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Aedolis Characters / Isabel Kiers, Pilot Noble
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:05:52 pm »

full view!

*Sticks and stones may break my bones...*

Isabel Kiers

"Iz", "Izzy", "The Saccharine Succubus" and many other wildly inappropriate combinations involving baked goods.


Undefined, but patterns seem to suggest pansexuality.

Aedolian for generations, but the Kiers line originates in old-school Connlaoth. The irony.

5'11", muscular with exceptional upper body strength, and a distinct amount of curves.

Pilot Noble
Squadron Commander for the Haviah Harpies

Haviah, Aedolis
Family estate is in Havina


Isabel Kiers is not a tiny woman. She stands tall, like her twin brother, and is distinctly built through years of strenuous physical training. Given her affinity for proper posture, her stance can come off as more than a little intimidating. Like her twin, she has dark black hair and piercing grey eyes, and her freckles are an exact mirror image of Chance's own. Or vice versa.

Isabel likes order. She likes to be in control of her faculties, and will make every effort to keep herself as such. She doesn't like flying off the handle or getting overly emotional, or at least not in any kind of a public setting. It takes a very distinct level of trust to get her to let her hair down, and so very few persons have ever been privy to such a thing.
This need to be in control of everything is mirrored in her home life, as she keeps her quarters spotlessly clean and very purposefully decorated. Everything has a place, and everything is in its place.

In an exact opposite of her brother, Isabel does not get well and truly angry easily. It takes quite a bit to genuinely piss her off, and you might not even realize you're doing it until it's too late considering she doesn't typically express herself. The trade-off is that while Chance is the forgiving sort, Izzy absolutely is not-- she holds grudges to the grave, and will actively work to destroy a person for the rest of their lives if the crime is considered heinous enough.

Despite the general Aedolian lack of higher education for most, Isabel has a vocabulary to put anyone to shame, and she uses it fairly often. She reads, a lot, and it shows. Her general tone of speech is covered in flowery language, and can be a bit long-winded if she's caught in a particularly sarcastic loop of conversation. That being said, she does have herself a decent sense of humor, and loves to tease folks.

Surprisingly, or perhaps not, Isabel is remarkably maternal. If she cares for someone, it shows in what she's willing to do for that person, her own health and well-being be damned. She becomes far softer than her usual commander-self when someone needs emotional support, and while she won't sugar-coat anything, she does give an air of understanding. It's also no secret to those who know her that she's always wanted kids.

Fun Facts!:
  • Izzy is a dom, she loves barking orders and having them followed. While it's not 100% a necessity in the bedroom, it's definitely her favourite.
  • She drinks her coffee black, with four shots of espresso, all the time every time. "Decaf" is not in her dictionary-sized vocabulary.
  • Her favourite color is purple, particularly soft lilacs.
  • She loves baking, and will spend most of her free time experimenting with new flavors and tiny cakes. Which she often subjects her loved ones to when they're finished.

Psionics: Like her brother, Izzy is a potent hemokinetic. Her personal "brand" of it, however, involves control and puppeteering; using another person's circulatory system to control their movements both internal and external. This can have a wide range of effects, either keeping an ally breathing and their heart pumping, or turning enemies into her own soldiers.
The latter, however, is far easier when they're dead, and so she often comes into play after her brother has taken out a considerable number-- which she then turns on the survivors.

The Twin Thing: Not necessarily a special ability but more a display of trust, Nayden and Isabel share a mutual understanding that they're allowed in one another's heads to a certain degree. Whereas anyone else hits a wall and wouldn't be allowed into their thoughts without a warrant, Chance and Izzy often let those guards down around one another and can sometimes accidentally "sync up" as a result.


Pilot Royal Nevena Kiers, Retired. Chance and Izzy's grandmother and their primary caretaker for much of their childhood up to age 13. Was a decorated war hero, and had quite the reputation as "the Bloody Baroness". Archaic, but she rather enjoys it still.

Pilot Echo Nayden Kiers, her twin brother.

Pilot Cardinal Omajon Rheeves, a close friend.

Pilot Royal Banning Lockhart, boyfriend and father of their unborn child, the wee baby Virgil.

Isabel is bonded to Menhit, a great and commanding black dragon who is absolutely regal in nature... but like Izzy, is not above absolutely destroying those who cross her.

Izzy and her brother come from a long military lineage, dating back generations. Service has always been a point of pride for the Kiers, and as if an added bonus, psychic potential runs deep in their blood as well. As such, from birth these two have been groomed for the military lifestyle, with their grandmother as their tutor.

It wasn't all bad though! Heavily regimented and with a good deal of organization to every second of the twins' lives, their home life was still a very warm and loving one. Their parents were utterly doting, whenever they had time to spare. Upon their death Gramma Kiers retired to make sure her grandchildren would still be well-looked after, and eventually become great Pilots themselves.

Their family tendency towards psychic prowess is a double-edged sword, however, as their grandmother had always warned them against "being stolen", like some unnameable horror would come for them at any moment if they let their guard down in the slightest. Even she doesn't know quite what she means by this, it being something her grandmother warned her about, and so on and so forth before the name "Kiers" was even a thing. It's had a bit of a mixed effect on the twins, because while they both sport friendly personalities, they are also prone to deep feelings of dread in a still moment.

[FUN FACTS, even the twins don't know this:]

The Kiers are descended from the ancient days of Connlaoth, and the firstborn daughter of a powerful lich. His magic was imparted to his daughter, though not in the conventional sense, and the blood still runs strong even to this day. It speaks of the potency of the line, in that despite thousands of years of intermarriage, Izzy bears a striking resemblance to her ancestral grandfather.



Aedolis Characters / Nayden Kiers, Pilot Echo
« on: May 04, 2017, 11:49:02 pm »

old ref yickk

*Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day...*

Nayden Kiers

"Chance" almost exclusively. The only person he even remotely allows to call him "Nayden" without any sort of protest is Jon.


Bisexual af.

Aedolian for generations, but the Kiers family line originates in old-school Connlaoth.

5'11", well built with exceptional upper body strength.

Pilot Echo
Squadron Leader for the Haviah Harpies

Haviah, Aedolis
Family estate is in Havina


Tall, muscled and handsome, and with the general air of someone who knows it. Nayden has piercing grey eyes and vividly pale skin, which is broken only by a network of small scars and a spattering of freckles on his face. His key defining feature, following "Until You See the Whites of their Eyes", is a long scar that cuts across his right eye, which if he's out and about, he'll wear an eyepatch over.

Nayden is cheerful, pleasant to be around, and his friendliness ranges from "decently" to "VERY" depending on the attractiveness level of who he's speaking to. The definite epitome of a rock star personality, Chance carries himself with absolute confidence, and that confidence is well-earned. Charismatic, open, and easy to talk to, being friends with him is about as easy as introducing yourself.

