The truth game! [an IC game! =O]

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[Ganked from SotE. P: ]

Gaspeth! Here be an in-character game for y'all. It's the truth game!

Basically, you just ask a question, and then the next person to post has to answer that question in-character before asking a question of their own, and so on and so forth. If you play multiple characters, you can choose one character to answer the question with, or if you want you can answer the question with multiple characters. :3

The sky's the limit, ask what you like!

I'll start.

Have you ever danced in your underwear?

Ashley: Oh sure, any time I'm sewing something new and there's music playing. Of course not while I'm sewing, more during the fitting, but most definately when I'm making myself a new set of lingerie. You have to make sure all those stitches will hold any way you move. Oh, but you won't tell anyone, will you?

Vulcan: Um, no.

Now my question:
What is your earliest distinct memory?

Gear: Um... people from Teinar coming to rescue me... I still kinda had an arm and a leg and an eye in that memory, but they all hurt real bad...

Tetra: Huh... I was walking through the park with my father... everyone seemed to be staring, especially the other children. Of course, later I realized it was because I had claws and pointed teeth. I kind of assumed they did too, when I was a kid.

Llyn: I think... I am not sure. My mother taking me in for a haircut. She insisted on keeping my hair trimmed short when I was young... but that's not interesting. You want to see an interesting memory...?

What did you do on your last birthday?

Marshal: Satori.

Rika: I had work ... >_>

Cory: Fangirls! 8D

Chica: I don't know when I was born fuckoff -__-

Who would you turn gay for?

Gabriel: *awkward cough* I'm secure enough in my masculinity to admit, in a totally platonic way, that there are a couple of Pilots in particular that are pretty hot. |: No I'm not naming names. Shut up. >_>

Shiloh: You. ;D Just kiddin'. I dunno, is he cute?

Malriiko: So a bunch of horny, socially inept men can have their gratuitous drow lesbian sex fantasies fulfilled? No one. My love life is pathetic, and I like it like that.

Teidra: Lots of people make me happy... C:

Bianca: Teidra. :3

Cyrus: Well, assuming I was a chick... >:3

Jares: Dude, I'm already half there.

Terra: *holds up a piece of paper, face deadpan* Riker.

What's your most embarrassing moment?


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