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Libra Characters / Caiside Derrick, Councilor
« on: March 14, 2017, 02:18:22 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Caiside Derrick
Human of fae descent
Libran of Serenian ancestory
One of the councilors of district 2 and proud as punch of it!
Libra, district 2
__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Caiside has light silvery blue hair and eyes like pink sapphires. His body is slight in frame but he has a little bit of a chubby tummy. He looks younger than his age might imply thanks to his fae ancestry.

His personality is mostly charming and he seems very kind and like he genuinely cares about those in his district and doing right by them... but don't be fooled he is a wealthy politician.

Cai possesses a bit of glamour magic that is not really useful unless you wanted to run for office- Oh wait! 8D



__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Complete Threads

The Citadel / Worries for Another Day! (Drac!!! <3)
« on: March 10, 2017, 05:04:56 pm »
Pilot Noble Alexiel Appati sat on his desk chair with his knees up to his chest, typing his hopes away on his communicator, his pom pom tail swishing lightly as he hummed. This wasn't a particularly new thing for him but what was different today was that he was in the small cramped room that housed many files and a desk that currently belonged to Pilot Rhys Argel.

He got partnered up with Rhys a lot lately! They worked on a lot of important stuff. Yesterday he drew a very important picture of Altar for the records! And Pilot Argel sat at that small crowded desk. Today he rolled his chair over to the door and was waiting for Altar to come pick him up so they could go flying! He had told Altar as much in the chat on his com instead of out loud today... though Altar was a bit slow in answering. It didn't matter. Alexi knew Altar would come soon!


Jon really wasn't sure how he managed to get to to Syn first, or maybe some of the other Pilots who were supposed to come were already here among the crowd, he was fairly certain they'd agreed to meet by the main bar in the club. Normally it was pretty hard to get a seat at the main bar, unless of course you were a celebrity. Which was why Pilots often sat there. And why it was so crowded around it.

It had been a while since Jon had been to Syn, but the bar tender still recognized him even in street clothes and made sure he got his old seat. "Nice to see you again Pilot Rheeves, what can I get you sir?" The pretty woman asked him as he sat down.

Jon pulled out his com and checked something before looking back at the bar tender and smiling. "Start me off with a jack and coke and five shots of whatever's good."

"Expecting company then?" She asked with a small chuckle as she fixed his drink thought over what to do for the shots.

"Yep!" He grinned and thanked her for the jack and coke as she started to set up the shot glasses. He turned towards the dance floor and main stage before taking two small pills out of a mint container and downing them with a sip of his drink before returning the small container to his pocket. He was going to have a good time tonight if it killed him.

Teinar Characters / Ruckus, Raider
« on: March 02, 2017, 11:31:35 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Late 20s / early 30s
Human (mutated)
Raider and gang leader
__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Ruckus has lighter reddish brown hair than her brother, with more of a sun kissed look. It is long and often braided or pulled up, with choppy bangs. Her eyes are a fierce almost glowing electric blue and she has a well toned and muscular body that contrasts the soft features of her face. She does sport a few scars, the most notable ones are a small white line just under her left eye and a large one that stars at the top of her right shoulder and goes down around to the center of her back. She has fairly large breasts for a woman of her build but she tends to wear clothing that binds them or at least keeps them out of her way.

She has a rather cruel streak to her but is also very good to her own. She is strong and believes only the strong deserve to survive but she also protects her own so long as they can keep up. People who don't pull their weight have no place in her gang. That said anyone outside her gang / with out use to her is fair game and she has no concern for what happens to them.

She does not spare anyone kindness though she can be sweet just to fuck with people.

Being raised out in the wastes she has mutated enough to breathe in the toxic air normally, and her eyesight has also adapted, allowing her to see better in the dark especially. She is an excellent marksman with her crossbow especially but also has a Pilot issue hand gun she managed to pick up though she uses it more as a threat in close counters since ammo for it is limited. It seems to be more of a favorite trophy of hers though she has used it to smack people around on more than one occasion.

