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Topics - Flakeblood

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The Cancer / Marketplace Browsing [Lloyd Orodelo]
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:44:35 pm »
Thick smells of incense, fried food, sweat, and rust entwined in Lulu's nose. Vendors called out, customers argued, and the crowds jostled each other as they pushed to get to the next item of interest. Cancer's marketplaces were busy, as always.

Maneuvering through the crowd, with one eye always looking for potential pickpockets, Lulu made her way to a jewelry stall. She picked over the pieces with her eyes. She was actually pretty impressed. The craftsmanship was excellent, though the materials were colored glass or simple stones, professionally polished and bound together with various metals chains.

She wouldn't buy anything here. However, she did intend to ask the merchant a few questions on her products. Keeping up with the trends was important, but in her line of business, maintaining contacts was just as important.

Answered Questions / RotE Wiki Down?
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:41:22 pm »
Is it just me, or is the wiki for RotE just not loading? I've tried different browsers too, but it's just not pulling up. Is the wiki down for maintenance and I missed it?

Anyone else have this issue?

Absences/Returns / Yay Food Allergies!
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:09:51 pm »
So, found out I have minor allergies to 57 different foods and didn't notice for years, so I was slowly destroying my gut. Huzzah! Anyway, after a while of eating foods I'm not allergic to, and taking some nutritional supplements, I'm feeling better, and at least slightly more adapted to my new cooking requirements.

Not really an excuse, as I could have been posting before I found out, but stuff happens and I really miss this place. Since all of my threads are two or more years old (yikes) I'm thinking I should just start up some new ones.

So, hello again everyone! We really should stop meeting in this part of the forums, heh.

The Citadel / Taste Not Controlled by Law [Paradox]
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:37:42 pm »
Jesse smiled to himself in a satisfied way. He looked especially good today, he could feel it. Melanie was complementary, as always, but even she sounded more upbeat when complementing his hair. He was wearing his usual tight shirt, in a shade of deep pink, and had thrown on sleek black leather for the rest of his ensemble. He was glad that people overlooked how he dressed at work. He felt that part of it might have stemmed from a pity people felt for his blindness. This thought made him smirk more.

"Hey, Mel? Got more riddles?" He asked aloud, knowing his big sister would let him know if anyone came close enough to hear him talking to himself.

"Mmm hmm. What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?"

Jesse frowned lightly, his brow creasing. He repeated the riddle to himself, rolling it through his mouth as he thought. Melanie floated over to his desk and sat upon it. The lower levels of the Citadel were more sparse than usual today, giving Jesse and other secretaries short breaks from confirming appointments with government officials. Jesse filled the time with one of his favorite activities: word games.

"Ah! I have it!" Jesse beamed proudly. "The letter M."

Melanie clapped lightly as Jesse crossed his arms and nodded.

"Oh, very good," she complimented. "Another?"

A nod let her know to continue. "Alright. What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?"

Answered Questions / Small Avi
« on: June 27, 2013, 04:05:48 pm »
I don't know if it's just me, but my avi looks incredibly tiny.

I have tried several different pics of several types, png, gif, etc, but that didn't change it.
I also tried switching from an uploaded avi to one from a url, and even using a larger picture, but my avi stays consistently small.

I don't know how to fix this. Help?

Teinar Characters / Jibarr Lughwei - Mutant Dragon
« on: June 27, 2013, 02:47:13 pm »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Jibarr Lughwei (loo-VEE)
Nickname(s): Jiji or Barrlugh (depending on the head)
Age: 96;  April 2
Gender: Genderless
Sexuality: Asexual
Species: Mutant Dragon
Height: 11’ 6” from snouts to tail tips, 4’8” at withers
Occupation: Professional Kidnapping
Residence: The Wastelands

[I know, a pic would be very helpful. I'll see what I can do.]

" I don't do drugs. I am drugs.”
Salvador Dali

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Jibarr (as a whole):
Jibarr has a serpentine, quadrupedally-stanced body with an elongated build and two dragon-like heads. Most of the body is a dull silver-grey, though the underbelly is navy blue. The top of the heads are black, with a short gradation to the main color on the necks. The pawpads are also black, though the short claws are dull gold. The tips of the ears are the same gold. The softer parts—like the insides of ears and mouths—are a dull blue. There are nearly invisible runes all over the body which glow a soft red when courting or intimidating.
The spine looks stitched, as though it is held shut by the iridescent navy blue surgical thread. There are similarly stitched areas between shoulder/neck joints, and near leg joints closed with same stitches as its back. These act as pockets, and can hold items.
The tail is actually three thin, prehensile tails which are wound around each other when not in use.

Both heads look slightly different.

The head on the right—when looking from the front—is the “main” head. It has six ears arranged in a vertical line on the head, with the larger in front, to smaller in back. It has four eyes total. One pair is placed facing front; these have black sclera and irises, and the pupils always glow red. The other pair is placed on the either side of the head and resembles chameleon eyes. A matte gold oval facet rests in the middle of the forehead.
The head on the left has two tall, rabbit-like ears. This head has eight eyes. The front facing pair is completely black with small traces of red-orange moving through them like magma. There is an identical pair on the back of its head, and neither pair blink. The other two pairs are on the sides of the head, and though they are normal-looking eyes, both blink horizontally. The front pair has red irises, and the back pair has navy blue irises. A small pearlescent red horn protrudes from the forehead.

Both heads are actually equally important and sapient, and both have their own identities.

Jibarr (as a whole):
They are interested in rules and order. They value honesty and following the rules, even if the rules are questionable morally. They need to be in control to be comfortable, and both hide their nervousness around others. They actually finds many situations and people intimidating.

