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Topics - Absolvent Intention

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Open Space / Isolation of Long Sorrow [Open]
« on: April 09, 2018, 02:29:19 pm »
This would be the first time Cye would ever command on his own. He was feeling a mixture of many emotions: Fear, anticipation, excitement, and most of all, curiosity. He knew that these emotions, though natural, would create a rather Irresponsible display to his fellow Builders. Operators were to adhere to a strict emotional almanac. He knew all of this too well, and yet, couldn't help himself. He presumed his diminished emotional control came from his younger age. He was very young, and even younger still according to the parameters of an operator. Only twenty six years, he was the youngest operator to ever serve in Solace. This added to his overwhelming dread greatly. Punishments are always more severe upon error to younger Builders.” he thought.
Pushing past this thought was like moving a boulder. He looked upward from the berth to the vessel moored above, casting a shadow of dread upon him.

The Veil of Broken World, or just The Veil as called by the Builders. Resting in a parked state beside her sister: Crestfallen. Both ships resembled each other greatly. Each were the standard form for all Trepidation class vessels: Long, thin triangular bow section. Further aft located the carapace of the vessel; sweeping back like a smooth shell, and then splitting into four independently moving wings. She was a polished gunmetal grey, with chrome lining her joints, and a subtle brazen light emanating from within; like a pulsating soul. She was perfectly symmetrical from her length. Beautiful, simply beautiful.” Cye thought to himself. This ship has served the Builders without error for ten millennia.” He thought. “Why am I trusted with its fate?”

He turned his attention to the forests that remain behind him. Growing up all his life on Epitaph, the last thing he wanted was to never return. Raised under the shade of vast forests in everpresent beauty, so little did he know of what lay beyond.
“Must you sulk forever?” Cye made a small shriek of surprise, turning from a deep purple to a pale white. Quickly he spun to attend to his company. He turned to face a tall Builder. Taller than his 12 foot stature, she also had a athletic, muscular build that complemented her height tremendously. “Had I realized this occupation be so taxing on you, I never would have obliged.” She said. She spun her words with such careful and precise manner. So much so, you could almost swear she was a highly respected political individual. “I do not wish to be cut short so soon.” He replied. “I have spent so long for this, and now I finally have what I have strove for all these years. I just wish I felt more pride than fear.” Cye said sadly. “Your pride will come in time. All you must do is roam beyond our system.” She countered his despondency with uttermost simplicity it seemed. “I will not be swayed by your words of false hope this time.” He retorted. “Take it was you will.” She responded gently, and turned away.

He watched her depart from the port. She left with seemingly unyielding grace and beauty. Just like The Veil, just like Epitaph… He turned slowly now, the weight of his sorrow weighing him down, toward the escort craft. It would take him to his new ship. He peered through the viewport as the ship rose, his view growing more fast over the green landscape of Epitaph. The last time he left it was of ill consequence. Only now, the view brought no good memories.
The ship pulled into The Veil without error. Stepping out over the extending ramp, he admired the interior of the vessel. Inside was designed with intricate curves, slants, and linear parts. Glowing with the brazen light, much brighter on the inside, illuminating only the areas where he chose to go. Following him like he were a figure on a stage. He was the only living thing on this ship. He made his way to the lift. The ship was colossal compared to the remainder in the port. Yet not the largest.

“Ready to depart on your command.” The ship’s A.I. chimed with enthusiasm. “Noted, disengage magnetic mooring and take us into parking orbit.” Cye commanded. The massive vessel then lurched and began its accent into the orbit of Epitaph. The Veil’s engines roared with magnetic feedback as they heaved her skyward. Cye arrived at the command deck, and watched through the alpha viewscreen as the curve of Epitaph grew more prominent. Soon the golden arcs of sunlight peered over the crest of her surface and cast the ship in a glow of warmth. “The Veil has successfully reached parking orbit, ready to depart on your command.” The A.I’s voice pierced the silence.
Cye looked at one of the displays at it relayed a message from the port:

“The Veil is cleared for FTL jump, proceed when ready.”

