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Messages - GoblinFae

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Advanced Training Complex / Re: Eat My Playlist [Goblin!]
« on: October 06, 2017, 02:42:52 pm »
'What you think this is the first time I've ever been yelled at?' Heather mused to herself without allowing a hint of her thoughts show on her face. 'Why I'm quaking in my little Gracie boots!'

She felt the bass of his power vibrating right into her very core. It set her teeth on edge. Without thinking her own power reached out to try and dampen the sound that was so irritating to her. For two and a half blessed seconds Heather felt a slight relief from his frequency. Then, like a rubber band snapping back at her she felt it return and stronger to catch up to the level it was before her attempt at lessening and slowing it.

"Yes, sir!" she replied through gritted, grinding teeth, while awaiting further instruction.

Advanced Training Complex / Re: Eat My Playlist [Goblin!]
« on: October 06, 2017, 11:34:57 am »
The day had started like every other for Heather Bannister, loud and exhausting. The only difference was she now had yellow stripes on her collar and if she was being perfectly honest, they clashed violently with her electric hair. Her morning though took a quick turn into unexplored territory as her ATC assigned com flashed and notified her of a new important message. Boredom bled into nervousness as she drank in the message.

Pilot Echo Eleria. Heather had just been assigned her mentor and not only that but he wanted to meet her in person today. And with just one message her world was thrown off-kilter. Socially awkward as ever, her attempts to chat with her fellow Candidates resulted in utter disaster. She had no way to communicate her anxiety and they had no way to see past her irritable facade, placing all parties a an impasse.

The minutes were unkind to her, going slower than a bugged out com during testing season. When neither socializing nor working out did anything to burn time and steam, Heather resorted to curling up in her room with her trusty trigonometry textbook and her big pair of headphones. At least they had never failed her.

Time rolled by much faster as morning became afternoon. A distracted glance at the time though revealed a painful sight: 15:27. Heather was about to be late on making a good first impression. The best she could hope for now is a wheezy one. Headphones dangling around her neck and her book discard on the bed, the Candidate bolted out the door and tore down the hall.

She just had to pass the time reading that stupid book. Her mentor was going to kill her and they had not even had a formal introduction yet. Heather came sliding into the designated rec room to find a very pale man already waiting for her.

'15:34. Shit!' she swore mentally as she straightened to full attention and approached at a more respectable pace. "Pilot Echo Eleria," Heather saluted while all but holding her breath. "Candidate Bannister. You requested to meet with me?"

Aedolis Characters / Heather Bannister; Candidate
« on: October 05, 2017, 07:21:02 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Heather Bannister
Age 18
DOB December 21st
Gender Female
Sexuality Pansexual
Species Human
Ethnicity Aedolian
Height 5'4"
Occupation Pilot Cardinal
Residence Margad, Aedolis

Playlist: Warning May Contain Explicit or Mature Lyrics and Themes

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description

Heather is a lean beanpole of a young woman. Her hair comes down to the middle of her back and lays thick but straight in a choppy purple spray. It was naturally mousey brown once but she's since dyed it so many times she hardly remembers what it looks like. Her pale skin is offset by dark brown eyes that are exceptionally good at offering a catastrophic death glare.

She has large gauges in both ears and a pair of eyebrow piercings in left brow near the tail end of it. There is also a faint scar under her pouty bottom lip that suggests she may have also had a lip piercing at some point.

Clothing-wise, Heather enjoys baggy pants, tight shirts, and super soft beanie caps. She'll never admit it but some of her caps she's actually knit herself. Question her on it though and you're likely to end up with a knitting needle through a hopefully not vital body part.

As a graduation present her mentor got her a tattoo on her right arm that runs from her chest and shoulder down to her wrist. It's a musical staff with notes and "ink" splashed about as it winds down her arm. The song has special meaning to her.

After a spree of Pilot kidnappings in May 5018 of which Heather was also a victim she now sports a QR code tattoo on the left side of her neck. She also has deep wrist and ankle scars as well as stripes across her back from the beatings. After rescue she got a small cheese pizza slice tattooed on the inside heel of her right foot just below her ankle bone as well as a thick, black XIV on the back of her neck.

Heather Bannister
By: frankieperez24


She prefers to keep to herself. It is not that she hates people it's just that she abhors the noise they create. Breathing, coughing, shuffling about; it's all infuriating to her at the best of times. She hates music and loud sounds and therefore can often be found on her own and with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones on, though they are never actually playing anything.

