COMMUNITY > The Studio

Ari and Gabe! 8D

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I drew mah character Teidra. <3

Ain't she cute? xD

Dunno why she has a flower. Well. Actually I do. I had no idea WHAT to do with her arms, got frustrated after drawing them 864736991232 times, and then was just all, "screw it! She'll hold a flower! And...uh...her other'll scatter crappy petals! YEAH!" So there ya have it. xD

Ahem. >_>

I do have a bigger version, but photoshop resizes it of course. But it's okay! xD This version hides some of the insane sketchiness.

ZOMG! SO KAWAII!!! That's a REALLY cute pic. Nice job, Rhi!

Ahahahaha! Yay Teidra! She looks great! ^^ Very nice!

Oh god. The word Kawaii..

Keeeel meeeeeee.

I like her ;_; I want to give her hugs and super-glue for that horn of hers.

...Rhiiiii my contacts are sticking to my eyeballs *blinkblinkblink*

Drawn in class just a few minutes ago in Corel Painter using the oil pastels and colored pencil settings. Booyah. Quick and dirty. I got tired of doing still lifes like I'm supposed to be doing...there are only so many martinis and flowers I can paint before I go insane. >_> Which is why I'm also working on my other characters, Bianca and Kyori, too. Bad me.

So here we have it! Teidra the Tuathi. :3

She gladly accepts free hugs. <3


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