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Topics - Rhi-Rhi

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News and Updates / Whoo~
« on: April 10, 2008, 01:26:53 am »
Finished updating the Master List of Ranks and Characters! Check it out, and if I missed anyone, just reply to this post with the characters of yours that I missed (or put in the wrong spot).

Muaha! You can also tell from looking at this list what sorts of characters we need! We have a tooon of wanderers, so what we really need are more characters for, say, Teinar. And more citizens for Aedolis. And Pilot Candidates and soldiers! And Edanith citizens...and people for the Libra. There is a war brewing that's gonna affect the Libra, after all. :3

So yeah! It's all finished and pretty-fied! Huzzah!

News and Updates / Chat room and activity check!
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:03:23 pm »
Just a friendly reminder that the activity check ends in two days on the 30th! So if you haven't already, please respond to it! Otherwise your account may be deleted.

Also! We now have a chat room! The link can be found above, under the "FAQ, Memberlist, Profile, etc." links, and it opens in a pop-up. :3 That way it can sorta act like an instant messenger window, only there are no instant messenger programs required! This way everyone can chat without having to worry about having the right instant messenger program, so check it out!

Character Profiles / Miyurin, Mage
« on: March 21, 2008, 08:39:37 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Kirin-to-human shifter
Tynova, Edanith

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
In human form, Miyurin has thick, fiery red hair that falls down to her waist in an unruly mess. Thus, she often wears it swept up and out of the way, piled on top of her head. Her eyes are yellow, almond shaped with thick lashes. Her skin is a pale olive tone. On her forehead is a circular mark that looks like a tattoo, a fire design. Going down the back of her neck, over her shoulders, down her back, and over her bottom and the upper part of the backs of her thighs are a series of tiny, dark green scales.

She's of an average height with a lithe build, about 5'6".

When in her true kirin form, she looks like a cross between a slender horse and a dragon and is about the size of a clydesdale. Her overall body shape is that of a horse, though she has cloven hooves with one dragon's talon at the back of each hoof, sort of like a dewclaw. Her body is a dark green and covered in dragon scales, with broader yellow plate-like scales along her belly, throat, and protecting the fronts of her legs.Thick whiskers decorate her muzzle, which is also horse-shaped but devoid of any fur. Her ears are also like those of a horse, if larger, and like a horse she has a mane made up of thick red hair that flows down to about mid-back. Red hair also decorates her elbows, her ankles, and grows from her long, scaly tail that is like a cross between a dragon tail and that of an ox.

Unlike a horse, she has sharp teeth like a dragon, even though she doesn't consume flesh.

From her forehead, a singe horn grows, curving slightly backwards. It sort of resembles a unicorn horn, except it is broader rather than slender.

I...shall figure this one out! But she's very gentle and calm for the most part, though she has no tolerance for those she considers "wicked"--those that would harm the innocent--and to people like that, she's not at all afraid to show a more violent, wrathful side. She has a very strong sense of justice (her brand of justice, that is) and has a very black-and-white worldview. There are few, if any, shades of gray.

While a very gentle creature under most circumstances, she has no problem wounding or killing someone that would harm her or an innocent, or allowing others to kill someone who is unjust or cruel. She also very aware and accepting of the cycle of life; she has no problem with creatures killing others for sustenance. It is mindless, unjust killing and abuse she has a problem with, and the repression of creatures meant to be free.

She, however, only eats a vegetarian diet.

As a Kirin, she can tell when someone is being honest or telling a lie, and she possesses telepathy and a gift of tongues (she can understand and speak any language she comes into contact with fluently). Being part dragon, fire is one of her elements, and she can breathe it from her mouth or conjure it. It is also said that she brings luck to those who are pure of heart.



__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

A comm link opens up between the Libra and the Cancer, a message intended for the captain of the station.

"Aedolis is moving against us, and Edanith, too. Aedolis will be on us in 72 hours if we do not surrender--which is of course not an option. Edanith has promised to aid us if we do fight, but I don't trust that they won't turn against us, obviously. I will accept their offer for now, if only to turn the tides against Aedolis rather than be crushed between Edanith and Aedolis both. Edanith will be easier to deal with on its own after it has sustained casualties by Aedolis.

