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Author Topic: Lesa  (Read 275 times)

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« on: October 08, 2017, 09:07:12 pm »
__________________Q UICK STATS

Name: Lesa




Species: Phi-Suk


Height 5'8

Occupation  entertainer


__________________I N-DEPTH STUFF

((Photo from Maple Fashions))

Physical Description
On the taller side of average for a woman. Her skin tone tends to be a light olive in color, although it can darken when time is spent in the sun. When it comes to her hair it is black in color, being both thick and reaching to the small of her back when she wears it loose, she will often times wear it in a simple braid to keep it out of the way when she has no reason to wear it any other way. While not classically beautiful, her features have often times been called "pretty" or "pleasant", and while she likely won't be the great beauty of her age, they have allowed her to be seen as an open trust worthy woman, in some circles, something she uses to her advantage. Her build is on the thinner side of average, while there is some body fat it is not enough to make people think she is over weight as a general rule. On her right shoulder blade she has a light brown birth mark roughly the size of two fingers though less defined in shape. She also is long of limb and finger which often times gives her the illusion of more grace than she possesses.

When it comes to clothing, unless she is preforming she prefers to dress casually often in darker colors that are fitted, but loose enough to be comfortable. She prefers them to be in the highest quality fabrics that she can afford. The darker color preference is in part to allow her to appear to have a more expanded wardrobe than she does, if given a chance she will spurge on clothing when she can. While she is fond of jewelry she tends to restrict herself to one or two pieces. Normally a number of copper bracelets on her left wrist and a gold ring on the right side of her nose.


Born to a lower middle class family, her family getting by on the earnings her family made made selling fruit they would buy from local farmers, some times supplementing that with crafts made from her mother and sisters as well as fresh fish when they were able to get a hold of it. As long as she was helping with bringing home money for the family she was more or less left to her own devices Lesa would often ply the wealthier members of society with flowers and fruit, and warm drinks in the colder months. It was this early exposure to selling things which taught her how to begin to play the crowd. She discovered a sweet child who perhaps made her own situation sound worse than it was. would bring home more money than those who did not. Lesa seemed to have a natural talent for this sort of acting. Something that her parents encouraged her to use to her advantage.

As she got older and was able to keep a small amount of her earnings for her own, she would often times wonder the plazas watching actors musicians, and other performers show off for the crowds in the market place. This is where Lesa got her fist exposure to acting. Offering her free time to help out while she could if she could watch the shows, she began an apprenticeship of sorts, though she was aware of the fact those she was helping were far from the actors who graced the stages in the play houses of the wealthy. Something she began to dream of doing.

Eventually she was able to get herself a job in one such playhouse, not as an actor of course, she was a girl off the street as far as they were concerned. She helped with wardrobe and served food and drink during intermission. She took this to her advantage and watched everything that happened in front and behind the house. Often times she would study lines during her free time between costume changes and food serves. Eventually she was caught reading those lines by one of the owners. Before she could bolt down the hall and hide, they were able to see she possessed talent, if in a raw form.

Allowed small parts at first, she was eventually allowed lines with small speaking parts. This of course caused tension with the current leading lady of the house who was always on the look out for any one who might challenge her for leading roles one day. Pulling favors she was able to make Lesa's life difficult. While she was not fired, her back stage life became difficult enough to make her concerned about her viability in  house. With most of the staff going about in terror of her, Lesa did not have much in the way of allies who would help her, even if they were subject to much of the same behavior, it was simply understood as they way things were.

Seeing no choice but to strike out on her own she would look for some one else to take her in. While most of her work to date has been small parts, her quality tends to be rather good. For now her willingness to take whatever parts she can get has allowed her to feed herself and pay her experiences. Though she has begun to stick her toe into the bigger pool, looking for parts that will give her more exposure.

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« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 03:56:17 am by Lesa »


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