He doesn't like to stand still for very long, and seems almost repulsed by the idea, and so it's not uncommon for him to start fidgeting in some way if he has to stay in one place for an elongated period of time. Long periods of medical leave, for instance, will actually start driving him batshit insane, and Lord help any doctor whose care he is under, because "bed rest" is not in Chance's vocabulary. He has to actually be bribed not to show up to work with a busted knee. Bribed.
He actually has a few 'fidget toys' to keep his hands occupied if he ever needs to, otherwise he's constantly on his phone and bouncing his knee or something else to keep moving.

He does tend to let his emotions ride a little close to the surface, and has a tendency to snap if pushed too far, but will just as quickly bounce back from whatever had been previously bothering him if given the time to "cool down". It's not uncommon for him to forgive and forget, depending on the severity of the transgression. Even then, given enough time and separation, he might even be okay with at least trying to be neutral. Some shit, though, remains completely unforgiveable.

Fun facts!:
  • Sings in the shower
  • Loves craft soaps-- especially earthy musky sorts. He will seriously douse himself in that shit.
  • Will do anything on a dare
  • Will also do anything on the first date
  • Is totally the kind of guy to make some misbegotten Frankenstein of different fast food items into one horrible sandwich

Psionics: Like his twin, Nayden is hemokinetic. His personal "brand" of hemokinesis, however, focuses on amplification and suppression-- that is, either subtly shifting how efficiently the blood carries oxygen and thus amplifying the human body by some percentage, or halting bloodflow entirely and leaving someone crippled in agony. As such, Chance is a damn powerhouse if he's given time, and does very well as part of the Harpies' drop team.

The Ghost Eye: Following the events in "Until You See the Whites of their Eyes", Chance's right eye has been severely injured, rendering the organ nonfunctional and thus, blind. However, due to his lineage and relation to a distant ancestor, his eye is not completely useless.
Rather than seeing in the visible spectrum of light, Chance's right eye now possesses the ability to see the remnants of the dead-- the spiritual and psychic residue of a person deceased, or soon to be deceased. Regular folks he sees as simply dark shadows on a black background, and they only become clearer the closer they are to their moment of death.

Pilot Royal Nevena Kiers, Retired. Chance and Izzy's grandmother and their primary caretaker for much of their childhood up to age 13. Was a decorated war hero, and had quite the reputation as "the Bloody Baroness". Archaic, but she rather enjoys it still.
Pilot Noble Isabel Kiers, his twin sister.
Pilot Cardinal Omajon Rheeves, the love of Chance's life and easily the most important person to him.

Chance is bonded to a black dragon named Anhur, who delights in combat and bad jokes. The two are often a whirlwind of terrible, awful puns, and if a dragon was capable of finger-pistols, they'd be shooting those back and forth, too. It's insufferable.

Nayden and his sister come from a long military lineage, dating back generations. Service has always been a point of pride for the Kiers, and as if an added bonus, psychic potential runs deep in their blood as well. As such, from birth these two have been groomed for the military lifestyle, with their grandmother as their tutor.

It wasn't all bad though! Heavily regimented and with a good deal of organization to every second of the twins' lives, their home life was still a very warm and loving one. Their parents were utterly doting, whenever they had time to spare. Upon their death Gramma Kiers retired to make sure her grandchildren would still be well-looked after, and eventually become great Pilots themselves.

Their family tendency towards psychic prowess is a double-edged sword, however, as their grandmother had always warned them against "being stolen", like some unnameable horror would come for them at any moment if they let their guard down in the slightest. Even she doesn't know quite what she means by this, it being something her grandmother warned her about, and so on and so forth before the name "Kiers" was even a thing. It's had a bit of a mixed effect on the twins, because while they both sport friendly personalities, they are also prone to deep feelings of dread in a still moment.

[FUN FACTS, even the twins don't know this:]
The Kiers are descended from the ancient days of Connlaoth, and the firstborn daughter of a powerful lich. His magic was imparted to his daughter, though not in the conventional sense, and the blood still runs strong even to this day. It speaks of the potency of the line, in that despite thousands of years of intermarriage, Chance bears a striking resemblance to his ancestral grandfather.

Random stupid Pilot Chat shenanigans!
xDoSaM thread to be establishedx


Absences/Returns / And back (blatant copypaste from SotE)
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:29:33 pm »
This one is.

Uh, had a little bit of an exile from everything social for a bit. Had an overnight job that basically relegated my life to sleep and work and then sleep again. Switched around my schedule and my work so now I should have more time to NOT sleep and work and actually do social things.

So I should be able to get those much-deserved replies out again.

Edanith Characters / Kelly Paule, convict and frontiersman
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:32:39 pm »


Kelly Paule

He's kinda lost count, but his best guess is 34.






The frontier of Edanith


Physical Description:
Kelly's pretty short for an Edani dude, something that he doesn't like to be brought up in conversation. He keeps his hair long, and it still contains remnants of where he used to dye it on the regular. His natural hair has since come in, and for whatever reason he's done nothing to cut or otherwise negate the spice-brown roots. He sports green eyes that are fairly lined for one of his guesstimated age, and it looks like at one point he did a lot of smiling. He has a smattering of freckles, primarily on his face but also over his arms, which are fairly well-built from a life of hard time and hard work.

Kelly is fairly easy-going. It's actually a little hard to see just how he landed himself on the frontier, given his amicable personality. He's more polite than a convict should be, and rather likes to keep hostilities to a minimum if possible. He's pretty generous, and that's probably why he was allowed to keep his little shack on the verge of a growing settlement instead of having to pack up and move further outward. Still, he doesn't bother the settlers much, since he's still branded as a criminal, harmless though he seems to be, and only goes into town for the absolute necessities. He never stays long.


Many, though from the looks of things, they are all past relationships. He keeps photos around, mostly of a young woman, and one other photo kept on his person at all times, of a man. All of these are worn with age, and seem to be from a long while ago.

Kelly, as stated, is a convict. He was at one point a jovial kid, and it's likely that carefree attitude that got him in trouble with the law in the first place. For reasons he doesn't get into, however, he landed himself in prison, and then after some time, got himself thrown out onto the frontier, where he lives to this day tending a very small patch of farmland he brought out of the desolate red earth.

Current Threads

Completed Threads

Aedolis Characters / Kelevra, alien
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:50:41 pm »



6 solar cycles, which translates to about 35-36 Earth years.

Type A*. Uses neutral "they/them" pronouns for clarity's sake.


Mitindog. Also known as Dogwoods and the more pejorative "horndog"s.

5’4", they are pocket-sized.