However, that is not what I have messaged you to say. I am requesting backup. Please send out a message to all your people; any aid, even the aid of vagabonds and rogues, will do. We are in a state of emergency.

Malriiko Arabar, Captain of the Space Station Libra, out."

A separate message is sent out to Nacrus Servilius Quaestorian, Consul of Edanith, High Admiral of the Fleet, Lord of the Twelve Colonies, Master General, Bearer of the Fifth Seal.

"Thank you, Consul, for your kind offer of support! As I'm sure you well know, surrender was never an option. The Libra is a free people and shall remain such. We will fight, and Edanith's aid would be appreciated in this time of need.

Kind regards,
Malriiko Arabar, Captain of the Space Station Libra"

The Libra / Surrender? Yeah, right.
« on: March 20, 2008, 11:07:20 am »
Everyone and their mother had heard it, Aedolis' declaration. It was a bunch of fancy language, but take that all away and the only message that remained was, "Surrender or you're fucked. Dog-style. In the eye."

How that was physically possible, Malriiko Arabar had no clue, but she had better things to do than pondering weird anatomical issues like that. Aedolis would be here soon, and then there was the matter of Edanith. Help them? A community of mages? Edanith? It was absurd, and she didn't know what made that colony think mages were mentally handicapped, "vile magic" or not. Ugh. So what it all ultimately spelled out was this station was, basically...yeah, it was fucked. Between Aedolis and Edanith, this was going to be messy.

At least it would if they were left to deal with all this alone. The Libra was a formiddable force in its own right, but against two global superpowers? Ahaha. Right.

First things first.

Crossing the room, Mal sank into her chair and pushed a button on the intercom. "This is your captain, Malriiko Arabar, speaking. I'm sure you're all very aware of the news, and if not, I'll briefly reiterate. Aedolis is moving against us. They will be here in seventy-two hours or less, for I do not trust them to be on time. I have also received a message from the consul of Edanith, one Nacrus Servilius Quaestorian. He has promised to support us should we resist Aedolis." Mal turned her head away from the speaker so she could chuckle to herself. Lolth, it sounded even more ridiculous when she actually said it out loud.

"Obviously, surrender is not an option, and of course Edanith is, to be blunt and you may want to cover your children's ears now, full of shit. Them? Help mages with no strings attached? I agree, it's ludicrous. We will take every measure available to us to resist and fight them when they finally arrive. We will not be taken as Mordecai slaves, and we will not bow to the Network; we will remain a free people. I will be contacting the Cancer and requesting aid, but even if we have to do this alone, we will not be taken."

There was a small pause to allow that to sink in. She was no motivational speaker, but hopefully that would do. That out of the way, she could finally sink into a more familiar role. "Now, everyone to their stations! Activate all defense and stealth systems and ready all singularity drivers, laser turrets, and AMTs*! Soldiers and operators are to defend the bridge, main engines, sensors, docking bay, and weapons systems and defense systems! I want all non-military personnel to remain within the Base Block unless otherwise ordered. Military trainees eighteen and up will follow the orders and discretion of their superiors and, if deemed ready, serve in the upcoming battle. We have seventy-two hours, give or take, and I want everyone prepared, but I want everyone fresh, too. Work in eight hour shifts. I will keep you updated."

Turning off the intercom, she took a deep breath, twisted in her seat, and looked to her crew. "Get me a comm link up to the Cancer."

Seventy-two hours, hm? Mal raked a hand though her short white hair and let her dark red eyes drift shut for a moment. Hopefully that would be enough time.

[* = Anti-Matter Torpedos. See RotE's technology section. :3]

Libra Characters / Malriiko Arabar, Captain of the Space Station Libra
« on: March 18, 2008, 01:31:11 pm »


Malriiko Arabar
None yet.
Dark elf
Space Station Libra


Physical Description
Short, spiky white hair, dark red eyes, and dark gray skin, Malriiko does not cut an imposing figure. She's short and thin with a small, barely there chest and thin, boyish hips. Her ears are long and pointed.