Getting to know her reveals a rather sarcastic, moody individual that is really shielding a sensitive and caring young woman (somewhere in there). In ATC she was known as The Bitch and has butted heads with many of the members inside and outside of its walls. She even went head to head with the mentor of another Candidate and nearly got herself TRIM'd for good because of her wicked tongue.

Now graduated, Heather is a bit more stable and less vicious. That doesn't mean the Bitch still isn't in there. She just knows when to rear her ugly head...usually.

  • Hates loud noises and crowds. Much prefers to keep to herself or in quiet areas.
  • LOVES to swim. Even owns a pair of underwater headphones thanks to Aspen's big sister Havanah.
  • Secretly really enjoys sad piano music.
  • Absolutely WILL NOT drink or do drugs. Doesn't care what others do but very much a stick in the mud when it comes to that kind of stuff for herself.
  • Favorite food is takeaway stirfry and rice or noodles.


Telepathy: Heather is pretty average when it comes to projecting telepathy. Her classmates have often complained from time to time that she was even hard to hear as if she was doing so from too far a distance to be heard. What she is good at though is building shields around her own thoughts to have them not heard. Layers and layers of protection against both he own and other's thoughts allows her blessed silence even in her own mind.

Sonokinesis*: Heather can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force. Her abilities however, differ from those of mentor. Where Razican is able to warp sound to a point where it reaches nearly two-thousand decibels - enough to utterly destroy almost anything, Heather's gift lies in the art of suppressing, lessening, and preserving objects and people within her field. She is able to create bubbles that are unaffected by the vibration disturbances outside of them. However, the stronger a force she is trying to contain or the larger a radius she is trying to shield the more of a toll it takes on her physically.

Getting overly emotional, either angry or upset, has the consequence of creating a pocket of complete silence, effectively muting anyone and anything within a few feet of her until she calms down.

Razican Eleria: Mentor, friend, and brother in bond.

Aspen Brooks: Her former roommate from Stage 4 on. The pair used to hate each other to the point of coming to blows. Now they've got a bond as strong as sisters. Not only are their dragons bonded twins but Aspen and Heather are partners in work and crime in the Margad Cell of the Seekers. The pair are near inseparable and while they have their own places, Heather all but lives at Aspen's. They eat together, sleep together, and spend nearly every breath of time with each other.

Matthew Wright: Heather's on-again off-again lover and tentative friend. They have their ups and downs but at the moment seem to be ok with each other. He is incredibly sweet to her and Heather doesn't really understand why given how cruel she can and has been to him in the past. She will never admit it but she likes him...maybe as an actual friend.

Levi: Her red, male dragon that is twins with Aspen's dragon, Thaen.


Heather grew up in the lower caste. Her mother died or left when she was very young and her father was never really around. When he wasn't working he was drinking and when he wasn't doing that then he was passed out in his own vomit on the scuzzy bathroom floor. They moved often as he bounced from job to job which is in part why she was not brought in by ATC until her 14th birthday.

Growing up got really good at taking care of herself and finding little places to hide and be by herself. Heather was never interested in playing with the other children or joining in on their loud childish games. She did everything she could do, all but willing away the sounds just to gain a bit of precious silence. One day though she got her wish as in a fit of frustration and rage she silenced their entire apartment complex. There are many rumors regarding what actually was the straw that broke the camel's back but Heather sure as hell isn't going to tell you.

The rest as they say is history. Her 14th birthday was spent moving in and becoming a gracie. Stage one was a bit rough but stage two was pure heaven for Heather. She found that she absolutely LOVED learning and knowledge. THIS was the piece missing from her life that had been filled with empty beer bottles and trash telly. She was almost sad when she finally excelled enough to move up to stage three. That too was doable but less fun. She was able to grit her teeth and bear it for the sake of surviving. No one wanted to be TRIM'd and for her the fear seemed genuinely reasonable. Stage four, Heather had a new hell ahead of her as she locked horns regularly with her mentor and his teaching methods. She made it through and earned herself a few "friends" along the way.

