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Messages - CherryFlare

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Plotting Center / Re: Vita Fulvia, reporting for pilot duty.
« on: August 27, 2016, 06:25:59 am »
Yes please. I'd love it if Keziah would mentor her. I don't know much about the training center and although Vita has a half brother in the military, they were never chummy seeing as they did not grow up together so I doubt the guy told him anything about the place. Vita can be a bit shy when she doesn't know what to do so a friend would be nice. Could you pretty please start the thread? Please and thank you. :)

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 27, 2016, 06:15:56 am »
"Basmati, you say?" Rara gasped at the exhorbitant price the owner suggested. "But even such an exotic item cannot be that costly." she feigned disbelief. She knew what he was up to and she was not wrong when she heard what he did not say next.

"Oh but such priceless beauty cannot be left alone to pass." the man said, stroking the item not in question.

Rara pouted her lips even more and lowered her gaze seemingly in thought when in actuality her intention was to gain his attention with her long lashes. And if that did not entice him, she adjusted the tube top she was wearing in hope of moving his gaze to her other womanly attributes.

"Perhaps, if you come with me inside, we can... discuss further the terms for your acquistion of this... valuable commodity." the man suggested, greed evident in his eyes.

Rara smiled for right at that moment, Arad's voice whispered the go signal in her ear and it came not too soon. Rara snaked a finely manicured hand over the false merchant's shoulder and pressed herself at his side. "Of course" she whispered in his ear. The man's eagerness was definitely real for his attention was so focused on her and their secret rendezvous that he was completely unaware of the commotion out on the streets. Rara urged him on and side by side he led her to a more secluded part of the shop.

"perfect" she thought when the man suddenly pushed her to the wall and invaded her lips with his. She pushed him away. "No! wait!" she exclaimed.

"This for that" the other man insisted. "a trifle payment for something of such rarity."

"But-" Rara began, acting coy. "what if I..." and she finished that sentence by pressing a kiss on his neck. Her tongue tasting the saltiness of his sweat.

He let out a breath, relaxing to her attentions. "yes, please do."

"Then I shall" she said before dragon teeth and eyes burst forth and she took a huge chunk out of his neck. Her dragon left hand covering his mouth to muffle the sound of his scream. His struggle was useless against her draconic strength.

Rara spit as she released the limp body from her grasp. "I've never had a taste for human scum and after you," talking to the corpse "I never will."

The chunk she spit in the ground started to smoke and melt. The area on the neck where she bit him started to do the same. "Good luck finding what's left."

Then she exited the shop with her purchase as if nothing in the world was wrong. "Hey metal man, you done or do you need back up?" she said to her earpiece when she was some distance away from the shop.

The Meeting Place / Re: Timi's Medicine (Arad, GIR)
« on: August 27, 2016, 05:39:45 am »
Rara just stared at the man. If his acid was meant to disconcert her, he was wasting his time. Rara was too old to fall pray to those parlor tricks. Instead she just taped something on her little gadget and handed it over to Drake. "For now, I'd like you to secure your ship at these coordinates. The game plan will be for myself and Segunda to incapacitate one and if that proves to be unrealistic for the given circumstance, you will be waiting with an open cage. The rest, I think you can figure out for yourself. We'll be needing those suits I had you pick up from the client. Human lungs can't survive in that foul place." Then turning to the mercenary. "If you have any questions, now is the time."

Haviah / Re: Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 27, 2016, 05:28:43 am »
"Right this way, my lady" Cassius said, exiting the vehicle and leading the way to the ship. He led the way to the bridge of the ship where introductions to the crew was made. All was as courteous as protocol permitted though there was some instances where one of the younger ladies in the bridge almost broke protocol from sheer fangasm.

Turning to Nikita from his captain's chair, "Would you like to watch the take off? Mr. Barrona here," nodding towards a blue-haired tanned young man in spectacles, "...can take you to your quarters."

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 20, 2016, 08:43:07 pm »
Rara roamed the narrow streets of the bazaar pretending (or maybe not so pretending) to be an interested customer all the while looking out for her target. She entered the stall that was directly opposite her target's and began to scout the surroundings. When that distraction comes, she better be able to go in and out of that other store as fast as lightning without anyone the wiser of what she had done.

The target was busy lining his wares in the front table of his stall. Rara turned around to look at the fine cloths that lined one wall of the shop she was in when the target looked up at her direction.
"Excuse me!" she called to this shop's owner and smiled when he approached. "how much is this bold of cloth?" referring to one with a black and magenta pattern with gold embellishments here and there.

