AEDOLIS > The Rest of Aedolis

I need a ticket for an airplane

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His life sucked. Seriously. There had to be some luck god he had pissed off, because this was just about as awful as it could be. About the only worse person to be sitting across from him would be Raley.

Genesis was really only slightly better.

Headphones in, Alaric stared pointedly out the window. He was forced to deal with him because of the mission they were on their way too, but he didn't have to actually interact just yet. The two of them were on a train to Aurora, where they got to do some work with a very high ranking official in the government.

Why they picked Genesis to be his partner he didn't understand. The man was a sadistic ass and Alaric felt his blood pressure raising just thinking about it.

Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him.

Unlike Alaric, Genesis was alright with this arrangement. Sure, the blueberry freak thing wasn't his number one choice of partner, but he was a competent Pilot--and he was entertaining, at least. He always tried so hard not to react, but Genesis had had years of figuring out just what buttons to press, and he was fully prepared to push them when things got dull. And that button mashing had also taught him a lot about the other Pilots without Alaric having to even say much.

And they had gotten dull several minutes into the ride.

There wasn't much to see outside the windows, so after a while he turned his attention onto what was convenient--his partner. Leaning his arms on his knees, he peered over at Alaric. Ear buds. How cute that he thought that would actually work.

Reaching over, he grabbed the cord and gave it a light tug, popping the ear buds out. "Hey. Keep your ears open and senses alert. There could be terrorists on board, you know," he said with a grin.

Alaric jerked when the earbuds came out and he quickly snatched them back, giving Genesis a withering look, "I highly doubt that. And that isn't why we're here."

He hated the other Pilot. Hated listening to him, hated dealing with him. Hated him. He wished he would just leave him alone.

"Nope, it's not, but you should be aware, anyway. Besides, how can we bond when you're ignoring me?" Genesis asked, returning Alaric's look with a pleasant smile.

"I don't want to bond." Alaric turned away again, staring out the window and the dull scenery as it moved rapidly past.


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