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Author Topic: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)  (Read 8630 times)

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Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2015, 10:47:09 am »
''Rather me then you.'' Laerda replied calmly. ''Chronos was in a bad mood when I said I claimed you all to myself and that you were relaxing in my room. He took it a bit... differently.'' She was quickly done with the shower though and after wrapping a towel around her body.

Aeria looking interested at the water drops that fell from Laerda's body.

''It are just bruises. Nothing can hurt me mentally anymore.'' she assured.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2015, 05:35:42 pm »
Setting down the book, Evadne listened to what Laerda told her. "If ever you need to talk, I am here."

While Evadne was not unfamiliar with rape and non-consensual relationships, it was still disturbing to her to witness such, and many times she had been unable to do anything about it if she was in her black cosmic home. Many worlds while violent and full of turmoil, there was still much beauty to be had nearly everywhere. And Evadne, like all her kindred, wanted to see such thrive where possible. But there were some places she refused to visit. Too much chaos and violence occurred there to be considered even remotely healthy.

She noticed Aeria looking with interest at the water drops on the other woman's body, and she chuckled. "Aeria seems to be fascinated with the water on you. I would not advise letting her inside the shower though." Heaven forbid she might find a way to turn it on and hurt herself. Evadne had seen it happen a few times before as strange as that may sound. Usually it was the case of younglings like Aeria herself being far too inquisitive for their own good.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2015, 11:04:18 pm »
''Talk huh... I do not have a lot to say. I'm not crying not even on the inside. I dried them up a long time ago.''

Aeria looked at the small puddle of water that had formed and strangely, drank from it before shivering. It did not seem to be harmfull though. Laerda made sure that the shower was shut well and sat down on the bed. She was tired. A bit to much perhaps. Then again. Working non stop for six hours and 'taking care of the stress' that her fellow crew had was not nessesarily easy.

The ship at the least seemed fixed but after being in space for two days the lights flickered and the soft noise that always seemed to be present in the ship was gone when the engines failed and stopped working.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #63 on: September 01, 2015, 03:51:27 am »
The Flameling let Laerda get her rest while Evadne settled back against the wall, relaxing a bit. She did not need to sleep so she figured she would just continue to watch the phoenix and take care of her as needed. A little alarm showed on Evadne's features when Aeria drank from the puddle, but it didn't seem to hurt her much, only made her shiver.

Getting a hand towel, Evadne wiped the floor dry of the puddle. Settling back down by the wall, she invited Aeria to sit next to her if she wanted to while the Star worked some more on the puzzle books.

The next couple days passed by in much the same manner, that was until the lights flickered and the engines stopped their steady roaring. The entire ship was cast into pitch blackness as it silently hovered, nothing to propel it forward anymore. It became eerily silent then, for a few seconds anyway. Evadne got up and went over to Laerda, shaking her awake. "The ship has stopped moving." she told her with outward calm, yet inside she was worried.

There was a definite glow around the Star now in the darkness of the room, it was much more easy to tell she was something other than human. The Star could also still see, as the lack of light didn't hinder her one bit. Glancing around for the baby phoenix, Evadne soon spotted her.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 07:59:15 pm by Stardancer »

Offline Daglobster

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #64 on: September 02, 2015, 05:21:52 am »
At around roughly the same time that small pirate vessel lost power, there was a gravitational disturbance several dozen miles away, just barely strong enough to register on the sensors, if their back-up power came on soon enough.

To anyone observing, it was like something out of a dream. A literal tear in space itself cracked open, and while peering inside would have definitely caused some form of madness, a ship appeared out of it in the blink of an eye. Technicolor lightning arced off the back of the ship and into the tear, and as the tear closed behind it, the ship came to a stop.

The starship, of course, was Elaros' massive pleasure yacht, The Anastasia. As it came out of Metaspace, large, deflection shields on the windows came back up, and the dull whine of the primary engine started to power up.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2015, 08:27:02 am »
Learda woke up first a little sleepy , a bit of drool leaking from her mouth but became wide awake when the red lighrs started to flicker as well and an alarm went off. The latter scaring Aeria and she quickly hid behind a wallpanel. She always hid there when she heard any loud noise.

''Fuck!'' Laerda swore and left her room in nothing more but her panties and tanktop. ''Me and my big mouth!'' Was able to be heard before she had left her room.

In the cockpit were only Ellis was until the rest showed most likes flickered Laerda immediatly pulled a few levers and pushed buttons, and final gave a vical command that turned off thevalarm.