His confidence revived under the power he now had, Cye summoned the attention of the A.I. “We are ready to depart, prepare hold for jump... Ahead full.”
“Affirmative commander, ahead full.”  the A.I. then hastily set to work: The engines began their vocal chorus of accent as their voices grew louder. Cye turned finally, and gazed at the rapidly shrinking view of Epitaph. His home, all he knew, growing less and less right before his eyes. His color flashed from a prominent red, to a deep sorrowful purple. Looking back at it, as if it was a distant memory long past. He thought of the trees, his home, his family… Her…

With that, the ship engaged in its acceleration, and the planet flashed out of view altogether as The Veil shot into the vast unknown expanse of deep space….

Ships and Factions / Ship: The Veil
« on: April 08, 2018, 11:19:02 pm »
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _

The Veil of Broken World is a Builder fabricated Trepidation assault vessel. Trepidation assault ships are only one rank below Builder Castellum vessels. These were able to act as mobile fortresses to enforce Builder Domain over their territory. Trepidation ships however, act as mobile destruction dealing platforms to push ahead before, or even link up to the Castellums. This deadly formation is known as a Combat Lattice.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _

-Length: 10.65 kilometers                           
-Beam: 1.3 kilometers
-Draft: 1.9 kilometers                                 

-Complement: 0 (Ship requires zero crew at minimum during emergency, or risky conditions. If these occur, an A.I. can be charged at helm.)               

-Max persons: 1,300,050 (This does not include the many divisions of A.I. that serve on the ship. The Veil can successfully carry over 979,000 Builder Venators, as well as almost 100,000 crew, or additional passengers.)

-Powerplant: Geometric Torsion Driver                        
-Sublight propulsion: Two vacuum energy converters                     

-Hangar: ship can host 6 standard escort craft, up to 2,000,000 Inferna Type Sentinels (which are small automatons that fly in massive swarms to defend craft, or for escort.), up to four Clavem assault ships, or 2 of any 2.3 kilometer by 200 meter craft in replacement.                               

-Equipment: The Veil can also host multiple thousand hunter-killer Enforcers (Basically Builder tanks.) , along with sufficient equipment and weapons for the Builder Venators aboard.                               

-Shielding:The Veil sports a hardlight shield system, Torsion gravity well inverter system, and point-direct deflection systems.

-Arment: The Veil has the firepower that compares to a small fleet of ships. When she was still an assault craft, she wielded a single torsion driver, which is a gravity emitter which can render enemy ships apart with shear force. On top of this, the driver itself can be focused so precisely that it can cause the core of a star to collapse and create a supernova.                           

In addition, she carried ten point-converging particle cannons that fired tendrils of energy, allowing paths for following antimatter to seek out enemy vessels and destroy them. To combat smaller ships she was equipped with over 600 small particle cannons. Each could rotate and fire in different directions.         
   As if those weapons weren’t enough, the vessel was also fitted with a massive particle accelerator, that, once fired, would produce a beam of energy that could level continents, or even annihilate entire planets. However, Upon refitting to be an exploration platform, most of her weapons were either: stowed away, or taken off altogether. The only ones she retained were the torsion driver, and the particle accelerator. As both were inseparable from the superstructure of the ship itself.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

The Veil of Broken World is a Trepidation assault vessel assigned as an exploration platform by the Builder Council of Solace. Originally built as a Trepidation Assault Carrier; the ship’s weapons and firepower was deemed “Unnecessary” by the council, and was refitted as a Trepidation exploration vessel.


