Ships > Ships

Making the Rounds(Atlas Crew)

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((I haven't the slightest clue what the rating would be for the water I'm used to, but most of the water in northern BC's pretty clean; there just isn't time for much contamination before it falls off a mountain :P ))

Kahaku's whiskers drifted upwards with curiosity.  "You were temperate?  Really?  I don't suppose you ever passed through Port Selari?  It's not all that spectacular, but it gets the job done."  And he'd have to stop by the aquarium.  This gig was just looking better and better.  And then Jen kind of blew his mind, and he stared at her for a moment, slack-finned.  "Five hundred."  He repeated.  "Per second."  He sighed.  Hitting water at that speed would almost certainly kill him.  Traveling through water that fast would be fine, but a surface got pretty darn unaccommodating after a while.  "I guess I should just give up on setting a new one now, then."  Didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it, though, and enjoy it he intended to do.

"The Aridani have a thicker ind of scale and are used to deep ocean depths so Frick and his species would be the only one able to handle the pressure. To be honest it' best when you hit the water at 200 feet per second, if you hit just right you skip over the surface. We have fail safe that prevent people from going too fast, so your speed depends on your structure, but 200 is the default setting. I have to get back to work, these kids'll drive me nuts if they don't get their adrenaline fix." Jen nodded politely to Fen, whop stepped forward.

"How about we get some breakfast, then we can go over my programing issues. I'm hoping it don't have to fiddle with the hardware, which is pretty sensitive sometimes." Fen nodded his head in the direction of a small food court with four or five different planetary menus.


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