Stage 1: 14-14.5
Stage 2: 14.5-16
Stage 3: 16-17
Stage 4: 17-18
Stage 5: 18-18

*Sonokinesis text used with Marakai 2.0's permission and guidance

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
To Pilot Echo Eleria From Candidate Bannister
Eat My Playlist
Slowly Fading From The Misery

Complete Threads

Eat My Playlist
To Pilot Echo Eleria From Candidate Bannister
Slowly Fading From The Misery

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 05, 2017, 05:59:09 pm »
His touch gave her pause, bringing her to an abrupt stop. He was so surprisingly gentle with her. All of her previous companions had been with her simply for the sex. Even then it had always been about fast, groping carnal pleasure in the dark and nothing like the soft touches that sent fire and ice up and down her spine. She would be lying if she claimed that she did not feared it. But, she would also be lying if she said she did not enjoy it.

Nishi reached out, cupping his cheek within her palm and tilting his face up to hers. She marveled at how his skin was even cooler to the touch than her own. With a soft smile, Nishi leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his brow. "Thank you," she breathed against his skin before straightening again.

"If you're nearly done I can get us some ice cream and maybe we can talk more?" Nishi continued to smile down at him softly as her tail once more reached out for his.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 05, 2017, 12:21:43 pm »
"You're really okay with this? With me, and the situation, and," she motioned between them trying to express something she did not have the words for. "The compromises I suppose. Granted it seems you're the one giving up so much to be stuck with me." Nishi nudged the last roll on her plate, watching as it finally gave into her prodding and flopped over like a dead fish. She was finding it so very hard to focus now that she had seen him smile. It was like her heart had decided to go for a run of its own without her.

She reached for her glass and found it empty, sending a nervous flush through her that crawled up her neck and ended in a soft chuckle. "Um, I should uh get some more water." Nishi snatched up her glass before attempting to brush past Neeko on the way into the kitchen again.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 02, 2017, 02:32:51 pm »
Nishi put her eating utensils down and sat up straight at his question. It was certainly very serious and she hoped to be able to express herself and her feelings properly. "The first thing that comes to mind is that it would get the family off my back about marriage and responsibility. Ever since I was small it has always been talked about who and when I would marry. Even who I would play with was monitored and adjusted to fit their expectations.

"I all but jumped at the chance to become a Candidate. I wanted my freedom. I wanted to run as far away from home and family as I could. I know I'm lucky Draconem, my dragon, was in an obliging mood and granted that wish to come here. The family though has their ways," she added with a mirthless chuckle. "I was already engaged to you before my feet hit Aurora's soil again."

Nishi glanced down to her hands where they fiddled with her napkin in her lap. "The family are wrong about you. They don't understand what we're doing, why we're needed. I've read your file," she blushed darkly and looked to the side before looking him in the eye, "and I think you're amazing. I don't feel I deserve to be marrying you, female cryo kitsuni or not. You've done so much already.

"That wasn't your question though," she stated nervously with a shake of her head. "I suppose I'm trying to say that I want things to work. I want to live with someone that understands me and all that I am. Someone who understands the family and someone who understands the Pilot. I feel you would get that at least."

'Because I'm also so tired of being alone in a crowd,' she thought miserably, unintentionally allowing her thoughts to project quietly. It had been many years since she had shield against another kitsuni.

"As for children," Nishi cleared her throat and took a sip of water to stall on that point. "I'm still young for having them and I would like to advance my career if I can. But...if we find ourselves happy together and compatible," here she could not help but think of all the women she had been with instead of men, "then I would not be opposed to children at some point."

Nishi did not think she could feel anymore flushed. She was practically dizzy with sudden heat. Downing the rest of her water was not helping her either. "Sorry...I didn't mean to ramble so much."

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 02, 2017, 01:04:49 pm »
It was a relief when no growl came. Perhaps she was skittish for no reason after all. She had been mouthy earlier and this was a dinner conversation. She could afford to be playful, right? Testing the waters she pressed on. "Good choices," Nishi conceded with a slight smirk. "But, Rocky Road is the best." She giggled softly, her nose crinkling up and her tail wagging with her mirth. "All that chocolatey, marshamllowey, almondey amazingness mmm." She licked her lips just thinking about it before finishing another piece of sushi.

"Is there anything you wish to know about me, Neeko...sir? I mean if we're going to get married and all, we should know things right?"

Aedolis Characters / Re: The Pilot and Candidate Catalog!!!
« on: October 02, 2017, 06:39:40 am »

Name: Blu Moon
Rank: Pilot Royal; Squad Commander Amristah Angels
Age: 37
Dragon: Menrva; Female; Turquoise; Compassionate Nurturer
Fun Facts:
~She's covered in port-wine birthmarks and quite proud of it.
~She can play the piano quite passionately.
~She goes by the last name of Altair if she can get away with it.
~She founded the Amristah Angels.
~She's a vampire that never leaves the hospital and that's why she has to keep bouncing from place to place.
~She's got a wicked Solartan accent buried deep in there somewhere.