Pornography-- specifically as a pin-up model for the more xenophilic magazines out there, and the occasional film courtesy of their part-time employer Aart.

However, this is simply a day job. No one's quite privy to what Kelevra gets up to in their spare time, except maybe their sibling, who is not one to tell.



Physical Description:
Mitindog concept art (nsfw)
For their type, Kelevra is fairly short and wiry. They keep their mane fairly long, and their vines even longer, lending to some spectacular rose-like blossoms come "springtime", which is a period of a single Earth year. 

Kelevra is a decent sort, friendly and personable and very easy to get along with. They've got a sharp sense of humor, though not a cruel one, and seem to have a fuse a hundred miles long. It's not easy to piss them off, and they'll more likely recognize you're trying than they are to actually get spitting mad.
That, however, does not translate to being helpless, a fact that occasionally needs reminding.

Given the nature of Mitindog biology, Kelevra, like almost all of his kind, sport various super-hardened thorns on their forearms and elbows. They have super-sharp senses of smell and hearing, though average (human) sight.

A younger sibling, to be named later
Aart Arturri, employer.

To be added

*About Mitindogs vis-a-vis gender
They're nonbinary, in that they don't have set "male" and "female" kinds. Mitindogs are instead divided among three types according to secondary characteristics (build, presence or absence of horns and vines, etc.). All three types have the same reproductive organs and are theoretically capable of laying eggs, though only type A is capable of fertilization.

Current Threads

Completed Threads

Ships and Factions / [DELETE]
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:44:15 pm »
Warehouse Nine;
aka an underground recreational fighting ring.
[Distinctly Anti-Aedolian Government sentiments]

The name of the game is exactly as this sounds. This is an unofficial fight club, set in Haviah. This is where anyone is welcome to come in, take their shoes off, and kick someone's face in. Or, in certain cases, go out and raise a little hell in the city.


The creator of Warehouse Nine is a man named Aart who found himself more than a little disenchanted with how complacent everyone in Aedolis had become. Here they were, living in a military totalitarian regime, and all anyone could seem to talk about was the latest celebrity gossip. Frustrated that people didn't seem to care beyond keeping content, he started picking fights and vandalizing public property (while miraculously avoiding being caught).

When more and more people wanted rematches, they moved from alleys and empty lots to a set of warehouses by the docks, where they can beat the tar out of each other in relative peace, without necessarily the issue of caste-restricted access.

Openings and Ranks
There are no ranks. Castes do not exist in Warehouse Nine. There is only the group and the two in the ring. The closest thing to a leader they have is Aart, who lays down the rules and occasionally directs the members to cause some destruction of public property when they're able.

MEMBERS (open indefinitely)

Aaron Artturi

The first rule of Fight Club Warehouse Nine is YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. There's no discussing of it with non-members.

The second rule of Warehouse Nine is NO COPS. No military, no police force, nothing but regular citizens.

The third rule of Warehouse Nine is STOP MEANS STOP. If someone taps out, or otherwise signals to stop, you stop. This isn't about killing someone, it's about fighting. Once the fight is over, the fight is over, and there's no score-keeping.

No shoes, no shirt, no jewelry, no belts, no weapons. Pants and bare fists only.

Aedolis Characters / Otto Ripley-Hatcher
« on: June 02, 2014, 08:14:55 pm »

fullview ref 1 mech interface unit reference nsfw ref 2

*I’m learning to live
I’m trying to be better
I’m learning to give
But I don’t know if I’m a giver*

Othello Ripley
Othello Hatcher (former married name, currently abandoned)

"Otto", "Injida" for online username.



Human (Mutated)
Native Aedolian

6', lean musculature

  • technician
  • gunslinger
  • opiate addict

On board his single-transport ship, Ironsides.
Formerly: Satellite Colony GR3, also a brief time in Haviah while married.


Lean, almost like he does not get enough to eat, but with enough muscle to dictate that he certainly gets his fair share of physical activity. Being out and about in space and all, Otto is pale, though there is some darker discoloration near his eyes and on his elbows/knuckles. He has several tattoos, though the most prominant is one that moves from his chin down to his throat, around the whole of his neck and over his shoulders. It looks like art deco and machinery had a baby.

His hair is long and straight and a warm black/very deep brown, and he can barely keep it under control for how fast it grows. The same thing can be said for his facial hair, which at the very least is patchy at best so he doesn't need to bushwhack it that often.

Last but not least, Otto has several mutations that separate him from yer typical human lifeform:
  • His eyes have darker sclera, which throws the pale sickly-yellow-green of his irises in sharp contrast. When contracted, his pupils tend to thin into minute slits.
  • His canines are all missing, and instead have been replaced with longer, sharper variants. His upper canines have been replaced with two smaller, thinner teeth, and those are easily pointy enough to puncture skin
  • Along the "V" of his hips and groin, there are small shallow divets in his skin, which are a bit pinker on the inside, as if they were meant to be vents.

Depends on sobriety. Sober Otto is melancholy, brooding, and prone to long bouts of silence. Sober Otto also has trouble sleeping, which can result in anything between him getting waspish or outright losing his mind and succumbing to particularly harmful intrusive thoughts. Stoned Otto is friendly, heartfelt, down to earth and sincere. And a bit of a gigglepuss.

Otto comes from a very long line of gifted mechanics and technicians. Growing up on a space station colony only served to foment a natural talent with machinery, and it doesn't take much for him to figure out new and foreign technology as a result. Additionally, figuring things out is a hobby of his; he loves pulling things apart and putting them back together, and will often "splurge" on broken scraps from nearby pawn shops just to mess around and tinker with them.
One of the gifts he was given by his ex-husband for their first anniversary was actually a spinal mech-interface unit, which lets him plug into auxiliary ports and directly interface without the need for a computer. This is only for very minor machinery, of course, and anything larger than handheld size computational power or the equivalent in terms of data size will require further processing power, and he'll often have to reroute through a real computer before trying to interface. It's very basic, but he loved it, and was completely unaware it would one day save his life.

Otto genuinely believes in the inherent good in people. He doesn't understand or even immediately suspect ulterior motives, often taking people completely at face value. He's very trusting, or at least once was, and the one thing he tries to hold onto is that people are genuinely worth believing in. Some days, however, are harder than others.
Built into this is a need to help people, to save who he can when he can. Spare money to those who are hurting for it, offering his services working with machinery to those who might not otherwise be able to afford it, sharing food and resources and otherwise genuinely being there. Because if he doesn't, who will?

The parasites that live in Otto's systems are usually easy enough to ignore if he keeps himself doped up enough. But sometimes, they get a little too restless, which results in a very unpleasant buzzing sensation which skeeves him the hell out. Otto sometimes lapses into compulsive self destructive behavior at these points, and will try to get the parasites out despite knowing that it's physically impossible to get to where they're at.
The constant hive mind chatter between the multitude of smaller organisms certainly doesn't help matters, though, and he can sometimes start exhibiting strange and animalistic gestures/behaviors as a result.