She is also strong enough to kick your ass just fighting hand to hand... or leg to leg.

Her bike is her only love. Well that and...

Rampage- Her older brother who she both loves and despises.

(Will add later, see Rampage's bio for the basics XD)
__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

Advanced Training Complex / A Cure For Worrying [Drac and Lion!] [M]
« on: February 25, 2017, 09:49:43 pm »
Quirin put down his communicator and rolled off his bed where he had been laying for the past hour, actively ignoring Vaughan as his new roomie had come out of the bathroom still wet from the shower and wearing only shorts that just seemed way too fitting and way too... short. Still. His conversation with Soleas had ended and the other stage 4 candidate was on his way over.

Quirin idly fixed his own hair before fishing the bottle of whiskey out from under his bed and turning to look at his roommate. "Put some clothes on. Soleas is on his way." He said holding up the bottle.

Advanced Training Complex / Land of Training and Darkness [Liiioooon!!!]
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:35:47 pm »
Windsor was a bit of a marvel, at least in regards to avoiding the bullies and torment that often accompanied stage 2. When he closed his eyes he could see things and people around him through what he called 'mapping'. It worked kind of like psychic echo location and it allowed him to tell what kind of vibes were worth avoiding, and which people. He blinked a few times but his one contact was moving and really just annoying him today. He was at a point where he wondered why he was bothering with them. His eyesight was shit these days and it wasn't going to get better. He had been told that he would most likely be completely blind before he could even hope to graduate and by then there would be no hope of saving his eyesight. On top of that the odds were a lot lower he that he would graduate if he couldn't see.

Part of him wanted to give into the inevitability that he would be TRIM'd, but he was too stubborn to just give up. If there was a shot he was going to take it. So when he had gotten a new mentor about a month ago he hoped that the Pilot Royal would be able to help him. So far Pilot Royal Lockhart just seemed to hate mentoring.

Windsor cracked his eyes open so that he could check if the Pilot had sent him a message. He was pretty early, but just wanted to make sure nothing had changed. Pilots often got pulled away on missions even when they had plans to meet with you. It was just a fact. No. That message was just the chatroom. He really should just quit that. He barely ever read it anyway, it hurt his eyes a lot. He let them close and watched the few others in the large training hall go about their business. 

Advanced Training Complex / There's One Sound That No One Knows [Rhi!! 8D]
« on: February 23, 2017, 10:45:50 am »
It was a good thing he had no class today. Landis was still entirely expecting his mentor to hit him up but there wasn't anything else going on in his little world.

Actually there was a lot going on in his little world~! 8D

He was really glad that the chat was getting more active again, even if he was now behind on logging it to the blog because of it... and the blog itself was getting less traffic. The chat was more immediate and fun and in the basking glow of his success it was nice to actively enjoy the company of others via a small screen and the pretense of 'trying not to worry about things'. Worry? He wasn't worried at all! He was giddy! It had WORKED. And they were all still reeling to figure out what the fuck went down. Even Keziah was oblivious. And all he had to do now... was nothing. And no one would suspect a thing.

Just keep going about business as usual, act concerned or slightly distraught about it when mentioned, never associate with Pilot Cnyte, and why would he want to, and it would get dealt with by Inquiry... effectively they would end up sweeping half of it under the rug so that the word 'Gospel' wouldn't be uttered. All he had to do was not seem so fucking pleased with himself...

It was actually proving to be a bit harder than it sounded. At least it all just seemed to be hormones and sex drive to everyone else. No one was going to suspect that Landis Montgomery Flane, a candidate who was not there when the 'incident' occurred and had never even encountered Pilot Cnyte, was responsible.

In fact... there was no problem at all. No one was killed... it was just some bizarre fight that resulted in multiple demotions, court marshals, and the trimming of a number of useless candidates. Obviously it was Cnyte's fault anyway. That man should have been trimmed as a candidate... how he even became a Pilot in the first place, well some puzzles really were unsolvable it seemed.