''What did you screwed up this time.'' Laerda asked as she opened a mansize wardrope that contained a spacesuit.

''Nothing i swear. Everything was fine a few minutes ago."

''I will check the fuel lines and the rest. Do NOT touch anything." Laerda said as she made preperations to go outside.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2015, 07:02:10 pm »
The alarm went off then, and Evadne stepped back from the bed as Laerda was already up and about, cursing under her breath. Evadne winced at the loud sound of the alarm but made no other indication that it bothered her. Watching as the woman left in her underwear no less, the Star went over to Aeria and picked her up, comforting her again.

Soon, the alarm stopped and the faint sounds of Laerda cursing at the pilot could be heard, but it was very faint as they were far enough away from the bedroom. Evadne did not leave the room though, only settled down with Aeria by the wall as she waited for the problem to be fixed.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #67 on: September 02, 2015, 10:49:33 pm »
The young bird whined a little, almost like an upset child but was soon soothed when Evadne held her. The familiar warmth and aura always soothed the bird.

''Are you sure it is safe to go outside Learda'' Ellis asked.

''I'd rather die in space then stick inside with all you men until our oxigen or food runs out.'' she spoke.
The whole crew had gathered and it was Laerda who spoke well. Barked the orders. She seemed in an enough pissed off mood nobody, not even chronos spoke against her.

Laerda was outside for a good hour and while she had been working, the normal lights sometimes flickered until the important ones kept being on. But regarding the engines, that was one of the few things she could not get back on to work.

She seemed tired and her lips were a bit blue since she worked through minimum oxigen capacity. ''Ellis...'' she spoke a little drowsey. Almost even drunk. ''Hit the emergency signal.'' she spoke before she leaned against the wall and sat down calmly breathing more oxigen in her system.

''We're thieves... ovbious ones at that. Want authorities to pick us up? We still stole all of these things and a bloody phoenix'' Chronos said.

''I do not want to go to jail either...'' one of the other men spoke.

''I will not die just because you guys refuse the button. We have hidden cargo space for crying out loud. Hide everything well, clean it up a notch and things should be fine.''

She casted an angry glance at Ellis but he still did not hit the button. Not at first anyway.

''Good boy.'' Laerda said and got on her feet stumbling towards her bedroom. The first news she told Evadne was that she could not get the engines back to work but that hopefully someone would pick up the signal.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #68 on: September 03, 2015, 01:22:32 am »
At the news of the engines still not working, Evadne said nothing as there wasn't much she really could say. Instead she just nodded and let Laerda get some more rest. Going over to a wall panel on the other wall where she knew a window was located, she lightly placed a hand on it and it slid open, revealing the blackness beyond. For a few moments, Evadne felt at peace as she looked outside the ship.

Then something caught her eye. Another ship. It wasn't exactly close by though but rather in the near distance. The Flameling didn't know if its inhabitants were friendly or not, but regardless of whether or not they were, Laerda needed to know about this.

Lightly shaking her awake, she told the other woman what she saw. "There is another ship out there, some several dozen miles away."
« Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 01:27:00 am by Stardancer »

Offline Daglobster

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #69 on: September 03, 2015, 09:44:12 am »
Indeed, The Anastasia had gotten much closer to the gang of thieves. Wether that boded well, however, was yet to be seen.

Elaros sat in his office. He was in a rare state that day, and while he usually could be found enjoying life's simpler pleasures, today he was all business. He typed away on a holographic keyboard, the darkness of space visible in the clear window at his back.

His office was lavish, to say the least. The room was long and rectangular. Expensive carpets, curtains, and furnishings, all of the highest quality materials. A golden statue of himself sat in each corner of the room, and the entire place was big enough to be a lounge.

All of the latest luxury comforts could be found there, along with many priceless works of art, and display cases showcasing genuine copies the most valuable pieces of jewelry his company had ever produced.

The wide, double doors  that led into his office opened, and a few of his guards stepped inside. Elaros' Drakkon guards were armored in fully sealed combat suits, with the helmets being domed to allow for the best range of vision in combat. The plates were curved perfectly, so as to better fit their reptilian bodies. Their rifles were long, and bore a striking resemblance to elegant muskets, although they were anything but. On their backs, they had two-handed swords, curved and sleek.

"My Lord," said the guard in front, and Elaros shifted his attention. "We've just detected a distress signal coming from ahead of us. What are your orders?"

Elaros sighed, and glanced around as he thought.