The “main” head, which answers to Jibarr—for the both of them—or Barrlugh, is incredibly intelligent and manipulative. He is organized, and is good at remembering details, but can be flexible in changing situations. He takes responsibility, and hates laziness. To do it right, do it yourself. Even if he has a long "to do" list, he will get everything done, eventually. Wasting time bothers him.
He enjoys captivating and charming people. He believes that most people have good intentions, and takes advantage of that. He doesn’t expect people to like him if he doesn’t manipulate them. Why should they? He doesn’t like himself. He projects this self-worthlessness onto others, telling himself how much he hates them. He tends to have mood swings and unpredictable emotions, though most all are cold.
He enjoys philosophical discussions, even when they get challenging or intense. He is also interested in abstract ideas and theories. He thinks new is good, especially out of mainstream.
He calls his other head Jiji. Though Barrlugh thinks up the ideas and plans, he listens when Jiji “speaks” and defers to him, afraid of his power. He is jealous of Jiji’s solid morals and hotter emotions.
Barrlugh does not think himself cruel; he does not cause pain unless defending himself or if he is pissed. His experiments, he believes, are humane.

The “second” head, Jiji, only refers to his other head as brother. He tends to be dominant and is a natural leader. His brother envies his ability to take on any challenge. Others are sometimes secretly afraid he thinks he’s better than them. He doesn’t.
Morals are important to him; he doesn’t like harming others. He lashes out when he feels hurt or threatened though. He thinks that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea. While some may see this as boring, many see it as dependable and wise. It’s actually because he hates feeling rejected, especially because of who he is or how he looks. He regrets his anger later, but just looks uncaring and stoic. He’s very serious, and others often tell him to lighten up. With others—when he deigns speak on good terms—he tends to be polite and formal.
He is jealous of his bro’s easy speech and what seems like confidence around others. He can’t imagine life without him. No, really. He’s incapable. Because why would there be any other life without him?
Jiji wants strong bonds more than anything, and others he can count on.

Jibarr (as a whole):
Jibarr has removable skin. It is wholly optional; they can survive painlessly and indefinitely without it, and regenerate it completely if destroyed or lost. The muscle beneath has a thin, clear membrane which protects their internal workings.
However, they are also sickly. They are naturally frail, prone to disease, and tire easily.

Neither head enjoys speaking directly, as Barrlugh has an odd accent, courtesy of his tongue shape, and Jiji simply doesn’t like speaking.
Jibarr secretes a thick, slimy poison from venom sacks below the throat of both heads. The venom is slightly different for either head, but both provide minor pain suppression, sealing of open wounds near injection site, paraesthesia and/or swelling of the extremities, and disorientation, depending on the doseage.

Barrlugh’s venom is an iridescent gold, injected by the needle-like ending on his tongue. The numbing effect of his venom is more pronounced. Larger doses will cause the target to lose all feeling in the body for a while.

Barrlugh has a specialized ability to lull his target to sleep. After which, if he so choses, he can gently direct the creature's dreams (or nightmares) for a few minutes.

Jiji’s venom is blood red, and drips from his tongue, which has sharp, hollow retractable barbs lining the edges. His venom is absorbed into the body on contact with the skin, allowing him to use it simply by spitting it, or cutting with his tongue.

Jiji is a strong telepath, which he uses to communicate and help his brother communicate.

Jibarr has contacts, not friends.

Born mutated, stuck to shadows, no healthy social interaction, etc.

He needs people to kidnap, debate with, and/or plan with.
He is super wary, and doesn’t let anything near him without observing it first.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Locations

Past Locations

Absences/Returns / Moving and Other Issues
« on: June 08, 2013, 08:31:26 am »
So, I have been having incredibly awful roommate issues, but I have taken care of it by making my move out date earlier. So, since I'll be moving within a week, I'm starting to pack, and I may not have the time to respond quickly. I'll be moving and then unpacking stating around the 14th, and continuing for a few days.

So, thank you for understanding. =] I just cannot stay in this apartment with this woman any longer. I will sob.

Absences/Returns / I went poof?
« on: April 29, 2013, 05:16:46 pm »
Sorry! Especially to everyone I was in the middle of an RP with. This entire semester was... bleh. (For several reasons that I won't bore you with.)

I'm making efforts to at least catch up with whatever I had left behind here, though if anyone is no longer interested in one of those threads, I completely get it; no replies necessary. It has been months.
So, I'm going to wait and see what threads I can get back up and running again before I start anything new.

So yeah, sorry I went poof with no explanation. u__u I'm happy to start up again though!

Aedolis Characters / Melanie Doyle von Brandt - Spirit
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:43:35 am »
[Always with Jesse]
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Melanie Doyle von Brandt
Nickname: Mel
Age: 24 when killed; July 6
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Previously Heterosexual
Species: Human Spirit
Height: 5’2”
Occupation: Forcibly retired real estate agent
Residence: In Aedolis, Following Jesse

[pic here]

“I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”
Mark Twain

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
It’s hard to determine what she might have looked like before she died, as she is now varying shades of grey and silver. Her hair is fairly dark, hanging loose down her back, and her eyes are light. Her typical body shape is slightly chubby. Her clothing is not consistent and will change forms even as she moves around, though she generally wills her outfit into something that matches whatever style Jesse is wearing that day.

Melanie, having died and lost the ability to communicate or affect events around her, has lost the drive to make any goals for herself. She is content helping to fulfill the wishes and dreams of whomever she follows around. She needs a leader to follow. Despite the responsibility she feels to follow through with her tasks, she is incredibly irresponsible, and doesn't think though the steps required to get from point 'a' to point 'b'. This bad habit of hers also makes her more sympathetic to others who make mistakes, and she is quick to forgive people whether they ask or not.

She is dead. Therefore, she is unaffected by anything on the physical plane. She can also change her body's consistency. By making her body denser, she can become visible to anyone with even a slight bit of metaphysical sight. She can also disperse her body to varying degrees for different results. In this way, she can become undetectable, make her way through small spaces, and see other people's auras. It is harder to communicate with words in this state, but she can still give off general feelings Jesse can pick up on.
Even though a few psychics have seen or "felt" her--most with a form of psychometry, empathy, or extremely sensitive illumokinesis/illumopathy combination--Jesse has been the only one able to actually hear her spoken words thus far.

She used to be engaged and had two children who, after Melanie’s death, went to stay with the man she was to marry.

Jesse is the only person she has followed after death; she treats him like a little brother and son. She loves to compliment him, and also acts as his eyes, looking at people’s subtle body language clues and obvious things like doors in Jesse’s path.