Aedolis Characters / Alexiel Appati, Pilot Noble
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:29:20 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Alexiel Appati, Alex, Alexi, Lex, never Lexi
Humanoid of unknown origin
Pilot Noble- Ministry department
The Citadel

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Alexiel has pale pearly pinkish skin and simultaneosly appears mature and boyish. He has some wrinkles and age lines but still looks fairly young, mostly because of his non-human ancestry, large turquoise eyes, and a splattering of freckles on his face. Other distinguishing features are his long pink tail with a fluffy cotton like pom pom at the end, and his large pointed ears. His fluffy, short, wavy / curly hair used to be dark teal but is now snow white and he often wears large silver circular glasses.

Alexiel often has no idea what is going on, either he doesn't understand, or he has forgotten and just stares off in his own little world, often speaking to his dragon Altar but doing it out loud instead of in his head... despite the fact that his dragon has been dead for over 25 years.

Altar's death was so traumatic for Alexiel that he had to be hospitalized for some time after, many other Pilots thought it would kill him outright. His hair turned white, he went catatonic, he was violently ill and also seemed to lose his mind. Even when his physical health finally improved his mind was gone, he would never be the same man he had been when he was Altar's Pilot. The two had been incredibly close and Alexi could not cope with the loss.

Other Pilots no longer try and explain to Alexiel that Altar is dead because the outcome usually involved Alexi becoming catatonic or extremely violent and either way he would once again forget that this was the reality of things.

Telepathy- seems incapable of using it since the trauma
Telesthesia- once a very gifted in this ability to the extent that he seemed to astral project and be watching the events while there, which is actually not the case for most Telesthetics. It is unknown if he still has visions since the traumatic event since during them he used to become catatonic and does now as well but it just seems random and if he is he is not lucid enough to explain the visions in any useful way.

Garners the pity of a few Pilots who remember how talented and dedicated he once was, and even some dragons who recall how close and loyal he was to Altar.

Alexiel was not there when Altar died, but he was there. He was not physically with his dragon but rather he had a vision of it happening- something he has never told, or had the ability to tell anyone. It practically killed him. He actually tried to remain in the vision, remain with Altar, tried to keep him alive in that moment before his death and stay in the moment... this is part of what 'broke his mind'.

Since then he has been hospitalized for both physical and mental health reasons and after his release was later moved to the Ministry department, mostly out of pity, where he does only simple tasks and many of the retired Pilots who work there take care of him.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

Teinar Characters / Goggles, Wasteland Tinkerer
« on: February 16, 2017, 06:53:39 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Goggles, he honestly doesn't even remember his birth name
21... no... 22 now? What day is it?
Human... maybe mutated at this point, it's hard to tell living out in the Wastes
Tinkerer and scrapper out in the Wastelands
Wastelands outside Teinar territory, on the edge of raider territory
__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Goggles has sandy, dust covered light brown hair, lightly tanned skin riddled with more than a few scars, though none on his face except one cut on his lower lip. His eyes are hazel colored but often obscured by a huge pair of goggles that make them look bigger when on transparent setting.

He is a scrawny kind of guy, not a lot of muscle to him, basically looks like a strong wind would knock him over.


Paranoid, more than a bit apprehensive of others and their motivations, a self preservationist but not uncaring. The world has taught him you can rely on very few others and you have to take care of yourself first and foremost cause you are tool and best and expendable to everyone else.


Technopathy- He is a very skilled technopath, able to communicate with any electronic device, even basic circuitry, and on occasion seemingly just with scrap metal and materials.

Tinkerer- Goggles is great at making things, be it survival equipment for the harsh polluted terrain, vehicles, weapons, surveillance equipment. There is no such thing as inorganic trash to him. He can put any scrap material to some use.

Telepathy- Its sort of there, but he has no idea how to use it and can't even hear surface thoughts naturally. He would have to really focus in order to read anyone's mind and would rather not do it anyway.


His family is dead, and he is alone.

Ruckus- He fucking hates her / is terrified of her.

Rampage- Pretty much the same.