Fun Facts!:
  • Horribly, horribly allergic to chocolate.
  • Writes poetry in his spare time, and it doesn't always make sense.
  • Autophobic.
  • Will do literally anything for cheese. Will also eat himself sick if left alone with large quantities. Just. Hide the cheese.

Otto is infected with an alien parasite that has taken root in his central and peripheral nervous systems. As such, certain key aspects of sensory input and reaction have been astronomically enhanced, as well as other effects. Such as:
  • Affected amygdala, which has resulted in altered memory processing, decision making and emotional reactions. Enhanced by the parasite to integrate "hive memory" and a rudimentary "hive mind", wherein emotions are exchanged back and forth between the host organism and the parasite. Kind of essentially makes both parties one and the same, were a full takeover allowed. In Otto's case, it just makes the bugs really fucking annoying backseat drivers.
  • Affected thalamus and affected tectum, which has affected Otto's sensory signal relay, auditory and visual reflexes, motor signals, and the regulation of sleep and alertness. As such his reflexes are through the roof, in combination with his enhanced perception. It also tends to make sleep incredibly difficult unless he can chemically shut the bugs up. Even so, he's a terribly light sleeper, and anything out of place is enough to put him on full alert. God help you if he's been sober and this wasn't INCREDIBLY important.
  • Affected hypothalamus and related autonomic nervous system, which normally regulares body temperature, hunger, attachment behaviors, sleep rhythms, heart rate, and arousal, amongst other things. In Otto's case, this means his metabolism has gone apeshit to better supply more than just his own systems, and he tends to run a bit hotter than usual. His hair and nails all grow faster than usual, and wound healing is more stimulated. It also factors into his social interactions, as the extra stimulation to become part of the "hive" has led him to be intensely protective of his own (if he had any left). It also has upped his libido by quite a bit, which is saying something since he was, at a point, an Aedolian.
  • Affected pituitary and pineal glands, while not as deeply affected as other aspects of the system, have a partial integration in that the parasitic organisms have tried to make the host body as hospitable to them as possible. As such, a few tweaks here and there have been made, and certain mutations have occured. This is where his mild discoloration and fancy new eyes have come from, as well as the vents in his hips.
  • Affected cerebellum which has essentially enhanced his posture and balance. His inner ear picks up on shifts in space easier than normal, and he can tell when a ship has changed course almost instantly, even from the deepest, most stable part of it. It's also incredibly hard to knock him off balance, you know, unless he wants to be off balance. (Wink.)
    ...But seriously, shifts in gravity are nothing the dude is like a fucking cat.


Roy Hatcher, ex-husband - presumed alive and well in Haviah.

Lucien Ripley; older brother - presumed alive and stationed planetside in research and development.

Gloria Serie; childhood best friend - presumed deceased.

Basically an escaped TRIM subject following a horrible alien infestation/infection of his home colony.



Solar System / Ain't got sh//, but I got this far [Rhi]
« on: May 30, 2014, 02:47:52 pm »
Really, the picture was... spot on. It was a perfect likeness, even if it were just lines and not a photograph (he was pretty sure there were no photos of him, so, you know, fair). His scrawled self stared up at him with open mockery, right up to the hand gestures his little paper self attempted to give everyone who saw the poster.

Stars and suns, it was perfect. He just might hang it in his ship, complete with some manner of ornate and gaudy frame to house it. A better display of the craft of portraiture there never was. All with the lovely tagline of WANTED. DEAD. 2.1 M CREDITS.

The bitch.

Semessa was getting desperate. She'd been out of their home system about as long as he had, and he was pretty sure she hadn't been working the whole time. Did she even have the money to put up for a reward like this? Or was she getting some thrice-damned sponsor?

No Son ran through a mental checklist of past... endeavors. There were at least a dozen present that might warrant being avenged. But seriously, two million? Two freakin' million? All for him dead? Color him flattered.

He rummaged around a drawer, and found a roll of tape. Biting through a few pieces, he used those to slap his wanted poster up onto a cabinet door. In a fit of childish rage, he scrawled out his poster's eyes, and in an even more childish display, wrote above it

Bluh Bluh huge BITCH

It didn't even register with him that an onlooker might assume he was calling himself a bitch, too far gone in his agitation. He could feel his spines pressing against the thicker padding of his shirt, and that bit of discomfort just made him angrier. He lashed out at an errant ammo box, kicking it straight into the opposite wall of the supply room. It bounced off, hit his cot, and scattered to the floor, spilling countless single bullets everywhere.

No Son growled, and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes.



He could lay low, hunker down in the boonies somewhere, and just keep out of sight. No jobs, but hell, he had enough to live by on that. So long as he didn't somehow, like, bunk on a planet populated only by plantlife.

That had been the hungriest fuckin' week of his life. What the hell kind of cruel god made an entire world without meat? Not even bugs! Seriously?

He stepped over the mess he had made, and dropped into the cockpit of his ship. It was time to get the hell out of dodge, and do it now. A few flicks of switches, and the engines thrummed to life, pushing him out of the lazy orbit he had been coasting in since he'd found the poster plastered to an info board on-planet.

Wanderers and Independents / Semessa Lilote, out for blood
« on: May 28, 2014, 03:25:32 pm »



Semessa Lilote, "Lilo" by her late wife

Four and a half cycles, about 45 to us.


Leans more towards the ladies, according to her species.*

Alien species: Hunter/Glowstick though if you call her the latter she will PUNCH you.


Former soldier, former bodyguard, now wandering bounty hunter of sorts.

Her ship.

*See "about them aliems" section for details


Physical description:
Lilote is intimidating to shit and back. Standing nearly eight feet tall and weighing roughly 275 pounds of pure muscle, she looks like someone who could crush you without breaking a sweat. Unlike the males of her species, she doesn't possess any bioluminescence, and her hair is a coal-grey.

Stone-cold and aloof, she seems constantly preoccupied with something else. In fact, she is so preoccupied with her mission that often she has no patience for anything else. Which kind of renders her into a humorless dick.

 She will punch you. Hard.

Semessa Hyro, late wife

Lilote was a decorated career soldier, right up until an injury left her with a very pronounced limp. Forced into retirement, she became incredibly depressed, and would have continued to spiral into darkness were it not for a completely by chance encounter with Hyro, a high ranking city official. Hyro appointed Lilote her bodyguard, which pulled her out of her feelings of uselessness, and soon after the two became close friends. And then lovers.