Before death, she was a real estate agent; she lived and worked in several cities in Aedolis. She won’t talk about how or why she died, and she refuses to answer questions beyond the basics of her family. It is known she was engaged before death, something unusual for an Aedolian, and that she already had two children, something not so unusual. She will not say who the father was, whether it was the man she was engaged to or not.

She has hinted at being murderd by one of the many serial killers running rampant in Aedolis.

Loitering around Aedolis in death only made her depressed, and though some psychics would see her, they only made her feel worse. She got on a ship, since there was no one to stop her, and went to Edanith. There, she met Jesse, whom she befriended and eventually confessed her secrets to. She now travels with him, and doesn't mind being back in Aedolis.

She cannot directly communicate with anyone she meets, even if they can see her, so they’ll need Jesse to speak for her.
Almost nothing can touch her.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
Taste Not Controlled by Law

Complete Threads

Aedolis Characters / Jesse Lebeau - Secretary
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:38:14 am »
[Always together with Melanie]
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Jesse Lebeau
Nickname: Jess
Age: 17;  March 29
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hasn't really explored that yet
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Aedolian
Height: 5’7”
Occupation: Secretary
Residence: Haviah, Aedolis

[pic here]

“Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.”
Aldous Huxley

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Jesse is blind, and his eyes are a dull light blue. He has medium brown hair that he keeps artfully messy. His face is slightly rounded and young-looking, and his body shape is lanky as well as somewhat curvy.

He switches up his style of dress every now and then, though he generally wears something that conforms to his body’s slight curves and throws on something made of leather over that. He especially likes white and light purple shirts (either button ups or tight t-shirts), with tight black pants, a black leather blazer, and dark mauve boots.

Jesse could be described as a drama king. He overreacts to situations just for the heck of it, and makes up emotions that he doesn’t feel if he feels a normal reaction would be too boring.
He is unlucky, and finds himself in situations that are usually improbable. Of course, his irresponsible actions only serve to make these situations worse. Despite his lack of luck, he is quite driven, and tries very hard to accomplish his goals. To this end, he will be deceitful and take advantage of others.

He is narcissistic, and even if he can’t see himself, he maintains a mental image helped out by having Melanie compliment him. Even when flirting, he tries to use his own looks as opposed to flattering whomever he’s speaking to.

Jesse has a very odd form of psychometry. Instead of being able to read thoughts from an object, he has a sensitivity to the emotions and ideas of the metaphysical plane. When Melanie is purposely hiding, he can still pick up on her general feelings or mental images. He has shown no other psionic skills.
Jesse is blind, but his hearing makes up for it. Partly because of his psionic ability, he can also hear Melanie and other spirits not within the physical plane.

Melanie talks to him and relays information he wouldn’t normally know. She tells him what people look like, where they are, helps him navigate, and other such tasks. He asks her opinion to pick out outfits, and enjoys her flattery. He treats Melanie like an older sister.

He loves his father, but felt he was too much of a burden. He left so that his father wouldn’t have to work so hard and take care of him.

He did not grow up in Aedolis, but moved there for a more independent life. He grew up on Edanith, with his father. He had sight early in his life, but lost it around the age of 11, at the same time he gained his psionic ability.
Neither he nor his father knew he had become a psychic, and they had a hard time adjusting Jesse to his new lack of sight. Melanie found him when he was 14, and he talked to her like any other person. He found out a year later that she was dead, but it didn’t faze him much.

When he turned 16, he moved to Aedolis to get a job and become self-sufficient. His most prized possession is a photograph of his father.
He hasn't been discovered as a psychic yet, since he doesn't have to 'activate' his powers, but it's only a matter of time. However, since his move, he has learned about the Pilots and how they identify psychics. Melanie helps by identifying potential Pilots.

He needs more friends! He does like to flirt and get his way, but after a couple times taking advantage of someone, he’ll start liking them. He probably also needs to meet people who don’t think he is beautiful.
He may be blind, but he has a faithful seeing-eye-ghost. He can’t fight, but he’ll know if someone makes a move for him and will be able to move if warned in time. Surprise actions will catch him off guard.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads
Taste Not Controlled by Law

Complete Threads

Haviah / Friendship Founded on Business [godsibb and Pancake]
« on: September 23, 2012, 02:32:37 pm »
There was one color Kotone enjoyed most: Pink. It was not suitable for decorating a penthouse space though, unless she wanted it to look like Valentine's Day had thrown up all over her place. Instead, she opted for some classy golds, blacks, and rich brown woods. It might have looked a little outdated—she had been told it looked reminiscent of 19th century interior design—but Kotone found it to be relaxing and cathartic.

She was currently in the main room, sprawled across a black leather couch with a couple ribbons in her hand. Her hands scrubbed through her hair to relieve her scalp from the buns they had been in. As the large TV across the room murmured some show she wasn't watching, she flopped onto her back with her hair spread out around her head.

It was one of her rare down times, where she spent a couple hours doing nothing. Later on she'd practice her singing, and after that maybe she should make some extra dinner to take down to her band mate, Felix. Sometimes, she'd swear that he ate candy and doughnuts for every meal. He could do with some beef stew, and she could do with some company to chase her self-depreciation away. Besides, she did live in the same building, so she might as well be a good neighbor.

Not now though. Right now, she was going to zone out for a while and forget that she had any problems or responsibilities. She closed her eyes and flung her arms over her head, stretching until she touched both ends of the couch before she relaxed into the cushions.

Thanatos Inc. Characters / Batari - TRIM Subject [Wing Omega]
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:11:00 am »
(WARNING: Any interactions with this character will be inherently graphic.)