Will add later.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

Quirin was still kinda pissed that Rodion had used his com to go on the candidate chat but what could he say? He had a hard time standing up to his friend when they were both candidates and now Rodion was a Pilot. He certainly wasn't acting like one yet though... It hadn't even been a month since the other graduated though. Quirin put his com down and pinched the bridge of his nose. Locked out. Great. Now he couldn't even apologize. Well... whatever it wasn't like he really had to right? It wasn't his doing in the first place.

He looked up at the other- no at the Pilot who was laying on his bed messaging someone, this time on his own com thank gods. Quirin sat down on the other bed since it was empty now. He'd probably get a new roommate or shuffled around in a few days since his old roommate just got promoted to stage 5 and moved out to the Citadel. Gods did he want to leave the ATC too. He was so done with this place. He just kinda sat there waiting for Rodion to say something or do something... why? Why had he been so happy that this asshole was coming to visit him? He scratched at his head. Sure he had been lonely since Rodion advanced to stage 5 but...

Wasn't that Rodion's fault too? Of course no one liked him. Rodion was basically his only friend. And Rodion was a dick.

Rodion finally sat up to see Quirin just kinda staring off in his direction. "Dude quit staring at me its freaking me out." He said swinging his legs off the bed and standing up stretching. "Rhys is coming over, we are going to have some actual fun."

Hey DDDDD8 Are you ok Vaughan? Just want to make sure cause of... you know... the chat stuff...


</3 Landis

Aedolis Characters / Quirin Ritter, Stage 4 Candidate
« on: February 12, 2017, 05:18:10 pm »

__________________QUICK STATS
Quirin Ritter
Human / Muirin (a mixed race of once sea dwelling, aquatic, humanoids that were forced on land when the seas became inhabitable but have largely mixed with human and other populations in Aedolis)
Stage 4 Candidate
Formerly of Aurora, currently the ATC
__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Most of Quirin's skin is bronze, however he does have patches of light almost opalescent scale like markings on his arms, hips and legs, as well as an ever so lighter shade of bronze in a skull like shape on his face, making him look more badass than he actually is in all fairness.

Adding to his supposedly bad ass appearance is an eternal, exoskeletal second ribcage around his torso. His face is angular and sharp, accented by the skull outline markings and his hair is a silvery white while his eyes are a deep sapphire blue. His frame is toned and muscular thanks to candidacy but it mostly just shows in his arms and legs since his torso is limited by his exoskeleton. While he does have human like eyes, ears, and nose, he also has coverings that go over the openings in his nose and ears when submerged in water, as well as 'lenses' that cover his eyeballs and a set of gills!

Basically a dang asshole lackey. He isn't so bad when he is on his own, and since Rodion and Rhys graduated that is more often than not, but when he is with his 'friends' he is as big a dick as they can be.

Quirin does at least seem to have a conscience since recently he has realized what an asshole he has been to people. He still doesn't know how to reconcile this though.

Telepath: Average.
Hydrokinesis: Pretty skilled, especially at pulling moisture from the air or other sources, control is not quite as talented.
Illumokinesis: He is getting the hang of this and it often combines with his hydrokinesis... ends up creating rainbows without meaning to.
Telekinesis: Below average.

Weapons training: Proficient.

Friends- Rodion Voronin and Rhys Argel

Enemies- Vaughan Liik


(Will add later)

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

Aedolis Characters / Rodion Voronin, Pilot Cardinal
« on: February 12, 2017, 04:30:47 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Rodion Voronin
Pilot Cardinal
The Citadel
__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Rodion has short somewhat spiky dark brown hair and deep set reddish-brown eyes. He has a wide nose and a squared off dimpled chin with peachy skin. Ro is pretty dang buff. He has a wide tank-ish build to begin with but candidacy really built him up good.

Diiiiiiiiiick. :| Takes what he wants, doesn't give a real shit about anyone but himself, enjoys the company of his friends but wouldn't really care if they got stabbed in the eye.

