COMMUNITY > General Discussion

Awesome character quotes!

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1.) "There is fffood. Not hubrisss. Felt doesss not even know what hubrisss smellsss like." he hissed.

2.) In Search Of Food

3.) Amori's Felt in response to Ardghal.

1.) This was not the lifestyle she had envisioned when she had first set eyes on becoming a Pilot. It had been her fervent belief that a Pilot's life would be filled to the brim with training and missions and more training, not this slow descent into madness.

1b.) Stopping herself, she took several deep breaths and focused on calming herself and lowering her heart rate, as it was well outside of the acceptable target range for paperwork activities.

2.) More paperwork?! *twitch*

3.) Infinity Phoenix

And the awesome that is Infinity continues

1.) "And drugs really aren't that bad, as long as you pay attention to dosages, proper mixing, and intake safety thresholds. Of course this is assuming that we're talking about medicinal drugs and not the recreational sort." She pronounced the word 'recreational' almost exactly like one would pronounce 'goat-molester'.

2.) More paperwork?! *twitch*

3.) Infinity Phoenix

"And sorry for the ogling Zoe, you remember how my brain works. It's like in that Pokémodels game; Zoe uses Ivory Costume, it's Super Attractive!! Pale's brain fainted!"

Gathering of the Geeks



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