__________________QUICK STATS
Name: 0111-8888, formerly Batari
Nicknames: Anything and everything, she'll probably answer to it
Age: 162; January 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Aswang (Filipino Vampire)
Height: Normally 5’2", now stretched to about 5’11”
Residence: TRIM [Omega Wing]

[pic here]
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Albert Einstein

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Batari is essentially a living cadaver. Her body has been peeled apart and placed in a psionic field that keeps her organs from succumbing to the effects of gravity. She “stands” upright in the field, though her head isn’t inside. The arm and leg on the right side of her body still have muscle up to her elbow and knee, respectively. Her neck and shoulders also have muscle. Everything else has been stripped down to nothing but organs, connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and bone. She is fairly free floating, and with nothing much holding her together, she looks taller than she would under normal circumstances.
Since her head is in perfect condition, her features and expression are distinguishable. She has long, cascading black hair that sometimes falls into her eyes. Her hair is not permitted into the psionic field, and so it pools around her neck. Her face still has skin, which is a light cocoa color, and her tilted eyes are a rich purple. Her features are small but sharp, and she is typically grinning, whether out of happiness or a morbid sense of humor. She looks to be around 30 human years old.
Clothes? NAKED~

The psionic field that surrounds most of her body doesn’t just contain her, but keeps her alive as well. It negates the effects of gravity so she won’t fall apart, keeps foreign materials from entering her body, and regulates the temperature and humidity. Her entirety, including the field and her head, is encased within a cylindrical transparent container. She can hear through it, and others can hear her as well.

Batari is snarky when she chooses to speak; she loves to tease mercilessly and watch people’s reactions. She is not ashamed of her current predicament, and will use it to her advantage while making fun. She is incredibly suggestive, not only in sexual ways, but also tends to flaunt her organs in an attempt to get a reaction out of anyone in the room. She doesn’t care what sort of reaction she gets—anger, embarrassment, disgust, or anything else—so long as she gets some sort of reaction.

When Batari is serious, she is actually incredibly insightful and intelligent. She can give out solid, impartial advice when she so desires, and can also be philosophical. However, she requires a lot of space — it's hard to get close to her. She hates to be smothered. She has many acquaintances but very few good friends.

Had the ability to shapeshift, and was rather good at small details, though she was forced to keep around the same mass as her original form.
She has a tongue somewhat like a lamprey that she can stretch outward and use to suck blood. It flattens inside her mouth to allow her use of the common language. Her organs are not exactly like a human’s, though they are of basic humanoid composition. Thus, the cavity within her tongue leads directly to a stomach-esque organ, where the energy from the blood she drinks is absorbed directly into her own blood stream.
She is essentially immortal, so long as she is not outright killed. Her aging is very slow and has nearly stopped at this point. Though all of her senses are well developed, her sense of touch does not turn into pain as soon as for humans. So even though her sense of touch is sophisticated, her pain threshold is high.

Her abilities are either not available or very diminished within her container.

She knew the people from her wake, which included two other females and three males, and she talked to many humans while passing through pretending to be one. She never grew very close to any of them.

Batari was born on Aedolis, and belonged to a small group of her kind—known as a wake—before leaving to hunt on her own. She attempted to mate several times, but they were unsuccessful. To feed, she would sneak through the "underground" areas of cities at night and elongate her tongue to reach through windows and suck blood out of sleeping victims. Every now and then, she would kill a human for their liver.

She was captured during one of her blood raids and was promptly shipped to TRIM. Though she didn't have any psionic abilities or magic, she was a rarely seen species, and so she was studied. She was slowly taken apart over the course of 3 years. She has remained thus for about 6 years, like a living biological model. TRIM keeps her around because they have not yet been able to discern the reason for the traits that separate her species from humans. She does not move from the lab where her container is. Other experiments are still brought into the lab, so sometimes she watches.

Since Batari can't leave her lab room, or move at all really, the only people she sees are those who come to her. This includes scientists who have come to see her, or any experiments who come to her lab for testing and the scientists who are going to perform the tests.
Since she can't really touch or be touched by others behind her container, she can only react through words and expressions.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
Current Threads

Complete Threads

Sevenwinds Characters / Desrosiers Gaël - Diviner
« on: August 31, 2012, 10:09:40 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Desrosiers Gaël (deh-rohz-ay ghel)
Nicknames: Cale or Rosie
Age: 23; October 12
Gender: Male
Species: Human Turned Loup-Garou (loo-guh-roo)
Ethnicity: Thanati
Height: 5’5"
Occupation: Divination
Residence: Sevenwinds

[pic here]
"How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state?"

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Desrosiers has rich dark caramel color skin, an attractive oval-shaped face with slightly curved features, and long white hair. Since his hair reaches past his waist, he pulls it into a ponytail when doing everyday activities. He has messy bangs to his chin, and some to his chest on the left side of his face. He dyes some sections throughout his bangs pink. His eyes are violet. On his head, poking through his hair, he has white dog-like ears with purple fur on the inside.

Typically, he wears a white and purple robe with a cowl while working. While doing other day-to-day activities, he favors a black and purple corset with a pink embellished button-up left slightly open over the corset. He also has a favorite pair of white boots with black wing shapes stitched on. He also wears a small black head scarf, which he ties around the start of his bangs to the nape of his neck, and allows the extra material to trail over his shoulder.

Desrosiers has two main personalities. One he uses most of the time, and the other when he is performing magic or meditating. His memories are still integrated though, and he is perfectly aware of his two states of being. Both personalities accept their respective roles and he switches back and forth with no struggle. He does not think with separate consciences, talk to himself, or think of himself as two separate people. To him, he is still Desrosiers; he simply has a different persona for work and for play.

His personality for play is, appropriately, playful. He is dynamic, charismatic, and charming to everyone he speaks to. He is talented verbally, and tries to smooth talk people into giving him what he wants. He is not spastic or hyper, but a calm, flirty type. He is affectionate and loving, but it's hard for him to commit to any one relationship.

His work personality is more serious. He comes across as dignified, spiritual, and wise; he is constantly trying to better himself. A seeker of knowledge, he is unsatisfied with the current amount he knows and buries himself in studies. He tends to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life. Despite his serious attitude, he dreams of inner peace for himself, his friends, and the world. A loyal friend once won over, he will always give of himself first.

His two personalities do think differently, and therefore have different opinions on the same occurrences, objects, or people. A person he likes while in his work persona may annoy him to no end when he is using his play persona. To that end, his work persona hates the nickname Rosie, and refuses to answer to it, while his play persona encourages it.

Desrosiers is a diviner who uses earthly sights coupled with magical energy to bring out his abilities. He mainly uses astrology and something similar to tarot cards. He has many star charts he made himself, and they are very accurate. His deck is essentially a simplified version of the Thoth deck of tarot. To apply his abilities, he connects to a place he calls ‘the dark realm’ and uses the insights therein to help discern his predictions. He mainly connects when reading his cards, and does not have to in order to read the stars, though he can in order to make answers more clear. He uses his ability to divine many things, from crop prospects to birthing times.