Name: Cassiopeia Marson
Rank: Pilot Echo; Samariel Leviathan Squadmate
Age: 28
Dragon: Oceano; Male; Blue-Green; Hot-tempered
Fun Facts:
~HAWC is a Raptor
~Survived being crushed in her HAWC and is now has a ton of cybernetic replacements.
~Was an amazing and talented artist.
~Was replaced entirely by a robot and the human is long gone.

Name: Evan Evans
Rank: Pilot Echo; Biomechanical Limb Specialist
Age: 29
Dragon: Ferra; Female; Chrome; Playful Challenger
Fun Facts:
~Despises Manuals and absolutely WILL NOT use them
~Spends his spare time working on an antique hovercraft he dreams of racing
~Only sexually/romantically interested in AIs

Name: Jain Dau
Rank: Pilot Echo; Seeker
Age: 26
Dragon: Rasa; Male; Green; Unrelenting Keeper
Fun Facts:
~Adores music boxes

Name: Kielen Derriere
Rank: Pilot Echo; Inquisitor
Age: 24
Dragon: Eidolon; Male; Purple; Nasty Manipulator
Fun Facts:
~From an old money family but refuses to acknowledge them
~Will flirt with anyone and anything
~LOVES coffee and chocolate
~Broke a sink over coffee
~Is a ladybear wearing a pink lacy heart apron at all times

Name: Micah Banks
Rank: Pilot Nobel; Paralegal
Age: 49
Dragon: Lex; Male; Brown; Grumpy Codger
Fun Facts:
~From an old money family but very humble about it
~Dainty eater who loves her veggies
~HATES being thrown off schedule
~Will develop the sudden need to devour several rare steaks despite normally eating rather small meals.
~When pissed off enough will growl and snap her teeth like a wild animal.
~Likes to wander off into the wastes and hunts as a giant hairy beast.

Name: Nishi Tokala
Rank: Pilot Cardinal; Solarta Valkyries Squadmate
Age: 19
Dragon: Draconem; Male; Black; Snarky Bastard
Fun Facts:
~She's married to Neeko Reynard.
~She can't hold her alcohol worth a damn.
~She's definitely a lesbian who slept with the entire ATC female population.
~Some rumors include the faculty and staff as well in that population.

Name: Shale Horizon
Rank: Pilot Echo; Haviah Harpies PR
Age: 44
Dragon: Folklorn; Male; Grey; Claws-Off Appraoch
Fun Facts:
~Despite massive size and strength is a giant teddy bear.
~Loves suits.
~Likes being spanked.


Name: Cheveko Lasnamere
Stage: Stage 5
Age: 17
Mentor: TBD
Fun Facts:
~Gets high off being in crowds when emotions run high.
~Eyes look like a galaxy.

Name: Heather Bannister
Stage: Stage 4
Age: 17
Mentor: Razican Eleria
Fun Facts:
~She hates music.
~She blew up a sink once.
~She knits her own hats but may have stabbed several people who found out with the needles to keep their silence.
~She has a shark mouth for genitals.

Name: Joelle "Tink" Tinker
Stage: Stage 2
Age: 17
Mentor: NPC
Fun Facts:
~She's a junk food addict.
~She's figured out how to breathe underwater.
~The only reason she hasn't been TRIM'd is because her dad has been pulling favors for her.
~She hosts an underground gamer betting pool.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 01, 2017, 07:34:57 pm »
Nishi's eyes snapped up to meet his expression at the mention of ice cream. "A whole freezer full," she repeated in awe. "Do you have a favorite flavor?" She was desperately trying to keep subdued in her seat when all she wanted to do was race up to check the freeze and revel in the glory of cold foods she could eat.

"Sounds like you come home to a much deserved break then. Although perhaps your chair isn't the best place to sleep?" Her voice went up in pitch at the end of her question. She was already anticipating him growling at her again with her making suggestions to a clearly set in his way and superior Pilot.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 01, 2017, 01:25:39 pm »
"I can't either...eat hot foods that is. At ATC I just ate a lot of salads. They're actually not so bad if you soak the lettuce in ice water first. Sushi's definitely a treat though," she added, smiling softly as she glanced up at Neeko. "I can't believe you know how to make it though. If I made it everything would just fall apart. What's um...other things do you like to eat or do? Do you have any um hobbies?"