When not in uniform, she adopts a utilitarian style of dress. Generally boots and breeches and a long, belted, high-collared coat.

Seemingly stoic with a wry sense of humor. Typically laid back and chill, but is also a very no nonsense individual.

No magic to speak of.



Solar System / All your base are belong to us, Libra!
« on: March 14, 2008, 03:05:42 pm »
All seemed to be in order for the time being. They had reached their destination around Tethys, and from there on out it was nothing but a waiting game. The Libra had only a few hours left to make their decision, and thus far, they had heard nothing back from the station's captain. Not that it made much of a difference, the overall result would still be the same. The only difference would be how much force was needed to achieve that result.

Gabriel wasn't about to assume they'd submit. What nation ever had?

Sighing impatiently, he leaned back in his seat and swiveled it back and forth, tapping his fingers on the leather arms to some random song he currenty forgot the name of. Waiting, waiting, waiting. He felt his impatience mirrored in Siren, who still felt aggitated and uneasy as he kept his mind open to her. She felt much calmer now than before, but still upset over Providence, and while he kind of hated himself for thinking it he was glad of it. Not of Providence dying and Temple vanishing, just that she'd fight all the fiercer today because of it. It was an insensitive thought but...oh well. Gabriel let his eyes drift shut for a second, and he could almost see the white Dragon pacing around in the hangar, tail lashing and steel claws scraping against the ship's floor.

She wanted blood. And he could hardly wait to connect.

He sat up straight and opened his eyes when the conference room doors slid open to admit Kota, who looked strained as she usually did when she was denied feeding any of her addictions. Sure, the virtual network set up on the ship worked well as a temporary substitute, but it certainly wasn't the real thing, more a placebo than anything. Even Gabriel felt a little on edge, but more things than addiction were feeding into that.

Kota slid into a chair around the circular table across from Gabriel, aggitatedly pushed purple-black bangs out of her face, and fixed him with a sour look. "So they're finally gonna brief us, huh?" she asked, absently chewing on a nail. "'Bout damned time. God. So where are the slackers, anyway?"

Gabriel shrugged. "Don't be so impatient. We still have time," he answered even as he knew he needed to follow his own advice. Of course, he was also keeping that to himself--quite unlike her.

News and Updates / Don't hurt me...
« on: March 09, 2008, 08:02:07 pm »
I updated stuff again, and changed the joining process. xD

I mean, it's the same as before mostly! I just got rid of the whole...having two joining boards thing, as that was kind of confusing and hurt even my head. *grin*

Anyhoo! Aside from that! There's an activity check going on now, so get your booties on over to the activity check board and fill out the information! It ends on March 30th, and after that, I'll be doing the usual memberlist cleaning and deleting any (non-Gospel) member accounts that didn't respond to the activity check. As usual, you're free to rejoin if you get deleted, but it's easier to just respond now and avoid that.

Welp! That's about all!

And Pilots? Remember to get your bums over to the Citadel if you wanna be involved in the conflict with the Libra! Soren called!

Join RotE / Pilots and Gospels [read if you plan on joining one!]
« on: March 09, 2008, 07:04:43 pm »
Since the Gospels are a secretive group, and since deception plays such a big role in Aedolis, we thought it'd be fun if not only the other characters knew who was a real Pilot and who was a Gospel, but if the players didn't even know which players played Gospels. In order to do this, the following method has been devised:

When you join your Gospel character, make sure to join your character as a normal Pilot. In order for this to work properly, it is extremely important that you do not mention anywhere that your Pilot is a member of the Gospels, not in their joining form, their profile, not even in their in-character posts (unless you want to possibly give them away).

After you have joined your Gospel character, register a new account on the forum. All Gospels have a code name that they go by (as giving out their real names would obviously be foolish) and this code name will be the the username for this new account of yours. This will be your Gospel account for your Gospel character, and you should have one Gospel account per Gospel character that you create. You do not need to join your Gospel account on the joining board; joining the Gospel usergroup is good enough!