However when it comes to battle he would not leave anyone behind and thinks like a tactician more than just some brute. He might hate you and make you miserable outside of combat situations but rest assured he has your back when you are facing the same opponent.

Telepathy- Slightly above average.

Telekinesis- Stronger than his telepathy.

Proficient in combat maneuvers, firearms, and tactical planning. 'Good Leadership skills'.

Friends- Rhys Argel and Quirin Ritter

Enemies- Vaughan Liik

Dragon: A medium to small sized mostly mechanized younger dragon named Rhema, built more for speed than anything else. She owns her Pilots and so far Rodion is acceptable to her.

Rodion is a pretty average Aedolian. He grew up in a pretty average lower upper class family, his mother is military, his father was just one of her conquests... his step father is a pretty wealthy business owner and Rodion did basically whatever he pleased growing up.

When he was 16 he discovered he was psychic and went down to a military recruitment station to apply for training, when he was tested they determined his telepathy was strong enough for him to qualify for the Pilot program and he was pretty damn pumped about it. Who doesn't want to be a Pilot?

Lol may add more later but he was a huuuuge dick and a bully in his candidate days... which were basically yesterday. 8|

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

Advanced Training Complex / Get a Few Things Off My Mind [Draconian]
« on: February 10, 2017, 06:11:11 pm »
Castor didn't normally spend time in this particular rec room. I was on the floor where most stage 4 candidates lived but it was near one of the auditoriums mainly used for stage 3 drills, so there was often a bit of a cross between the two stages in this rec room and normally the less people around him the better. Today he was trying to actually be around others and just... control his powers.

It didn't used to be this bad. When he was still living at home he had total control of his electrokinesis, and amazing feat for a young psychic. Of course, they hadn't even come in fully by that point. Puberty messed him up good... he couldn't even send thoughts to anyone but Pollux without shocking them now. He looked down at his standard issue communicator in it's special rubber case and tried to message the others in the candidate chat. Lately it was a somewhat decent distraction at least, but it wasn't letting him send anything. It often malfunctioned, even with the rubber casing, his gloves and using a stylus rather than touch it directly. Normally when it got like this Pollux would fix it for him but... he couldn't bother Pollux anymore.

It had been his decision to distance himself from his brother, but he did really miss him. It seemed that was always the way of things. He sighed and ignored the coming and goings of others in the large rec room, closing his eyes for a moment. He could feel the tingling in his brain, the small shocks of neurons firing as his thoughts followed an all to circular thought process. It still hurt, but the feeling was becoming reassuring somehow. At least he wasn't numb and complacent.

The Cancer / Damn Good Times! (Winkle)
« on: January 22, 2017, 11:29:49 pm »
Another night. Most nights were pretty similar for Maygen Shrayd, and The Piss Hole always did good business. Both bars technically. The joint was a narrow hole in the wall sort of establishment but what it lacked in width it made up for in depth. The narrow bar went back pretty far, the darkest corners and area back by the bar itself were unseen by anyone outside the joint. It didn't exactly look welcoming but it was a well known hub of information and dealings on the Cancer, and if you knew where it was, chances were you were going in for more than a drink.

Of course not all of the bar's patrons were shady. Captain Chapel Meridia himself had been known to stop by for a drink on occasion. Peace keepers as well. But it was usually a safe place to mind your own business... and if you wanted to just drink and have a good time the upstairs bar would be more your speed.

As apposed to the main bar on the lower floor, the upstairs bar which sported its own entrance as well as access from the main floor establishment, was a bit brighter by Canceran standards and looked newer too. It was easier to find, and oddly not as narrow as its lower floor counterpart, but also not as deep. Both bars shared the same name, staff and owner- but it was rare for Maygen himself to work the upstairs bar.

Nah. He liked the old piece of shit bar and its clientele. It suited him, and he was master of his domain down here. He let his employees handle the upstairs, even if it was more lucrative on the books.