Nishi popped a few pieces onto her plate and worked at nibbling her rolls, savoring each bite as if it was a piece of heaven. "So good," she mumbled with a soft purr.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 01, 2017, 09:26:44 am »
Nishi nodded as she listened to him and his approval of her tentative plans. The snowflakes were returning at the sound of his acceptance though her stomach quickly turned into a full on blizzard at his sudden and unexpected touch. His closeness, his purring, the look in his eye, it was all enough to turn her mind into mush and her tail swishing from side to side. She barely heard a word he was saying as long as they were in contact with each other.

It was only when he told her to sit that she finally snapped out of it and plopped heavily down into her chair. "Dinner...right," she said shakily before trying to clear her throat and have a sip of water. Her ears twitched happily as her tail continued to sweep behind her. "Um...it looks good!"

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 01, 2017, 08:40:33 am »
"Mmm, no." Nishi finished slicing and then looked through cupboards until she found plates and began to help set the table. "I mean if it's alright I'll probably go for a run tomorrow and explore the city a bit. But, if you want me here or to do something for you I'll of course stay. Whatever you want," she added shyly. She was glad for her hoodie that helped hide some of her nervousness or at least in her opinion. He probably could still see the faint blush to her cheeks or the way she kept avoiding looking him in the face.

"If I'm in your way you just need to say. I don't wish to be a bother. Engaged or not this is still your home first."

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: October 01, 2017, 07:01:34 am »
The feel of his tails wrapping gently about her own sent a shiver racing up and down her spine as a soft purr reverberated in her throat. "I can do that," she whispered, her ears perking up slightly as she retrieved the knife and began to evenly slice both of the rolls carefully and with precision. Nishi wanted it to be perfect for him. She did not want to disappoint him when their first meeting was already off to a rocky start.

"Um did you have plans for the weekend?"

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 08:01:46 pm »
"You didn't have to make me food," she told him softly, her ears folding down over the hood dejectedly. "I...I was asking because I wanted to do something nice for you. I wanted to thank you and apologize and...I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry I just showed up out of the blue and that I'm the marriage you don't want. But, I want to make it work with you."

Nishi shuffled up closer to stand beside him. Unconsciously her tail reached out to brush against the back of his leg. She did not even realize that standing so close to him made her long so desperately to be comforted and forgiven. She could run from The Family but that way of life would never be far behind her.

"Sushi would be nice. How can I help?"

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 07:04:29 pm »
So much for trying to ask where to get dinner and surprise Neeko. She should have known better though. This was his home turf after all. Hearing his laughter after her response though made her stomach tingle like snowflakes were dancing about in it. He approved of her fire so to speak. Even if she did admit that she liked women he had not seemed to notice or perhaps care which suited her just fine.

His truce over her clothes was a welcome relief. Still, Nishi opened the door slowly, peering her head around to make sure he was not trying to sneak a peek before she stepped forward and kicked her bag behind her into the bathroom. All the while her eyes never once left boring holes into the back of his head.

"Thank you," she chirped before slipping back in and shutting the door, though this time more quietly. She slipped into a pair of loose sweatpants and a thick hoodie before taking to task with toweling off her tail followed by brushing it until it was velvety smooth and soft.

Eventually despite all of her stalling there was nothing left for her to do but to exit. Her dirty clothes were packed back into the bag and the towel was carefully hung up to dry. Sheepishly, Nishi exited the bathroom, all but attempting to sneak out even though she knew it was no use. Her perky ears poked out of holes in the hood of her hoodie and swiveled about listening for where Neeko might be even as she prepared herself for a double reprimand: once for her behavior earlier, and then twice for slamming a door in his face.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 06:04:41 pm »
Nishi was just finishing off the last of her rinsing off and starting to turn the water off when she heard the knock on the door. "One moment!" she shouted while hurrying to hop out of the shower.

With her curls plastered straight and flat against her head and her skin rosy from scrubbing she whipped the door open, coming face to face with Neeko. It was a few heartbeats before she realized her very naked mistake and what he had been trying to say to her. She was not being rushed out of the shower and into line up but instead being offered a towel.