___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _

The Veil of Broken World, or the Veil as it is simply called, is a vessel that was used in a multitude of wars before the settlement of Solace. Built over 11,000 years ago, and maintained with the highest precision; the Veil has remained in her prime since launch.
   Given her name due to her planet destroying capabilities, the Veil no longer has such armament. Serving in Great Sandian wars, The Veil was sent in a follow up fleet to the Sandian homeworld to break through heavy defense from anti-orbital constructs. Completing the task, and ending the stalemate of the 90,000 year long war.

Also serving in the Builder-Whavian war, The Veil was set over the battle of Veron. Where she observed from a polar orbit, but never engaged directly. She was charged with using her torsion driver to set the local star supernova. Until the Inoasi intervened and ended the ordeal before the task could be completed.   
In later years, and towards the end of Builder domain over their galaxy, The Veil served as an armed data escort. Making multiple trips to deliver valuable data on Builder history and culture to Epitaph. Serving in this position for three decades, she was then decided to permanently be stationed at Solace.
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The Veil has room to accompany a good city size population. However, for her exploration expeditions assigned by the council, she was Given only a single Operator, and a Mandatum A.I. to operate the vessel.

Operator: Cyprien Atu D’acel, or : The Wayfarer as his title

A.I. : Despondent Bandwidth, a Mandatum A.I.

Ships and Factions / New Species: Primum Aedificasse...
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:59:10 pm »
       “They were the masters of this galaxy but be wary, to walk in their stead is a path condemned to death."

Origins and history:

[1.1]- Summary:

The Primum Aedificasse were one of the most powerful species having grown from a small star system in the Messier 81 Galaxy. They wander the many stars in their galactic borders. Emerging from massive geothermal hot springs, the world they saw was frozen and hostile. After many failed attempts to warm the climate left many dead, a decision was made to look beyond their desperate world, and seek others.
Leaving their bleak, frozen homeworld behind, upon the stars they set. They sought new stars, and with them, made new homes. By the end of the first millenia, over two hundred fully colonized worlds lay in their thrall. They continued their expansion exponentially as their technologic understanding grew. First it was the galactic arm. Then the galactic center. Finally, their kingdom consumed the totality of the galaxy.

As eons passed, they sent their culture beyond the borders of their kingdom. Upon reaching neighboring galaxies, including the Milky Way, their culture and influence spread with them. Never colonizing or forcing dominance over the extra-galactic worlds. They Scrutinized and squandered eons in the shadows. Never revealing themselves to outsiders.

Their name, Primum Aedificasse, was given to themselves and translated literally as “The Builders”. Given this name for good reason: They were masters of mechanical and architectural engineering. Their creations range in scale from small geothermal control facilities, to massive artificial stars. They are a boneless, shapeless species. Being aquatic, they do not breathe air, but filter it through gills. They are related to marine cephalopods, and contain multiple similar features to their cousins on earth. The way they operate is extremely systematic, and everything they create has a practical purpose. Perceived as cold calculating individuals, most other species prefer to keep their distance. Leaving The Builders to themselves.

[1.2]- Fitting into RoTE cannon:

About 248 years ago, with reasons unknown, they began to expand into the stars in small numbers with a desperate and hasty violence. Shedding small fleets of vessels that would jump to random locations and pioneer new spaces to settle.

A fleet of 12 Builder ships: 7 Trepidation-vessels, and 5 Clavem class destroyers entered through a dimensional rift portal roughly 1.09 light-years from the Cancer Station. Together, they amassed as the Fleet of Absolvent Intention. With only 120 Builders in total crewing the fleet, all of which were on the largest vessel: Affinity of Crimson Light; the flagship of the fleet. The remainder were controlled by Builder A.I.
Upon arrival, they set to the task of finding a star system to settle, and create their new home. They reached a small yellow star that put them a total of 1.16 lightyears from the Cancer Station. In the solar system which they named Solace, they have 4 rocky planets, a colossal Dyson Sphere, an entire asteroid belt, and a single gas giant at their disposal. They’ve named the planets in this order from closest to furthest from the sun:

