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the Cerberus


1. Name of ship:   the Cerberus
3. General description: A combat ship, It is outfitted  to the teeth with weapons and fighters. It's sleek and has the latest in technology.  The pinnacle of Aedolian technology the Cerberus is the best ship that Aedalius never made. According to records the ship was never made,.  Rumors run rampant about the ship known as the Cerberus which just so happens to meet the description of a ship of similar design rumored to be developed by the Cerberus. It spends its time  attacking pirates and other enemies of  Aedalius.
2. Objectives/goals: To eliminate threats  and to keep space secure.
5. Members, crew, and ranks] Cerberus
     1. Commander Delila Jadin

     2. Executive Officer
      3. Flight Commander Mars Hall

     3. Others 

6.  History

Commissioned recently , Commander Jadin, personally helped design the ship using her expertise from living on military vessels her whole life.  The ship has the latest in weapon technology using fighters to do much of its dirty work.  It is said she hasn't lost a battle yet.


Applying for the flight captain position 8D

I do believe you hired :D


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