With a wide-eyed squeak and a fierce blush, she yanked the towel away from his hands and quickly slammed the door shut again. "Sorry!" she yelped. In a flustered rush she went about trying to dry off and calm her racing heart all at the same time. With the towel firmly secured about her middle, Nishi scooped up her com and attempted to make good on the idea she had come up with in the shower. "Maybe food will help," she muttered as she logged in, completely unaware of the things her fiancee and others had been saying about her.

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 03:57:36 pm »
He easily boxed her as Nishi offered no resistance. She heard the warning growl deep in his voice and instinctively obeyed without question. It was the same tone that all of her previous mentors had used with her to control her into obedience during her Candidacy. While her ears did lay flat against her skull her chin was raised to attention. The Kitsuni before her though her husband to be was also a Pilot Royal, the Neeko Reynard in fact. She had read his file when she first heard the news of their impending marriage. She knew everything about him there was to know, at least that had been written down.

"Yes, sir," she barked, already forgetting his invitation to call him Neeko as she ducked under his arm and scuttled off to the shower. Her bag was forgotten where she left it as the door to the bathroom was shut and she rushed to obey her commanding officer's orders.

Only once she was in the shower and under the warm spray did she actually take in and comprehend what had just happened. 'He said yes...I'm going to get married..to a male with a...' Nishi blushed and drowned her thoughts out by dunking her head under the shower head. 'I made him angry though. I should expect further reprimand and punishment when I'm done here I suppose. I definitely deserve it for mouthing off like that. Draconem is going to kill me. This is certainly not what he had in mind.'

Nishi growled to herself and tried to return her focus to scrubbing herself clean. Her skin would be red with scrubbing if she had her way about it. 'I wonder if he's eaten yet. Maybe I should make something...but I can't cook. It would be rude to make him make food. Hmm maybe there's somewhere nearby I can order food? I could ask the other Pilots. I'm sure they could make a recommendation or two. That's wife-like enough, right?'

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 02:34:42 pm »
"And you think mine would be any more pleased kicking a man out of his bed? He'd hop on the next rail out here." Nishi dropped her bag on the floor and ran her hands through her hair, causing it to ruffle and her ears to twitch.

"Marriage? I'm female. It was a given I'd be married off the first chance they got especially after the stunt I pulled to get into ATC. What difference is it to me if it's you or the next guy, with all due respect of course? You outrank me, of course I'm nervous. They've got me setup to marry a war hero and I'm nothing but a tiny little Pilot Cardinal, knobby-kneed and fresh out of school."

She blushed and looked away from him, embarrassed that she had spoken in such a way to her superior, fiancee or not he could still probably make sure she stayed a Pilot Cardinal for the rest of her career. "If you don't want to marry me then just say and I'll get my stuff and leave. But, don't think you're saving me from anything. If they had their way I'd be stationed back in Aurora as their kept pet, Pilot or not.

"However, if we could make this work, form some sort of compromise then maybe we could both have some of the freedom we sneak. Seems to me I won't be the last one they send to your doorstep even if I am the first."

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 02:00:15 pm »
She paused watching his rear depart without even realizing she was staring before she shucked off her shoes and hurried to follow him. "I can sleep on the couch. It's your bed and I'm...the intruder here." Her eyes darted about, taking in her surroundings quickly and mapping it in her mind for later reference.

"Candidates aren't allowed a lot of possessions," Nishi commented, glancing down at her bag. "I'm just freshly graduated. Besides two days with my parents and...you could say I was in a bit of a hurry to leave. It's not everyday you hear you're getting married. Well...I guess for you it's a bit more common, sir...Neeko."

Looking him in the eye with a tight expression she admitted awkwardly, "I'm not very good at making conversation. Sorry..."

The Rest of Aedolis / Re: Requiem of the Lonely [Goblin]
« on: September 30, 2017, 12:53:24 pm »
"Neeko," she spoke softly, raising her chin finally to look at him. Silver eyes widened in surpriseat the sight of him. The Pilot Royal certainly was a fine specimen of a man. He even had two tails! Nishi felt a tiny spark of jealousy that she smothered as quickly as it formed. She always wished she had a second tail too like the rest of her kin.

"It's not messy. But thank you...um bedroom?" She gripped her bag tighter, allowing it to fall across her chest to form a slight barrier between the two of them Kitsuni. "I wouldn't mind a shower if it's not too much trouble. But we can talk first if you'd rather that. Whatever you want sir, uh Neeko."

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