Open Roleplay Idea

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Just playing around with an idea of sorts here, hoping to garner some interest for this. If not, well it was worth a shot. My idea is basically this:

There are three small planets which orbit a single star somewhere in the universe. Where in relation to canon lore, it doesn't matter, as this is open rp. People can make one or more characters that live on any of these planets, or they can be a wanderer character, traveling between them. Information on each is below and is just a basic start, therefore not a fully fleshed out concept.

The red planet of Drorth consists of mostly desert terrain, the total diameter of the world averaging about 5,200 km. Water is scarce here, but there are rumored to be small hidden underground pockets of water sources if one were to look hard enough. Cacti is abundant aplenty here, and maybe some hardy weeds. Types of characters that are most likely to thrive here are reptilian creatures, be they humanoid or beast-like. But you are definitely not limited to this. While the majority of the land is desert (about 90%), there could also be other kinds of terrain, depending on where one goes in the world. Characters that live here would most likely be suited to a harsh, desert climate and be hunter-gatherers, living off the land from whatever they can scavenge.

The blue planet of Auvis is completely made up of water, measuring a total diameter of 6,250 km (roughly half the size of our earth). Aquatic/water-based creatures and characters would be best here. Many kinds of aquatic plants thrive in this environment, along with many colorful fish, whales and other types of watery life. Characters such as mermaids, sirens, sea elves, water fairies, kelpies, selkies, and custom-made aquatic races of your own creation would be great here.

The gray planet of Otrara is a rocky, dry, craggy world, measuring in diameter of about 2,300 km (about the size of Pluto). While water is slightly more plentiful here than on Drorth, in the form of tiny ponds and lakes and such, there are no oceans or seas to be found. It is not a world-wide resource, so characters would have to make do with what little is available. Most of the land, apart from very small bodies of water, consists of dry rock and earth with little vegetation. Some weeds and grasses may grow in places, but it is not that common. Trees are pretty much unheard of here. Characters that can live here would be more varied than the other two worlds listed above, for example, dwarves, elves and humans, and perhaps some gnomes and giants, as well as whatever else you want. Aquatic characters obviously wouldn't work that well. This planet is the smallest of the three, and would be considered a dwarf planet or planetoid.

Obviously this can be expanded upon if there's any interest, but I mainly just posted this to scratch a creative itch, whether or not this actually goes anywhere remains to be seen. I also don't care whether this is scientifically accurate or not as I'm sure it isn't, but considering this is fantasy sci-fi, anything goes really.

Comments would be nice, especially if you have anything to contribute.

I can definitely see this becoming a series of threads! I could create a new character just to live on one of those planets but I think it could be possible that Aedolis sent Andronikos to scout out the planets or something like that. That being said, I would love to be help play this out.

Thanks for replying! Either or is great, or you could do both. Andronikos looks like a good candidate to jump in here, although I would suggest an alternate timeline for him since this is open roleplay and not actually canon. But that's up to you.

I'd like to see who else shows interest, perhaps one or two more at least, and then perhaps we can get something going here. And any threads done in this particular setting can be created by anyone, of course. And feel free to add in any information or ideas of your own, if you've got some. ;) What I have is just a generic guideline.

I hope more will show interest. Not sure if I should tweak some of my SOTE characters for this or make new ones, hmmm... Or I could simply just use some of my ROTE characters, and tweak them. I'll decide that later if more post here.

I could make a couple of characters.

Some aquatic beings could work well such as a mermaid/ siren or aquatic elf.

Something for the desert sounds good too ^^
Yea I think I have some ideas

It feels a little awkward to reply at this date, but I don't care. You had me at...
Aquatic stuff, and of course space, have been longtime passions of mine. I could see my robot guy going around these worlds to go be Wall-E and dig up some valuable resources or search for any information. Or to go deep down in a lot of painfully pressurized water and pet catfish, I 'unno. I'd also love to place Kotathe on the desert world. Ugh, I could write so many ideas, but popping my head like that would make this post messy. Real messy.


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