Not too long after they were married, however, tragedy struck. Hyro was shot and killed during an assembly, to everyone's shock and horror. Even more so when it was found to be a rogue male. He escaped, and since then Lilote has been hunting him across galaxies, determined to see him beg for the mercy he didn't show Hyro.


About them aliems:

Hailing from a binary star system outside of ROTE's galaxy, encountering one of No Son's kind is extremely rare. They as a people have achieved interstellar travel, but have such loose systems of governance that expansion has not been a thorough topic of discussion. Primarily, their interest in extensive space travel is largely to do with potential colonization ventures, as their planet is not a resource-rich one. Typically, however, if you encounter one outside of their star system, you will likely be encountering a male.

In their native tongue, their word for themselves roughly translates to "hunter", as they are the apex predator of their planet, though they are more commonly (and somewhat derogatorily) referred to as Glowsticks. This is earned from the bioluminescence present on the males of their species.

They have a heavy kind of sexual dimorphism, where the males and females look vastly different from one another, though both sets of genitalia are present regardless of sex assignment. Assigned males tend to be smaller (averaging at 5'6"), more wiry, and possess the bioluminescence their kind is famous for. These colors tend to range from poisonous looking yellows to neon blues. Assigned females, however, don't have this bioluminescence, and are much, much bigger than their male counterparts (their average height is between 7 and 8 feet, and they pack on far more muscle). Regardless of gender, all of the Hunters possess a series of poisonous barbs along their spines, which normally lay flat unless otherwise provoked.

The social dynamics are also different in how males and females are treated. Males live in isolation, possess a flexible "territory" and defend it aggressively from other males, usually to the death. Females live in groups, and have formed their own governance, cities and all around infrastructure. As the males are kicked out of cities after they reach a certain age, and often die soon after, they are not named in the same way that female children are. They take their mother's name as a surname like their sisters, but instead of a proper given name, they are referred to by numbers (First, Second, etc.).

This kind of attitude also leads to their social conditioning-- the males are forbidden from certain things, so they either have to have a female acquire forbidden objects for them, or they have to learn to sneak them. This ends up being good training for when they're out in the wilderness and have no one but themselves to rely on. Because of this isolation, the males tend to rely on stealth and ambushing in their combat, whereas females have the bulk and the numbers for more open combat should they need to defend themselves.

Because of the high precentage of violence between males, and with higher and higher populations of them, many have taken to the stars to establish territories outside of their own planet. These are usually the outcasts, either because they couldn't hold a territory on their home world out of weakness, or they committed a heinous crime of some sort.

Current threads
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Completed threads
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Wanderers and Independents / No Son - Xenoassassin
« on: May 23, 2014, 12:14:23 pm »


No Son

Three cycles, translates to about 30 years


Does it move? Is it capable of thought? Does it look vaguely feminine (according to his species)? Well boy howdy, he gon' bang it.

Alien. Hunter in their own tongue but commonly called Glowsticks by other species


Assassin for hire

A single-man ship that he uses like a mobile home, presently piggybacking off of the Skeleton Grin.


Physical description:
No Son stands fairly tall for males of his species, with dark grey skin and acidic-yellow eyes, hair and markings. He sports a decent number of cybernetics, mostly in the area of ocular enhancement to better see in less-than-optimal conditions. Normally, all of this is covered up by thick leather armor, in order to dampen the fact he freakin' glows in the dark.

No Son is the sort to viciously insult you with such a smile that you're not quite sure if he's joking or not. Really, sometimes it's like he picks fights on purpose, and leads to the assumption that he has a masochistic streak in him a mile long. His complete lack of scruples let him take even the most distasteful of hit jobs, which he does without batting an eye. You want someone dead, and dead now? You call him.

Born and bred for stealth takedowns, No Son is a master marksman and assassin.

None, he has been completely disowned and exiled from his entire species.

No Son is a fuckup, big time. There are few things that can get one in trouble on his home planet, especially when his gender is expected to engage in acts of wanton violence on a regular basis. The main rule is that this violence is never to be turned on the citizens of a city, ie a female. Males are free to murder each other as they see fit, but male-on-female violence is taboo to the extreme. But politics are a terrible thing, and he was the one who answered the call for a rival city leader to be put down.

Instead of being paid for the deed, however, his employers turned on him, and soon everyone was on the hunt for the male who dared to assassinate a high ranking city official. He was forced to flee, and has bounced from star system to star system as a gun for hire, before finally finding himself in Earth's own little corner of the galaxy.

No one on his planet would dare claim him as being related to them, and so he had his birthname stripped from him, and was left with the entirely shameful title of No One's Son.


About them aliems:

Hailing from a binary star system outside of ROTE's galaxy, encountering one of No Son's kind is extremely rare. They as a people have achieved interstellar travel, but have such loose systems of governance that expansion has not been a thorough topic of discussion. Primarily, their interest in extensive space travel is largely to do with potential colonization ventures, as their planet is not a resource-rich one. Typically, however, if you encounter one outside of their star system, you will likely be encountering a male.

In their native tongue, their word for themselves roughly translates to "hunter", as they are the apex predator of their planet, though they are more commonly (and somewhat derogatorily) referred to as Glowsticks. This is earned from the bioluminescence present on the males of their species.

They have a heavy kind of sexual dimorphism, where the males and females look vastly different from one another. Assigned males tend to be smaller (averaging at 5'6"), more wiry, and possess the bioluminescence their kind is famous for. These colors tend to range from poisonous looking yellows to neon blues. Assigned females, however, don't have this bioluminescence, and are much, much bigger than their male counterparts (their average height is between 7 and 8 feet, and they pack on far more muscle). Regardless of gender, all of the Hunters possess a series of poisonous barbs along their spines, which normally lay flat unless otherwise provoked.

The social dynamics are also different in how males and females are treated. Males live in isolation, possess a flexible "territory" and defend it aggressively from other males, usually to the death. Females live in groups, and have formed their own governance, cities and all around infrastructure. As the males are kicked out of cities after they reach a certain age, and often die soon after, they are not named in the same way that female children are. They take their mother's name as a surname like their sisters, but instead of a proper given name, they are referred to by numbers (First, Second, etc.).

This kind of attitude also leads to their social conditioning-- the males are forbidden from certain things, so they either have to have a female acquire forbidden objects for them, or they have to learn to sneak them. This ends up being good training for when they're out in the wilderness and have no one but themselves to rely on. Because of this isolation, the males tend to rely on stealth and ambushing in their combat, whereas females have the bulk and the numbers for more open combat should they need to defend themselves.

Because of the high precentage of violence between males, and with higher and higher populations of them, many have taken to the stars to establish territories outside of their own planet. These are usually the outcasts, either because they couldn't hold a territory on their home world out of weakness, or they committed a heinous crime of some sort.