Tonight was a little slower than most. A few deals going down at some of the tables from what Gen could tell, no one seemed in a bad mood- if their alcohol consumption was any indication, and in his experience it usually was. He finished drying some glasses as the only waitress he had on staff tonight ran a few drinks to one of the tables and he checked the cameras at the upstairs bar from his communicator. Busier up there, some familiar faces, couple of guys getting a bit rowdy. Nothing his staff couldn't handle.

Just another night.

Advanced Training Complex / Damage Control [M?][open by request only]
« on: December 17, 2016, 10:27:28 pm »
Ailill was really wishing he could take his meds now. Wishing he hadn't just given them to Jon. Wishing he could keep things secret while on them because they HAD been helping but it was just a risk he couldn't afford... but damn if he didn't need them right now. Especially with his mother sitting across from him.

"So you said Simone is dealing with Pilot Cnyte? Do they need help dealing with the others? I would like to speak with the candidates involved before they are sent off, if I may." He asked trying not to seem bothered by the fact that his mother was here, sitting across from him.

Of course he was upset by the fact that there was a brawl involving Pilots and Candidates right here in the ATC. Not to mention the fact that he had not predicted this... he had no visions of anything involving this.. and apparently one of the candidates involved was one he had predicted would graduate. How had he not seen anything about this? Was his mother here to question him on that? Or because he had not responded to her letter perhaps? At least she was focused on the incident now.


Cameron sat across from her son and simply nodded, her tail flicking lightly as Ailill spoke. She was humming softly under her breath as she worked out the issues this incident brought up in her mind. There was one big issue she felt needed to be addressed immediately. "You can speak to the candidates if you want Ailill, but there are more important matters to see to." Cameron said dismissing her son's words with a wave of her hand. "Your immediate promotion for instance."

"...Promotion? Moth- Pilot Royal Matthers, forgive me but I don't understand what you mean-"

"I am promoting you to temporary acting Director of Candidate Affairs, since Pilot Rosales could not bother to select someone to take his place-"

"Mother please! You cannot just declare such a thing- can you? And Pilot Letendre is in charge in Pilot Royal Rosales' absence-"

"That is Pilot Royal Matthers, not 'mother', and of course I can Ailill. I just did." Cameron finished typing something on her communicator and looked back up to see the horrified look on her son's face. "Well if Pilot Letendre is supposed to be in charge than where is he?"

"He still has his own work to do as well, and I do not know his schedule off hand but-"

"Do not make excuses for him. You are more suited for the position as it is."

"This is nepotism! And I don't even want the position-"

Cameron scoffed. "You think I would give you something you did not deserve? No one in Candidate Affairs understands the candidates better than you, and knows which ones are worthy of our investment as well as you do."


Why did that piss him off so much? He didn't feel like he deserved even a temporary promotion. He didn't want a temporary promotion- and while he agreed that true leadership and command within the ATC was lacking since Pilot Royal Rosales was recovering he did not feel now was the appropriate time for this discussion. And yet Ailill could not voice any of this to his mother. "...Cross is in charge-"

"Pilot Letendre is not doing a satisfactory job."

"He is doing the best any one of us could do under the circumstances! Pilot Royal Rosales was attacked! Cross was attacked! We were attacked! I would not be surprised if this was backlash for what Sade did and-"

"Backlash? So you believe that this incident was Gospel related?"

Shit. He didn't mean to say that out loud. It was too soon for theories but... well there had been too many internal issues that they were dealing with... but he was fairly certain he had never heard his mother actually acknowledge Gospels before. "All I am saying is we cannot rule it out. Many Pilots have been on edge for some time, that much is obvious. I can see how distrust might escalate but not to such a level, and not involving candidates." He sighed a bit.

"This is why you should be in charge Ailill."

"Pilot Letendre outranks me and I have no interest in-"

Cameron sighed and narrowed her serious gaze at her son in a way that still gave him chills. "Fine. You said Pilot Letendre is busy with his own work as well correct? Then assist him. The two of you can share the position. I want you to keep order here Pilot Echo Matthers."

