Remnants of the Earth

TEINAR => Wastelands => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 30, 2008, 02:58:23 pm

Title: Dark Rebirth, Pt. II ((Nraig!))
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2008, 02:58:23 pm
Amidst the toxic realm of the wastelands, the three metallic abominations trudged through the barely livable air. Kyoubou, Gaidoku, and Yuuku peered left and right as they walked for any signs of life. Only just recently, they had come across three passersby who they then mercilessly slaughtered. Afterwards, they had performed a grotesque ritual to offer the victims' souls to their god. Kuma, of course, was pleased with the offering. Then they had continued on their way, leaving the dismembered bodies to rot.

"How much farther?" Gaidoku asked, his voice a metallic hiss. "How much longer until we reach our shrine?"

"Quit your complaining, Gaidoku," Kyoubou snapped. "If we keep traveling nonstop, we will reach it in five days."

"And that gives us plenty of time to catch up with our quota," Yuuku growled.

Gaidoku only hissed in annoyance as they continued to stalk through the wastes.
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2008, 05:01:06 am
High above the horrible beings stalking the ruined plains flew a young girl, but if you saw her, you wouldn't know it.  Fixed firmly to her face to stave off the poisons in the atmosphere was a gas mask of sorts, along with her wings which beat steadily behind her, it gave her appearance a demonic look.  A sling swung below her, in which were several minerals she had mined for her continuing experiments, also nestled among the rocks was a crossbow, made by herself.  It had quite a long range, around 300 yards, and an infra-red as well as night vision scope.  She didn't like to use the scope too much, she had her left eye, which now whizzed as she scanned the land below, settling on 3 trundling figures.  Mmmm, dangerous looking, and Cela was somewhat bored.  Reaching into the swaying swing below her she withdrew her crossbow and made sure an explosive quarrel was in place, they had machine parts, much like her.  She swooped down several thousand feet, making her approach as little noticiable as possible  
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2008, 10:14:10 am
The three monsters walked forward, not expecting an assault of any kind. But then Kyoubou looked up and saw a figure descending upon them. It was roughly humanoid in shape, and it was flying in their direction. He smirked behind his permanetly affixed mask.

"Comrades, I think we've found our next sacrifice," he said, taking out his kinetic gatling gun. He then fired at the figure. The other two were ready for battle.
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2008, 06:15:22 pm
Well, so much for the non-noticeable part, though Cela taking careful aim with her crossbow, ignoring the zipping bullets around her, she aimed at it's ugly chest, then pulled the trigger.  The quarrel was sent streaking torward the abomination a small whistle accompanying it.  With a small whir, the crossbow string slowly bent back as a specialized motor set it back into position.  Pulling up, trying to get away from the gunfire her body as a whole jerked as several bullets impacted upon her wings with the sound of a beebee gun hitting cans.  "Aw, shit." She cursed, her wings folding against her body, unstrapping the sling it flew off as she went into a steep dive, weaving, hoping to put off the creature's aim.
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2008, 06:58:48 am
Kyoubou heard a whistling sound, and by instinct, he used all four of his powerful legs to jump out of the way. His instincts were correct, for a small explosion occurred in the area where he was only seconds before.

"Our prey is resourceful," Kyoubou commented dryly.

"Ssssssssso it would ssssseem," Gaidoku replied. He looked at the figure diving downward, trying to determine where she would be for his attack. Then, with impeccable timing, he used his powerful legs to jump up high at her, poison-soaked claws forward.
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2008, 10:49:41 am
She veered sharply to avoid the pouncing menace, simotaneously pulling a pistol from her waistband loaded with mercury tipped bullets.  Drawing a bead she emptied the clip at the leaping one, then shot up into the air, her wings carrying her higher.  Pulling a bolt from her supply she fixed another into the crossbow, turned about, aimed at the third one who had done nothing as of yet and fired, another whistle on it's way
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2008, 02:48:07 pm
Gaidoku had missed his prey, but he managed to get a good glimpse of her. She was a humanoid female, but she had bio-mechanical wings sprouting from her back, and she had a gas mask, probably to protect her from the atmosphere. He then saw her take out a pistol and fire wildly at him. He maneuvered in his descending arc to dodge the bullets, many of them missing him completely and some of them putting dents in his mechanical plating. He pried one of them out and looked at it, noting a silver, almost liquid-like substance speckling the tips. Mercury...

"Ressssssssssourcefu l indeed," hissed Gaidoku as he made impact on the ground, his feet creating small craters.

Yuuku heard another whistling sound, and he took it to be another one of those explosive rounds that Kyoubou dodged earlier. "Pathetic effort," he growled, then, with a swing of his staff, he sent a blade of superheated air right at the round, causing it to explode on contact.