After you register the Gospel account, you can join the Gospel usergroup, which will then allow you to post on the Gospel Subnetwork board, which only Gospels can post on, and which serves as a sort of cyber communications network where Gospels can chat and organize plans. Feel free to post elsewhere under this account, though, and use care! You should still post your Gospel doing his/her normal Pilot duties under your main account. Think of it like this: your Gospel character is sort of living a double life, and you as the player will be, too. >:3

Gospel accounts should only be used ICly, never OOCly! Even PMs through this account should be conducted ICly! Please make sure to log out of your Gospel accounts after you're done using them so you don't accidentally post anything non-Gospelly under that account and give yourself away! And remember: deception is the name of the game.

Have fun and go wild.

Activity Checks / Activity check! [Ends March 30th!]
« on: March 09, 2008, 11:58:23 am »
Alright! 'Tis activity check time now!

This one is gonna work a bit differently, because I'm organizing the ranks thread differently. Basically, it's gonna be the ultimate list of characters and where they're located! xD Which I think will be better and less confusing than the current system, and which will give a better idea of what characters are needed where, and what we have a lot of.

So anyway, without further adieu...

Please post the following for each character you play:

1.) Name
2.) Gender
3.) Species
4.) Location (if the character is nomadic, just leave it blank. Otherwise fill in the area that the character has a permanent residence in--not necessarily where they always are or where they currently are, just the place they are a citizen of).
5.) Rank and/or job (if applicable, otherwise leave this blank. If your character is a Pilot [Aedolis Pilot] also include the name of their Dragon, and do not say if your Pilot is a Gospel or not!)
6.) Link to their profile (if applicable)

Gospel Subnetwork / yo, Prophet.
« on: March 06, 2008, 09:46:05 am »
conflict with Libra. how shall we proceed?

and Providence. should we be worried about this?

- Indigo

General Discussion / Character quotes!
« on: February 24, 2008, 02:51:20 pm »
Got any good quotes that your character or another character has said (or that's even popped up in the prose)? Submit it here!

Please include:
1.) The quote.
2. The thread name and link.
3.) The character who said it.

Any and all quotes are good, whether they're deep, silly, sad...whatever! Just submit the quotes that have stood out to you in some way.

I'm gonna be making a little random quote box for the forum. :3 So the quotes will appear there! Huzzah!

Now have at it! The quote box (once I get it up) will be updated as new quotes are submitted.

General Discussion / Important! About the Pilots and Gospels!
« on: February 21, 2008, 06:45:47 pm »
So Talyafera and I were discussing the Gospels and we came up with some ideas that could make the whole thing be more...fun and tricksy. :3

Since the Gospels are a secretive group, we thought it'd be fun if not only the other characters knew who was a Gospel and who wasn't, but it'd also be fun if the players also didn't know what character was a Gospel and what players played a Gospel. >:3 In order to do this, we came up with two methods:

1.) The Rank forum is now guest friendly. When you join your Gospel, join them first as a normal Pilot. Fill out your joining form as usual, but of course make sure you don't mention anywhere in it that your character is truly a Gospel. Some time later, fill out the form again joining your Gospel's code-name (as all Gospels have a code-name/secret identity; too dangerous to give out their real identities, yes? :3) but don't fill out any more information than just the name and te rank (Gospel), otherwise you could give your character away! Make sure that when you join your code-name you log out of your account and post as a guest. :3

You can feel free to join false code-names, as well, just to psyche people out. No one will really be able to tell who joined a Gospel and who didn't, and no one will even truly be able to know which code-names are authentic and which are fakes. It's also possible that a Gospel may use multiple names to confuse people, as well. The Messages/Letters/Chats forum is also guest friendly so Gospels can communicate anonymously and, once again, the player also won't be given away. ;3

2.) The other method is that users can register a separate account for their Gospel's code-name. Join your Gospel on the Ranks board as a Pilot under your main account, and then register another account for your Pilot's code-name--but do not join your code-name on the Ranks board! I've installed a mod so that you may register multiple accounts under a single e-mail, and of course no one can view your e-mails. >:3

After you register the code account, you can join the Gospel usergroup. There will be a board that only Gospels can post in (ICly), and that can be how plots are organized, as well.