Well, that there was no arguing with. He wanted to say that the pressure was more than he reasonably believed he could handle given various circumstances, but admitting weakness was not an option. "Yes, Pilot Royal Matthers, thank you for this opportunity." He said nodding, though he wanted to scream. He had learned a long time ago how to keep cool in public. How to not show his thoughts or emotions.


Cameron stood up and nodded back in Ailill's direction despite looking down at her communicator, tapping away furiously at the screen. "I will send you all necessary information and push this through immediately. Expect messages from me shortly as well as a mass memo to be issued later today- oh and Ailill." She looked up at him, at his stoic face and those dark blue eyes that looked just like her own. "Make sure you answer your personal messages in the future as well." Cameron flicked her tail once more as she exited the room, her heels clacking on the floor.



Absences/Returns / I've been putting this off XD
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:30:56 pm »
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of depression and anxiety... Don't know if this is necessary just thought I'd give you a heads up.

So. I guess i should post here since my attendance had and will be... Spotty.

I'm not really going anywhere, I'm just falling back into my mess of winter madness / anxiety / depression and can't promise I will be around everyday.

I know this SOUNDS concerning but I'll be ok I promise! I have issues with depression and anxiety all the time but it takes on different forms at different times and I generally am a shut down or anxious mess during the holiday season...

It does not help that I am legitimately TRIGGERED by a specific Christmas song and to the point that I have to worry about it coming on in stores when shopping because I will have a full blown panic attack and that is not fun or pretty XD

I've already been terrified of turning on the radio in my car cause it already came on and its not even thanksgiving XD

I'm sorry about ranting, I honestly hope you guys didn't read all that XD Ughhh last year wasn't so bad cause I was recovering from surgery the whole holiday season XD

Anyway I will be around here and there but yeah sorry guys. Pm if you need me for something, I will try to keep up with those as best I can!

<3 Nix

I know other candidates before me have done these but they are not candidates anymore so we need one for us NOW right?

Don't worry chicadees I have made arrangements so that this can be passed on if I am suddenly no longer a Candidate myself. Though I fully intend on graduating so that will be years from now.

Also if your status changes your log in info will too and POOF! No more access to this blog. Sorry. But if you aren't a Candidate this space just isn't for you~

Topics topics topics...


Let's start this off with an ice breaker since I'm sure not everyone who has access to this knows each other. Say your name, stage, answer the question asked by the person before you and ask a random question for the next person!

I'll start of course.

Ok so I am Landis Montgomery Flane for those of you who have not met me yet, and I am a stage 3 Candidate now! :D As for a question well... Let's start off with the most ancient and meaningful question there is. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

<3 Landis

Aedolis Characters / Landis Montgomery Flane, Pilot Candidate
« on: October 23, 2016, 03:00:38 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Landis Montgomery Flane (like flame but with an N)
Human meat popsicle!
Aedolian :D
Irrelevant... Ok, 5'5.
Pilot Candidate stage 3!
The ATC of course!

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Landis is actually pretty average looking over all. He does have rather large light sage green eyes but his hair is short with slightly swoopy bangs, and is a nondescript light brownish strawberry blonde? Its like blondish brown with subtle red highlights? That sort of strange color that you can't quite pin down when asked for a description but is also just... Mundane.

He is rather lacking in muscle tone despite his physical training, but is pretty flexible. His face, and basically everything regarding his appearance would be forgettable if there wasn't just... Something about him. Maybe its his smile...

He always seems to be smiling and cheerful. Sometimes it's just a small happy closed mouth smile and other times it's a full on Cheshire cat grin.

When calm and actually neutral emotionally, Landis has an analytical mind though often his reasoning is a bit off, or at least seems to be by any mildly rational party. Despite this seemingly detrimental logical gap his intuition is often right. Enough so that he is occasionally suspected to be a precog. He is not.

