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Topics - Rhi-Rhi

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Aedolis FBs / O SHI--! [Tally!]
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:08:05 pm »

Shiloh's boots pounded on the floor as he ran through the ATC halls, heart slamming in his chest and lungs working hard. Fuck, he was so...fucked, and behind him he could hear his pursuers hot on his trail. Shit balls fuck!

Today, he'd bitten off a little more than he could chew.

Some kid had mouthed off at him in the cafeteria, a Stage 2 like him. Made fun of him, called him stupid, and like hell was Shiloh taking that, especially when he insulted his mama; kid had no way of even knowing his mother, but one of those things would have been enough to set him off, and the combination of the two? Shiloh had flown off the rails.

The kid's friends joined in when their friend got taken out, blows were exchanged, but none of them had expected Shiloh to stab one with a plastic fork. The tines broke off in the kid's thigh--and the shock of it bought him some time.

Now here he was, in way over his head, and if there was at least one thing Shiloh was aware of, it was his limit--and he'd reached it. It had been fun at first, but shit just got real.

Spotting an open classroom, Shiloh picked up his pace as much as his limp would allow and dove inside, then slammed the door shut and leaned back against it, panting through his mouth. Hopefully they were far enough behind that they hadn't seen, but there was no use taking chances, so after a pause he pushed off the door and sorely moved to start dragging a desk over, intending to tilt it over and jam it against the door.

That was when he realized he wasn't alone in there; some older kid was there. Huh. Even better. He could put his ass to use.

He had to spit out a mouthful of blood before he could speak, and even when he did, his voice sounded stuffy and nasally; his nose had been broken and a steady stream of blood was still leaking out, into his mouth and dripping off his chin. "Hey. Ya wanna get over here an' help so we don' get assraped?"

Cancer Characters / Ari Maxwell; pirate, captain of Sassy Juice
« on: September 14, 2011, 02:28:48 pm »

Art by the amaaazing nephero! <333
Mug shot.
an early pic

__________________QUICK STATS
Ari Maxwell
Aromantic Pansexual
Edani/Thanati mutt
Pirate; captain of Sassy Juice
Wherever he ends up.

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
His hair is naturally white, but he streaks it with random colors--right now, he's gone rainbow. He has brown skin, light blue eyes, and a shit-ton of piercings. (Eyebrow, snakebites, a bridge piercing through his nose, several ear piercings, tongue piercing, nipple piercings, and more below the belt.) He also sports a number of tattoos, including sleeves on both arms and a huge back tattoo that is a work in progress.

He sometimes goes a few days without shaving and gets a some stubble on his chin, just enough to give him a rugged look, but doesn't try to grow it out beyond that.

Ari tends to dress in jeans or cargo pants, boots, and short sleeved shirts to better show off his body art (which he is constantly adding to). Goes shirtless when he can. Wears glasses to read, as he's farsighted (but hates contacts, due to having a bit of an eye squick), and is a casual smoker.

Ari is perpetually sarcastic, loves to joke and tease, and takes very little seriously. He also doesn't really give a crap about other peoples' boundaries, as a rule. He's aggressive and flirtatious (and aggressively flirtatious) and has a very "I do what I want, when I want to, and get what I want, when I want it" outlook on life, whether that's an object or a person. Has a long list of serious control issues and thus tends to control other people to feel good about himself. Quite bossy and is very comfortable telling other people what to do.

He loves adventure and stirring up trouble, as it's a rush for him--and he just finds other peoples' reactions amusing. In fact, he's kind of a real-life equivalent of an internet troll: he likes doing stuff just to see what kind of reaction he'll get and he's not really picky about whether it's a good one or a bad one. Likewise, his antics aren't always harmless, physically or emotionally; at his core, he's a sadomasochist and just enjoys fucking with people and being a callous asshole. He realizes this about himself, kind of wants to change it, but kind of isn't ready to; he still has a lot of growing up to do.