Please note: Gospel code-name accounts should only be used ICly, never OOCly! Even PMs can be conducted ICly! Please make sure to log out of your Gospel accounts after you're done using 'em, as well, so you don't accidentally post anything non-Gospelly under that account and give yourself away. ;3

So those are the two methods! Please feel free to use whichever you like for the time being. We're gonna see which one people like the best.

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas! <3[/list]

News and Updates / Whoo! Big updates!
« on: February 14, 2008, 12:47:38 pm »
Aedolis, Edanith, and Thanatos Inc. have all been thoroughly updated! There's lots more info available in their information sections, so check it out! <3

I'm also currently working on updating the race and technology sections. It should be done tonight!

Join RotE / Smack me now.
« on: February 06, 2008, 12:36:08 am »
-_- I hate it when I become attached to my NPCs. I should stop using NPCs in plots, because then this happens. Gragh. Tentative information ahoy!

Name: Ashe
Gender: Male
Species: Tuathi
Age: 60

Appearance: A young Tuathi male that's just recently reached maturity, Ashe doesn't quite have the strong, muscular build older males develop, instead being more on the lean side, a bit wirey and obviously still making that transition from adolescence to adulthood, but he still has obvious muscles. He's tall at 6'3" with two spiraled horns that each have two points, each only about three inches in length. His ears are long and deer-like, he has a deer-like fluffy tail, and large, sharp cloven hooves instead of feet. Like all Tuathi, he has retractable claws and sharp teeth.

His eyes are a light reddish-brown in color, and his skin is white, though it has a light auburn pattern repeating over it that somewhat resembles a snow-leopard's rosette pattern. This pattern continues onto his hair, which is jaw-length and predominantly white (save for the auburn rosettes).

Personality: Pretty carefree and light-hearted. Ashe is, for the most part, rather calm, likes to joke and tease, and has a playful, boyish spirit. However, all that can change the instant he or someone he considers "family" is threatened. Ashe is a vicious fighter and fiercely protective, especially over females. He feels it's his duty to protect those weaker than he is, and he will fight to the death to do so if that's what it takes. He's a bit foolhardy and reckless, tending to put others first before his own safety, and he can be rather selfless.

At the same time, he can also be very selfish. Oftentimes he'll do things that are supposed to be "for your own good", but the truth is it's a selfish tendency. He may think he's doing something for the good of someone else, to protect them, when he's really doing it for himself to make himself feel better, in control, or "strong". He doesn't always take other people's feelings into consideration, thinking that he knows best--especially if they're female. He's a proud creature and can get needlessly competitive around other males, but at the same time he's quick to forgive, nurse his wounds (AKA pout and brood), and move on after a while if he's outdone.

That is to say, he may be pissed as all hell at you one minute, may be clawing you up and getting clawed at in return, but once the battle is over and done, there's no hard feelings. It probably seems like a strange attitude to adopt, but it's also a cultural trait.

He has a misogynistic attitude, but he doesn't see it that way because that was the way he was raised and the way his society is--males are the leaders, females are subordinate. However, he would never intentionally abuse a female, seeing his role as more of a protector and friend. Granted, this will probably drive all the females OFF Ren'unis, his home planet, batshit insane since he's certainly not used to the social structures outside of Tuathi society.

Like most Tuathi, Ashe is stiffly formal and polite to those he's not well acquainted with, but once he gets to know someone, that is when he finally sheds that front and starts acting like, well, himself. Even though he's 60, he's still quite young in Tuathi terms, and he still has a lot of growing up to do.