-Absolon: Large rocky planet 12,000,000 miles from the sun. It has a barren rocky crust that is saturated in both rare earth, and tradable metals. The Builders are slowly terraforming this dead world into a habitable one. Covering the surface in metal, and a large reflective barrier around the improving atmosphere. It’s conditions grow more favorable each passing day. It has a diameter of 8,763.8 miles.   
-Searlait: Much smaller than Absolon, with a diameter of only 7,240 miles, Searlait is a bit more earth-sized. The terrestrial planet is 55,000,000 miles from the sun, and is currently being used as a frame of reference for a mega-project that The Builders are working on completing. It’s radiation shield was completed and continent sized cities now span across the surface. It is still to hot on the surface to host bodies of water, so they are confined to deep underground aquifers.    
-Knara: Knara is the current capital of Solace, and is the most populated world in the solar system. With a diameter of 8,523.43 miles, the capital rests at a comfortable 106,000,000 miles from the sun. Temperatures here are cooler than earth; However, they prompt large deciduous forests that cover a majority of the planet’s surface. Colossal cities that span thousands of miles run to and fro over the surface. Giving the planet a warm glow in the sunlight. 3 Saltwater oceans complete the look of the planet with a deep blue color mixed with the dark green and

-Epitaph: Epitaph is the most ancient world that exists in Solace. Having a diameter considerably close to our earth, as well as a distance from the sun in appropriate perimeters. Epitaph was not always the way it was. It was not always the stunning forest decorated idol of Builder hope and prayers. It was once a rocky, small spit of earth drifting less than 12,000,000 miles from the sun. It had to be moved to a desired location. Then, mass had to be added accordingly, and artificially to obtain desired size. Epitaph serves as the focal point of cultural accumulation over the three centuries of Builder influence in the Solace system.

-Terra: Terra is perhaps the most interesting of the worlds situated in Solace. It is completely artificial. A metal Dyson Sphere that has a diameter of 12,000 miles across. Inside the Sphere is layers of earth covered metal. Each with an immeasurable amount of structure and buildings. Further into this lattice of urban continental marvel, is a sphere of water making up the last habitable layer of the planet's surface before the compressed, and synthesized core.     
-Munificus Belt: The Munificus belt is a large asteroid belt that begins 390,000,000 miles from the sun, and has a total cross section diameter of 109,000,000 miles long. The Builders use it as 87% of their mineral obtainment. Some of the asteroids measuring tens of miles in length.
-Vovis: A Gas giant making up the last planet in the solar system. It is much farther than all the other planets: 569,000,000 miles from the sun, with a diameter of 45,000 miles. The planet itself is mostly composed of Hydrogen, and helium. Methane is the final ingredient in the mix of flammable death this planet represents. The Builders established a gas mine embedded in the atmosphere similar to cloud city in star wars. It takes the materials and generates fuel for multiple variations of craft; both space faring and primitive. Though they have no need for such fuels. Especially in such gross amount. The Builders plan to potentially use them for stellar engineering experiments or projects.

Biographical Information:

[1.1]- Anatomy:

The Species Primum Aedifficasse’s genetic information is within relation to that of the class of cephalopods found on earth. However, distinct deviations from which can be noted as: The body of Primum Aedificasse is completely composed of intricately woven and fused tentacles that serve a multitude of functions for the builder themselves.

Circulatory system: The circulatory system of the The Builders is the utilization of various muscle contractions on the interior layers in the tissue to transfer blood around the body. They do not have a specifically located heart muscle. They can also use this to their advantage, as they can easily cut off blood flow to an area if a serious injury was to take place. As our blood is iron based, so it is red. Theirs is copper based. Giving the blood an overall teal-blue color.
respiration: The Builders do not have lungs. In replacement they have small pores on their outer epidermal layer that take oxygen from the water and transfers it to a large network of gills that spans the whole body. This is also achieved by a multitude of muscle contractions.
Nervous system: The Builders have an evenly spread network of neural tissue that extends throughout the centers of all the tentacles that of which the Builder is composed. They have augmented their DNA to be able to even regenerate any lost, or damaged nerve tissue within minutes.