The owner gave her the price and she shook her head at what she thought was an exorbitant price. She left the stall. Perhaps he would reconsider if she came back a little later.

This time she crossed the street and came into the shop of her target. With a merchant's eye, she inspected the bolts of cloth that lined his shop wall. The selection was not very remarkable. It was obvious to her that these were but a front for something else. Nevertheless, she faked interest on one with a red and bronze design on black. "Excuse me," she called. "how much for this bolt of cloth?"

Haviah / Re: Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 18, 2016, 02:47:41 pm »
"You are a pilot royal" he chided himself. "Why are you so flustered just because of this woman? Get a grip! was the inner battle he was fighting despite the fact that outwardly he was putting on a show of alertness, valiantly scanning the periphery for any sign of a disturbance. But eventually, he could not help but steal a few glances at her direction once in a while.

Haviah / Re: Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 18, 2016, 03:13:08 am »
With her, the crowd was a respectable distance. With him, it was like he was swallowed by a raging river. He just took a second to adjust the strap of the backpack before exiting the elevator and that sea of bodies was what greeted him. Though few, it was a crowd of rabid supporters. He fought against the crowd that was squeezing him away from Nikita and barely managed to shove himself into the limo after her before one of her fans tried to go in after her. He quickly closed and locked the door. Panting, he took a few moments to right himself then gave the order to the waiting driver.

"To the docks, John."

"You are one popular, chick." He managed to say to her charge, the experience breaking some of his reserve.

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 18, 2016, 03:08:05 am »
"A tourist district, huh?" she thought to herself. "This'll be fun. This mission is turning out to be a piece of cake; nothing to do but to follow around the cyborg. Maybe when we dock at that place I'll even have the time to do some sightseeing and shopping." Rara could only hope. Her small exotic wares shop back at Cancer could use some new items. This trip is turning out to be killing to birds with one stone; one bird being dispatched literally.

Rara saluted to her partner. "Roger that. Though you needn't worry. I can take care of myself. Where are we headed anyway?" The cyborg had so few words it was kind of hard to understand what he really wanted from her.

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 17, 2016, 10:22:45 am »
Woah... This guy was a real sour puss. Droid or not, she was convinced that what lay beneath all that metal used to me human and she was determined to crack that shell wide open. Though she couldn't help but wonder what could be bothering him so much that made him act this way. Rara was tempted to take out her lipstick and smear a huge smile on the android face for laughs just to lessen the tension this metal man was putting up between then. Rara stopped herself. That would just complicate things more. She couldnt stop the smile that had formed at the edges of her lips though and try as she might to squelch it down, the image of a lipstick stained face was too much for her. And that smile lasted there until she decided that it was time to move on with the next phase of their mission.

Haviah / Re: Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 17, 2016, 10:09:45 am »
Though Cassius would have rathered he carry all the baggage for her himself, he understood how one can be very protective of one's special equipment. If this were his riding gear that was in question, he wouldn't  let anyone carry it for him either.

He took up the heavy backpack as if it was nothing and flung it over one shoulder then followed her into the elevator.

Cassius could not help but check out the famous star as they decended. Who could blame him? He was in the company of majority of the human populace's daydream. And it waa no wonder. Even with casual clothes on, the star was beautiful. Even from sideways her eyes drew attention. Her supple lips even more so. And the glow of her skin was very inviting.

Cassius forced himself to stop his thoughts in his tracks. His heart skipped a little at the aborted thought, face slightly warming.

Cassius cleared his throat once again and this time decided that some conversation was in order lest his thoughts roam to... other things.

"It's  really an honor, ma'am, to be your escort today. My collueges are quite your fans."

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:07:53 am »
Rara burst out laughing. "Boy, you're one serious dude, Arad. I think I will take up a new hobby. Thanks for suggesting it." she smiled with a secret impish grin. The new hobby she was planning to take up was to see if she could get that heartless bastard to at least smile. Rara looked forward to the challenge. It wasn't like their work presented much in a way of amusement anyway.

"So," she began again. "Who's our next target and where are we headed?"

Haviah / Re: Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:03:17 am »
"Yes, ma'am. We are ready to accommodate you now. The ship is waiting in the docks. If you could show me your luggage, I'll escort you there now." He said as cooly as he can, still suppressing a slight warmth from the little spectacle a few moments ago.

Haviah / Re: Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:30:16 am »
Well talk about fanservice... It was only for a moment but there was no mistaking what that dark piece of cloth was. Its funny how something so mundane could move ones insides especially if it belonged to the woman you know the whole of Aedolan covets.