Current threads
ain't got shit but I got this far / I'm in your way and I'm not getting out of it! / -
Completed threads
- / - / -

All of these poor sods are open for threading, just drop me a PM or a reply here if you're after something. I guarantee this will just keep growing.

►: Profile in need of serious updating






Wastelands / There's a reckoning a-comin' [open!]
« on: May 20, 2014, 09:57:14 am »
A storm was brewing. It didn't take a genius to notice the blackening sky, the way the winds whipped back and forth, throwing sharpened sand motes and small pebbles into the skin of one's shins.

In an hour, or maybe two, the skies would open up in a great cacophony of acidic rain, each drumming drop packed with enough chemicals to burn your skin like the sun already did. What mud there was (it was rare that the soil could hold any kind of water, even for a moment) felt oily, clung to whatever it could, and never quite washed out, no matter how many times or with how many caustic chemicals it was scrubbed.

And then there was the air. The rain brought up the moisture index by a fair margin. What was once simply dry air (smoky and not at all healthy) became packed with microscopic droplets of that same acid rain; it got in your lungs, made it hard to breathe, and if you got on your mask quick enough, the worst you got for it was a wet cough for the next few days. Thick. Mucous.

Green like the rain.

Sister Sarah Toombs (why she kept the title was anyone's guess) sat out on what was jokingly referred to as her porch. Really, it was just the mere foot of ground that was still covered by the overhang of her roof (a joke in and of itself; it was little more than a haphazard assortment of aluminum sheets, tilted downwards to keep the rain from sitting). She looked skywards, took a breath, and shivered.

A storm was brewing, she could feel it in her bones, in her hair, in her skin and every molecule beneath it. It made her break out in goosebumps despite the choking heat; it turned her stomach sour and her pulse cold. She felt sick, and was made to feel even more so from the sheer anxiety of it all.

Her supplies were late.

She ticked off the list of what she had on hand, for the fifth time since her scheduled drop off was supposed to have been there.

Four days of rations-- assorted cans of nutrient-infused mushroom paste, a few bags of jerky. Her mother had gotten her different flavors, bless her, and somewhere deep inside, Sarah's shriveled conscience gave a shudder of guilt. Sarah had long forgotten what guilt felt like, and simply thought it another wave of impending sickness.

About another week's worth of filters, both for her mask and the water filtration system she'd rigged. She'd had to burn through those pretty quick; it was summer, and summer still meant roiling storms and great deluges of poisonous rain, rain that lingered in the air even after the storm had passed on. Her mask was going to need a new lens in one of the eyes, soon, too.

Assorted tools. A mostly functioning spade shovel, the head and handle very nearly rusted to the point of breaking. She had to wear gloves to even handle it anymore, for fear of metal splintering off and getting into her skin. She wouldn't survive that. Her machete, which was going to need sharpening soon, if she wanted it to keep in good shape.

No medicine. This was what worried her the most, especially with the growing ache in her bones. If she got sick, out here, and that storm cut off her supplies for another week, she wasn't sure she'd be able to come out of it alive. If she got sick, her suppliers might not, either.

She shuddered, squeezed her eyes shut, and fought the wave of nausea down. No, no, not yet. Not before the supplies got here. Not yet.


Teinar Characters / Sister Sarah; wasteland witch, part-time madman
« on: May 19, 2014, 01:28:39 pm »
updated image to follow

Sarah Toombs, called Sister Sarah



Human, Teinari


Former con artist, former nun, former bandit, former convict, current outcast

Previously: The Wasteland, just skirting the city
Currently: On board The Skeleton Grin

Physical description:
A fairly pretty young woman with sharp eyes and wild curls of brown hair, her only marring feature is a series of scars around her face and neck. Supposedly, these were self inflicted.

This depends. On most days, where she's lucid, she's in good spirits and humor, if a bit callous and prone to swearing. On her off days, however, she is quiet, bitingly sarcastic, almost supernaturally intelligent. These off days are also where she is more violent, capable of sadistic atrocities at one moment before dissolving into rambling hysterics; and more and more it seems the crueler version of her is sticking around longer.

What most have taken to calling hexes, she has a tendency to leave behind bad luck, especially if provoked on a bad day. This can range anywhere from someone's food turning poisonous or someone forcibly expelling their entire vascular system out through their own skin.

Otherwise, her main bragging rights is in her ability to handle a machete and astonishing learning curve.

Very strained ties with her family, she receives supplies from them every now and again, but otherwise they avoid each other.

Recently she's taken up with the Mean family on their ship, the Skeleton Grin. The relationship is also strained, as neither party are quite sure what to make of one another.

Sarah had always been a disappointment to her family. Lazy, crude, and with little regard for the lives around her, it wasn't hard to see why. She took to petty thievery at a young age, and quickly learned how to talk her way out of trouble, as well as talk people out of their valuables.

Frustrated with the underground life, Sarah took to running with a bandit crew, attacking supply caches and anyone not smart enough to keep their guard up. This eventually got her and her merry band of misfits all arrested, and sent to the deepest pit of a prison there was. There, Sarah flourished, surrounded by people just as bad as she, and as usual, it didn't take her long before she got in trouble again, and was sentenced to be part of the mining crews in charge of digging deeper into the unknown subterranean.

But then something happened. The inmates found a pocket, previously undisturbed, which led into a tiny cavern. Being the smallest, Sarah was the first one in, and lo and behold, there was almost nothing there but bones and rocks. But she found something, and in finding that something, she changed. She became unpredictable, more so than before. She would go from her usual carefree attitude to brooding in an instant, and she was prone to more and more bouts of physical violence. It got so bad at a point, it's said she woke up screaming and clawing at her own face.

Her family also noticed a change in her, those few times they visited. She was no longer the crude girl she was before, and her speech patterns changed. Her vocabulary grew exponentially, well beyond her normal monosyllabic cussing. What was worse, still, was that Sarah had to be reminded who her family even was.

It only got worse when, one night at bed check, Sarah was found to be missing. She escaped back to Teinar proper, took what supplies she could from her family, and vanished into the Wasteland.

Current Threads:
There's a reckoning a-comin' / - / -

Completed Threads:
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Wants and Limits / Nephero's Wants and Limits
« on: May 18, 2014, 12:23:23 pm »

What types of plots are you interested in playing?

Go dark or go home, but I am not at all opposed to goofy asides. Dignity is not a word I am familiar with.

What types of plots are you not interested in playing?

 I'm not quite sure, yet.

How often can you reply to any given thread?

Likely only a few times a day, with possible off days. Sharing a single computer has its downsides.

What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?


Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?

Certainly. My Skype information is readily available, and I'm not opposed to downloading another client if that is easier.