As a loup-garou, he has advanced hearing and smell. Also, from about 10 in the evening to 5 in the morning, his countenance becomes decidedly more wolfish, with more hair, appendages looking more paw-like, and his face elongating a bit; he does not change in behavior. Anyone who gazes upon him at that time will turn into a loup-garou themselves, so Desrosiers always makes sure people know not to bother him during those hours. People who come into contact with his blood will also share that fate.

Has a pleasant, familial relationship with his parents. He remembers many of his customers, especially those who come more often.

Desrosiers discovered his abilities early, but didn’t understand he was using magic until a year later. He practiced and learned to control it on his own, since he knew no one else with his ability. Since he had no master from which to learn, he quickly developed his split personality. This was mainly due to his exposure to the ‘dark realm’, the place he connects to in order to use his abilities. With no master to guide him, he became unable to distinguish between the real world and the dark realm. His extra personality developed as a way to cope.

Others quickly became used to his personality switch when he used his magic, and many think that he is simply being professional. Though he doesn’t directly contribute to putting food on the table, his insights are incredibly accurate and helpful in determining events that are beneficial for many things in Sevenwinds.

My only character in Sevenwinds, and the first posted there too! 8D He needs everyone and anyone: friends, enemies, old flames, rivals, simple customers, unwilling and willing people to flirt with, people who get transformed...
He has no personal boundaries normally, and will likely come up very close and encourage contact. When working, he expects a certain amount of distance and doesn't like to be touched. Both personae will bat away hands that try to fondle his ears. He is quite acrobatic at night, and will try to stay out of sight no matter what.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Teinar Characters / Jael Jäger - Hunter/Gatherer
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:22:48 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Jael Jäger (jayl yah-ger)
Nickname: None yet
Age: 38; August 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Species: Humanish
Height: 6’0"
Occupation: Hunter/Gatherer
Residence: Teinar

[pic here]
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
John C. Maxwell

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Jael has tanned skin and a lithe, muscular body; her muscles are well-defined but not large. Her right eye is a deep red. The left eye looks like it should be the same except the red is just a ring around a white space where the iris color should be. Her facial features are very angular and sharp. Her hair is a dirty brown, with streaks of lurid orange running through it. She keeps her hair short, and combs the messy strands to the left; this leaves some shorter strands sticking up.

She has a collection of scars all over her body, and tries to display them out of pride. She has: one large scar across the right side of her abdomen; a smaller one just above her chest; quite a number on her legs; two that stretch up from her chin, one of which reaches her nose; a scar that crosses over her right eye; and an x-shaped scar above her left eye.

She made a number of the things she wears herself. Typically, she wears a pair of brown leather capris, with the material held above the knees with two shiny orange stone clips. She has a yellow and brown checkered tube top, some burnt orange fingerless gloves, and short boots that are messily dyed orange at the toes and yellow at the ankles. Her favorite accessory is a hair piece made from a collection of feathers, ranging from tan and black striped, to sienna, to a darker orange color. She wears this on the right side of her head, and the longest feathers reach her chin.

Ever since Jael was running about underground, she’s loved her life. She enjoys being admired and pampered but doesn’t always reciprocate. Typically, she is easy to get along with, even with her brashness, and she secretly enjoys being the center of attention. However, she keeps very busy without meaning to. There are so many activities that she enjoys, and she wears herself down with too many responsibilities. She always speaks her mind and isn’t scared of anything, but also keeps her powerful emotions in check when necessary. She knows when to emote and when to repress. Jael has high emotional maturity from her years of experience. She can be fierce and courageous when she lets her emotions out, and is the queen of every situation. She will lay back and then attack until others give her want she wants.

She feels that she has to be the boss, and she loves to control others. While she’s wild at heart, she does have some hidden soft spots. She is a cohesive force, wanting to inspire others to follow her lead and bring many people together for a common cause. She excels in work situations but also facilitates a lot of social gatherings. She treats others with respect, and believes that everyone is worth something. This attitude is what attracts people, despite her tendency to be loud and demanding.

She is excellent at using projectile weapons, especially bows. Her arrows are made out of whatever she can scrounge, and are used for hunting medium sized game only. Otherwise, the weapon she uses while fighting is her naginata. She is also good with hand to hand combat similar to brawling, and she has a mean left hook.

Tracking beasts, trapping or hunting them, and looking for many differing signs of food are second nature to her. She has good instincts and over the years has learned probable spots for finding plants, fungi, and fresh prey.

She also has oddly good luck, especially when she wears her favorite feather accessory. For example, Jael has come across food sooner than expected, seen a well-timed cave-in that separated her from hungry predators, and chosen good paths to find what she needs multiple times. She doesn’t question these occurrences and considers it equal parts luck and instinct.

She has had many consorts, as is expected of the women, and has five twerps running around town that belong to her. The oldest one is around 22 years old, and the youngest is around 6.
Her second youngest, Rael, will still be dependent for a few years. In that time, Jael hopes to help her find a place in the community. She believes her daughter would make a good gatherer, as she absorbs plant knowledge well. She loves Rael's enthusiastic spirit, but worries for her safety.
She has decided not to bear anymore children, due to her age, and focuses on her job instead.

Both of her biological parents are dead.

She grew up quickly, learning to be a useful gatherer at a young age. She didn’t get formal training; she learned on the job, like many in Teinar. Eventually, she moved into hunting as well, though only ever underground.

She bore her first child at age 16, and continued to conceive a child around every four years. She didn’t particularly enjoy it, since she became more moody than usual, and was unable to hunt several months into the pregnancies. This is likely the reason she doesn’t have more than five.

She has not seen much above ground, and has only ever ventured out a few times with small parties of people meant for eradicating threats. She doesn’t have any real interest though, seeing as the wastelands are devoid of much except poison and death.

She needs others who do missions with her for hunting and gathering, some old friends, previous mates, and children! I'd love, love, love for someone to play a child of hers!
She has killer instincts, so she knows a threat when she sees it. Likely to dodge and counterattack in one move. Initiates contact freely, but prefers others to keep their appendages to themselves. Will harm people who surprise her.

