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Author Topic: Subject 82641, Test Tube Mermaid  (Read 742 times)

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Offline DragonSong

Subject 82641, Test Tube Mermaid
« on: October 27, 2019, 08:11:45 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name Designation Subject#82641. Prefers to go by "Seexa"
Age Unclear, young adult
Gender Female
Species Artificial Merfolk
Ethnicity Unclear
Height Nearly 5' when standing (her legs bend awkwardly and remove some potential height); with tail, about 8.5' long
Orientation No idea
Occupation Test Subject/Exotic Trinket
Residence Cancer's black market

[credit to Inkscribble and Dolldivine: this game]

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description
Subject 82641 is almost entirely green from head to tail, though in varying shades. Her body is covered in tiny scales, even her humanoid upper body--save for the thin webbing between her fingers--though they are so small and flexible so as to feel almost like skin to the touch. Her "base coat" color is an earthy green, lightest around her face and darkening in a steady gradient down her body to the tip of her tail. A pattern of darker, bluish green markings cover her back, arms, face, and tail as well--these markings are actually bioluminescent, glowing softly when in darkness.

Though at first glance her face appears fairly human, on closer inspection 82641 is clearly "other": her eyes are too big, and entirely black. Her nose is almost reptilian more than humanoid, and when she opens her mouth she reveals sharp, serrated teeth from her canines back. Her hair is black with streaks of the same green and blue-green that covers her body, and sometimes moves independently of the water flow around it--it's not actually "hair" at all, but rather hundreds of incredibly thin "barbels", sort of like a catfish's whiskers.

Technically, she is also an amphibious creature. Though she's never actually experienced this, 82641 can theoretically call on her DNA of Old Earth's mermaids to trade her tail for legs: her tail would split in two, the excess essentially drawn back into her flesh to form legs, and the gills along her rib cage would temporarily seal themselves.

This is an emergency-only survival mechanism however, and cannot be sustained for very long--a day at most.

(With her legs, she looks something like this; credit to Tony Diterlizzi, official Spiderwick Chronicles artwork)

It's rather hard to tell the personality of a creature kept eternally behind class. 82641 seems to have a natural curiosity for the world around her, and when she was first left on Cancer she would smile and attempt to interact with the people who came to gawk.

After a few months though, she has become subdued and wary, mostly curled up in the corner of her tank, avoiding angering anyone or drawing unwanted attention as best she can.

Bioluminescent: 82641 is basically her own nightlight! She doesn't exactly need it though, as she can see fairly well in darkness, and can even navigate totally blind with only minimal issue.

Fae glamour: as her faerie DNA is severely diluted, 82641 doesn't have a particularly firm graft of this ability. She cannot change her appearance, but she can sort of charm people, capture their attention and hold it even against their better judgement--though only for a few moments, maybe a minute or so.

Hypothetically, her scales and skin secrete a natural healing agent, an incredibly weakened and diluted version of the healing "siren's tears" of ancient Earth. As with her amphibious ability to trade tail for legs, this is never something she's really explored.

On the more mundane side of things, 82641 has very sharp teeth and claws.


82641 has no memory of any life she may have had before Cancer other than being kept in a reasonably roomy tank that was consistently either in total darkness or surrounded by bright light and near blindingly white walls. Occasionally she would catch a glimpse of a figure in all this brightness, but then the injection would come and she would quickly lose consciousness, only to wake in darkness once again.

Well, not total darkness. 82641's own bioluminescence was sublimated with a few glowing, flickering machines around her tank, on occasion. These machines sometimes showed pictures, moving images of people and places that she didn't recognize, but somehow felt were important: a pair of siblings performing in Aedolis, a young Pilot Candidate experimenting with the limits of a new cybernetic arm, a man surrounded by red earth, eyeing a target through the sight of his sniper rifle.

She didn't know the names of these places or people of course, not at first. But she listened, she watched, and she learned, bits and pieces at the very least.

Language was not quite so difficult as she expected to pick up, and soon enough she could talk to herself in a variety of tongues. Perhaps that is what sent her to Cancer--she can never be sure, but one cycle of dark and light she attempted to speak with the figure in the corner of her eye, and the next thing she knew she was waking up in her tank in completely alien surroundings.

She's been passed around the black market every since--something like four or five months, she's not entirely sure. She's never in one place for very long, as no one seems entirely sure what to do with her.

Subject#82641 is a bottle-made mermaid, a creature genetically spliced together from human, fish, and ancient merfolk DNA and magic. She seems to have been a sort of whim on Mother's part more than anything else.

If she has any greater plan for her on Cancer, it is as of yet unclear.

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« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 09:10:26 pm by DragonSong »


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