In short: he's an asshole, and he does deplorable things. He is comfortable with using violence, manipulation, and intimidation to get what he wants, and he does not tolerate betrayal.

Ari is very, very confident, even when (or especially when) backed into a corner. Has a bit of a god complex--not in the sense that he doesn't realize he's mortal, but in the sense that everything will turn out fine. He'll come out of it, and bad stuff just usually isn't as bad as it seems. This also tends to make him a lot more patient and blase about some things than he should be (such as his own health and well-being) as he doesn't really take it as seriously as he should.

In general, Ari is out for himself; he's the sun of his universe. But despite this, he doesn't really have a lot of self-worth--though he's never thought about it, really, and would deny it. He probably hasn't even realized this about himself. Very sexually open--but to an unhealthy degree, to the point where he abuses others and allows himself to be abused, and doesn't really have a limit.

On a lighter note, he's actually kind of a nerd. Loves classic literature, theatre, writing, art, and wanted to be an actor when he was a kid. Still loves that stuff and prefers physical books because he likes the smell, dammit. |:

Has a phobia of needles, but loves tattoos and piercings. This makes his life interesting.

No special abilities. He's a decent pirate, though, and takes up a number of odd jobs. Morality isn't an issue! He also has a habit of stealing from people and then selling the goods back to them and stealing them again to sell to someone else and repeat the process. >_> It's one of his favorite things to do.

He's good fighter; has no formal training but aims to be quick and brutal and fights dirty. He's also a good shot with a gun--he does have formal training there, and has known how to use one since he was 12 (military family living on the frontier and all).

Father and mother, still alive somewhere on Edanith and both from military backgrounds. Ari hasn't seen them since he was 16. Has an older sister, Naomi, who is a Mordecai. Ari kind of idolizes her, but doesn't really keep in contact with his family as he's ashamed.

He doesn't like to talk about it. All he tells most people is that he's been in the pirating business since he was 16, because while some kids wanted to be cowboys, he wanted to be a pirate.

He's been running his own ship, the Sassy Juice, for the last two years.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
(OH GOD SO MANY THREADS. I will slowly collect them...)
Forgiveness is Easier Attained Than Permission.
The Fugly Juice
Unexpected Cargo
If I Can't Take My Coffee Break
Give and take
To Old Friends
Hide the Rum
A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel
Seeing Pink and Rainbow
Make it raaaain!

Complete Threads
Just a punkass weirdo and a horned gunner.
Just a little feisty.

Haviah / Y halo thar. [Tally!]
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:33:04 pm »
It had been a fruitful shopping venture, and Gabriel's arms were loaded with bags filled with new games and movies he'd blown a large chunk of his paycheck on. Most of them were for himself and Alaric, romantic comedies and the like, but he'd picked up several games and movies he thought Roman might like.

Heading for an elevator, he jabbed the button, waited for the doors to open, and was halfway in before he noticed who its other occupant was:

Aydan Rosales, Roman's douchebag father that he'd throttled only several weeks prior.

Gabriel froze and stared in disgusted horror.

Wants and Limits / Rhi is easy peasy.
« on: September 11, 2011, 08:12:06 pm »

What types of plots are you interested in playing?
Everything! Slice of life and characters just interacting and bantering is one of my faves, though. <3 But I love romance, epic adventure, action, horror, silliness, drama, etc! I'm not picky!.

I have a love of rivalries and bitter enemies! And bromances, frenemies, friendships, family, all that good stuff is fun as heck to me! Really, I love playing any sort of character relationship because I love all the different dynamics of them. And a good best friends relationship is just as juicy to me as a good romance. <3

What types of plots are you not interested in playing?
I'm not a huge fan of playing out loooong fight scenes. I generally wanna wrap those up fast!

How often can you reply to any given thread?
Usually within 24 - 48 hours. :3 But I also work and have other hobbies so sometimes it may be a little longer, depending on how busy/tired I am!