Kyoubou looked at the target flying around in the air. "Very well, then," he uttered. His spire-like horn began to arc with electricity, then fired multiple bolts at the target.
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2008, 03:08:59 pm
'What were these things?' she thought as she reloaded another bolt, 'These things were basically indestructible' From the looks of it, guns, fire, and what...?  Her question was answered as she was hit by large amount of voltage, causing her mask to melt and fall away, revealing her face, half of it covered by a metal plate in which her electronic eye whizzed.  Unfortunately, that eye was now unfunctional and had popped at the amount of electricity.  With a grunt she began to spiral to the ground, floating between sleep and reality.
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2008, 03:43:22 pm
Kyoubou gave a grin behind his affixed mask. "Perfect," he said.

However, Yuuku took another look at the girl falling to the ground. Part of her face was made of metal. That meant that she was impure, and an impure sacrifice would anger Kuma, their god, and would bring his wrath upon the three of them. Not wanting to experience that again, Yuuku sheathed his staff on his back and made a huge jump. He grabbed the girl in midair by one of her metallic wings and then landed back on his feet. He held her a foot in the air so that her half metal face met with his demonic steel mask, his yellow, pupil-less eyes peering out of the large eyeholes.

"Kill her, Yuuku," Kyoubou said impatiently

"Yesssssssss," Gaidoku hissed as he approached him. "Make her ssssssssuffer."

"Not so fast, comerades," Yuuku growled. "This one's damaged."
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2008, 06:53:39 am
Cela slowly came to once again to find herself being dangled upside down, she twisted her head in order to see out of her remaining good eye, the robotic one still crackling with electricity.  She heard the other two's entrities (or however you spell it ><) to kill her and immediatly sprung back into the world of awakeness.  She snarled in Yuuku's face, actually having the gall to spit at it's horrid eyes, "Let go of me, you freak!" She shouted, attempting to slap it fruitlessly in the face, "Damaged?  I can still kick your ass!" She tried to bat him with her wings as well as he only held her foot, her other foot falling around his head and shoulders in an attempt to bludgeon him to death.  Unfortunately, the electricity attack took most of it out of her and after 10 minutes of trying to get free, and trying to knock Yuuku's head off she fainted.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2008, 04:19:24 pm
Yuuku was rather startled at her sudden attempt to thrash herself out of his grasp. Gaidoku and Kyoubou made to put her out of her misery, but Yuuku signaled not to. He found this rather amusing, for her wild efforts were futile against him. After ten minutes of this fruitless thrashing, the girl fainted. Only then did Gaidoku find the right time to speak.

"What exactly do you mean by 'damaged,' comrade?" he hissed.

"Take a good look at her," Yuuku growled, holding her limp form high in the air. "She is a biotech-organism, much like we are."

"Your point being?" Kyoubou asked impatiently.

"My point being," Yuuku snarled, "is that if we offered her as a sacrifice, our god would be displeased at the body's impurity, and inflict His wrath upon us. Don't you fools remember that?"

The two of them remembered, shuddering at the thought.
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2008, 06:19:57 am
Cela floated in black nothingness as her body peacefully slept in the hand of a demon god's tool.  She tried to beat her wings to propell herself forward, but found she couldn't.  Giving up after a while she was content to float, before she was confronted by herself, "Cela, why do you sleep?" The non-ghost Cela shrugged,"Maybe because I'm being held by a monster, how about you?" The ghost Cela snarled, "There is work to be done, fool!  You must destroy these things, they serve an evil demon god, you cannot let them roam." The non ghost Cela rolled her eyes, "Ok, whatever, just go away and stop fooling with my dreams." The ghost Cela gave a snort then disappeared.  Cela continued to float then eventually fell asleep.
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2008, 05:02:04 pm
"Ssssssssssso, if we can't kill her, then what are we going to do with her?" Gaidoku asked. "Keep her asssss our pet?"

"In a sense, yes," Yuuku replied. "Having not been alive for three thousand years, this world seems to have changed quite drastically. Getting back to Connlaoth will not be an easy task...if it still exists. We need a sort of guide to see us through.

"Yes, that may be best," Kyoubou said. "But say she doesn't cooperate with us. Do we kill her then?"

"No," Yuuku snapped. "We torture her. Make her tell us the information we need. Once we reach the region, then we can dispose of her as we see fit." He paused, then said, "Hold her for me," handing the limp girl to Kyoubou, who reluctantly did so.

Then, Yuuku forcefully removed one of his metal components from his scaly body. His intense heat cauterized the wound, making the spot seem untouched. Then, the heat in his hand intensified, softening the metal part to become more malleable. He then rolled and cut the metal into three thin yet durable cables in record time before the metal cooled. He then handed the cables to Kyoubou. "Tie her up," he growled.

