A terrible way to go. [Open, M]

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The stars twinkled above, tiny pinpricks in the limitless void of space. Eric stared at them through the view-screen before shutting it off. He rolled out of the bed and started doing push-ups. He did over a hundred before rolling onto is back and doing well over a hundred sit-ups. After that he stood again and reached up to the bar set into the wall and repeated the process with chin-ups.

Routine. He needed the routine or he would give up all hope. After dropping from the bar he hit the showers. After stepping out he checked the ships status. "Warning: engines disabled" flashed across the screen as usual followed soon after by "Warning: hyperdrive disabled". He sighed and headed out into the maze of corridors that made up the ship.

"At least life support and power are still running." He repeated to himself for the thousandth time. He went to the bridge and flopped into the comms officers chair and started to flip through the channels, broadcasting the same message, SOS, on every channel. All he got in return was static. That's all there ever was, static. The sound of the universe, moving on without him.

ARAD V1.0:
Lillith couldn't help but chuckle softly as she sat back in her seat, letting autopilot take over. A run-in with some pirates, but she'd be damned if she wasn't one of the fastest spacerunners around. No pirate could even keep up to her. She let out a soft breath as she scratched Seventhreer, the battle droid she had built for protection, under it's metallic chin.

The machinaten rumbled affectionately in return, it's metal tail swaying slightly. The split tongue spread put to rasp against her hand, before pulling back. "I'm going to get a cup of coffee, keep an eye on the console," she said to the droid. "Yes Lillith," it answered with a deep and synthetic voice.

She turned around to leave, before being stopped by an energy reading her sensors picked up. A ship in this sector?

No energy signature on the engines. None on his hyperdrive. Weapon systems were offline. She frowned and sent out a hail to contact him.

And as soon as she got confirmation that he could hear her, she sat back in her seat. "What's a pretty ship like yours sitting out here doing nothing?" She inquired with a soft frown.

"Not yet old friend, I won't be joining you yet." He said with a sarcastic salute and a nod to the void outside. Eric had almost wept with joy when he had been hailed. Two and a half months of nothing, and now he might actually get out of here.

He slid out of his chair and headed back to the sole airlock on the small craft. He slid his fingers over the name he'd engraved into the door himself: Void-dancer. He felt terrible, but if this "Lilith" didn't have the parts to repair her he'd have to leave her out here in the void and hope that she didn't get scavenged in the meantime.

His fingers flew over the keypad and set the outer door to be either docked with or accessed from outside and then he did what he'd been doing for the last two and a half months: He waited, his hand resting on the grip of his old .44 magnum revolver.

He had to chuckle at the absurdity of having a lead thrower in an age of energy weapons, but he didn't much care for weapons that cauterized the holes they made. Then he realized that he was starting to lose focus and snapped his attention back to the door in front of him, waiting for his savior, or attempted killer, to make the next move.

ARAD V1.0:
She frowned. No response, the man made attempt to dock with her for a physical meet-up. That could only mean two things.

First option. His communication relay, or any of the sort the make of his ship possessed were broken.

Second option. He wanted to dominate her and raid her ship. This case again opened up two options. Either this was her death, or she would be imprisoned and used as a slave. The possibility, given her looks, was real.

She sighed softly and decided to bite the bullet. Even if she wanted to cancel the docking process, she couldn't without damaging her own ship. And she trusted Seventhreer's ability to keep her safe. "Come boy," she called to the large machination, who barked mechanically in response and followed her on her heels. She pulled a small blasted from her hip and walked over to the airlock, loading in a clip, before it slid open.

She immediately trimmed the gun up, aiming at Eric, the droid infront of her procuding a mechanical hiss that revealed a very sharp set of teeth, tail swaying by the knives on its hind legs. "State name and bussiness," she called, frowning as she noticed his weapon. "And lower that thing."

Eric raised an eyebrow. "The names Jackson Irathry." He replied, stating one of his multiple false personas. "Freelance explorer. I was checking out the area when I was used as target practice by some lunatics. Thankfully they either didn't care enough to, or didn't have the spare firepower to completely ventilate my ship, but they took out most of the major systems."

He carefully returned the revolver to it's shoulder holster and raised his hands. "I'm just hoping that you'd have some spare parts for emergency repairs, and barring that, would be willing to give me a ride so that I can contact my friends so we can hopefully retrieve her at a later time." He said, motioning to the ship at large.

He sighed. "I really hope it's the former, because while this is an isolated part of space you know how scavengers can be. I'd rather she not get stripped for parts. Hell, if I could just get her main engine back up and running so I could set the autopilot for a friendly station."


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