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I'm a mechanic, not a magician! [open!]

Complete Threads

Answered Questions / Sevenwinds
« on: August 27, 2012, 10:42:59 am »
I can't really find any info on it other than it exists. Planet? Space station? Country on Earth or Mars? Looked all over the site and wiki too, though maybe I missed something...?

If anyone knows stuff about it, share please? =3 Unless it hasn't really been fleshed out. Then that's probably why I haven't found anything. xD

I ask because I'm interested. So...

Libra Characters / Enid Blutfromm - Captive Healer
« on: August 25, 2012, 11:15:04 am »
__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Enid Blutfromm
Age: 25; July 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Thanati/Libran
Height: 5' 4"
Occupation: Healer and Prisoner-in-all-but-name
Residence: Libra

[pic here]
"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."
Charles Spurgeon

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
The predominant color when Enid is first spotted is light, pale tan. Her skin practically matches her nearly colorless hair, which hangs down to her lower back. The front of her hair hangs in two thick braids of a comparable length on either side of her messy bangs. All of her features are soft and rounded, including her dark grey eyes.

She typically wears a sleeveless, ankle-length dress the same color as her hair. Made of a delicate, wispy material, it wraps around her body in gentle folds but leaves a slit up to her knee on the right side. The material moves with her movements, and the bottom flows just a bit as she walks. She uses this style to give her easy access to her skin. In her hair, she wears a small white bow with a strawberry charm in the center. She wears white flip-flops with strawberry-print ribbons tied around her ankles. Generally, she can be found with numerous bandages tied on different parts of her body, such as her arm or chest.

Enid truly cares about the well-being of those around her, and makes an effort to do whatever she can to make them feel at ease. Smiling, joking, comforting, and complimenting are things she does automatically. She’ll always lend an ear to someone who needs it, and is perfectly comfortable with being their shoulder to cry on. She has no issues with physical contact, and exudes an almost motherly or ‘big sister’ aura.

She is an eternal optimist and idealist; she tries to see the best of people and situations. She is the silver lining of the rain cloud. She almost never holds grudges, unless someone is remorseless and trying to hurt someone she cares about.
She loves strawberries, both flavor and look, and gets little accessories or decorations for herself and her room.

Oh, she has healing abilities, and they work like nothing else. Catch is, she has to bleed herself to use it. It is not a psionic ability, but some odd form of magic. Her healing abilities are directly related to her blood stream, so she is often making small wounds on herself in order to help people that come to her. Luckily, her body is efficient at replacing her blood. She can use her talent to heal both physical injuries and simple illnesses. Enid can use her ability to heal herself—accidental wounds close quickly—but only if she isn’t using the wound to heal another. If used for someone else, the wound heals at a normal human rate.

She could also be a counselor if she so chose, since she is talented at understanding, listening and giving advice.
She delights in cooking with fruits, and often pairs them with her meats, veggies, desserts, and anything else she can think of. The dishes come out with either hints of sweet fruity or tangy citrus flavor, and they generally work well with the other flavors.

She knows many of the people on the Libra, since they’ve been through the medical area at least once for an injury, though only some act as friends.
Her mother died when she was small, and her father is busy working as a TOPZ Captain. He visits rarely, but he does care about his daughter, who he still considers his little girl.

Enid grew up mainly with her father, since her mother died so young. Her father didn’t spoil her, but neither was he harsh. He was stern but kind in his guidance, and helped make Enid the caring person she is.

When her ability manifested at age 18, she was pressured into working in the medical center. She worked as a sort of apprentice for several years before becoming one of the main healers. Many were afraid of her odd ability, and though few were outright cruel, many kept an anxious distance from her. She is good at her job, but she is watched out of paranoia due to her ability’s similarity to hemokinesis. She is not allowed to leave the space station, ever.

People who are encouraging and people who try to beat her down are both welcome! She needs some patients or other doctors/healers who work in the medical wing. Patients can be seriously wounded, ill, or just in need of a check up.
She is very touchy-feely, and if your character doesn't initiate contact, she probably will. She hugs, holds hands, pats shoulders, touches faces, and gives little kisses on people's foreheads. She is not able to dodge much of anything, and is so kind she probably won't see it coming.

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Complete Threads

Character Catalogues / Flakey's Character Menagerie
« on: August 23, 2012, 09:32:44 am »
.:Flakey's Menagerie:.

Okay, so I decided that I'd put all my charries in one spot, just in case I explode with ideas again and add more to what I already have. x3 They are all open unless otherwise stated, so bug them! Just PM me or post here and let me know what you're interested in doing.

I enjoy many different plots, and I'm open to both pre-plotting and just throwing characters together to see how they react. Heck, if you want to put my character in a different location, just help me think them there.
Though not strictly necessary, it would help to read the profile of the character(s) you are interested in before plotting. This is only a very brief overview for organization and doesn't give the full scope of each character. Thanks!
((The open positions are ideas, so feel free to just make friends/enemies of my chars or come up with your own plots. I listen to all ideas. The crazy ones especially.))


Rambert Schuttmann [Retired Pilot Noble ~ Human (Yoreiqi) ~ Male ~ 77 ~ 6'5"]
A retired Pilot with cryokinesis/pyrokinesis who now teaches Aedolian politics to Stage 3 Candidates and helps with some combat exercises. Gruff, serious, bluntly honest, but truly wants those around him to become better inside and outside. He's rather like a grumpy grandfather.
Main Locations: ATC, The Citadel, anywhere in Aedolis
Open Positions: Colleagues, previous/current students or mentees

Jesse Lebeau [Secretary ~ Human (Aedolian) ~ Male ~ 17 ~ 5'7"]
A blind narcissist, he can hear and sense the metaphysical, giving him the ability to communicate with the departed. He is a purposeful drama king and will be deceptive to get what he wants, since his luck is poor. He is never without Melanie, and often asks her opinion. Though he may not be able to see himself anymore, he'll still look fabulous!
Main Locations: Haviah
Open Positions: Customers, roommate