I bookmark all my threads and reply in order, so if you see me replying to a bunch of posts that aren't you, it's not that I'm ignoring our thread! It just means that I'm replying to all my bookmarked threads in order, from oldest to newest. But if you feel like I may have forgotten to bookmark our thread or are just excited for a reply, gimme a poke and I'll prioritize our thread! 8D

How often do you expect replies? What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
After like a month of nothin', I'll give ya a poke to see if you're still interested. Be honest! <3 If you're not, no hard feelings!

Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?
I am! 8D I love IM RP! My work schedule is inconsistent and changes week to week, but if I'm online, I'm usually up to IM RPing, too. I'm on PST time.

Are you open to post volleying?
Yes! If I'm online, I'm most likely up to it! 8D Just lemme know!

Anything else?
I'm chill. Bring on the funtiemz! Also, I am a player who does not give a crap about post lengths. I really don't. xD I post as much as I feel fits the moment and the pacing--so that means I write one-liners and meaty posts so expect a mixture of both.


What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
As long as you don't actually write my character's actions for me, I'm lax with this. Feel free to grab my character, shove them, pick them up, punch them, smack them, stab them...whatever! You don't need to attempt it; just go for it! If your character outclasses mine then feel free to whoop its ass. xD If my character could have dodged something or whatever, I'll just write it into my post.

My only request is...one thing at a time. ;D Give me a chance to write a reaction!

What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
My characters come in a variety of orientations and gender identities and I love playing out romance for all sorts of pairings! m/m/ f/f, m/f, and other variations thereof, whatever! xD I'll play it. 95% of my characters are pansexual, however, and don't care about gender.

I don't usually pre-plan relationships, though, as I find it fun to discover when characters just click and develop organically.

I'm totally cool with characters being rejected IC--unrequited love is fun! I adore love triangles/hexagons/whatever, monogamous relationships, polyamorous relationships, age differences, forbidden love...really, it's all fun in my book. xD

What are your limits in regards to sex?
I'm fine with fading to black or playing it out, but I'll only play it out provided I'm comfortable with the other player and they're over 18. As for the rest? Well, my characters all have their own likes and dislikes so if they don't like something, they'll make that known. xD

What are your limits in regards to pregnancy within plots?
If my dude doesn't use protection of some sort and you want your gal knocked up? Feel free! There's no guarantee as to whether my dude will stick around to be a father, though. xP As for my women, that depends. I have no plans for any of them getting pregnant anytime soon.

What are your limits in regards to violent scenes?
I don't mind violence at all! I draw the line at torture porn. xP Aside from that, I'm chill with violence and if I don't want something in particular for one of my characters, I'll give you a head's up OOC and we can figure out a way for my character to get out of the situation.

What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
I'm fine with it. If it's not something I want for a particular character at the moment, I'll give you a head's up and we can figure something out. :3 We can play it out provided I'm comfortable with the player and they're over 18. In other cases, fade to black.

Are you okay with characters being transformed against their will?
Ask me first before you decide to transform one of my characters! ^^

What about healing?
If my character has a scar/disability that I joined them with, I'd prefer them to keep it. :3 As for injuries received in-game? Go for it!

News and Updates / The limits form has been updated!
« on: September 11, 2011, 08:09:43 pm »
Now it's called Wants and Limits (lawl, it's a working name! If anyone can think of a better name, share it!) and it covers an even more broad range of topics. :3 Not only is it about your limits, but it's also about your favorite plot types, or your availability concerning rapidfire posting, and stuff like that! ;D

Also, due to our custom profile fields being so buggy (an issue I've been trying to fix with phpbb3 support), I'm going to remove that field and instead suggest that you link your limits form in your signature instead. ^^ At least until I get this issue sorted out!

The Cancer / Two pirates walk into BAARRRRRR! [open!]
« on: September 07, 2011, 01:17:34 am »
It probably wasn't the best idea, going into a bar after Sei Yuk had just gotten his last bandage removed, but after all the chaos and explosions...well, it would be nice to have a good, relaxing drink. It was a little hole in the wall bar (well, alright, so most of the places were holes in the wall, some literally) but it was a good place and Kota had never encountered any trouble there.