"How large?"

"Not very big, My Lord. Maximum of ten occupants, judging by the size."

Elaros smiled. He had three times that number in elite guards alone, so he felt pretty safe.

"Hail them."


It wasn't long before a return signal reached the downed ship. A Drakkon with two cybernetic eyes and a pilot's uniform came on their transmission screen.

"Distressed vessel, this is the The Anastasia. Do you copy? I repeat. Distressed vessel, this is The Anastasia. Do you copy?"

Any Aedolians on the ship might recognize The Anastasia as Elaros' ship. Elaros, with his draconic appearance, extravagant lifestyle, and lucrative business, was a bit of a celebrity on Aedolis. His jewelry was prized among the higher ranks of society, and its said that his jewelry accessorizes the Aedolan leader's outfits.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #70 on: September 03, 2015, 01:12:35 pm »
Laerda was slow to respond mainly due to the lack of oxigen she had before. ''A ship huh... Maybe you and Aeria are saved then...'' she spoke barely awake.
Aeria both hearing her name and not understanding why Laerdia slept, since the woman normally was wide awake at all times after coming into the room chirped slightly on a questioning tone.


Ellis, wearing a headset and therefor the only one to hear the transmission did not know the Anastasia; He was a beggar before he was a thief. And a computer worker before that. The only thing that got him into Razul's busines was the fact he was good at something. Hacking to be more precise. If he had heard it before though he certainly did not remember know.

''Yes I copy Anastasia. This is Ellis, pilot of Little Capricorn. Our engines are malfunctioning and seem to be beyond easy repair, over.'' he felt the deadly stares from Chronos and the others but signalled them with his hands to continue the cleaning. Something they did suprisingly well. Although a few murmered the Anastasia's name as if they recalled it from somewhere but just could not put their hand on it yet.

''My co-pilot-mechanic has attempted to fix it outside but seemed her oxigen supply had not been enough. Requesting entry and a medical check-up for her please. We can then attempt fixing our ship, over.''

The coin first fell with Chronos. Which made him quietly to order the crew to work better, and faster. The ship most likely had not been so clean in ages. Still. It was a ship for lowlives and a coffin with engines if it would be given a true inside out check up.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #71 on: September 03, 2015, 03:02:43 pm »
Seeing Laerda in that state greatly worried the Flameling. Looking towards the door, she questioned herself whether to inform the others but it was likely they already knew about her ailing state. Hopefully help would arrive soon, and in the form of that other ship. Still not knowing whether the other vessel was friend or foe.

Finally deciding on a course of action, Evadne pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down, keeping watch over the woman to ensure her condition did not worsen. If it did, she would be forced to leave the confines of the room and alert the others. Still, Evadne was a Star and could most certainly handle herself.

Still holding Aeria in her lap, Evadne softly began to sing in Star-Song, to help ease the woman's mind and to calm her. Hopefully help would arrive soon. For now, she sat and kept a dutiful watch over both the woman and the phoenix.

Offline Daglobster

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #72 on: September 03, 2015, 09:59:03 pm »
The pilot nodded, and reached up to tick off a few switches.

"Little Capricorn, we are sending a maintenance drone to tow you into our shuttle bay, over."

On the side of The Anastasia, the shuttle bay opened up, revealing a bay spacious enough to fit a shuttle, maintenance drones, and even a couple of fighters. A large, spherical drone with engines on the back and two manipulator arms on the front floated out, and the engines powered up.

Within minutes, it had arrived at the Little Capricorn, and it was floating in front of the cockpit. A few seconds of silence, and it fired a magnetic tow cable into the ship's hull.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #73 on: September 03, 2015, 10:37:54 pm »
''Little Capricorn, everything seems to go well, over.'' Ellis spoke. Not hearing Chronos having gathered everyone and spoke about the Anastasia.

The ship smelled a bit more pleasantly. All the garbage had been gathered and thrown in its respectable box and the stolen goods had been hidden away in the ship's hidden cargo spaces. Exept for the shells from the phoenix egg. It had still kept its fire opal like color and was still very strong. Ellis had glued it all together and turned it into a decorative item. The cracks were still visable though.

As they closed in, Ellis gulped a bit. He had never seen such a big ship, not even the one of Razul was this size and his 'boss' already had a rather formiddable size ship and slowly but sure they were pulled in.