Kyoubou did so, binding her arms, legs, and even her metal wings in heavy-duty steel cable. He then tied them in such a way that the bindings can never become undone...except by Yuuku's heat.
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2008, 05:32:24 pm
Cela continued to be unconcious, giving no fight at all at being bound by abnormalities.  She only twitched slightly as her wings were tied and moaned softly before falling silent again.  It would be awhile before she awoke, her nano-bloodstream bots would be travelling her body healing her from the inside out.  Makings of her own of course, getting them in one's body was the tough part, she still had the scars from where she did so.
Post by: Anonymous on February 05, 2008, 04:05:34 am
Kyoubou handed the bounded girl to Yuuku by a free strand of cable. Yuuku then hoisted her over his hunched back. "Let's go," he said simply. Then the three of them were once again trudging through the wastelands with their prisoner in tow.
Post by: Anonymous on February 06, 2008, 07:37:21 am
Cela came to shortly thereafter, finding herself bound and slung over one creatures shoulder.  Immediatly she began to kick and scream for release, but of course her cries fell upon deaf ears and soon she was fit jus to sit there and swing lightly.  God, did this thing smell, "Yo, bud," She tried, "Ever heard of a bath?  You know, water?  Soap?  Scrub?" She craned her neck to a painful degree to try and gauge the thing's reaction, but her head didn't reach that far.
Post by: Anonymous on February 07, 2008, 03:16:12 am
The three found her futile attempt to escape quite amusing, so they simply ignored her pleas for release. Then she told them they stank. Amused, Gaidoku, who was trailing behind Yuuku, said, "Well, what elssssssssssssse can you expect after being dead in the Tuor Ocean for three thousssssssand years?" He gave a very evil grin; since his mouth was the only part that his mask did not cover, it was shown to be large, almost circular in shape, and having seemingly endless rows of serrated teeth.
Post by: Anonymous on February 09, 2008, 02:57:10 pm
Cela was immediatly struck with curiosity, "Three thousand years?  Cor, mate!  Yet, though it is what was expected, it never occured to you to do a bit of scrubbin'?" She tilted her head slightly, much like an observant bird, regarding the beings in front of her with a mix of admiration and disgust.  Those were some huge teeth, and she tried not to think of what those things might have clamped on.  She shudderd involuntarily
Post by: Anonymous on February 09, 2008, 04:36:24 pm
"No it hasn't, human," Gaidoku said, flashing his huge maw again.

"Enough with these petty insults," Kyoubou snapped, his giant horn crackling with electricity. "You should be thankful we're sparing your life...for now."
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2008, 02:11:14 pm
Cela quieted, but not before sticking her tounge out at the one who shot her down in the first place.  She then was content lay across the shoulder she was reclining and being carried upon and dozed.  
Post by: Anonymous on February 15, 2008, 06:48:35 pm
The three humanoid abominations continued walking through the barrens for another hour or so until they reached a cliff that overlooked a vast amount of dead trees.

Yuuku found this place to be a good spot to rest for a time. "We will rest here for twenty minutes," he growled, looking at the other two.

"Sounds good," Kyoubou said, sitting down and resting all four of his blade-tipped legs. "Then we can resume our search."

Gaidoku found this an annoyance, but he sat down nonetheless.

Yuuku then dropped their prisoner unceremoniously next to him as he sat down in a cross-legged position.
Post by: Anonymous on February 18, 2008, 08:09:57 am
And quite unceremoniously she was awoken with an 'oof!' "Hey you bastard!  Watch where you drop your shit!" She exploded, rolling over and spitting at him, her body bucking wildly as she tried to strike it with her head.  She eventually tired of this, lay back and went back to sleep as if nothing had happened.
Post by: Anonymous on February 21, 2008, 11:58:31 am
Gaidoku made to kill her, but Yuuku stopped him with a simple hand gesture.

"Leave her be, comrade," he snarled.

"Can't I jusssssst torture her a little?" Gaidoku pleaded.

"No, you idiot," Yuuku snapped, sending a wave of heated air at Gaidoku, causing him to fall on his rear. "We haven't the time for pointless trifles like this. We must communicate with our god."

"That would be our best option right now," Kyoubou reasoned. "So ignore her for a while so that we can contact Him."

Gaidoku grumbled, his large teeth grinding against each other, but he eventually gave up. Yuuku took the strand of cable that he was carrying their captive in and welded it to his body to make sure that she couldn't escape.

The three of them then sat in a circle, closed their yellow eyes, and began chanting in an unintelligible language. An aura of desecration could be seen hanging around the three of them in the form of a hazy purple light as the wind began to pick up
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