Kota lead Sei Yuk inside and took a seat at the bar, sliding a stool out for Sei Yuk out of habit. After basically babying him for weeks as he healed from his burns, it just came automatically.

"It's on me," he said with a grin, knowing full well that the drink was actually on them, considering their funds were shared. But it was nice to pretend he was treating. "Get whatcha want. This is your 'thank the gods he's not dead' celebration, so go for it."

Meanwhile, Kota planned on being the responsible one. Yeah, yeah, and water was wet and space was black. Nothing was new there.

Edanith Characters / Yazuri; fire mage
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:19:31 am »

__________________Quick Stats

__________________In-Depth Stuff

Physical Description
Yazuri has long black hair that falls down to her mid-back that she tends to wear in any number of intricate, elegant styles. Her eyes are amber in color and her olive skin has a healthy tan. There are a few old burn scars on her hands from accidents with the fire she can conjure.

Sheltered and naive. Yazuri grew up learning and believing everything Edanith has taught her. She's polite, well-mannered and friendly, and is very much an over-achiever and perfectionist.

A novice fire mage. Yazuri has poor control over her ability, and it even scares her. Her poor control has lead to her burning herself and others, and that has made her skittish of her own ability.

She is, however, a decent artist.

Her parents are alive and well!


Character Profiles / Kota; Space Pirate
« on: September 06, 2011, 10:47:58 pm »

__________________Quick Stats
Space Pirate

__________________In-Depth Stuff

Physical Description
Kota is dark-skinned with pale blue eyes and dark brown hair that he wears short on the sides with a faux-hawk completing the look. He has a swimmer's build, all lean, toned muscle and not much bulk.

On his left shoulder-blade is a stylized tattoo of a white koi fish.

He tends to dress in simple clothing, generally cargo pants, a tank top, and boots.

Laid back and chill, for the most part, with an easy-going sense of humor, though he's very stuck on doing thins The Right Way. He tries to be smooth and act far more worldly than he is, but often fails epically at it. Still, at his core he's big on respect and when it comes time to be serious, he can be serious, and though laid-back he's not really prone to goofing off a lot. While he enjoys adventure, he enjoys it in a very cautious way; he doesn't like taking unnecessary risks and always likes to weigh the pros and cons of a situation before diving headlong into the fray.

He's has his faults, though. He's rather misogynistic, for example, and judges women as being incapable of the same things a man is. They have their place, and he has his, and everyone just needs to know their place.

Hydrokinesis. He's not very powerful, but he is skilled at what he can do. What he lacks in sheer brute force and power he makes up for in control. While he'll never dominate a more skilled hydrokinetic, he can at least hold his own against individuals of his level.

Sei Yuk:
His best friend and soul mate. Sei Yuk is his "first mate" on board their ship, his far more impulsive, reckless other half. Basically, Sei Yuk completes him. They grew up together and have gone on countless adventures, though it's up to Kota to rein Sei Yuk in and make the Good Choices.

Still alive and kickin'! Though they're quite worried about Kota, as he vanishes for long stretches of time and avoids the whole topic of settling down, even though he should have been married years ago. (In their opinion--they want the grandbebbehs.) It's all very concerning to them, though they love him.

Kota is technically betrothed to a younger woman (the doing of his parents). However, Kota avoids her as much as he can.

Originally from Edanith, but has since ventured out into spaaace.

TRIM / Please don't be crazy. [Aria!]
« on: September 02, 2011, 05:30:56 pm »
Grabbing a towel, Asher mopped the sweat from his brow and sighed, feeling pleasantly sore and stretched after a good, hard workout. There wasn't much else to do and Asher was filled with nervous, angry energy, so he burned it off running laps or lifting weights when he could. Besides, there wasn't much here he could control, but that was something he could control--how in shape he wanted to be, and even after three years of being altered and cut on, he still had his vanity.