Name: Mer (pronounced more like "mare" than "mer" as in "mermaid". Random name thrown together for what was supposed to be an insignificant NPC, now she has to live with it. xD)
Gender: Female
Species: Tuathi
Age: 61

Appearance: Rather tall for a Tuathi female at 5'7", Mer wears her hair short, also chin-length like a male's. It's white with red streaks going though it, and those red stripes continue over her entire body. Her eyes are gray. Though most Tuathi females have lithe, graceful builds, Mer is more stocky than slender with noticeable muscle, even if her stomach isn't quite what it used to be after childbirth. All that is hidden, however, as she wears clothes that conceal her body--and her gender.

Personality: Rebellious. Mer left Ren'unis shortly after giving birth to her first child, leaving the baby with some babysitters before just...not coming back. She decided that was enough for her, as truth be told Mer is quite staunchly asexual and finds mating disgusting and childbirth horrible (she'd never do that again). With a dominant personality more fitting of a Tuathi male than a Tuathi female, many Tuathi joked that she had been born in the wrong body and should have been a male instead, something which she always agreed with as she found the social structures and expectations limiting and unfair. In short, all her life she felt out of place, like she didn't belong--a horribly frustrating, alienating feeling.

Because of the way Tuathi society is set up, Mer is, quite honestly, gender confused and thinks of herself more in male terms than female terms while still having an obviously female body. She does think she was born in the wrong body (something that was reinforced by the other Tuathi's comments) and prefers to be addressed as a male because of this--at least now that she's away from Tuathi society and can get away with that. It gets even more confusing for her since she doesn't particularly care for males yet thinks of herself as male. Also, while she is neither shy nor modest and has no issue with nudity, she tends to wear as much clothing as she can to make her gender ambiguous.

Aside from her gender issues, Mer is a trickster if anything. She loves to joke, loves a good prank, and she has a strong will and a backbone of steel. She doesn't take abuse from anyone and she's not afraid to speak her mind, lacking typical Tuathi tact and politeness--something which has gotten her into trouble in the past and present. She can be quite fearless, and she hates authority.

...homg. Rhi's first transsexual. xD

Now I just have to figure out how they got off Ren'unis. D8 Whatever happened, my guess is Ashe followed Mer to try and stop her and...got sucked into it as a result. Hum.

Teinar / Just whistle while you work! (Open! 8D)
« on: January 31, 2008, 12:56:23 pm »
By Earth's standards, it was a pretty lovely evening. The air was still, it was quiet out, and the rising moon was full and bright. It was easy to forget that its brilliant red-orange hue was the result of all the pollution in the atmosphere.

But Terra wasn't outside for the sights, and she wasn't really the biggest fan of the outside world as it was. Still, when a sensor needed fixing, it needed fixing, and she'd been sent out to do the work since many of the other technicians were occuipied. It wasn't really a big job; one of the outside sensors that monitored outdoor activity was just showing signs of weather damage, and it was always best to fix something before it broke than to wait for it to get broken in the first place. So out she'd gone to patch it up, her bag of tools slung over one shoulder and a mask securely placed over her nose and mouth to filter out the air's pollutants. She'd even put on a pair of goggles to be safe, just in case the wind picked up, but even when there was no wind the air could be irritating on her eyes, and it had been a while since it had last rained. The ground was dry and parched, and dust billowed up from every step she took.

It hadn't taken long to fix the sensor, maybe an hour or two, she hadn't kept track. She'd just been focused on her job, whistling some tune she'd heard and couldn't remember the name of to keep herself amused, though she also made sure not to get too distracted. Her large ears continuously swivelled about to pick up every sound, just in case something went wrong and she had to flee for cover--or draw the blaster that was currently tucked in its holster at her hip.

Eventually the sensor was repaired and she wiped her brow with her sleeve and straightened, letting out a low sigh through the mask. There! Done! A job well done, at that, she thought proudly as she looked over her work for any flaws and packed away her tools. Time to hurry back inside for some refreshments...and to change out of her clothes, which were nice and sweaty by now. It was pretty warm out, and it also didn't help that she was dressed from head to toe, in work breeches and a turtleneck shirt to hide her neck, white, calico-patterned hair pulled into a ponytail to give her some relief, but not much.

