OUTER SPACE > Solar System

An unexpected arrival [Open]

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In an empty patch of space there was nothing out of the ordinary, the silence was accompanied by an incredible view of the nearby star and it's natural satellites.  That is until a small needle shaped silvery starship popped into existence followed by a bright flash of light that burst outwards from it.  From its exterior there was no sound, however the hull was marred in several places from some kind of kinetic weapon and the observant would notice an unidentified gas leaking from more than one place on the vessels hull.

Inside the starship there was chaos, red lights filled the entire ship to reserve power, klaxons gave off a baleful warning to a crew who knew they were in danger already.

On the command deck the grizzled veteran Captain issued his orders.  "Esise, shut that alarm off, we know things are bad enough as it is!".

The star ships control entity complied without comment, this was unusual for the often childish creature that served as it's AI...although she was no computer.  What she was right now was scared, very scared.

Captain Struatha checked over the crew on the command deck, they were shaken,  but unharmed.  Argroww was sat in the Void Chair, still in the meditation he assumed when interfacing with the Void Drive, he'd usually awoken by now, but the Wolvian for now slumbered on.  "Okay, I need a strep and some telemetry data, where are we?"

Jinny, the young but capable woman who served as the comma officer looked pale, she'd already been trying to figure out where they were and signs were worrying.  Ever since they'd developed the Void Bouys they'd never been lost, they could always get back to a known star system fairly easily....but she couldn't find any, not a single one.  This had never happened since the Bouys were first put out.

She told the captain of this discovery, however thst turned out to not be the worst thing. The engineering officer was equally unhappy. "Captain, we have no engines, that last hit took them out, we cannot move right now and we're venting atmosphere, the emergency Void Jump ripped any microfractures into larger holes, I've already engaged the rear team on the fractures. "

Could things get any worse, he didn't need engineering to confirm that the power core was also not working correctly from the emergency lighting, Zan the ships high-mage had already left to check on other parts of the ship and make sure that any injuries were seen to....at least Strathaven could always rely on his crew.

Argroww's first conscious thought was screaming, funnily enough that was not the first time he'd awoken to such noise.

Esise, stop that racket, whatever it is that has spooked you cannot be that bad?

Esise steadily quietened off as she was able to focus on Argroww's spirit, in an odd kind of way he was like a father to her, he certainly was very responsible for her creation.

I am sorry Argroww, I made sure not to broadcast my fear though

Argroww remained in his meditative state for a moment as he felt out Esise's state of mind, she was very very scared and in the brief time he'd known the entity he'd rarely felt fear from her.

What concerns you so Esise, what drives your emotions right now?

Esise remained quiet for a moment, then answered.

I am alone, I feel nothing out there Argroww, nothing at all.  There is no Void, not a single whisper, when I reach out to that place there is silence, nothingness.  I have always been able to feel the Void, no matter where we were or what we were doing, I'm always been able to feel it and hear it, touch it....taste it...with all my senses I've known it was there, but now there's just....emptiness

Argroww could not understand her senses, she was an incorporeal being...she was also the ship itself at the same time which made her senses very unique.

You have me Esise, you always have me.

Argroww felt the touch of her spirit that passed for her giving him a hug and it was something that only he and other SpiritMasters could feel, everyone else on board The Iron Claw mostly knew her as a disembodied voice that passed for a very unusual ships computer.

He drew himself out of his meditation to look upon the command deck bathed in the red glow of emergency lighting, Jinny was busy collecting and examining data, Celtira was dangling her legs over the side of the helmsman's chair, she clearly had nothing to do for now which meant the engines were dead.

"Ahh, Argroww, you're awake.  I was worried the jump may have hurt you somehow?"

"No Captain, I am quite healthy, the jump took a lot out of me though."

"Jinny has discovered 2 life supporting planets in this system and clear evidence of space technology, we've received no communications though, either they do not know we're here or the external comms array is busted, could even be both right now given the state of the ship."

Argroww considered the Captain's words, they were in a very bad place, even if the Void was present they probably couldn't jump anyway.

Floating along her preset flight path towards cancer again 8S Was currently reading up on mechanical guides when she would hear her Ship's Console Ping. It would seem like The proximity alarm had went off. There had to be another ship coming by. Here i went through the treble of charting a flight path that would be away from any others. She would think to herself. She put the guide down and walked over to the pilot's seat and sat down. She then would Ping the other ship. She hoped she wouldn't run into any pirates. her ship was old enough as it is and being a cargo ship with no cargo but her self any pirate would find a large space of nothing.

Jinny suddenly squeaked.

"Something up Jinny"

Struatha asked of the young woman.

"There's...a...uhh...blip on the comms channel Captain."


"Yes Captain, it's as though something tried to contact us, but the computer couldn't recognise what it was, I'll run some test Captain, see if I can clean it up."

Struatha considered the suggestion for a moment stroking his chin hairs for a moment.

"No Jinny, we're too vulnerable, if someone knows we're here and they mean us harm then we're dust, try and respond, standard message."

Jinny spun in her seat and tapped a few commands on her console then lowered the mouthpiece.

"Unidentified vessel, this is The Iron Claw, a Union Wolf-Star class scout, registration number WS-IC-PTP01.  We are heavily damaged and in urgent need of assistance, can you help? Please respond?"

Jinny repeated this message a couple of times and then waited to see if the object that blipped them responded.  Struatha looked towards Argroww.

"Diplomat, we're trying standard communication, what about your spirit powers?"

"Already tried Captain, there's nothing living out there, I can sense the life on the 2 planets, they glow brightly to my senses, I think there might be other life in space, but it's difficult to make out in the dark depths unless we're close...but if there is a star ship nearby it has no life on board."

8S recived the message. She then Put on the comms head set she had lying on the console and replied. Send me your coordinates and ill be over as soon as i can be. 8S would find out she wouldn't need their corrdnates She would simply trace the point of origin. She would activate her Faster than light engine drive and warp a few Thousand meters away from the origin point. She looked out the window and didn't recognize the make or model of the ship she just warped to.  She threw on the comms again and spoke. The boarding bay is open on my vessel. you are welcome to board when ever you are ready. She said as she stood up and ran through the corridors to the Boarding bay waiting for her guests


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