Besides, one day he would be getting out of here. He didn't know when, but he would. And when that time came he needed to be fit and ready because it wasn't going to be easy.

He slung the towel over his shoulder when he was done and stepped back into the rec room to enjoy what time he had left. Cassius was out getting tests done or some shit, maybe getting laid by the Director--he stopped that train of thought before it got very far, shoulders tensing, and made an irritated sound. Whatever. Wasn't like he cared.

Scrubbing his hands through his hair, he paused when he saw that he wasn't alone, and squinted a little. Ah. Eos. The weird chick. Not that weird was unusual here where they were all pretty fucked up.

"Hey," he said as he walked over and flopped down into a chair.

Haviah / Don't worry ma'am, I'm from the Citadel! [Pancake]
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:43:45 pm »
"'Scuse me, pardon, Pilot coming through. Important business and all that, security checks, keeping the public safe, et cetera. Clear the way, please."

Gabriel cheerfully ignored the glares he got as he pushed through the crowd and to the front of the line. True, he was out of uniform and thus not immediately recognizable as a Pilot in his colorful band shirt and baggy, neon-accented bondage pants, but there weren't many people that would have the balls to impersonate a Pilot; it was a dangerous offense. So, people moved. An abuse of power? Yeah, it was. But dammit, he'd worked his ass off to become a Pilot so it darned well better come with some extra perks!

And unofficial VIP backstage passes were one of those perks, as far as he was concerned.

The bouncers at the front of the line gave him an odd look, but Gabriel just gave them a bright smile. "Just gotta, y'know, make sure the room's okay for the public. Hidden dangers, stuff regular security can miss, y'know how it is." He gave a light, helpless shrug. "Psychic. What can I say?"

News and Updates / About Gospel accounts!
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:38:21 pm »
Many older members will be familiar with Gospel accounts and how people who played Pilots who were also a Gospel registered separate accounts for their Gospel identity, for posting and planning on the Gospel SubNet. It was to preserve the element of secrecy and anonymity.

However, after some thinking, we've decided to get rid of the separate accounts. :3 The existence of the accounts, and the anonymity, made plotting and doing anything with Gospel characters really difficult! xD So now we're just going to trust each other and, while it's a secret ICly, it doesn't have to be one OOCly. If you wish to keep your Gospels a secret, that's up to you to do and only if you want to. Otherwise, feel free to reveal your Gospel's identity!

Hopefully this makes plotting much easier! <3

Activity Checks / ACTIVITY CHECK!
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:33:03 am »
Post here with the characters you play, and list any characters you want to drop!

If you do not reply here, your account will be deleted.

You have until September 12th to reply!
[center:vmpgx9kz][blink:vmpgx9kz]IMPORTANT NOTE:[/blink:vmpgx9kz][/center:vmpgx9kz]
I've noticed a number of you come to the site only to reply to activity checks, and then vanish off the face of the Earth again. xP Your account will be deleted if you do not make an IC post by the time the activity check ends.

TRIM / For yooooou! [Rina!]
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:49:07 pm »
"I made you a picture!"

"I don't want it."

"I made you a picture!"

"I said I don't want it."

"I made you a picture!"

"So give it to someone else!"

"I made you a picture!"

"I. Don't. Want it."

"I made you a picture!"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" Asher whirled on Cassius then and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. He shoved him up against the wall and held him there, face close to his. "Fucking seriously! What. Does it take. To make you shut up. For just five minutes?! FIVE MINUTES! That's all I fucking ask! Five! F-I-V-E! So I can fucking hear myself think! Hear something in my head that's just me for once!"

Oh yes. Recreational time with Cassius. So far, it was a fucking blast.

TRIM / Weee're off to see the director! [Tcheki!]
« on: August 26, 2011, 11:55:25 am »
A guard flanked Asher on either side and, body tense and stiff with anger, he walked where they directed him to walk. His hands were cuffed behind his back, for safety's sake; he had a history of violence and while he was normally allowed to go without restraints, in his own room and during recreation time, this was the Director and there was no room for mistakes.