Kotone "Sono" Mori [Idol/Singer of That Band ~ Human (Libran/Aedolian) ~ Female ~ 16 ~ 5'1"]
An Idol and singer for That Band, she lives in the moment and draws many people to her in an effort to stay on top as well as keep herself from feeling alone. Truly gifted with singing, and enjoys it. Acts bored and uninterested, though she is passionate and confident. She holds her true friends close and drops her act around them.
Main Locations: Haviah, Synesthesia
Open Positions: Bodyguards, manager(s), fashion consultant, Idols(friends/enemies), fans

Melanie Doyle von Brandt [Seeing-Eye-Ghost ~ Human Spirit ~ Female ~ 24 ~ 5'2"]
A spirit who died roughly three years ago and now follows the only person who has been able to communicate with her, Jesse. She acts as his older sister and describes things he can no longer see. She doesn't have goals of her own but is sympathetic to others, and sometimes convinces Jesse to help people she likes.
Main Locations: Anywhere Jesse is
Open Positions: People who can sense her


Qiu "Casey" Dvorak [Structural Engineer ~ Fae (Nix) ~ Male ~ 19 ~ 5'6"]
Inventor, mechanical visionary, and tinkerer in the Cancer's Red District, though he occasionally does work for those in the Gold District. As a water fae, has abilities similar to hydromancy. Rational, direct, observant, though generally calm and playful. He wants to be the one to keep others laughing.
Main Locations: Cancer, Space near the Cancer
Open Positions: Customers, colleagues


Masekios "Maite" Prieto [Artist/Natural Science Observer ~ Human/Mutant (Edani/Aedolian) ~ Female ~ 28 ~ 5'10"]
A wandering artist/observer, she rarely stays in one place long. She will ignore those she doesn't care for, but is cordial to those who show her the same considerations. She wears clothes that cover her non-human attributes and hides her abilities. She vents her emotions on the cause, usually physically. Well-spoken unless she gets excited, which is when she slips into a typical accent for the frontier.
Main Locations: Nearly anywhere on Edanith
Open Positions: Travelers or bandits, customers


Enid Blutfromm [Healer ~ Human (Thanati/Libran) ~ Female ~ 25 ~ 5'4"]
A caring healer who has to use her own blood to activate her abilities. She is patient, friendly, and always there to help in whatever way she can. Joking and complimenting are second-nature to her. She is an optimist and idealist, and acts like a mother or older sister. She is not downtrodden by her fate, and embraces her position fully.
Main Locations: Libra (Medical wings or escorted in the field)
Open Positions: Patients, fellow healers


Desrosiers Gaël [Diviner ~ Loup-Garou ~ Male ~ 23 ~ 5'5"]
A double personality diviner who uses his abilities to predict helpful outcomes for his home. His work persona is serious, dignified, and a seeker of knowledge; he works closely with the dark realm. His persona for play is calm, charming, and flirty; he talks his way into things he desires. He avoids people during the night, when his transformation takes place. Though he thinks and acts differently for both personae, he considers himself one person with a goal of helping others, simply in different ways depending on the situation.
Main Locations: Sevenwinds
Open Positions: Customers, people to flirt with


Jael Jäger [Hunter/Gatherer ~ Humanish ~ Female ~ 38 ~ 6'0"]
A loud, brash, straightforward Tenari female who helps provide sustenance for her people. Enjoys being the center of attention, but always keeps busy. Fierce when she wants something, and way too stubborn to ever give up. Often feels that she must be the one in charge, and inspires people to do their best. Though demanding, respects people and believes in everyone's worth.
Main Locations: Teinar, Wastelands
Open Positions: Fellow hunter/gatherers, children, mates

Jibarr Lughwei [Kidnapper ~ Mutant Dragon ~ Genderless ~ 96 ~ 11'6"]
Mutant dragon with two heads and two minds. While one schemes, plans, sweet-talks and experiments, the other is quiet, serious, and keeps his brother on track. They work well together, but both are wary of any contact they are not in control of. They use their abilities to kidnap people for many purposes, though they are not adverse to working with or for people either.
Main Locations: Teinar, Wastelands, mayyyyybe a city of Aedolis
Open Positions: victims, cohorts


Katie [Experiment (MSR-E-17506) ~ Human (Aedolian) ~ Female ~ 23 ~ 5'9"]
Quiet and polite to both scientists and fellow experiments. Her weak telekinesis was altered so that it affects molecular structures. She has accepted her fate, and rarely fights back. Makes up stories in her head to pass the time. Easily affected by others, sometimes she is too delicate and intuitive.
Main Locations: TRIM [Omega Wing]
Open Positions: Roommate, fellow experiments, scientists

Batari [Experiment (0111-8888) ~ Aswang ~ Female ~ 162 ~ 5'11" ish]
A merciless troll to anyone who crosses her path, no matter who they are or what positions they hold, she is not ashamed of her current predicament. She flaunts the fact that she looks like a living cadaver used for a biology lab, and enjoys any reaction she gets. She does not move from the lab where her container is. Other experiments are still brought into the lab, so sometimes she watches. She can be serious, and is insightful, but she is hard to get close to. Sometimes literally, since she lives within a cylindrical container equipped with a psionic field to keep her upright.
Main Locations: TRIM [Omega Wing] (Only within her lab.)
Open Positions: Fellow experiments, scientists

Wanderers and Independents

Kit Fionn Roux [Trader ~ Human (Edani) ~ Male ~ 34 ~ 5'8"]
Quiet and intuitive wanderer, he mainly trades his wares but will also accept odd requests. Knows quite a bit on escapes, fights, smuggling, etc. Hard-working, trustworthy with his tasks, but doesn't speak if he can help it. Direct and to the point. Can't resist helping naive young people in need.
Main Locations: Almost anywhere
Open Positions: Clients, temporary hired help, family (be a sibling!)

