1:67
Curvy built. On her right arm there is an <01> tattoo and in her neck a barcode.

She wears tight grey-black clothing with white lines that allows her to move freely. It covers everything but her neck and head, her neck being collared with a device that shocks her when she is out of control. It can also inject her with medication if shocks do not work.

Her clothes also it functions as armor and channeler for her powers. It does not leave a lot to the imagination. The suit allows her to also move around with more speed and more agility.

She has high boots till just below the knees.

Chainwhip sword
Dual cutlass pistols

Has strong kinetic power and can bend anything if she puts her mind into it. Even people's bones in unnatural directions, breaking them or pulling them out of their joins (or back). The more targets at the same time the more difficult it is however.

She can also control mass and turn metals semi liquid. Always carrying a titanium orb

Finally: She can control the flow of blood which most likely is her most deadliest weapon.

Some of her powers are still in training and can grow.
Rosalie is rather quiet and when she speaks it is almost in a robotic/ programmed way. She loves the sight of blood and it always makes her giggle or laugh depending on how much it is.

One of the things that calms her down are children's songs. The creepier the better. Currently though only when Joseph sings them it can make her fall asleep in a few seconds.

Joseph (brother)
Whitecoats (her doctors)




Name: Joseph
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: human
Origin: Grew up in a lab

Haircolor & style: He has millimetered light hair. Color is hard to decide since it is so short
Eyecolor: silver, one eye is bionic
Skincolor: Pale
Length: 1:67
Musculary built. On his right arm there is an <02> tattoo and in his neck a barcode.
One arm is bionic.

He wears black pants, black boots (Bit like New Rox boots) and a black/ white longsleeved shirt with leather gloves.

Plasma rifle
Dual cutlass pistols

He can invade minds of people to extract information although it is limited.
He has skinchanger abilities (turning into someone else) when he consumes a part of a person. He will also get the persons memories by doing so and it is used to infiltrate. But it does not last longer then several hours depending on how much he consumed.

He can hack in almost every lock using his bionic arm. The arm can release one supersonic, brainmelting wave if he decides to overload it.

Joseph seems to be the leader of the two and orders his sister around, not used to do much else regarding her. Also he tends to her if she is weak and is one of the few who knows how to 'deactivate' her.

Rosalie (Sister)
Whitecoats (his doctors)


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