''You know what sucks of being human? Oxigen and the fact carbon monoxide and dioxide sticks to your blood more easier then oxigen does. I should've went back in sooner...'' she spoke softly. She was not nessesarily dying but a dose of pure oxigen and hyperbare chamber would not be amiss.
Through the window she saw the ship. ''Its massive..'' she said with a tired smile. ''Let's just hope they are kind people..''
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #74 on: September 03, 2015, 11:13:51 pm »
Evadne smiled slightly. "As I am not human, I have not the experience of it."

Looking outside as they were pulled into the other ship's shuttle bay, Evadne nodded. "Is there anything I can get you?" she asked her kindly.

The Star hoped they were good people who would help them. For now, all they could do was wait.

Offline Daglobster

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #75 on: September 05, 2015, 10:14:32 am »
The Little Capricorn eventually came to rest inside The Anastasia's shuttle bay. Even the shuttle bay was richly decorated and while it wasn't necessarily furnished, the floors and walls of it were all sterling white with brass tiling, and it had the latest in starship maintenance and portable hangar technology.

Along with the maintenance drone, there was also a planetary shuttle, a car, and a couple of fighter ships.

At the doors that lead to the rest of the ship, there were guards, and there was also a contingent of six guards ready to receive the crew of the Little Capricorn.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #76 on: September 05, 2015, 03:08:08 pm »
Ellis opened the door to Tessa's room and gave Evadne a nod of acknowledgement. Regarding Aeria though he was not sure how to respond. The bird did not seem to like him anyway. ''You've grown a little.'' he said to the bird and looked at Laerda. ''We should get her dressed. She can hopefully get help on the Anastasia.'' he said as he walked in. Regarding the men he perhaps was the less worse. But still, his actions were rational and decided quickly on emotions making him unpredictable. Like attempting to break a gem with a sledgehammer or pulling out a gun.

Ellis walked to a wardrope and pulled out some simple training suit. "Could you dress her up? If I do it she will break my neck if she will not already for entering her little 'sanctuary'. I will need your help walking her out too.''

''I can get dressed and walk on my own...'' Laerda muttered stubbornly as she sat up which was most likely not the best of ideas. ''Just listen to a man once in your life...'' Ellis muttered as he put the clothes on the bed and headed outside the room. He did not close the door however.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2015, 04:40:08 pm »
Evadne stood up as the door opened, the pilot walking inside. Nodding at his request, she moved over to the door and carefully closed it to give Laerda some privacy as Ellis waited outside.

Heading back over to the bed, she picked up the clothes and unfolded them. Seeing as how the woman had already sat up, the Flameling indicated her to lift her arms so she could get the top part of the suit on. Placing the fabric over Laerda's back, she then proceeded to get the woman's arms inside the sleeves, before zipping it up securely.

"We have landed in their shuttle bay." the Star told her. "I will help guide you to their medical bay, along with Ellis."

Evadne had put the phoenix down on the floor earlier. She had indeed grown a little, and was about 1.5x the size as before.

Offline SilverLuna

Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #78 on: September 06, 2015, 12:05:40 am »
''Medical bay? I'm... fine...'' Laerda said wobbling even as she just sat. Truth be told she really hated hospitals for whatever reason. She could not struggle back though so instead just allowed Evadne to dress her properly. Not feeling like walking in her undies either.

Aeria did not move although was curious about what was at the other side of the door.

When Laerda was ready Ellis walked back inside putting her arm around his shoulder to support her weight. ''What will we do with that phoenix thing?'' he asked. It could not yet be alone and he had doubts it would just stay put.
Iliya Calhaan       Aeria          Emily Khahsuul        Kayden Galwyn          Vivian (open roleplay)          Meria (open roleplay)          Rosalie & Joseph          S.I.B.I.U.


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Re: Fluffy feathers with a chance of Starshine (Stardancer~!)
« Reply #79 on: September 06, 2015, 09:27:19 am »
"You need medical attention." Evadne told her firmly, still getting her dressed. Once both top, pants and boots were on, Evadne went to the door to allow Ellis in while guiding Laerda outside the room.

Regarding Aeria, the Star turned her gaze back to the fire bird and told her in a calm voice using Star-Speak to help get the message across better, "I shall be back Aeria. In the meantime please stay here in this room and I will return as soon as I'm able. Everything will be alright." she assured the phoenix.

Telling Aeria so in Star-Speak as opposed to the common tongue was more effective in relaying what needed to be said so Evadne didn't worry as much about the bird wandering where she shouldn't.

Closing the door to the room, the Flameling turned back to Ellis and Laerda. "Let us be off now."


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