Which, of course, only annoyed him more. Apparently, the wonderful new TRIM Director wanted to meet him. Whoo hoo! What an honor and all that, except not. Though it would give him the opportunity to say some choice words to her, and he had a lot of words all saved up. Though it was still perplexing. He didn't get why the Director would really care to meet a subject one on one. They were all just numbers here. Numbers and abilities and symptoms.

Before long, they had reached the room and the guards shuffled him inside and stood beside him as they waited for the Director. Asher glared at the door. He hadn't spoken a word the entire time; he was saving it all up for her.

Communication / To: Candidate Anemone Andromeda, From: Pilot Fabel
« on: August 23, 2011, 12:16:47 am »
Candidate Andromeda,

It's a pleasure to meet you! I am Pilot Fabel and I will be your mentor. Please meet me in front of the library and we'll get better acquainted.

- Pilot Fabel

P.S. I'll be the one with the pink hair and the eye patch.

Aedolis Characters / Dakota Lewis; Stage 5 Pilot Candidate
« on: August 22, 2011, 11:53:16 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Dakota Lewis
Stage 5 Pilot Candidate
Haviah, Aedolis

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Curly, bright red hair, hazel eyes, and light skin, and good looks that lean on the pretty side. When out of uniform, they like to wear casual, trendy clothing and isn't afraid of accenting it with cute accessories, like bows, hair clips, bracelets, and lots of shiny and/or frilly and lacy things. They enjoy pastels, and are often seen with painted nails.

They consider himself rather femme, and their style reflects that. They are definitely the kind of person that feels just as comfortable in a skirt as jeans, and what they end up wearing varies day to day.

Prefers the pronouns they/them/their, but doesn't really care all that much.

Friendly, easy-going, and outgoing, Dakota enjoys a lot of domestic hobbies such as sewing and cooking, and he enjoys cute, fluffy things and pastels. He's also quite crafty with a not-so-secret love of scrap-booking. He's comfortable with who he is and tends to take teasing with grace, like water off a duck's back. He views it more as an insecurity on their part than there being anything wrong with himself.

Patient to a fault, Dakota takes most things in stride and is pretty difficult to ruffle. He likes most people and is pretty non-confrontational, viewing violence as a last resort. He can do some serious damage if he doesn't check himself, and that knowledge keeps him humble. It takes a lot to actually anger him, and it usually doesn't last long.

He's quite the flirt, too, and not at all shy about that.

That said, it's very easy for people to see Dakota--and severely underestimate him. He's not a big guy, he's friendly to a fault, and he doesn't present himself in a scary or intimidating way. The fact that people do underestimate him is, in fact, one of his biggest strengths and a fact that he readily exploits.

Electrokinesis. They have their electrokinesis under control now after years spent in Stage 4, but they still have difficulty with electronics; their presence usually means electronic death, and electronics like to malfunction around them. |: Average telepathy and telekinesis.

Is brutal in hand-to-hand combat. They're not afraid of making a geyser of someone's nose and looking cute while doing it. They will fuck you up.



__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

The Citadel / Whassap, bro? [Rina!]
« on: August 14, 2011, 01:12:52 pm »
He was such a nice brother. So nice he astounded himself.

Juggling two paper bags and two medium soft drinks, Genesis strode down the hall to Malachi's office. It was his own lunch break and he'd figured, hey, since he was such a swell guy he'd get in some family time while he was at it. It took some more careful juggling and shuffling of bags and drinks before he could open Malachi's door and walk on in.

"Who loves ya?" he greeted as he plopped the bags and drinks onto Malachi's desk, narrowly missing some papers. Snagging an extra chair, he pulled it up to his brother's desk and took a seat. "That's right. Me. I'm so thoughtful I make myself puke. So how's my favorite little nerd today?"

Already he'd dug into his own bag, munching on some fries.