He is, however, very happy-go-lucky and has a very positive albeit strange personality. He seems to find the good in everything and just wants to be a Pilot. Why wouldn't any Candidate? Its not like there is a better available option right? Maybe bleeding out... (Blood is pretty. Let's watch it trickle out ok?) :D

Despite how utterly strange he is Landis manages to be charismatic and has a budding cult of personality beginning to envelope him. He likes being the center of attention, though it often does not seem that way since he is also a rather keen observer of things. Usually things have a way of warping around him and even if he seems a bystander at first he ends up in the thick of it eventually... And was the whole time. His Candidates Only blog aides this fact rather often as well.

"Not everything happens for a reason, but everything happens."

He is the kind of guy who would just be hanging upside down by his knees from the monkey bars smiling when you are having an existential crisis and sitting on a swing at 3 am.

He is just there. Hanging upside down.

When he is HAPPY though... he can be a meme unto himself. Giddy, sexually flamboyant... because of this people take his HAPPINESS as horniness and his normal personality as him being happy.

Landis is an average telepath at best and his telekinetic abilities are also rather mediocre however he makes up for that in ingenuity and thinking so far outside the box... Or maybe so far inside the box? I mean everyone devalues the box... It has so much potential. I mean. BOXES! Am I right? What CAN'T you do with a box?? Schroedinger's candidate style. ;D Awww yissss

His best skill is imprinting. He is very good at that, more so than his own psychometric abilities. He figures the reading aspect of it will improve with training but at least he already knows how to write his own stories.

His parents are still alive and he has some half siblings but he isn't close to any of them really... Maybe his only full sibling, a little sister who also has psychometric abilities.

Landis grew up in a rather average middle class Aedolian family. Or what would have seemed it if his parents had not been set up by Pilot Royal Cameron Matthers for the sake of having him. Landis knows he is one result of what is basically a large scale psychic breeding experiment. He was literally born to be a Candidate and hopefully one day a Pilot.

Fun fact! He is the only candidate Pilot Echo Ailill Sheehy Matthers has ever seen two posible outcomes of candidacy for. Because of this, and other things, he greatly unnerves the Pilot.

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Advanced Training Complex / Request for Personal Space Denied [Open!]
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:41:36 pm »
Ailill was not doing well. It did not help that one of the candidates he least wanted to see came seeking him out to deliver a letter. A letter from Cameron of all people.

He turned the letter over in his hands. Actual paper mail. Well. That's what happens when you ignore repeated personal messages from your mother. It was hardly a mistake that it was sent to Castor. Ailill never would have checked his mailbox and Cameron knew that. Castor on the other hand was a good obedient son. And a good son of Aedolis. It was hard to see the teenager circling the drain. Ailill had never wished so hard that a vision was wrong.

What was worse was the kid staring at him, silently seeking for hope and validation that Ailill could not offer him. He never told candidates the outcome of his visions and he was not starting with Castor Matthers.

The whole situation had him resenting his mother even more. Sending that poor kid... It was wrong. It was fucked up. It was all so fucked up. And what was it about? If she contacted him as the Ministry Director he would have responded, but she hadn't. None of her correspondence with him recently had been official. Ailill had half a mind to rip up the letter without opening it.

But that would just make it worse. With his luck she would actually come by to visit him. It was bad enough his dad was around all the time now that he was teaching at the ATC too, the last thing he needed was his mother coming by.

With an exasperated sigh that made him look more like his father than he ever wanted to, Ailill finally opened the letter he had been fiddling with since Castor left.

Shit. Shit shit shit shit!

He had only scanned the letter before balling it up and throwing it across his classroom. FUCK! This was not happening! She was not really trying to set him up with someone was she?! And using his depression and 'lack of sex' as a fucking excuse! Concerned?? There was no way that woman could be concerned about anyone but herself!

He should have known better. He should not have read that letter during his office hours. Maybe he could just leave? But where would he go? To confront her and tell her once and for all to back out of his personal life? That would not go over well... He wished she would just leave him alone. He wished he was anywhere else right now.

Damn could he use a distraction.

[This takes place in the ATC and I'm really looking for preferably a Pilot, but Stage 2 Candidates or higher and other Military Personnel are ok too. I am not looking for the person his mom is trying to set him up with though.]

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