Optical system: The way The Builders observe their environment is through multiple optical spheres that have a horizontal pupil. They have 10 of these spanning their body. They can also manipulate the position of these “eyes” on their body; preferring to arrange them on a mass of tentacles they form above a body as a “head”. Though they are technically colorblind, the way their pupils are shaped can allow them to actually see colors of their environment. The shape of their dumbbell like pupil allows them to take in light from many angles. This is because the transparent lens of their eye acts like a prism and splits white light into its component colors. So they have the ability to judge color by bringing specific wavelengths to a focus on the retina.

- Body structure: The Builders as a species have a body structure that is composed of many intricately woven tentacles with no skeletal structure. Because of this they are very immobile on dry land. To counter this effect, they fabricated endoskeletons, and suits of armor to not only provide them with a breathable source of water, but to also give them shape on a terrestrial environment. This shape is most resembled by an upright bipedal frame. However, there are differences from our human proportions. Such as a shorter body with much longer arms and legs. They also have longer necks extending from the body and to their head.

The epidermal layer is scattered with chromatophores which can change color based on the muscle fluctuations on the skin. When the color of the skin is not changing the base color is usually a greyish pink.

[1.2]- Size:
Average height range: 210 centimeters (6 ft 11 inches) to 422 centimeters (13 ft 9 inches)
Average weight range: 110 kilograms (240 lbs) to 377 kilograms (830 lbs)

[1.3]- Lifespan:
Tens of thousands of years, almost indefinite. This is due the emplacement of cell augmentation that allows for the cells not to age, or to age at an exponentially slower rate than normal. This was done so long ago that it has been permanently imprinted in the species genetic structure.

[1.4]- Diet:
Due to thousands of years of artificial augmentation of their DNA, and body functions; they have developed no need for the manual consumption of food. Instead, they rely on their suits of armor. These suits synthesize basic chemical nutrients, similar to chloroplasts in a plant. This material is then directly infused into the body, eliminating any need to eat.
Though they receive nutrients this way, they still can consume food if in the stead of their suit if circumstances demand it. They however, find it very uncomfortable eating in public, or around others.

[1.5]- Intelligence:

After the trial of millions of years of evolution, the Builders accumulated a substantially large amount of neurological tissue that has gathered throughout the body in an evenly spread network. With the body being composed of 40% brain tissue their intelligence is at a relatively high level.
   Their IQ is considerably large when compared to that with a species such as humanity. However, their vision without the use of artificial visors makes it very difficult to perceive certain bright or rich colors such as neon, or white. Which can cause disorientation and confusion.


[2.1]- Literature:
Builder literature include that of many organized and intricately arranged forms of writing that are structured by Builder monks who spend their lives in complete observational states traveling for thousands of years across the cosmos, and other alternate realities and dimensions. They observe and document for the totality of their life. In latter of this they create many entries of neurological, and downloaded information into massive monasteries.

[2.2]- Clothing:

The articles of builder clothing in well established Builder facilities requires that of builders to wear suits of robust armor that allows them to perform respiration outside of marine environments, as well as give them a shape to allow for movement outside of marine environments. To add to these artificial skins they wear long complex robes with perfectly symmetrical complex geometric patterns that cover the majority of the metal skin and give the builder a sense of nobility.

Welcome Wagon / Felicitations fellow confidents.
« on: March 25, 2018, 08:39:49 am »
Greetings and hello! It's sincerely amazing that this community is here. I love anything that has to do with science fiction. I grew up reading Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. On top of this I've contributed to my own little "universe", as it were. It has been steadily being filled in over the course of seven years. I haven't really too much experience with roleplay, but never too late to learn! I cannot wait to contribute to this phenomenal community!

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