His face grew a little hot but he squelched the feeling as soon as it came. It wasn't the time for such things. Cassius cleared his throat and saluted. "Ma'am, Pilot Royal Cassius Iovianus, at your service." nd here he gave a courteous bow. "I am to escort you to your concert on Libra."

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:20:28 am »
"Not really" she replied and combs one hand through a few strands of hair, playing with the end, twisting them around one finger. She faces him, cocking her head to one side. "Just bored out of my mind. Tends to happen when you have a partner that's--" and here she raked her eyes over his body. "-- too efficient. Perhaps you can suggest an alternate activity to fill my time until the next contract?"

Plotting Center / Vita Fulvia, reporting for pilot duty.
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:30:18 am »
Here's my new pilot candidate: Vita Fulvia

Anyone wanna take her under their wing? She doesn't have a dragon yet either.

Open Space / Re: Days of old [Cherry!] [M]
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:26:10 am »
Rara pursed her lips as she leaned on the doorway, a bored expression on her face. "One down, how many more to go?" she said as she pretended to check off a name from her imaginary checklist.

Haviah / Hold The Reason And Pass Me The Honey
« on: August 16, 2016, 12:20:05 am »
Cassius straightened his uniform and cleared his throat as the elevator ascended up to the penthouse suite of Haviah's most prominent living spaces. He was to meet Nikita, Aedolis' most famous idols. He was to escort her to a concert she will be having on Libra. It was an honor for him and his crew to be carrying her to such an important event. They were apparently going there to quell the rising tension between Aedolis and Libra. Cassius once again straightened his already immaculate shoulders, making sure that he was the utmost of himself for that occassion.

The elevator bell dinged and the doors opened into a lavish looking apartment. Waiting there, her back to him was Aedolis' greatest goddess.

The Meeting Place / Re: Timi's Medicine (Arad, GIR)
« on: August 15, 2016, 11:59:04 pm »
"The three of us." Rara amended. She took one good look at the raven haired warrior and decided he was just the kind of man he was looking for. Danger radiated in his aura; gossip was the least likely pastime this hulking man would probably engage in. Perfect. But just to be safe, she'll have to make sure she pays for their silence as well.

Now Rara took a look at the pirate. Here she had a bit of a problem. Pirates were known to have loose lips whether or not you pay them. But no matter. She needed him and his ship now and she heard he'd be crazy enough to make this deal. "I trust you have your ship docked somewhere convenient?" she asked with a raised brow. "and you have the containment units picked up?" she added.

Then turning to fiddle with the small gadget in her hands, she projected something for all of them to see. It was a 3D model of a reptilian like creature with a long snout filled with sharp shark-like teeth with spikes protruding from its head and along its spine, down to its muscular tail. It stood on hind legs that resembled that of an ostrich's. It has a huge thigh meaning it must be a fast runner. Its front appendages, however, resembled paddles signifying that this creature was both an aquatic and a land hunter. It was truly a dangerous beast especially in its habitat.

"This--" Rara began, nodding towards the hologram. Its our target. The locals call its a buwaya. We are to capture at least three of these and deliver it. To where, I am not at liberty to say until we have successfully completed our mission."

Aedolis Characters / Vita Fulvia, Pilot Candidate
« on: August 15, 2016, 09:46:13 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Lucilia Vita Fulvia / Vita
Age 15
Gender Female
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 5' 6" and still growing
Occupation Pilot Candidate
Residence Haviah

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Vita is tall and slender, the type most suited for modelling since she was one before she was drafted into the military. She has a very innocent and gentle looking face with soft hazel eyes that sometimes lighten to a deep amber. She has long straight silver hair that reached to her chest that as of late she had been wearing free. Her wardrobe now consists of the standard uniform for pilot candidates.

Just as her appearance suggests, Vita is a very gentle person, unsure of herself and her abilities because of years of living under her mother's and brother's shadow. But ever since she had been drafted into the military and told of her potential, she has been working hard to become stronger. After all, everyone knew that being drafted meant no escape and it was a dog eat dog world more ruthless than stardom.

Strong Psychic
Underdeveloped telekinesis

Marcelina Mariana Fulvia, Mother
Iovita Pontius Agripus, Younger half-brother

Vita was following in her mother's footsteps as a celebrity. She would have made a name for herself as a model however, was often sick because of debilitating headaches. It was then found out that those headaches was her growing psychic abilities and was thus drafted into the military as a pilot candidate.

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