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Author Topic: Indigo Rook, Pilot Echo  (Read 1127 times)

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Offline Lion

Indigo Rook, Pilot Echo
« on: July 29, 2017, 12:22:01 am »
+ NAME + Indigo Rook
+ ALIAS + Pilot Echo Dorian Rook, “Dorian” (His people name), “Deego”
+ AGE + 97
+ GENDER + Male
+ ORIGIN + “Pyre Town”- Haviah, Aedolis (Mid-Level)
+ SPECIES + Kulshedra! 8D
+ RESIDENCE + Haviah, Aedolis
+ OCCUPATION + Marketing/PR “Desk Jockey”, Former Scout
+ FACE + Cerulean Hair / Cerulean eyes
+ STATURE + 6'6” / 244 lbs.
+ SEXUALITY + Pansexual


Average sized for a male Kulshedra, Indigo, or as he prefers “Deego”, has always been lithe and slim. Deego's build tends to be wiry and lean, he's tall and has some muscle. However being at a desk has made him a little flabbier than normal. His split jaw is usually spread into a grin too stupid to be scary, and his eyes a deep cerulean forming into proper predatory slits. Indigo scales slash across his forehead, slant down across his left eye, nose bridge, and lower right jaw.

His skin is a nice natural tan, where scales decorate his collarbone and down his spine, a deep rich indigo trailing to the base of is tail and around his hips toward his groin. Splashes of scales pattern between his abdominals and chest.

Being inside has very little reason for Deego to give a shit how he looks. He's scruffy and his hair is long and sometimes singed at the ends. He walks with a bit of a limp, and experiences stiffness in his right knee.  A long scar runs along the inside of his right thigh and on the inside of his ankle toward his clawed feet. No scales grow there.

Deego is an idiot. Or maybe he's just really good at pretending to be in order to deflect anyone from dumping any real responsibility on him. Or maybe he's played at it so long, he's forgotten that somewhere, deep down, he has a brain lingering inside his skull. Or maybe he got knocked around a few too many times in his key developing years. No one can really tell, and he makes no effort to make any sort of distinction.

He's a goof-off and a show-boater. Even if the end result is nothing at all to be proud of. He finds joy in the little things in life. Even if life is too short for everyone else, he enjoys living it one day at a time. Can be a little forgetful. Or a lot of forgetful. He doesn't know, he can't remember.

- Things! -
- Irrevocably lazy, and yet somehow not. It just takes a while for a fire to be lit under his ass.
- Isn't nearly as superstitious as his parents are about the 'Heavenly Fire' but still keeps a candle lit when he can.
- Boxes recreationally. May have been punched in the head a few too many times. But he's got a thick skull. It's fiiiiiine.
- Doesn't over think things. Goes with the flow and is hard pressed to take anything really all that seriously. Except Almond. That baby is serious business.

Has enough telepathy and telekinesis to be inducted and graduate from Candidacy.

Cinnamon Rook - Younger Brother - Status: ALIVE 8D
Almond – His daughter! Status: ALIVE
   Approximately 2 years old. She's a little devil and a ball of energy. She gets into everything and anything. Though they've only met recently, Deego already loves her. He has no idea who the mom is.

A dragon as equally as lazy as Deego. Her legs are slender and her feet large and broad, with mechanical claws that like to click on the ground and make musical tapping sounds. She has no ambition, and it's no wonder why she's remained an Echo for so long.

A spinal augmentation has been made along her ribs and leave corrugated ridges along her ribs, and her entire tail has been replaced with a barbed mechanical one.


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« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 07:58:17 am by Lion »


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