Terra wrinkled her nose in disgust and started to walk back toward one of the Lower City exits, swishing her cat-like tail to try and clear it of some of the dust, already feeling that twitchy need to get clean and just spend a few good hours brushing her hair and tail. Blech. She wasn't vain, honestly, she just...

She needed to groom.

[rambly intro, getting used to the character! Whoo~]

The Cancer / Just let me sleep. [Mayan and anyone else!]
« on: January 08, 2008, 12:09:10 am »
Rune gave a low groan and he let his head drop back down onto his arms, which were folded atop the tabletop. Ow. What had he been thinking taking that many shots? That was probably just the thing, he hadn't been thinking at all. Well...or maybe he had been thinking. He'd been thinking, "Yay! I have money to throw around now! I think I'll celebrate with a couple cheap shots and a cheap whore!" except he'd never gotten to the cheap whore part because the cheap shots had been deceivingly strong. Ugh. Hangovers were pretty much a mood killer.

Sighing, he idly massaged his right temple with his fingers, trying to soothe away the pain that was not unlike an icepick chipping away at a portion of his skull. Or maybe that was an exaggeration. Still, he was a little surprised (and infinitely grateful) that the bartender hadn't tossed him out on his ass and had instead just left him where he'd passed out, head buried in his arms, turquoise eyes clenched shut, looking quite pathetic, no doubt. That was rather nice, because right now he didn't feel like moving.

Damn, it had to have been years since he'd gotten this, ah, shit-faced. Must be a sign that he was losing some of the alcohol tolerance he'd worked so hard to build up when he was younger.

And no, Rune, the correct response to that thought was not, "Guess that means I'll just have to drink more and build it back up!" His head gave a sharp throb at that idea, either punishing him for thinking such a stupid thing in the midst of a hangover or just because thinking, period, didn't seem to be working that well right now. His brain was out of commission. Ugh. Another reason he'd given up the heavy drinking. He sort of needed his brain to do his job.

"Should I take that groan as a sign that you're finally alive?"

Cracking his eyes open, Rune lifted his head just enough so that he could peek up at the speaker--who turned out, unsurprisingly, to be the bartender--through a curtain of dark blue bangs, the rest of his hair tied back in a thick braid that was decorated with beads. His eyes were bloodshot. "Define 'alive'."

"You got a pulse. Anyway, you've got a tab to pay off and...you're drooling on my table. It's gonna start getting busy here soon and I kind of need that table cleared for customers who are actually gonna drink. I think it's safe to say you're done."

A polite way of kicking him out. Nice. It was better than getting literally tossed out, but he still rather liked this table. It was comfy and nice right now. Coughing softly, Rune glanced down at the table and gave it a quick wipe with a gloved hand. "Neh...right. Done. Fine. I'll get outta yer hair, then." With a small sigh and a quiet groan, he scooted his chair back and pushed up from the table, swaying a moment before he stabilized himself as his head ached unpleasantly. Ow. Oh well. It was time to get going, anyway, and his ship should be repaired by now.

It had suffered a little during his little "exploit", and he didn't plan on staying on the Cancer any longer than it took to get the issue fixed. Gods how he loved it that no one ever asked questions here. The huge, charred dents in the ship's side would have drawn suspicion anywhere else, but here, people couldn't care less from his experiences.

True to his word, Rune promptly left the bar and made his way out into the throng of people outside, though instead of heading for the docking bay he leaned against the building and rubbed his temples. Actually, on second thought...maybe he should let the ship hang out for a bit longer.

Piloting it didn't sound all that exciting at the moment.

[Apologies for the suck! Ahhh! D8 Hope you have something to reply to! If not...I can edit! Eep! I was so at a loss of what to write. xD;]

The Archives / FAQ - read before asking your question!
« on: January 03, 2008, 02:55:19 pm »

Q: Can I create my own species/race/culture/religion?