The Meeting Place / Keep calm and carry on! [Rina and Tali!]
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:25:08 am »
Gabriel had come unarmed, having heard that was the safest way to enter this place, and he had poked Alaric to do the same. However, the whole 'leave your weapons behind' thing did raise some interesting questions like what counted as a weapon? When you a Pilot, your entire body was essentially a weapon and what's more, some Pilots' minds were even more lethal than any weapon they could carry. And what about Alaric? He had that wicked, clawed hand, not to mention his fangs. Did that count? Or was it only stuff that wasn't attached to you?

...Yeah, probably wasn't a good idea to think too deeply about this.

"Huh. This place is weird," Gabriel said as he nudged the grass beneath his feet with the toe of his canvas shoe. Real grass, and everything smelled so...earthy and strange. Sure it wasn't the first time he'd seen grass or anything, but it took some getting used to after being cooped up in the concrete jungle that was Aedolis, where the plants were usually in a pot or perfectly manicured and strategically and purposefully placed.

"Pretty, but weird. I wonder where this even is." Looking around, he absently plucked a leaf from a freestanding tree that was in full bloom within the protected haven. Beyond and into the distance, only warped, skeletal trees stood. This had probably once been a woods, but only the plants within this area had survived. "Well, anyway, huh! I saw it, it's nice, but don't really see what's the draw. And jeesh, there's so many bugs," he added, swatting away gnats and turning to Alaric, making a face.

"Whatcha think? You good? We came, we saw, we...haven't conquered yet, but it's just trees and stuff. I'm cool with the bugs keeping it." Alright, so admittedly, Gabriel wasn't much of a nature buff. Nature was just...kind of dirty. And he felt way out of his element.

Besides, he'd just bought a new WoW expansion the other day that he hadn't yet gotten to try out!

News and Updates / Cbox sounds!
« on: June 30, 2011, 09:10:28 pm »
Yup! Our cbox makes sound now. xD So if you hear any weird beeps, don't panic--it's not your computer, it's the cbox.

If you don't like the sound, there is a button you can press right below the cbox in the lower left. You can either turn down the volume or mute it entirely, and it will save the setting you chose. ^^

Character Profiles / Genesis McLain; Pilot Echo
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:08:15 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Genesis McLain
Human on his father's side with something more feral on his mother's side.
Pilot Echo
Haviah, Aedolis

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Short black hair usually worn spiky and dark purple eyes that are slightly tilted at the corners. He's a pretty scruffy sort of guy, usually sporting a 5 o'clock shadow, with naturally bronze skin. Has a slightly feral look to him, though it's subtle--his canines are a little longer than the average human's and his ears are a bit pointier. Nothing extreme, but it points to something other than human in his blood.

He has a casual style of dress, favoring warm, dark colors.

Genesis could be summed up as: playfully sadistic.

He's an outgoing, social individual with a playful personality and a snarky sense of humor--but, unfortunately, he also has a superiority complex the size of Edanith and expends his energy on fucking with people. He enjoys watching people squirm and antagonizes for the sheer fun of it. Truth be told, Genesis is a sadist, and he enjoys the control he can wield over others.

While growing up he already had a tendency toward bullying, the Pilot Candidate Program just made it that much worse, and for him it was a way of seizing control in a situation he had little control of. While he knows how to put on a game face to work as a team with other Pilots and do his job, he is otherwise an unrelenting and unapologetic asshole that is only out for himself. He doesn't really care about other peoples' opinions of him and, if anything, gets off on the attention. For him, it's almost become a game.

And because he is only out for himself, and because he is too self-centered to see outside of himself, he tends to project his attitudes onto others and assume the worst of their own motivations, assuming they only do what they do because they want something out of it, too.

Because, well, that's what he does. Thus, he just can't trust other people and doesn't really care to try, because he thinks others are as fucked up as he is. Self-fulfilled prophecy, really.

Strong pyrokinesis, and average telekinesis and telepathy.



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