Are you open to post volleying?
(Where you and another player post rapidly back and forth in a thread with each other. If so, what's the best way to set that up?)

Again, I'm not sure just when I'd be able to achieve that, so it's probbo best not to get your hopes up for one.

Anything else?

Mostly just to stretch my old RP muscles, man, I'm down for most anything.


What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
(For instance, do you mind if someone grabs your character? Picks them up? Punches them?)

Go dark or go home. I'm not opposed to scarring injuries, but I'd prefer checking in beforehand if it's something intensely debilitating (paralyzing, killing, etc.). Just know that my characters will react in a fitting way.

What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
(What are you comfortable with and not comfortable with? Do you prefer to pre-plot relationships or let them happen organically? Are you open to IC-rejection or love-triangles? Age differences? Etc.)

Oh, I love organic relationships. If you're more comfortable 'betrothing' a pair, that's not a problem, either. I'm pretty much aiming to get down into the grittiest bits of humanity I can.

What are your limits in regards to sex?
(Do you prefer to imply it, fade to black, or play it out? Is there anything you won't write?)

Probbo heavily imply it, just shy of explicit play.

What are your limits in regards to pregnancy within plots?
(Are you okay with pregnancy in plots? Miscarriages? Loss?)

Oh, for sure. But you might want to check in beforehand to make sure that's... physically possible.

What are your limits in regards to violent scenes?
(Are you comfortable with violent scenes? Do you prefer to imply it, fade to black, or play it out? Is there anything you won't write?)

I looove dark and gory. But, again, I won't refuse an RP based on that.

What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
(Are you comfortable with such themes? Do you prefer to avoid them? Do you prefer to imply it, fade to black, or play it out?)

I really am uncomfortable with such things. If it's part of the plot, and it feels organic, please just barely imply it if at all.

Are you okay with characters being transformed against their will?
(Think vampires and werewolves. Should a player ask before attempting to turn your character?)

Yeah, please ask. Because certain things might not... be physically possible.

What about healing?
(For instance, if someone plays a blind character they may not want people to try and "cure" the character.)

Oh, no, have fun with that. Just don't count on certain results.

Anything else?
(Anything else you want to add that other players should know!)

I'm pretty laid back on most things, but definitely feel free to drop me a skype if you need anything. I'll see that wayyy before anything on here.

The Skeleton Grin
(modified) transport vessel


From the day we arrived on this planet
and just might've, maybe landed on someone
There's more to pew than can ever be pewed
More to steal than can ever be stolen
There's far too much to pack in here
Our cargo's just not made for that much
So apply some damn grease
They called the police
We need to get the hell off the ground!

It's the circle of douche!
Liars, thieves, killers all!
Through bullet hails and holes
Through paid-for love!
To the ends of space
Among the stars so blinding
It's the ciiiiircle
The ciiiircle of doooooooouche




Ship Description:
The Skeleton Grin is one ugly ship. Whoever designed her, designed her for practicality and performance versus aesthetics, and this shows in her almost skeletal, borderline-gothic architecture. Her age is visible in both her structure and how patchwork her guts are, the old pieces stripped and replaced over the years as technology advanced.

That being said, where she lacks in looks, she more than makes up in her performance-- she is incredibly nimble, able to maneuver on a dime, making her a delightfully agile flyer.

Her strongest armor plating is found on her front, as part of a ramming mechanism meant to puncture the hull of her victims and create a bridge between the two ships. The front half of her is meant to withstand a lot of abuse-- extreme temperature differences, weapons fire, and all but the strongest, thickest hulls.

She packs a fair amount of heat, though her specialty is lying in wait outside of her victim's view, and then shooting up into their underbelly for boarding. As her defenses are largely in her front, she relies on her maneuverability to keep her facing an enemy, and, failing that, relies on cloaking to get out of dodge. Her favourite means of escape is to hit her attacker with an EMP to scramble their tracking/communication systems, cloak after, and scurry away while her attacker is blinded.

Weapons Specs
The Skeleton possesses two pairs of plasma cannons, one situated on the upper part of the middeck and the other on the lower. Both sets are capable of 180 degrees, and are manned by separate gunner stations on the upper deck.

Smaller guns litter her underbelly, and are largely controlled by the ship's AI.

About the Crew:
The Skeleton Grin's crew are thick as thieves, which is understandable since many of them hail from the same pirate clan, who are almost all some variant of family. Not all crew members are necessarily part of the clan, and it's easy to recognize which ones are by their tattoos (or lack thereof). Each clan family has their own variant, and the Skeleton Grin's family sports stripes of bone-white down their mouths and onto their torso, mimicking the mandibles and ribs of a skeleton.

Applicants should be in good health, able to lift up to 100 pounds with or without reasonable accomodations, and able to take a bullet or two. The Skeleton Grin boasts excellent health care, with a state of the art medbay/armory! Arm yourself while we sew your arm back on! Join today!

Crew Members:


First Mate:
  • Kin Mean (current acting, position technically open)

  • open

  • Currently a very surly Teinari man, who may or may not be up to his eyeballs in Sea's horseshit. Position subject to availability.

  • open
  • Open!

Muscle, general labor, misc.:

Weapons Specialist, gunner(s):

  • Open!

Any interested parties, feel free to post here or send me a PM! If there's something you want to play but I don't have listed, let me know and we'll make you a position.

Cancer Characters / Kin Mean, pirate lord in training
« on: May 18, 2014, 04:10:38 am »

[ full view ]
Kin "King" Mean




Mutt (at least one half Aedolian)


Making your stuff his stuff by way of his actions/clan leader in training

The Skeleton Grin and the Cancer


Physical Description
Kin is built big, and takes great pride in that. He works to maintain a good bit of muscle, which he applies generously in the form of violence. He is lighter in color than his mother or half-brother, which is largely due to the other half of his gene pool, whoever that was. He's mostly ashamed of his freckles, considering them a detriment to any badass image he might attempt to cultivate.

Despite his generally thuggish appearance, Kin is an expert at self-control. He is incredibly difficult to anger, and he somehow manages to keep his cool in even the direst of situations, which comes in handy whenever he has to wrangle his little brother. A natural leader, he is comfortable in giving orders, and is capable of doing so in a way where the other person might not even realize they're being ordered around.
He and his brother pick on each other fairly regularly, but it's obviously in good spirit. Zaro's one of the few people who can actually get a laugh out of him.

Natural diplomat, and a brick house to boot

Sea Mean, mother
Zaro "Aight" Mean, younger half-brother


Sea Mean's eldest son, he was very much unplanned, seeing as she gave birth to him at the young age of 17. This caused the both of them to grow up fast, with Sea having to make every decision with not only herself and her crew, but now with her young son in mind. This is something that needles at the back of Kin's head every day, and pushes him to make her proud.