A: Of course you may, and, in fact, it's even encouraged. You don't need prior approval to play a character of a race/species/religion/etc. that you've created, either; you can just join them up and play them. If you would like to submit your idea to the site so that other people may read about your creation and even perhaps play as one, feel free! Submitting your creation is not, however, required at all but if you’d like more information about how to do so, please visit the Contact section of the site.

Q: Can a single character be in more than one thread at a time?

A: Yup! Just make sure that each thread takes place at a different time so that there are no timeline conflicts or continuity issues.

Q: Can I play in a location that doesn't have a board? For example, my character is traveling through space on their personal spacecraft. Can I say that my character found a new planet and play on it?

A: Yes! There are assumed to be far more space stations, cities, and planets in existence than the locations that actually have boards for them. Don’t be afraid to have your characters come across one, and invent them as you please! Really, your imagination is your only limit here, and you have a whole universe to explore. Feel free to do so!

Q: I also play on Spirits of the Earth. Can I play my SotE characters here, too?

A: Yes! Given that RotE takes place over five thousand years from SotE, all the old characters from way back then are now long dead, many of them considered to be historical figures. However, that still doesn’t mean that you can’t import old characters here, or visa versa. Maybe some of the long-lived characters actually survived through everything, or maybe they were reincarnated or even did some crazy time travel thing. There’s even the possibility of playing the descendants of old characters. Crossovers are fun!



Q: I was in a thread with someone, but they vanished. What do I do?

A: My suggestion would be to try and contact them. Send them a PM and/or an e-mail (by clicking the e-mail button) to poke them and see what's up! Or if they have MSN, AIM, or YIM listed, you could try contacting them there, too. Perhaps life got busy or they became disinterested (unfortunately, it sometimes happens, though of course it's preferable that they'd give you a heads up themselves!). If you can get a hold of them, you can discuss the situation and figure out where to go from there. However, if you can't get in touch with them, or they're going on a hiatus and you don't want to wait...feel free to move your character!

There is no reason to stay in a dead thread and have your character tied up like that. ^_~

Q: The activity seems slow lately...what's going on? Is the game dying?!

A: This game has been around since September 6th, 2007, so it's still a very new game that's still getting its feet. But don't worry! It's not going to die. I'm a dedicated admin, for one, and I intend the game to last for many years, just like my other game Spirits of the Earth, which has been running for seven years and is still going strong. So no worries! When I create a game, it's for the long run!

Similarly, activity fluctuation is perfectly natural, and it's not something unique to this RPG--all RPGs experience this. The explanation is that slumps in activity coincides directly with the school year in various parts of the world. Generally, it happens around the beginning of the school year and the end of the school year, when many people are overwhelmed with school work and adjusting. It also tends to happen around the Winter holidays when everyone is busy shopping and doing family stuff.

So don't panic! It'll pass. The best thing to do is to just wait it out, look for people who are posting a lot, and band together with them to get some plots moving. ^_~ That, and be patient.



Q: How do you change your user title (that bit of text under my username and above my icon)?

A: Just send me a PM and tell me what you want it to say! Then I'll go ahead and change it for you.

News and Updates / Bwaha! New look! xD
« on: January 03, 2008, 01:26:40 am »
And to help bring in the new year...a new look for RotE!

...Which I whipped up/drew in the last day. x3 It was fun! The old look was driving me nuts because it was fugly and I just couldn't take it anymore! So voila! Whatcha think? <3

Hope ya'll like it! Because I prefer it over the old look like whoa! ^_~

News and Updates / Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:28:44 pm »
Whoo! Happy 2008! I hope everyone had a good one! <3

Four months and RotE is still kickin'! We're doing good, folks! :3 Keep a-postin' aaand...when I get back from vacation, I have big things planned. Like a new layout for one because this one is driving me nuts! x3 And plotty stuff, of course. Muahaha.

If anyone has a free moment, I'll love you forever if you'll help advertise for us. Every little bit helps, especially since right now my computer access is rather limited. ;_;

Anyway! Happy New Year yet again! <33 You guys rawk!

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