Llyr Dalca [Mechanic ~ Fae (Eleionomae) ~ Indeterminate ~ 236 ~ 6'9"]
A mechanic currently working aboard the Sassy Juice, he is actually young in the years of a marsh naiad. Has illumokinesis and the ability to release an enticing smell. He identifies as male, though he has a feminine structure. He is mostly quiet and to the point, though he does enjoy dealing out healthy doses of sarcasm.
Main Locations: Sassy Juice, Cancer, Edanith space ports
Open positions: Co-workers

Lulu Tawfeek [Mechanic/Treasure Hunter ~ Human (Thanati mutt) ~ Female ~ 26 ~ 5'3"]
Treasure hunter and fixer of machines aboard the Mimi-Tan, she is calm and soft-spoken. Can still get her way, as she is persistent, and gets excited over machines, rare metals, and gems. Loves to craft out of many materials, but can also throw a mean punch.
Main Locations: Where ever the Mimi-Tan is located
Open positions: Co-workers, rival/fellow treasure hunters, gems dealers

__________________QUICK STATS
Name: Lulu Tawfeek
Age: 26; June 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: (i don't currently know)
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Thanati mutt
Height: 5’ 3”
Occupation: Mechanic/Designer/Treasure hunter
Residence: Currently, the Mimi-Tan

[pic here]
"You begin with the possibilities of the material."
Robert Rauschenberg

__________________IN-DEPTH STUFF

Physical Description:
Lulu has typical Thanati coloring, with medium dark-toned skin, and light blonde hair. Her hair is kept in two braids which she loops and pins on the back of her head with two small white bows. She has straight-across bangs with both sides sporting a long bang that curls a bit and reaches her chest. Her eyes are heterochromatic, with one being green and the other a light brown. She has soft, girly features and gentle curves, though her arms and shoulders have an abnormal amount of muscle for her size, so she can’t wear sleeves.

Her typical outfit consists of a little black strapless dress that just reaches her knees,  half-transparent glittery stockings in a shade of green, and black and white saddleboy shoes. Her typical accessories include: a black belt she wraps around her waist twice that has two little ivory dice charms; white gloves that just cover her wrists and palms; jade leaf earrings; and a green silk scarf with a gold and white design on the ends. She also wears gloss with a slight pink shine.

She’s quiet in a shy kind of way, and even when she speaks it is softly and gently. This doesn’t mean she is a pushover, it just means she doesn’t have to get loud to get her way. Even with her calm attitude, she manages to sound enthusiastic and persistent. She could be described as “that one charming and influential person who doesn’t talk your ear off or make friendship speeches.” She gets incredibly excited over machines, metals and gems though, and often begins bouncing and making high pitched noises of eagerness.

Lulu enjoys crafting with rare materials she finds, and often draws out designs for things she wants to make in the future. She very much loves colored pencils and will often trade for them since she uses them up quickly.

Lulu could fix up a machine with a paperclip and gum and have it run for another few months. For a more professional repair job, she likes to be in port with access to more tools and time. Improvising with what she has is one of her greatest strengths.

Being a treasure hunter, she also has a natural eye for anything that is worth something, though she specializes in gems, rare metals, and other elements that are worth something even without there being a collector for them. She sometimes keeps little bits for herself and crafts things out of them, such as accessories. She has nimble fingers, and can design out of any material, though she does work best with her favorite treasures.

She has no skill in hand-to-hand other than very basic self-defense, but she has gained some good skill in using blunt objects for destructive purposes. Hey, all that repairing gave her some muscle.

She lost contact with her small family some time ago, and her constant movements leave her few friends.

Basically, left her family for adventure, found it, and never went back.

As a treasure hunter, she should know people who deal in gems and such, as well as competing treasure hunters.
Fairly cautious, but is used to being man-handled by her friends and co-workers. Will likely punch strangers who try to touch her without warning.

__________________THREAD TRACKER
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Finger Food and Rolly Chairs

Complete Threads

TRIM / Who Does That Purposefully? [Blue]
« on: August 09, 2012, 10:53:45 pm »
Katie sat quietly in the new laboratory (or was it the same one as before?), waiting for the new scientist she knew would arrive. She was not bound, which was good. It felt more comfortable, and it meant that the next session probably wouldn't be painful. Probably.

It was entirely the scientists prerogative though, and Katie wouldn't complain even if handcuffed or tied down. It wasn't her call to make. Pain made her unhappy, but that wasn't important; not anymore. The scientists didn't care about her moods unless she was reacting to specific stimuli. "Please react as you would normally," they'd say. So she would. When the scientists were satisfied with results, she left in better condition. Their emotions counted; hers didn't.

She sighed through her nose and leaned back in her chair, letting her head loll back so she could see the ceiling. White, white, white. Legs kicking back and forth in a childish way, her eyes roamed the ceiling above, checking for imperfections. After a minute she found one: a tiny spot of brown two feet from her. She imagined it was chocolate from a messy scientist, blood from a raging subject, and a stain from a squished bug that somehow made it to the space station. Poor bug.

She started weaving together a story of epic adventure and tragedy, forgetting about who she was supposed to be waiting for.

Advanced Training Complex / Learn to Live [Blue]
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:37:04 pm »
It was one thing to train in order to stay in shape or to get in shape, to be told or required to train. It was entirely a different matter to simply do it. To move your muscles simply because you wanted to feel them move, or push your body to try something simply because you were able to do so. The point wasn't to gain muscle, or flexibility, or skill. In actuality, there was no point. Nothing beyond the reason of "because I can."

Rambert was in a training room meant for stage four Candidates. It was a medium sized room, mostly bare in the middle, with a few sections that held equipment of various sorts.

He had felt the need to move, and so had come here with his khopesh - a sword with a sickle shape. It was one skill he had cultured entirely on his own. The sword he currently held—a gold alloy with intricate symbols along the side and a leather-wrapped hilt—was one he had bought and cared for for several decades. It looked practically new, thanks to Rambert's care. He spend an inordinate amount of time keeping his khopesh in top shape simply because he enjoyed using it. He didn't get to use it in battle anymore, but that didn't lessen his joy when practicing with it, as he did now.

It was something that he got so involved in, that he generally forgot about monitoring the area around him. He became completely engrossed in his movements, and if someone walked in on him, he would never hear. He wasn't certain how many times that occurred, but he was sure at least half of them resulted in an interruption.

Not now though. Given that there were not many who actually made stage four, he was able to predict when certain rooms would be in use simply by keeping an eye on those few schedules. This room was empty now, most Candidates probably using the rooms designed more for practicing psionic control.

As sweat beaded across his body, Rambert could say he was truly happy.

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