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Complete Threads
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Cancer Characters / Zaro Mean, part time wannabe gunslinger
« on: May 18, 2014, 03:59:43 am »

[ full view ]
Zaro "Aight" Mean




Mutt (at least one half Aedolian)

5'11" and still gets shouted down by his mama.

Making your stuff his stuff by way of his actions/part time wannabe gunslinger

The Skeleton Grin and the Cancer


Physical Description
The most noticeable thing about Zaro is the way he dresses. He's constantly in an old duster and hat, which is decorated with varying animal bones. He plays up the space cowboy image as hard as he can manage, up to and including wearing a bandana over his face when on a job. Luckily, it ups the creepy factor enough to scare most of their victims into submission.

He wears his dark hair long, in natural dreads, and usually twists those partially back.

 Despite the fact that he looks intimidating (and he's definitely someone to watch out for), he's actually quite the joker. It's as if he's physically incapable of taking anything seriously, well beyond normal ranges of personal safety. However, he is deeply loyal to his family, and will not hesitate to kill for them.

He has a deep, deep love for old westerns, something that he shares with his mother and is mocked for by his brother. Another point of sibling mockery is in his nickname, which was earned because his favourite word to use growing up was just that, 'aight'. The two enjoy a healthy sibling relationship despite mutual digs aimed for one another.

He is especially handy with things that utilize bullets, and forging important documents.

Sea Mean, mother
Kin "King" Mean, elder half-brother


Sea Mean's youngest son, he was born and raised on the pirate ship the Skeleton Grin. He's been part of the pirate clan all his life, and probably wouldn't know how to go legit if he tried. He has no idea who his father is, and neither does Sea, and neither of them really care to find out.

Current Threads
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Complete Threads
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The Cancer / Really Bad Eggs [Rhi!]
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:17:33 pm »
ooc: Oh lord this is long, but hopefully open-ended enough.

“ETA,” Captain Sea Mean shifted in her chair, her arms stretched out and over her head to the tune of a series of pops as her joints cracked. In the back of her mind, she could hear her mother nag her—don’t do that, you’ll have arthritis by thirty—and Sea had to smile.

The captain of the Skeleton Grin had had many things by age thirty—bullet wounds, scars from knife fights both won and lost, a few fractured bones, mild tinnitus in one ear and telltale stripes on either side of her abdomen—but arthritis had yet to make the list.

Year forty-eight had come and gone somewhere a few moths back, and she had celebrated her distinct lack of joint problems by abusing those same joints as much as possible. The entire night remained a blacked-out mystery, but considering her boys still complained that they would never be able to show their faces in that particular port again, she guessed it had been one hell of a party.

In response to her initial query, the ship’s flight computer gave a calculating blip, before responding, “Estimated arrival time at thirty standard minutes.”

Sea hummed, her full lips curved into a far less sardonic smile now. She had programmed the computer to speak in a very distinct twang—her eldest, Kin, called it hokey, but Zaro had inherited his mother’s love for old-world western vids, and had adored it. She had caught him in the cockpit more than once, submitting frivolous queries in an attempt to get the AI to parrot lines from his favourite films. She had tanned his hide for it, of course, but it remained one of her fondest memories of his childhood.

Speaking of her kids. Sea pressed the commlink button set into her chair’s armrest. “We’ll be docking at Cancer in under a half. Get the ‘acquirements’ stowed and ready for unloading.”

She didn’t have to wait for the chorus of affirmatives to know the task would be done, but she loved hearing it anyway. It reminded her of her own control, and she had always loved being the boss. Their resident medic—a great brick house of a Teinari—insisted that it was borderline pathological, to which Sea replied that his business was in bullet holes, not psychology.

Her console blipped a proximity warning, and she shut off the autopilot with the flip of a switch. Sea took hold of the controls, and proceeded to (rather forcefully) shove her way into the docking queue. She pointedly ignored the angry flashes of hazard lights from the other ships that she had cut off along the way. The sooner they got this over with—and got paid—the better.

By the time she powered the ship’s engines down and climbed down to the cargo bay, her crew was already hard at work unloading innocently labeled crates onto a hovering loader. She took her customary supervisory role by the cargo bay doors, her solid arms crossed over her ample chest.

“Zaro, that is fragile, if I see you handling it like it’s got herpes one more time, I’m taking the damages out of your cut, is that understood?” She didn't bother to watch to see if he followed the order, knowing that he would sooner cut off his own foot than possibly lose out on another antique duster or some other nonsense. Her attention was thoroughly grabbed by the other ships filing in, her dark eyes narrowed as she sized each one up as potential threats or targets.

A woman's work was never done, after all.

Cancer Characters / Sea Mean: ship captain, mother and pirate
« on: May 17, 2014, 12:15:57 pm »

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Captain Sea Mean





5'3" of molten fury

Making your stuff her stuff by way of her actions.

The Skeleton Grin; when docked, it's usually in Cancer


Physical Description
Sea is smaller in stature, but with the hardened muscle to make up for it. She has dark skin, which is heavily contrasted by the bone-white tattoos on the lower part of her face, which extend down her neck and onto her torso. Her eyes are near-black and sharp, and she wears her dark hair cropped short.

While she forgoes ornamentation that might get in the way of her 'trade' (no earrings or anything that might give a grip), she has the single gaudiest set of rings this side of the galaxy, which she changes regularly. Her sons sometimes joke that she has more rings than bullets at any given point in time.

Ruthless with a capital R, Sea has learned that there's no place for mercy in her line of work, especially when she had to raise two young boys at the same time. Life's made her hard, but not without a sense of humor, as most things no longer strike her as surprising. Instead, half the time it's funny.

She brings her heritage on board with her, and is definitely appreciative of the finer things. She doesn't always KEEP those finer things, just for the sake of moving hot product, but she certainly does enjoy them while she can. Her Aedolian heritage has also made sure she's quite the flirt, and is not shy about her sexuality. This is a bit of a point of embarrassment for her sons, who did not have the benefit of growing up in Aedolis.

Smooth-talker, bone-breaker, quickshot extraordinaire.

Kin "King" Mean, eldest son
Zaro "Aight" Mean, youngest son

The daughter of a merchant's wife and the pirate she ran off with, Sea did not grow up with scruples. Part of a multi-generational pirate clan, she runs her ship the same way she runs her family-- with an iron fist. The only thing more important to her than profit is her flesh and blood, which is what keeps the clan tied together across multiple ships and distant spaces.

Each family in the clan has a tattoo unique to their family, passed down from parent to offspring and so on. While they all widely differ from one another, each family can easily recognize one of their own by their markings, and so can cut deals with one another without having to verbally state their lineage.

Current Threads
Really Bad Eggs / - / -
Complete Threads
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