CORRESPONDENCE > Gospel Subnetwork

Angels for Freedom

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He's a TRIM subject.  They're as good as dead once they get there.

I doubt its worth your life.

Which is the cost if you get caught.

- Rapid.

I understand what you're saying, and I know it's a harsh world now.

The ancient world of Adela was masterfully created, and nothing nowadays can compare. The Dragonriders of the past were an inseparable unit. It was like a brotherhood, or a sisterhood. No one would be left behind. I try to live with the same principles, even though it has become increasingly difficult with the Seekers watching for us.

If we live as every man for himself, what right do we have trying to hold onto or regain what Adelan society had?

I am all too aware of what happens to TRIM subjects, but if there is a chance this man could not only survive and escape from TRIM, but join the Gospels and help in our fight, why should he be abandoned?

- Valkyrie

Don't tell me about Adela or the old Dragonriders. What do you think those dragons turned into? It's not dust. It's the very network that keeps us alive and safe in the dome.

If you want to risk your life and career for an untrained non-Pilot psychic.

Gospel's aren't heros. But we do what needs to be done - sometimes its not good things. Good luck with your friend. Don't get caught.

- Rapid.

Thank you. We may not be heroes, but that doesn't mean we can't act heroically. This man is worth it to me, and I truly hope he will prove an ally to our cause.

My plan to rescue him will be put into action, not because it is the first course of action, but because it is the only course of action I see at the moment. If you have something better, please tell me.

- Valkyrie

I do have something better.

Don't bother with the TRIM subject. He won't be a Gospel. He'll be an obvious link that leads directly to your execution.

- Rapid.


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